Geography of Global Injustice: State of the Burden of Global Health Inequity in 2023

Editor's Note
As part of a series, an update here on the State of the Burden of Global Health Inequity in 2023. Alongside the recent revision of international demographic data by the United Nations, this update enhances the sensitivity of estimates by increasing the sample size of population and mortality data by country, time period, sex, and age by 25-fold.

Among a number of significant results, the study continues to highlight Sri Lanka as the sole constant Health Reference Standard (HRS) from 1961 to 2023.
It also reveals several critical insights as regards the distribution of the burden of health inequity:
India bears the highest net burden of health inequity (nBHiE), with over 3 million excess deaths annually.
Nigeria experiences the highest number of life years lost due to global health inequity (over 110 million annually).
Chad has the highest relative burden of health inequity (rBHiE), with over 90% of all deaths attributed to inequity.
Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly its tropical belt, remains the region most severely impacted by health inequity

By Juan Garay

Professor of global health equity in Spain (ENS), Mexico (UNACH) and Cuba (ELAM, UCLV and UNAH), principal researcher of FioCruz Institute, Brazil

Geography of Global Injustice

State of the Burden of Global Health Inequity in 2023


Since 2010, significant progress has been made in understanding sustainable health equity (SHE) [i], culminating in the development of the Global Atlas of Health Inequity[ii]. In this update, we integrate the latest demographic data from the UN Population Division[iii]. The new dataset expands the granularity significantly, transitioning from 5-year age groups to single-year cohorts and from 5-year intervals to annual data, increasing the volume of information by a factor of 25.

Given the worrying trend of intra and intergenerational levels of inequity/injustice[iv] and the need for a change of concepts of wellbeing in sustainable equity (WISE) applied to the sociopolitical and economic models, and our individual and collective ethics and lifestyles[v], we have updated before the 5-year former frequency period, the atlas of global health inequity/injustice.

  1. Selection of SHE References

As with previous iterations of the atlas, the selection of countries was based on meeting criteria for health, ecological sustainability, and economic replicability. These criteria define “Healthy, Replicable, and Sustainable” (HRS) countries[vi].

While the forthcoming interactive atlas update will enable visualization of temporal variations in national average per capita data, this analysis focuses on the most recent estimates for 2023. In a recent article[vii] and webinar, we detailed the methodology for identifying countries that satisfy the main HRS criteria using world bank[viii] (life expectancy, GDP and GHI pc, CV and PPP, carbon emissions pc), global footprint[ix] (biocapacity and ecological footprint pc) and WHO (healthy life expectancy)[x] data.

The biocapacity of countries with biocapacity per capita below the global average[xi] underscore the arbitrary and inequitable nature of national borders, which, despite their artificiality, are upheld by international law. Countries with biocapacity per capita above the global average enjoy disproportionate natural resource access and cannot be considered ecologically replicable, as such a privilege cannot extend globally. This includes most of the Americas (excluding Mexico and the Caribbean), Europe (except the UK and Italy), Russia, parts of West Africa, Madagascar, and the region spanning Libya to Zambia. These areas do not serve as replicable references for equitable and sustainable well-being.

Recent studies estimate that the threshold of CO2 emissions consistent with limiting global warming to a 2°C rise above preindustrial levels—the “point of no return”—is determined by the remaining carbon budget[xii] divided by the projected global population through the end of the century. The ethical threshold for CO2 emissions is currently approximately 1.34 metric tons per person per year, while limiting warming to below 1.5°C requires emissions as low as 0.3 metric tons per person per year[xiii]. Presently, countries adhering to this ethical threshold are primarily in sub-Saharan Africa, Central America, and South Asia. This distribution closely mirrors the geographical pattern of countries with ecological footprints per capita below the global average biocapacity per capita.

Human Well-being and Health (2023):

In terms of human well-being, countries with life expectancy above the global average include most of the Americas (except Bolivia and Haiti), Europe, Northwest Africa, the Middle East, the Silk Road region from Turkey to China, parts of Southeast Asia, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Disaggregating life expectancy by sex reveals slight differences: for males, Kazakhstan is excluded, while for females, Russia is included.

The countries meeting the HRS criteria consistently from 1961 to 2023 are those that simultaneously exhibit:

  • Health criteria: Life expectancy and healthy life expectancy above the global average.
  • Economic replicability criteria: GDP, GNI per capita (both in CV and PPP terms), and wealth per capita below the global average.
  • Ecological replicability/sustainability criteria: Biocapacity per capita below the global average, ecological footprint below the global average biocapacity per capita, and carbon emissions below the ethical threshold.

These countries are summarized in the following table:

Table 1 List of countries that met all HRS criteria during the 1961-2023 period

Sri Lanka emerged as the country that most consistently met Healthy, Replicable, and Sustainable (HRS) criteria during the period 1961–2024. The only exceptions occurred in 2004 and 2009, when male life expectancy fell slightly below the global average due to elevated young male mortality during the civil war. Considering these circumstances exceptional, Sri Lanka can be regarded as the sole “constant HRS” country over the last 62 years.

