PEAH News Flash 382

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

News Flash 382


WHO Member States Agree On Draft Resolution For COVID-19 Response – Overriding US Objections to ‘Equitable Access’ 

MSF at the 73rd World Health Assembly 

Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Carlos Menem, Yanis Varoufakis & Richard Durbin and 300 other lawmakers call for a cancellation of developing world’s’ debt – Washington Post

Will donors finally agree on fair rules for reporting debt relief as ODA? 

How sustainable are the SDGs? We need more development, not post-development 

Why Some National Health Care Systems Do Better than Others 

NEW deadline for GHW6 case studies – Nov 30 

Life Expectancy Increased, But COVID-19 Threatens Gains 

The Digital Migration: Lessons About Open Science Arising from the COVID19 Crisis 

G2H2 Civil society meeting ahead of WHA73 Friday, 15 May 2020, 15.00-17.30 hrs CEST. A World Health Assembly in times of a dual crisis: Covid-19 and the collapse of multilateralism as we have known it 

IS SPACE CLOSING FOR CIVIL SOCIETY IN GLOBAL HEALTH? 19 May 2020, 16:00 – 17:30 73rd World Health Assembly Week 

Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports 

Postscript – The World at Risk: Covid-19, Global Sustainability and 1 HOPE by George Lueddeke 

Back to Basics – Lessons Learnt from COVID-19 Pandemic by Meenakumari Natarajan 

Reflections on the COVID-19 Crisis: Smart Lockdown by Muhammad Usman Khan

Universities announce a One Health Center 

Covid-19 in Greece 

Covid-19 pandemic and refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Greece: a public-health necessity to prioritize their comprehensive care 

In The Fight Against COVID-19, It’s Not Too Late to Fix America’s Public Health System 

As Gates Foundation Keeps Up COVID-19 Fight, Here are 3 Things to Know

Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health During the Pandemic 

The COVID Pandemic and the WHO: Need for Reflection and Global Solidarity 

Low-paid workers more likely to die from Covid-19 than higher earners 


Maintaining and prioritizing HIV prevention services in the time of Covid-19 

The potential impact of the Covid-19 on tuberculosis in high burden countries 

Unicef: 6,000 children could die every day due to impact of coronavirus 

Cascade of continuous HIV care for MSM in five countries  of the EECA region   

Does the use of low-dose antibiotics in livestock put human health at risk? 

Catching fog and other creative solutions for clean water access 

Brazil deploys thousands of troops to protect Amazon’s trees 

Deadly humidity events accelerating – study