Breaking News: Link 137

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 137

WHO: Public health round-up 

Lack of toilets and safe water in health-care facilities 

Tough decisions on essential medicines in 2015 

The Global Drug Facility as an intervention in the market for tuberculosis drugs 

Reducing the price of treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis through the Global Drug Facility 

Tubercolosi, il bilancio è di milioni tra vittime e superstiti. Ma l’obiettivo è solo uno: sradicarla 

Press Release: Europe’s Leaders Approve Riga Declaration on TB and MDR-TB 


1 year later, can word spread faster than Ebola? 

Women’s Health is Everyone’s Health 

El Salvador: Women spread the word on food safety 

Closing The Rural Health Connectivity Gap: How Broadband Funding Can Better Improve Care 

Reverse HIPC mooted for aid liabilities 

The clock is ticking on the new development agenda 

Why the Sustainable Development Goals Matter 

Conferenza ActionAid, “Le nuove sfide per lo sviluppo sostenibile” – 7 aprile 2015, Roma 

A summary of HIV Prevention at CROI 2015 

Tailored combination prevention packages and PrEP for young key populations 

UNAIDS and WHO Breaking news: CROI 2015 update (9 April 2015, available on livestream)

FAO Council finds historic consensus on work programme and budget 

Food safety in a globalized world 

What to do about resistant bacteria in the food-chain? 

Tackling climate change – for our kids 

Human Rights Reader 358 

Inequities in postnatal care in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis 

Breaking News: Link 136

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 136

A Social Contract for Global Health Investments in Times of Resilience

Global Health Transformers

Violence against women and girls guidance notes

Violence against women and girls: Evidence digest March 2015

MSF urges EU Health Commissioner and EU Health Ministers not to skip critical regional Ministerial conference on TB next week


TB Alliance Announces Partnership with U.S. Fund for UNICEF to Increase Access to Impending New Child-Friendly TB Treatments

Leading medical organisations team up to bring new TB treatments to those in need

Grania Brigden: Time for a jumpstart—accelerating access to new and promising DR-TB drugs

TB: Ready, set, slow down: New and promising DR-TB drugs are grabbing headlines but not reaching patients

One year on: why Ebola is not yet over in Guinea

How Did Ebola Volunteers Know Where To Go In Liberia? Crowdsourcing!

In the Fight Against Corruption, US Government Urged to Localize Aid

How The Leaked TPP ISDS Chapter Threatens Intellectual Property Limitations and Exceptions

Leaked dispute-settlement plan raises US trade concerns

Could the TTIP deal undo development gains?

TTIP: EU Officials Weigh ISDS Options as High-Level Meetings Continue

Il Transatlantic Trade and Investiment Partnership (TTIP)

TTIP e TISA. La salute in vendita

German Minister plans ‘Green Revolution’ to combat world hunger

Killing us softly

‘We are not perfect’ — EU development commissioner

HIV in Africa. Nuove strategie, nuove sfide

La classifica dei sistemi sanitari europei, secondo l’EHCI

Health Affairs Web First: Without CHIP, Sharply Higher Insurance Costs For Many Low-Income Families

Health Affairs Briefing: The Cost And Quality Of Cancer Care

Australia ready to join China-led bank, seeks clarity on governance

WHO urges mass vaccination against measles, other diseases in Ebola areas

S.O.S. morbillo: con il colpo di coda Ebola l’allerta epidemie non dà tregua

Breaking News: Link 135

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Breaking News: Link 135

6 things that guide the post-2015 agenda

Biofuel Subsidies: Bad Policies, Bad Examples for Development

Global water challenges

Disappointment in Sendai: why the fight for strong and accountable action on disaster risk reduction is now more important than ever

Accord a minima sur les réductions des catastrophes naturelles

Understanding the interests of agricultural exporting and importing countries

EU Trade Commissioner Suggests Special Court For ISDS Cases

New Book: ACTA And The Plurilateral Enforcement Agenda: Genesis And Aftermath

TPP Chief Negotiators Conclude Hawaii Meet as Washington Debate Continues

The case for EOCs post-Ebola

Six Lessons From the Ebola Epidemic

America’s AIIB Disaster: Are There Lessons to be Learned?