A comprehensive analysis of 1,497 development indicators from the World Bank databank compared Sri Lanka’s performance with global averages and those of 55 countries[1] classified as “low health efficiency” (defined as lower life expectancy and higher gross burden of health inequity despite higher GDP per capita than Sri Lanka). Key findings include:

  • Rural population: Sri Lanka has a significantly higher rural population proportion (80.97%) compared to low health efficiency countries (37.23%).
  • Trade policies: The country imposes higher taxes on international trade and import duties (17.1% vs. 6.5% in low health efficiency countries), protecting local production and consumption.
  • Health metrics: According to WHO health statistics, Sri Lanka has a lower average body mass index (23.0 vs. global average 25.0), correlated with lower caloric intake per capita (2,594 kcal/day vs. 2,895 kcal/day) and reduced prevalence of overweight individuals (17.3% vs. 34.3%).
  • Sri Lanka is also unique as the only lower-middle-income country with 100% health insurance coverage, despite allocating a lower share of GDP to health (4.7% vs. 7.33%) and having a higher out-of-pocket health expenditure proportion (46.5% vs. 16.3%), primarily for medicines.

Other HRS References during the study period (1961-2023):

Two countries met HRS criteria for approximately half the 1961–2023 period: Dominican Republic, primarily during the 1960s–1980s and the Philippines, during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1990s.

Three countries met all HRS criteria for about one-third of the study period: Vietnam, from the mid-1980s to 2010, Tunisia, from the mid-1970s to 2000 and Thailand, from the mid-1970s to 1990.

Additional countries meeting HRS criteria for shorter periods include Syria, China, Tonga, Jordan, Armenia, Albania, and several small island nations such as Dominica, St. Lucia, and Mauritius. High-income countries like South Korea and Portugal met HRS criteria briefly in the 1960s.

In the 1970s and 1980s, approximately 10 countries, representing one-fifth of the world population (largely due to China), met HRS criteria. This number declined in the 1990s. From 2010 onward, only 1–3 countries consistently met HRS criteria, including Sri Lanka, Armenia (until 2005), Vietnam (until 2010), Syria (prior to the war), Cape Verde, and Bangladesh (in the last two years of the study period).

Former preliminary analysis identifies subregions in large countries which meet the HRS criteria and add sensitivity in identifying best health feasible models and in estimating the burden of health inequity[xiv]. Likewise, subnational demographic statistics of Sri Lanka[xv] reveal that the southern districts of Sri Lanka have even higher levels of life expectancy, close to 80 years, still with GDP pc below half the world average.

  1. Global Burden of Health Inequity

Using Sri Lanka as the quasi-constant HRS reference (as in the previous analysis of 1960-2020[xvi]), we estimated global health inequity by comparing single-age, sex-specific mortality rates across 218 countries over 62 years (1961–2023), based on the (population and deaths) data from the UN Pop Division[xvii](total of 7,365,300 data). Excess deaths relative to HRS levels constituted the Net Burden of Health Inequity (nBHiE), while the proportion of total deaths exceeding HRS levels represented the Relative Burden of Health Inequity (rBHiE).

As we have recently published[xviii], the estimated number of excess deaths (nBHiE) in 2023 totaled approximately 20 million, representing some 25% of all deaths. This marks a decline from 40% in 1961, although fluctuations occurred due to exceptional events such as the civil war in the HRS reference country, Sri Lanka (2004, 2009) and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (2020–2021).

Life years lost (LYLxHiE):

Health inequity accounted for an estimated 800 million life years lost annually, representing 10% of potential human life. This figure has remained stable since the turn of the century, with improvements in under-five mortality offset by higher median ages of excess deaths.

  1. Distribution of the burden of health inequity
  1. Geographical distribution:

The graph below shows the share of nBHiE by countries in 2023:

Figure 1 Net burden of health inequity by countries, 2023

India has the highest number of annual excess deaths, with over 3 million, almost 20% of the world´s, followed by Nigeria, with over 2 million, almost 14%. Together they add one third of all excess deaths globally. They are followed by Pakistan, Indonesia and DRC, around 5% each, and Ethiopia, Russia, the Philippines and South Africa, from 2-3% each.

The comparison of the proportion of all deaths which are in excess from feasible/sustainable (HRS) levels, that is, the relative burden of health inequity, is displayed in the following figure.

Figure 2 Relative burden of health inequity by countries, 2023

With close to 90%, Chad has the highest rBHiE, followed by the Central African Republic, Nigeria, Somalia and Niger.  In 58 countries deaths in excess of HRS levels are more than half of all deaths, 50 of them are in sub-Saharan Africa.

When taking into account the age of each excess (nBHiE) death, the international distribution of life years lost (LLL) by global health inequity shows that Nigeria (with lower median age of its excess deaths) lost last year over 113 million potential human life years, over one in five of all LLL in the world, followed by India, with almost 100 million, 17% of all. They are followed by Pakistan and DR Congo, each with over 35 million LLL and 6% of the world´s. The mentioned five countries comprise over half of the life years lost to health inequity in the world.

Figure 3 International share of life years lost by global health inequity, 2023

In a comparable way, given diverse population sizes, the life years lost per person reflect the highest rates in Nigeria, Chad, Somalia and Niger, with higher than 0.1 (over one month) each. Again, sub-Saharan Africa is the region with higher burden, highest in the Central African belt.

Figure 4 Distribution of life years lost per person, 2023
  1. Sex distribution:

The comparison between the international rBHiE in males and females relates mainly to higher levels of male than male rBHiE in Russia and former USSR countries, and higher female than male rBHiE in India, Pakistan and part of the Arab world.

Figure 5 Comparison of international rBHiE of females and males, 2023

It is interesting to note the differences between male and female life expectancy over time. While in the 1960s the world average difference, always in favor of women, was over 9%, today, after six decades of global progress in women´s rights, it is barely 7%. Taking the world´s average difference, the following map shows those countries with higher-than-average life expectancy sex gap and those with lower.

