Latest News: Link 114

Latest News Links is part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on real-time news and the best options for use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries


Latest News: Link 114 

MSF urges Prime Minister Modi to resist US political pressure to restrict global access to medicines  

Two Champions of Children Are Given Nobel Peace Prize 

The 5 Most Important Things Malala Has Done In 2014 

8 Ways You Can Take Action on the International Day of the Girl 2014 

View on Gender: A small step towards ending LGBTI persecution  

Human Rights Reader 347…..Have we fallen into the trap of using the language of neoliberals so that they are able to shape how we think and behave in regards to human rights? (S. Kidd) 

Ebola: what lessons for the International Health Regulations? 

Close-up to Ebola: Sierra Leone blog  

Lack of anesthesia hurts more than you think 

Gains and gaps in Ugandan HIV treatment 

Direct-to-Farmer Finance: Business models for serving the hardest-to-reach smallholders   

To Feed the Future, Let’s End Hunger by 2030 

WORLD FOOD DAY 2014 “Family farming: Feeding the world, caring for the earth” 

Civil Society Engagement Crucial at IMF-World Bank Meeting   

How crowdfunding will evolve over the next decade 

Toilets Have the Whole World Talking 

Why India’s sanitation crisis needs more than toilets   

Juncker seen making U-turn on medicines policy  

MEPs kick start their mandate with greater commitment to access to medicines

TTIP negotiating mandate finally declassified  

What PhRMA Wants from TTIP  

KEI Notes & Comments at TTIP Seventh Round of Negotiations at Stakeholder Event 

TPP Ministerial Set for Australia, Robb Suggests “Basic Elements” of Deal by Year-End 

TRIPS Council (October 2014): Annual review of the Paragraph 6 system and EU/Switzerland/US table item on IP and innovation  

A Tale of Two Rainstorms: The Science of Tropical Forests 

Climate finance after the New York summit: will Australia lift its game?