Joining the club: How will the United States respond to AIIB’s expanding membership?

Stolen Goods: The EU’s complicity in illegal tropical deforestation

COP 21 national contributions behind schedule, France warns

Moving In Reverse? Potential Coverage Impacts For Children Of King v. Burwell, Medicaid And CHIP Eligibility Changes

I founded CIDA, but its death worries me less than Harper’s foreign-aid agenda

Why we must invest in girls and women in humanitarian crises

WHO calls on the world to “Gear up to End TB”

Fight TB 2015 Campaign

The Movement of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis across Borders in East Africa Needs a Regional and Global Solution

MPP Welcomes World Health Organization’s First Guide for Hepatitis B Care, Prevention and Treatment (STATEMENT)

KEI, KEI Europe, and Essential Inventions ask five companies for licenses to HCV patents

Indian generic companies should reject Gilead’s controversial hepatitis C ‘Anti-Diversion’ programme

India’s New Health Policy: A Work in Progress

Breaking News: Link 134

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Breaking News: Link 134

Some reflections on International Women’s Day from one of the many dumb males on this globe

Seminar: Putting Women’s Global Status on the Map: The WomanStats Project


Measuring Maternal Health in a Post-MDG World

Zimbabwe Launches Film on Rape Survivors Plight

Tears from Inside – Documentary Trailer

What to watch for in U.S. climate plan for Paris

In TPP, USTR Seeks To Boost Criminal Remedies Against IP Infringement

TTIP ‘threat to people’s health in UK and across Europe’

EU ministers must shape overseas aid policy wisely

Towards AGOA 2.0

Industrial Policies for the Upper-Middle-Income Countries

Opinion: The World Sees Progress Against Undernutrition, but it’s Uneven

Will Indian generic pharma players live up to their billing?

Make in India: Modi Launches New Vaccine

Effective Public Engagement To Improve Palliative Care For Serious Illness

The youth holds the future of development

WHO strives to provide universal access to immunization in the African Region by 2020

View on Private Sector: Insurance for the next Ebola

6 experts tasked to assess WHO’s Ebola response

Don’t squander lessons learned from Ebola outbreak, say advocates

This smart ‘band-aid’ could help the world beat Ebola

WHO: Sugars intake for adult and children Guideline

Political leaders and economists to tackle corporate tax avoidance through new independent commission

“Almost all” developing countries now vulnerable to financial crisis: sobering new report

Enabling Dynamic Partnerships through Joint Degrees between Low- and High-Income Countries for Capacity Development in Global Health Research: Experience from the Karolinska Institutet/Makerere University Partnership

Surveillance Report: Measles and Rubella Monitoring

Breaking News: Link 133

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Breaking News: Link 133

“Fast Track” Trade Talks Stumble in Washington as TPP Meetings Approach 

Benchmarking Supply Chains for Better Performance 

Corruption and Averting AIDS Deaths – Working Paper 395 

International Women’s Day 


The buzz at the International Women’s Day Forum 2015 

Empowering women is critical to ending the AIDS epidemic 

Commission outlines remaining key challenges on gender equality 

Ebola vaccine efficacy trial ready to launch in Guinea 

Ebola death toll in west Africa ‘could be much higher than initial estimates’ 

Plan International CEO: EU should be aware of ‘secret societies’ when fighting Ebola 

Ebola: avanti a tentoni, ma il nuovo farmaco accende una speranza 

Opinion: Bridging the Gap – How the SDG Fund is Paving the Way for a Post-2015 Agenda 

European Union to deliver climate pledge to United Nations 

India to partner with Africa to fight climate change 

Payment delays dent India’s flagship health, AIDS programmes 

9 Ways Africa Would Be Better Without Foreign Aid 

Should the next South African census be register-based? 