Figure 6 Life expectancy sex gap ratio to world´s average 2023

The above figure shows how female health is relatively (to world average) better off than men´s in Russia and former Soviet Union´s republics, Namibia, Thailand and Vietnam. Meanwhile, the sex gap in life expectancy is lower than the world average (relatively worse off than what would be expected for women) in regions where women´s rights lag behind as India, Afghanistan, parts of the Arab world and Muslim Sahel, but also in high income/”development”/advanced women´s rights countries as central and northern Europe (notably Scandinavian countries) and Australia/New Zealand.

  1. Age distribution

The rBHiE also varies by age and such variations differ between geographic, income and development regions, as the following graphs show:

Figure 7 Average rBHiE age distribution in the world and geo regions

The above figure shows how the proportion of deaths attributable to global inequity is higher in younger age groups and gradually decreases in older age groups. Such pattern is similar in sub-Saharan Africa, yet at higher levels, and in Central and Southern Asia, with a steeper decrease in Latin America, Northern Africa and Eastern and South East Asia and with a hat/elephant shape (the little prince) in Europe and Northern America.

Figure 8 rBHiE average age distribution by country income and development groups 2023

By income and development regions the low income/less and least developed countries follow the decreasing-with-age rBHiE pattern, steeper as average income increases, and the “bump” pattern during the 15–50-year-old group in higher income/development countries.

  1. Factors influencing the burden of health inequity:

We have plotted the relative burden of health inequity against the following economic and health system variables:

Figure 9 Relative burden of health inequity vs. GDP pc CV, 2023

Similar to the correlation between GDP per capita and life expectancy, the relationship between GDP per capita and the burden of health inequity demonstrates an inverse trend. However, this trend is highly heterogeneous, with the curve flattening above the GDP per capita level of the HRS reference country, Sri Lanka. This analysis highlights the 55 low health-efficiency countries, which have higher GDP per capita than HRS levels but still exhibit significant gross and net health inequity burdens. In some cases, such as the USA, net health inequity (nBHiE) even shows a slight increase at very high GDP per capita levels.

Figure 10 Relation between GINI index and rBHiE, by countries, 2023

We used the national average GINI estimates from the past decade and plotted them against rBHiE levels. The results reveal no clear correlation, as some countries exhibit low inequality but very high rBHiE, and vice versa. The stark contrast between China (GINI 0.46, rBHiE 2%) and India (GINI 0.32, rBHiE 32%) is particularly striking, especially considering that India’s GDP per capita is half the HRS reference level.

However, the relationship becomes more evident as GDP increases. In high-income countries, overall health outcomes—characterized by high life expectancy and low rBHiE—tend to improve as GINI decreases. A notable comparison is between Japan (GINI 0.32, no rBHiE, life expectancy 85 years) and the USA (GINI 0.47, 3% rBHiE, life expectancy 77 years).

Figure 11 National average health expenditure pc in PPP units, 2022, and rBHiE

The graph above illustrates the relationship between health expenditure per capita and rBHiE. Similar to GDP per capita, there appears to be a threshold of health spending per capita beyond which rBHiE does not decrease further. In fact, some countries with significantly higher health expenditure per capita than the HRS reference still exhibit measurable levels of rBHiE.

The case of the USA is particularly notable: even after adjusting for purchasing power parity, health spending is more than 100 times higher than in Sri Lanka, yet it fails to eliminate rBHiE entirely, though the rates are relatively minor.

Figure 12 % of health spending pooled by government health spending vs. rBHiE

The proportion of health spending allocated through government services influences better health outcomes, as shown in the figure above. However, this correlation diminishes above 50%—the level seen in the HRS reference. Notably, several countries, including some from the low health efficiency group, exhibit high rBHiE levels despite government health spending exceeding 50%.

Figure 13 % of health spending through out of pocket, vs. rBHiE 2023

One of the primary barriers to equitable access and coverage of health services, as identified by the WHO[xix], is direct payments at the point of delivery. Surprisingly, the graph above reveals no clear correlation between the share of health spending through out-of-pocket payments and rBHiE levels. For example, Sri Lankan citizens allocate one-third of their health budget to direct payments, particularly for medicines at the primary care level, yet remain the HRS reference, with null rBHiE.

Conversely, some countries with a much lower share of out-of-pocket payments, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa (represented by blue bubbles), exhibit high rBHiE rates. Most countries with lower rBHiE levels, such as those in Europe and East Asia, tend to have smaller shares of direct health spending, though this relationship is complicated by GDP per capita as a confounding variable.

The contrast between China and India highlights the complexity of this issue: China has significantly better health outcomes and lower direct health spending, while India has twice the share of out-of-pocket payments and far poorer health indicators. These findings suggest a complex, nonlinear relationship influenced by numerous other factors.

Figure 14 Relation between human resources for health and health outcomes

As with health financing, the number of health professionals influences better health (higher life expectancy and lower rBHiE) until reaching a certain threshold above which the curve flattens. The HRS reference enjoys best feasible/sustainable health with 1 physician and 3 nurses/midwives per thousand people, and Japan, the country with highest life expectancy, has 2 physicians and 10 nurse/midwives per each 1000 people. Income, living conditions and overall health financing qualify this and all correlations above described.


