The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries
News Link 88
Changing mind-sets, transforming research
Building Research Capacity in Africa: Equity and Global Health Collaborations
US Defends Investor-State Provisions; EU Promotes TTIP Consultation
US companies fret over selling TTIP
Alleged Leaked EU Analysis Sheds Light On TTIP Negotiations On IP
Scare Tactics Over Foreign Drugs
Sunshine Act. La trasparenza nelle transazioni tra medici e Big Pharma
Alternative Therapies, Incentive Models Eyed For Antibiotic Resistance
New Business Models for Sustainable Antibiotics
Pneumonia vaccine shows promise in Kenya
The 1000 Day Investment for Our Future
Farm Subsidies: Cairns Group Paper Riles India, China
UN human rights experts denounce land-grabbing case in Viet Nam
What do farmers really know about climate change?
Five tips for producing more food, saving the planet and making more money
We are at war with climate change and hunger: Yeb Saño
A Cassava Revolution Could Feed the Worldâs Hungry
Papa Francesco e la dimensione sociale della salute
Muhammad Yunus reaveals Social Business as Powerful Weapon Against poverty
Somaliland: Nine Problems That Hinder Partnership in Africa
West African states close to trade deal with EU