Breaking News: Link 184

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 184


UN High-Level Panel: Ideas For Change To Global Health And IP System Proliferate 

Asian Voices On Access to Medicines: Scrap TRIPS, Voluntary Licences Not Working, FTA Threats 

US Officials Under Pressure To Include Industry In IP Talks With India 

India defends right to issue drug “compulsory licences”

Special Report: India Rocked By Report Of Secret Assurance To US Industry On IP 

MSF responds to media reports on Indian Government’s verbal assurance to US groups to discontinue the use of compulsory licence 

South Africa: New Prominent Pro-IP Academic Comes Out Against Government 

Leverage Existing Data to Tackle Quality of Healthcare 

Designing Contracts for the Global Fund: Lessons from the Theory of Incentives – Working Paper 425 

230 Indicators Approved for SDG Agenda  

Skyhigh drug prices made Romania mull patent break 

Unpacking Drug Price Spikes: Generics 

An analysis of volumes, prices and pricing trends of the pediatric antiretroviral market in developing countries from 2004 to 2012 

“Pharmaceutical companies do not see any commercial interest in 50 communicable diseases” 

Just 2% of people with the severest cases of drug-resistant TB currently have access to new, more effective treatments 

Press Release: TB and HIV in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are EU’s business! 

Funding Zika But Forgetting Tuberculosis 

11 Groups Urge NIH to Lower Price of Xtandi, NIH/Army-Funded Prostate Cancer Drug With $129k/Year Price Tag 

Workplace And Public Accommodations For Nursing Mothers 

How collective advocacy can amplify the voices of women and girls 

Zika virus associated with 1 in 100 risk of microcephaly, says study 

Development of Zika virus vaccine underway in India: WHO 

With Another Major Malaria Failure, Where’s Gates Going Now? 

#AcrossBorders and the future: From destination to integration 

The Good Samaritans of Greece 

Cooperazione internazionale: la Fnomceo pubblica il bando 2016 

When Health Policy Gets Personal 

US, Canada Leaders Agree to Slash Methane Emissions, Increase Climate and Trade Cooperation 

Some 1.8B people will face water scarcity by 2025 — UN 

Managing the Politics of Water 

Food Prices and Market Speculation: The Return of the Global Hunger Games