The updated identification of the best feasible levels of health, essential for monitoring progress toward the sole global health objective—achieving the best feasible health for all people—continues to highlight Sri Lanka as the sole constant Health Reference Standard (HRS) from 1961 to 2023. This update, alongside the recent revision of international demographic data by the United Nations, has significantly enhanced the sensitivity of estimates by increasing the sample size of population and mortality data by country, time period, sex, and age by 25-fold.

Currently, the burden of health inequity accounts for approximately 20 million excess deaths annually (net burden), representing roughly 25%—or one in four—of all deaths. This equates to around 800 million human life years lost annually, compared to the potential achievable under best feasible health for all populations.

We explored factors underlying the singularity of the HRS model by comparing a wide range of variables between the HRS reference (Sri Lanka), the global average, and low-health-efficiency countries (those with higher GDP per capita than HRS but lower life expectancy and higher gross burdens of health inequity). Key findings include:

  • The HRS model features a higher rural population share, lower weight-for-age and calorie intake per capita, lower global trade engagement, and a tax-based universal health system.
  • Surprisingly, the HRS model has a lower government health spending share and a higher reliance on out-of-pocket payments compared to other systems.

Analysis of the distribution of the burden of health inequity revealed several critical insights:

  • India bears the highest net burden of health inequity (nBHiE), with over 3 million excess deaths annually.
  • Nigeria experiences the highest number of life years lost due to global health inequity (over 110 million annually).
  • Chad has the highest relative burden of health inequity (rBHiE), with over 90% of all deaths attributed to inequity.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly its tropical belt, remains the region most severely impacted by health inequity.

Sex-specific analysis shows that globally, women experience a higher rBHiE than men (approximately 30% vs. 27%), and this gap has widened since the 1960s. Notably, the genetic advantage of women in life expectancy has decreased, with the life expectancy gap shrinking from 9% in the 1960s to 7% today. Among regions:

  • The former Soviet Union exhibits the largest sex gap, with women often better off or men worse off than expected.
  • Conversely, India, the Arab/Muslim world, and, surprisingly, high-income countries with high women’s rights indices (e.g., Central and Northern Europe, the USA, and Australia) show a smaller-than-average life expectancy gap between sexes.

Age-specific patterns reveal that in regions with high rBHiE—such as sub-Saharan Africa, low-income regions, and least-developed countries—the burden is disproportionately concentrated among children and declines with age. In contrast, countries with lower rBHiE levels show a steeper decline with age, with high-income countries experiencing rBHiE primarily among young adults.

Our analysis of variables associated with higher BHiE levels found that factors such as income inequality (measured by GINI), government health spending shares, out-of-pocket payment shares, and total health spending (adjusted for GDP per capita) are not major determinants of the burden of health inequity, contrary to initial assumptions.

As emphasized in previous studies, advancing to higher-sensitivity analyses using subnational data worldwide is crucial. Such analyses would enable the identification of healthier, more equitable, and sustainable health models, distinct from existing HDI paradigms. They would also provide a clearer understanding of the levels and distribution of health inequity and social injustice, facilitating fair global redistribution efforts and supporting progress toward the universal right to health and the best feasible health for all populations.



[1] Algeria, American Samoa, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, The, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Curacao, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Egypt,  Arab Rep., El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Indonesia, Iraq, Jamaica, Kazakhstan,  Libya, Lithuania, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, Namibia, Nauru, North Macedonia, Palau, Paraguay, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Seychelles, Sint Maarten (Dutch part), South Africa, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan


[i]Garay JE, Chiriboga DE. A paradigm shift for socioeconomic justice and health: from focusing on inequalities to aiming at sustainable equity. Public Health. 2017 Aug;149:149-158. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2017.04.015. Epub 2017 Jun 20. PMID: 28645046.





[vi]Garay, J., Chiriboga, D., Kelley, N., & Garay, A.  (2019, February 25). Health Equity Metrics. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Global Public Health. Retrieved 20 Nov. 2024, from













[xix] Sirag A, Mohamed Nor N. Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure and Poverty: Evidence from a Dynamic Panel Threshold Analysis. Healthcare (Basel). 2021 May 3;9(5):536. doi: 10.3390/healthcare9050536 PMID: 34063652; PMCID: PMC8147610

By the same Author on PEAH

The Price of Global Injustice in Loss of Human Life

Identifying International Sustainable Health Models 

Homo Interitans: Countries that Escape, So Far, the Human Bio-Suicidal Trend

Human Ethical Threshold of CO2 Emissions and Projected Life Lost by Excess Emissions

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  A Renewed International Cooperation/Partnership Framework in the XXIst Century


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Committing Gainhopes Towards Low-Income Pregnant Women In Ethiopia

Editor's Note

Find below a brief on an additional initiative by PEAH acknowledged partner and Ethiopian activist Liele Netsanet Desta.

Dr. Netsanet has founded Gainhopes as a visionary non-profit organization with the mission to empower women and provide them with the resources and opportunities they need to overcome obstacles and reach their full potential.

See HERE the interview to her PEAH made few months ago.

Now, in turning the spotlight on Gainhopes initiative summarized below, PEAH aims to serve as an intermediary while inviting our network and interested readership to interact with and comment on the content of this post

By Liele Netsanet, MD

Founder and CEO at Gainhopes,  Ethiopia


Committing Gainhopes Towards Low-Income Pregnant Women In Ethiopia 

Vision of a world where leadership knows no bounds and women are empowered to rise and shine


Currently, the Gainhopes team is engaged in doing an outstanding job in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS through screening and counseling on ART adherence in Ethiopia.

