Re-Orientation to Sustain Life on Earth: a PDF by George Lueddeke

Editor's note Under One Health perspective, a live PDF here PEAH just received from our acknowledged partner Dr. George Lueddeke.
Originally from Canada, now residing in the United Kingdom, George Lueddeke PhD MEd Dipl.AVES (Hon.) is an education advisor in Higher, Medical and One Health education and global lead of the International One Health for One Planet Education initiative (1 HOPE) in association with national, regional, and global organisations

George Lueddeke

By George LueddekePhD

Consultant in Higher, Medical, and One Health Education

Global Lead – International One Health for One Planet Education initiative (1 HOPE)

Re-Orientation to Sustain Life on Earth

A PDF by George Lueddeke


Just received from Dr. George Lueddeke, PEAH is  glad to bring to the attention of  its readership a live PDF poster  full of  hyperlinks aimed, under One Health perspective, at re-orienting practices and behaviours by governments, corporations and civil society for the sake of a sustainable living on Earth.

In this connection, excerpts from what already published by Lueddeke  can believably serve as an appropriate introduction:

...After billions of years of evolution, in just a few decades we have come to an inevitable turning-point. While we have made significant scientific / technological progress, we have failed to safeguard life on the planet including ours (we are but one of about 8.5 million species!). Although we have cognitive and affective capacities for achieving a harmonious world, our lives continue to be overridden by the self-interests, ambitions, and power of a few (1%?) -think  AI and technology! 

In the longer run, it appears that “a more just, sustainable and peaceful world” can only be achieved if we all realise the consequences of our short-term thinking (e.g., profits over survival, control or enslavement over freedoms) and learn to rise above the human-fabricated divisions and inequities that divide us (social, political, religious, economic, etc.). If we fail, so will future generations and humanity. Democratic societies depend on a shared belief in ‘something greater than themselves’ and holding ‘power to account’.
...Whether we are able to achieve a “more just, sustainable and peaceful world” will depend on the decisions we make now as opportunities for social transformation are becoming increasingly time- limited. There is no question that new thinking is required and that both education and research are key in moving societies in new directions to ensure planet sustainability.  To these ends, here are a few re-orientations to consider by governments, corporations and civil society in general to sustain life on the planet shifting from:

human-centrism to eco-centrism;

subject fragmentation to disciplinary integration;

knowledge transfer to knowledge discovery;

intervention to prevention and a future consciousness;

individualism to ‘learning from and with others’:

those who ‘have‘ to those who ‘have not’;

thinking globally to acting locally;

profit margins to self-fulfilment and ‘doing something good’;

self-interests, ambition, power to understanding, compassion and  truth.
Enclosed below is a link to an updated capacity-building publications poster (case study) originally prepared for UN SDG acceleration Summit last year

Click HERE to see the live PDF 
The  challenges  and ‘reflections’ articles (all live) might be informative for some PEAH readers (e.g., comments on?).


By George Lueddeke on PEAH

Betting on SDGs in a Disequal World

Holistic Systemic Change to Care for All Life on Earth

Earth Future: Time for a Global ‘Reset’!

Reflections on Transforming Higher Education for the 21st Century: PART 3 The international One Health for One Planet Education Initiative (1 HOPE) and the ‘Ecological University’

Reflections on Transforming Higher Education for the 21st Century: PART 2 Development of a Global ‘All Life’ Narrative

Reflections on Transforming Higher Education for the 21st Century: PART 1 The One Health & Wellbeing Concept

Planet Earth: Averting ‘A Point Of No Return’?

Tackling the Root Causes of Climate Change. If Not Now, WHEN?

Commentary on ‘More for The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) – Impakter’

Rebuilding Trust and Compassion in a Covid-19 World

The University in the early Decades of the Third Millennium: Saving the World from itself?

The World at Risk: Covid-19, Global Sustainability and 1 HOPE

Postscript – The World at Risk: Covid-19, Global Sustainability and 1 HOPE

 On this theme, see also

INTERVIEW – ‘Survival: One Health, One Planet, One Future’ – Routledge, 1st edition, 2019