News Link n. 22


The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.


News Link n. 22

Feed the Future Progress Report 2012

A Conversation With: Polio Expert Naveen Thacker

Delivering Medicines in DR Congo: In the Face of Insecurity

Opening Up Microdata Access in Africa

UK Department for International Development: Project Search

WHO’s Global Tuberculosis report 2012

AFGHANISTAN: Winter planning aims to save lives

High Food Prices: Farm Ministers Weigh Options

Arms Trade Treaty negotiations threatened by diplomatic Damocles’ Sword

Pollution as harmful as malaria, TB: study

UK Aid, Imperialism and Child Mortality

Positioning Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. WHO discussion paper, October 2012

Future of WHO hangs in the balance

Barack Obama and Mitt Romney on ending poverty, preventable diseases

UN at 67: ‘Solutions for a prosperous world’

Three social enterprises set the pace for global health