We conduct home-to-home HIV/AIDS screenings to support low-income pregnant women who lack access to antenatal care (ANC) and also screen for pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders to reduce potential negative health outcomes for newborns.

After the screenings, we provide counseling to HIV-positive pregnant women on ART adherence using various techniques and connect them with local hospitals for ANC follow-up.

We facilitate ANC follow-ups for all pregnant women by collaborating with local healthcare centers.

Additionally, we offer counseling on breastfeeding for HIV-positive mothers and provide guidance on perinatal care to help prevent the transmission of HIV to their newborns.


PEAH readers are invited to interact with and comment on the content of this post. Contact person:

Liele Netsanet, MD


By the same Author on PEAH

Proposal Highlight: Providing Sexual and Reproductive Health System for Marginalized Women in Northern Amhara Region, Ethiopia

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Almost two dozen countries at high risk of acute hunger, UN report reveals

Why localization is key to Indigenous-led nature conservation

COP16 advances biodiversity protection despite ending before finance deal

Delhi Air Pollution: Are Government Satellites Missing the Stubble Fires?

Climate report shows the largest annual drop in EU greenhouse gas emissions for decades

Brazil Promotes a Freer Global Biofuels Market









The Price of Global Injustice in Loss of Human Life

Author's Note
As part of a series, a new analysis here calling for subnational data and analysis to render higher sensitivity in identifying ethical efficient human models and in estimating the burden of failing to adjust our lifestyles and human dynamics to sustainable wellbeing patterns

By Juan Garay

Professor of Global Health Equity Ethics and Metrics in Spain (ENS), Mexico (UNAChiapas), and Cuba (ELAM, UCLV, and UNAH)

Co-founder of the Sustainable Health Equity movement

The Price of Global Injustice in Loss of Human Life

Update of the Analysis of the Global Burden of Health Inequity 1961-2023


1947 WHO’s constitutional goal—achieving the best feasible health for all people[i] is the only globally shared health objective among nations. However, it is not measured by WHO or any government despite the 2009 World Health Assembly commitment to do so[ii].

Failing to identify the best feasible level of health leaves the partial analysis of health inequalities by arbitrary variables as the global reference of health justice monitoring[iii] fueling the fragmentation of health views and actions[iv].

Previous articles this year have used the recent UN Population 1950-2023 population and mortality estimates and 2024-2100 prospects to update the ethical ecological sustainability thresholds—1.42 hectares per capita for biocapacity and ecological footprint[v], and 1.34 metric tons of CO2 emissions per capita[vi]. Only 16 countries have constantly held footprints per capita respecting nature´s recycling capacity constantly from 1961-2023[vii]. All countries with GDP pc above the world average (measuring the economic transactions and their relation with production, trade and consumption) disrespect planetary boundaries, regardless technological advances and often rhetorical global commitments. Amongst the ecologically sustainable countries, only one has levels of life expectancy, that being above the world average, can inspire the world to progress in wellbeing while respecting its resources for coming generations: Sri Lanka. It uses less than half the world’s average economic resources per capita and only 12% of the world average health spending per capita, yet enjoys 10% higher of life expectancy. The international data have major limitations and hide major subnational disparities. The present analysis calls for subnational data and analysis to render higher sensitivity in identifying ethical efficient human models and in estimating the burden of failing to adjust our lifestyles and human dynamics to sustainable wellbeing patterns. Preliminary analysis of larger countries suggests subnational references in some regions of India, China, Russia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Brazil and Bangladesh[viii]. None of the European Union countries, USA states and other OECD countries respect planetary boundaries, and their “development” references, as the human development index ranking, guides towards human self- and nature´s ecocidal destruction[ix].

From 2011 to 2021 we have used international data from the world bank, the global footprint network and the world health organization, to select sustainable wellbeing references. As the UN used to publish population and mortality estimates every five years, we estimated the number and proportion of excess deaths from the mentioned references for the periods 1960-2010[x] (book[xi] ), -2015[xii] (book[xiii]) and -2020[xiv] (online atlas[xv]). Up to now, the data were the average of 5-year periods and were disaggregated by country, sex and 5-year age groups. The 2024 revision has been upgraded from 5-year periods to annual time series, and from 5-year age groups to single ages[xvi] and revised retrospectively the full time series since 1950. It incorporates a systematic and comprehensive set of mortality crises for all countries/areas since 1950 and includes excess mortality attributable to COVID-19 in 2020-2021 and since then. The changes are substantial, as the tables below show.

Table 1 World population prospects´ changes from 2021 to 2024 UN reports

Table 2 World deaths estimates´ changes from 2021 to 2024 UN reports

In countries like China they relate to the major historical demographic changes experienced during the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution and one-child policy periods that have affected population cohorts. Given their share of the world population, those changes have a significant impact on the overall world demographic data update.

