The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.
News Link 78
New global food table: Europe feasts while Africa fasts
La sanità russa sotto Vladimir Putin
OMS e diritto alla salute. Quale futuro
WHO Board To Discuss Relationship With Industry, Organisations
WHO Initiative On Poor Quality Medicines Heads To Board Next Week
UN Office On Drugs And Crime Launches Anti-Counterfeit Campaign Aimed At Organised Crime
101 Organizations to Watch in 2014
World Bank’s ethics under scrutiny after Honduras loan investigation
Risk mismanagement? IFC runs into trouble in Honduras
In Haiti, all eyes on US to reform ‘unjustifiable’ food aid program
JEFFREY SACHS: ‘In 23 countries in Africa and expanding rapidly’
New Nigeria anti-gay law resulting in torture and dozens of arrests, say activists
Developing country sui generis options for plant variety protection
Protein discovery to aid HIV vaccine development
Ten broad brushstrokes about development cooperation
The full spectrum on FDI in brownfield companies
Health systems and services: the role of acute care