With the mentioned updated UN population data, we estimated the annual mortality rates from 1950-2023 by single year age groups and sex and the differential mortality rates with the healthy-replicable-sustainable -HRS- health (best feasible health) reference (6.6 million data each). We then applied the differential mortality rates to the reference population of each country and group and selected those in excess in each case (again 6.6 million data) to calculate the net burden of health inequity (nBHiE). The following graph represent the world´s aggregate data:

Figure 1 World net burden of health inequity

Since 1963 the number of deaths in excess from the best feasible and sustainable levels of health (shared global health objective since 1947´s WHO constitution) has been around 20 million, 20.18 million in 2023. The acute fluctuations between 2004 and 2009 relate to high adult mortality during the civil war in Sri Lanka, the HRS reference, while the peak in 2020-2021 reflect the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

To better compare countries, age and sex groups, we calculated the proportion of all deaths that were in excess of the best feasible (HRS) levels, that is, the relative burden of health inequity (rBHiE). See rBHiE world data in the following graphs:

Figure 2 World Relative burden of health inequity 1961-2023

The graph above shows how the proportion of all deaths explained by global social/health injustice/inequity, has decreased in men from 45% in 1961 to some 25% in the 90s and remained quite stable since then, allowing for the acute fluctuations mentioned above in the nBHiE. As for women, the levels remained around 40% until the turn of the century and have decreased to some 30% in the last two decades with the mentioned fluctuations.

To calculate the human life years lost due to health inequity (LYLxHiE), we multiplied each excess death (nBHiE) by the difference of the age it took place with the HRS life expectancy at that given age group, sex, and year. The total number of life years lost due to global health inequity is represented in the following graph as well as the proportion of human life lost per person.

Figure 3 Life years lost in the world due to global health inequity

The representation of the life years lost due to global health inequity reveals a stable figure around 800 million since the turn of the century, with the acute fluctuations explained above. The proportion of potential human life (best feasible level) lost each year due global inequity/injustice has gradually decreased from 30% in 1961 to around 10% in 2023, as the median age of each excess death has increased due to the reduction of under five mortality in the last 62 years.

Conclusions: the recent UN population update, together with the estimates of carbon budget before we hit the 1.5º global warming enable the identification of the carbon footprint pc ethical threshold. Such carbon ethical threshold together with the world average biocapacity pc and ecological footprint serve as the ecological sustainability criteria which selects only 16 countries that have been constantly respected nature´s recycling capacity. No country with macroeconomic indicators of GDP/GNI measured in CV/PPP pc and wealth pc above world weighted average met the sustainability criteria. Among those ecologically sustainable and economically replicable countries, only one country had constantly a life expectancy at birth, both for women and men, above world average since 1961, and healthy life expectancy (deducting the burden of disability) above world average since measured in 1990. Such country is Sri Lanka, which hosts only 0,2% of the world population. Having only one HRS reference means that its fluctuations in mortality rates, as experienced during the civil war, impact the estimates of the burden of health inequity. As mentioned above, when looking at subnational regions in the 10 countries with higher population (representing 60% of the world population), we could see, only for the last 5-year period average data on life expectancy and GDP pc at CV/PPP, highly correlated with carbon emissions and ecological footprint especially when considering the consumption dimension, that 22 subnational regions representing some 6% of the world population may meet the HRS criteria. A detailed analysis of the world’s approximately 80,000 districts will likely uncover the most efficient and sustainable models rendering much higher sensitivity to the analysis of the burden of health inequity, its distribution and the identification of features (social, political, economic, cultural and environmental) that enable equitable and sustainable (fair) human well-being[xvii].









[vii] Afghanistan, Burundi, Benin, Burkina Faso, Comoros, Haiti, Kenya, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Malawi, Niger, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines and Rwanda

[viii] India (Kerala, Nagaland), China (Shanxi, Guangxi, Anhui, Sichuan, Henan), Russia (Ingushetia, Chechnya, Kabardino, Dagestan, Karachay in the North Caucasus), Indonesia (Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali, Java), Pakistan (FATA), and Brazil (Piaui, Alagoas, Paraiba, Ceara, Para, Rio Grande do Norte)












By the same Author on PEAH

Identifying International Sustainable Health Models 

Homo Interitans: Countries that Escape, So Far, the Human Bio-Suicidal Trend

Human Ethical Threshold of CO2 Emissions and Projected Life Lost by Excess Emissions

 Restoring Broken Human Deal

   Towards a WISE – Wellbeing in Sustainable Equity – New Paradigm for Humanity

  A Renewed International Cooperation/Partnership Framework in the XXIst Century


 Global Health Inequity 1960-2020 Health and Climate Change: a Third World War with No Guns

 Understanding, Measuring and Acting on Health Equity

News Flash 593: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

White seabream (Diplodus sargus sargus)

News Flash 593

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


USA Election 2024 ‘Take Time to Think – It is the Source of Power’  by George Lueddeke 

10 Principles for Protecting Human Rights in US Elections

Political polarization and health

Whose Interests does ODA Truly Serve? AidWatch 2024 Launch Event

Director’s blog: Do partner country interests matter to the EU anymore?

Global health 2050: the path to halving premature death by mid-century

Response to The Lancet Commission on Investing in Health 3.0: We Must Prioritise Better

WHO and partners activate Global Health Emergency Corps for the first time in response to mpox outbreak

Fostering regulatory collaboration to improve access to mpox medicines

WHO lists additional mpox diagnostic tests for emergency use

Tuberculosis resurges as top infectious disease killer

Innovation to End TB Stigma: Stop TB Partnership Organises the First-Ever Global Hackathon To Identify Innovative Strategies for Achieving End TB Targets

Egyptians Still Face Barriers to Insulin Access, Despite Promises of Expanded Domestic Production

Women and Diabetes: tackling hidden health disparities

Menstrual Health as a Foundation for Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Rights in Ethiopia

Child health in Gaza 

People’s Health Dispatch Bulletin #87: Israeli attacks on Gaza’s healthcare are crimes against humanity, say UN experts

Global civil society calls on Australian senators to hold firm and deliver corporate tax transparency

France and Spain must regulate their companies in Senegal

Why does SA treat drug addiction as a criminal, rather than a health problem?

Carbon emissions of richest 1% increase hunger, poverty and deaths, says Oxfam

Nigeria’s malnutrition crisis reveals the extent of its healthcare collapse

The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action

The state of global climate financing

Has China Really Provided More Climate Finance to Developing Countries than the US?

Islands at the edge: How climate shocks shape poverty in Small Island Developing States

Greenhouse gases surged to new highs in 2023, warns UN weather agency

Amid Grim New Climate Insights, Scientists Appeal for COP29 to Move from Talk to Implementation

How Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities can protect and restore biodiversity



USA Election 2024 ‘Take Time to Think – It is the Source of Power’

Author's Note
Further to Dr George Lueddeke’s latest commentary A Dangerous Moment for America  and the World, here is a summary of publications that try to make sense of how we have reached this point, what is at stake and why  this election is critical for ensuring our freedoms (democracy) vs enslavement under autocratic rule

George Lueddeke

 By George Lueddeke PhD

Global Lead, International One Health for One Planet Education & Transdisciplinary Research Initiative (1 HOPE-TDR)

Independent advisor in Higher, Medical and One Health education / research

Southampton, United Kingdom

 USA Election 2024

‘Take Time to Think – It is the Source of Power’

Striving Toward Freedom and Sustainability Across the World!


The steps that led to the rise of Nazi Germany are already in play in the US if Trump wins proposing “dismantling key agencies like the Departments of Education, Homeland Security, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the FBI, rolling back LGBTQ+ rights and climate protections…banning abortion as healthcare and implementing the largest deportation effort in US history.” 

It is entirely possible that Project 2025 could be the beginning of a new “dark age” in America and other global regions “with disregard and disrespect for international law .”  Laws and policies enacting Project 2025 could lead to scientific and cultural stagnation reminding us of the fall of Rome more than 1500 years ago (476 -1000 ce) – including   the periods following major wars such as World War 1, World War 2 and the “unforgivable” Russia-Ukraine War….

The proverb “There is none so blind as those who cannot see” has taken on a more ominous meaning as we reflect on the voting patterns in the US.  Thinking that leader integrity, competence, self-awareness, compassion and respect count for so little and  that votes can be bought raises fundamental questions about societal values across many nations that have embraced far-right extremism.

But, as stated in a previous commentary, “Anyone who believes that living in a dictatorship or a neo-fascist state is better than living in a democracy should take a close look at life in North Korea today — along with recalling life under Nazi Germany. The recent article, “North Koreans face lives devoid of hope, UN rights chief says,” is a wake-up call for us all and clearly demonstrates that freedom of choice in all aspects of life is far better than enslavement!”

With the latter observations in mind, here are a few additional publications that could shed more light on where we are today and may be tomorrow unless we change tack on 5 November. 

Will Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally  on 27 October resemble a fascist one from 1939?”

On February 20, 1939, a Nazi rally took place at Madison Square Garden, organized by the German American Bund. More than 20,000 people attended, and Fritz Julius Kuhn was a featured speaker. The Bund billed the event, which took place two days before George Washington’s Birthday, as a pro-“Americanism” rally; the stage at the event featured a huge Washington portrait with swastikas on each side. Approximately 100,000 anti-Nazi counter-protesters gathered outside, attempting to break through lines of police officers guarding the rally on three occasions. The Bund rapidly declined in the aftermath of the rally, with Kuhn being imprisoned for embezzlement by the end of the year.” Will history repeat itself?

What research on ‘abusers of power’ tells us

UCL social scientist Dr Brian Klaas, after ten years of interviewing “despots, corrupt kingpins, crooked chief executives, power-hungry generals, cult leaders, abusive managers, bloodthirsty rebel leaders,” concluded that abuse of power comes down to three “big problems”:

  • power is magnetic to corruptible people…especially true for people with a particular destructive psychological cocktail known as the dark triad: Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy”;
  • “people who enjoy elevated power” tend to “eat impulsively and have sexual affairs, to violate the rules of the road, to lie and cheat …and to communicate in rude, profane and disrespectful ways”;
  • “we give power to the wrong people for the wrong reasons …seduced by charlatans and strongmen, with roots in the ancient past of our species” as “our brains haven’t evolved much since the Stone Age” while our “societies have changed radically” and “our brains haven’t caught up.”

Speaking “as a mother,”  the celebrated singer Beyoncé  cut through all the political wrangling  at the moment at the presidential  campaign rally  for  Kamala Harris in Kalamazoo, Michigan,  a few days ago.

Her key messages on what truly matters today must not be forgotten by those voting in the 5 November US election nor the world:

caring “deeply about the world my children and all of our children live in, a world where we have the freedom to control our bodies, a world where we’re not divided” and “growing up seeing what’s possible with no ceilings, no limitations.”




Michelle Obama rallies for Harris in Michigan



By George Lueddeke on PEAH 

A Dangerous Moment for America and the World

Re-Orientation to Sustain Life on Earth

Betting on SDGs in a Disequal World

Holistic Systemic Change to Care for All Life on Earth

Earth Future: Time for a Global ‘Reset’!

Reflections on Transforming Higher Education for the 21st Century: PART 3 The international One Health for One Planet Education Initiative (1 HOPE) and the ‘Ecological University’

Reflections on Transforming Higher Education for the 21st Century: PART 2 Development of a Global ‘All Life’ Narrative

Reflections on Transforming Higher Education for the 21st Century: PART 1 The One Health & Wellbeing Concept

Planet Earth: Averting ‘A Point Of No Return’?

Tackling the Root Causes of Climate Change. If Not Now, WHEN?

Commentary on ‘More for The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) – Impakter’

Rebuilding Trust and Compassion in a Covid-19 World

The University in the early Decades of the Third Millennium: Saving the World from itself?

The World at Risk: Covid-19, Global Sustainability and 1 HOPE

Postscript – The World at Risk: Covid-19, Global Sustainability and 1 HOPE

On this theme, see also

FOCUS ON: Universities in the Early Decades of the Third Millennium: Saving the World from Itself?

INTERVIEW – ‘Survival: One Health, One Planet, One Future’ – Routledge, 1st edition, 2019

News Flash 592: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Aeolian islands (Italy): Filicudi in the distance

News Flash 592

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


Critical Health Care Challenges for the Next U.S. President

Epistemicide, health systems, and planetary health: Re-centering Indigenous knowledge systems

Webinar registration: The Global State of Harm Reduction 2024 Oct 29, 2024

5 things to watch at the World Bank-IMF annual meetings

The MDB Ships Are Turning but Not Yet On Course: Results of CGD’s Updated MDB Reform Tracker

Allocate SDRs Directly to Multilateral Development Banks

Reforming MDBs: we have the solutions, now we need sustained leadership

New paper: European civil society urges UN-negotiated way out of debt crises

Egypt is certified malaria-free by WHO

Public Pharma for Europe Coalition: a step towards health for all

Fighting substandard and falsified medicines with rapid screening technologies …. at the World Health Summit

‘Time for $5’ campaign to deliver 206,937 signatures to US corporation Danaher in Washington, DC, demanding a $5 price for their medical tests

Talks have started to get the twice-yearly anti-HIV jab registered in SA

Success of long-lasting HIV drug hinges on pricing

‘Antiretrovirals Alone Won’t End HIV’ in Africa #HIVR4P2024

Liberia’s Breakthrough in Dual Syphilis and HIV Screening

Polio is rising in Pakistan ahead of a new vaccination campaign

Rwanda Reports Significant Drop In New Marburg Infections

Trachoma elimination in sight after South Asia success

Forecasting the effects of smoking prevalence scenarios on years of life lost and life expectancy from 2022 to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

Justice Disorder — Mental Health and Incarceration in the United States



A day to raise awareness about human trafficking in the EU

Tunisia’s anti-migrant measures spark human rights concerns

WMA Declaration of Helsinki – Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Participants

Biodiversity Goal Can Be Achieved in the Southern Ocean

COP16 Can and Must Address Oil & Gas to “Make Peace with Nature”

Azerbaijan’s climate leadership challenge

What is COP29 and why is it important?

Health Sector Seeks Path to Greater Climate Impact – but Fossil Fuel Subsidies Block the Way

Global water crisis leaves half of world food production at risk in next 25 years

Cities Face ‘Severe Degradation’ Without Meaningful Climate Action, Warn Experts



News Flash 591: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Salema (Sarpa salpa)

News Flash 591

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


Meeting registration: Community of Practice “Climate and Health Justice” Oct 24, 2024

US$ 1 billion in new and reaffirmed funding commitments announced for WHO’s ongoing Investment Round

A Proposal for the IMF: A New Instrument of International Liquidity Provision for Emerging Markets and Developing Economies

Identifying International Sustainable Health Models  by Juan Garay

Humanitarians: Stop using fear of migration to drive fundraising and advocacy

Human Behaviour Drives Pandemics – And Rebuilding Trust is Essential

The Age of Depopulation: Surviving a World Gone Gray

A Dangerous Moment for America and the World  by George Lueddeke

The Power of AI for Health Inequalities  by Brian Johnston

Long-Acting Injections Against HIV Dominate at Prevention Conference

Malaria vaccine rollout begins in Africa: the need to strengthen regulatory and safety surveillance systems in Africa

How far are we from a licensed vaccine for deadly Marburg?

MSF calls for urgent action as governments and donors are failing children with TB

TACTIC: Test, Avoid, Cure TB in Children

BREAKING NEWS: Only $1.50 to Detect TB Infection With the Next-Generation SIILTIBCY Test

To conquer antimicrobial resistance in Africa, build local capacity

New laboratory aims to expand microbiome research in Africa 

Forecasting the effects of smoking prevalence scenarios on years of life lost and life expectancy from 2022 to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021

Palliative and hospice care: the challenges of caring for terminally ill patients, and their loved ones


Are we making progress on ending discrimination in the EU? 

People’s Health Dispatch Bulletin #86: Israel expands war on health from Gaza to Lebanon and Syria

Conflict impact on Gaza schools ‘catastrophic’

Poorest countries in worst financial shape since 2006, World Bank says

Florida: Barriers to Addressing Maternal Health Inequities

One in eight girls and women raped or sexually assaulted before age 18, UNICEF says

World Told Act Now or Face 136 Years of Hunger, Report Warns

20 Years of UN Right to Food Guidelines: time for a world free from hunger and human-made starvation

Restore Our Planet podcasts

EU Makes Major Advance in Tackling Deadly Air Pollution