E-procurement in support of universal health coverage 

Big data in global health: improving health in low- and middle-income countries 

Eight Ways to Reduce Global Inequality 

Australia’s billion-dollar aid cut: where to cut a billion dollars in a hurry 

The interview: Bill Gates on philanthropy and optimism 

Legislation coverage for child injury prevention in China 

The burden of child maltreatment in China: a systematic review 

The ACA’s Hospital Tax-Exemption Rules And The Practice Of Medicine

Breaking News: Link 132

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Breaking News 132

The drivers of change at WHO

Jeffrey Sachs & Kevin Watkins on Financing for sustainable development

Big data in global health: improving health in low- and middle-income countries

Exhibit of the Month: Improving Pharmaceutical Innovation

Will Crisis See a Long-Awaited Response to Lack of Innovation and Access Come from Public Leadership?

Antimicrobial Resistance, Novel Drug Discovery and Development: Challenges and Opportunities New Delhi, 2-3 March 2015

XI Workshop on Chagas Disease
Barcelona, 13 March 2015

GLOBVAC Conference 2015
Oslo, 17-18 March 2015

British Society of Parasitology Spring Meeting 2015
Liverpool,16-18 April 2015

Human Rights Reader 356

Legislation coverage for child injury prevention in China

African Development Bank now supports 27 African countries to advance climate-smart initiatives, report says

The critical flaw in the EU’s climate plan

Pay-as-you-go solar power takes off in Africa

At EPO, Patent Oppositions To High-Priced Gilead Hepatitis C Drug Pile Up

Big pharma, NGO square the circle on access to vaccines

Global Health Partners Begin Building a New Approach to Ensure Equitable Access to Medicines

South Africa Awaits Patent Reforms With Hope, Concern

Foundations Put Up Millions to Bolster South Africa’s Endangered Democracy

Why The Request By Least Developed Countries For An Extension Of The Transitional Period For Granting And Enforcing Medicines Patents Needs To Be Supported

New UN envoy joins campaign to end TB

Can global value chain PPPs reach the poor? Latest lessons learned

E-procurement in support of universal health coverage

What’s Up with the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index?

Guai a chi tocca il latte artificiale

Reflections on Inequality and Poverty Reduction


C Schuftan

By Claudio Schuftan*

People’s Health Movement – PHM


Yes, Equality is Key to Sustainability

In the post 2015 development agenda, it is not simply about ‘extending’ the MDGs towards SDGs. It is not about reformulating, dropping or adding, but about a global systemic reform to remove the major constraints to development as we have it now.
The MDGs never were a global agenda for development. Development is much more than the sum total of the MDGs…or any collection of specific targets.
Only if necessary, an action plan for structural changes focused on processes that need to be launched COULD be supplemented by specific targets.
We need explicit commitments on structural changes with appropriate time frames. Anything else will remain a nice try, but basically empty rhetoric.
We need to work to create an international environment for sustainable development; to change the unfair rules of the game; to revert the prevailing attitude of being silent on means and focusing on ends. It is distributional processes that lead to distributional outcomes. That is why we need to go from poverty eradication to disparity reduction.*

*: To focus on the eradication of poverty is the wrong focus.

Doing so brings about targeting and safety nets that are equivalent to “give me a fish and you feed me for a day”. It victimized poor people as if it is their fault to be poor so we ‘help’ them to get out. That is charity …and we are for social justice. The correct focus we all must shift to thus is disparity reduction: The wealth cake is only so big; it needs to be re-sliced differently and more fairly. We are talking about redistribution. In the same vein, children are not poor, they are not vulnerable; they are rendered poor and rendered vulnerable by the prevailing unfair economic system. If we do not change the system, poverty will be reproduced. There is no trickle down. We should all know this by now. [It is not the number of darts you throw at the board of poverty. It is which (few) darts will directly address its structural determinants! PS: Sorry, I agree. Not a very constructive metaphor this one of throwing darts at poverty…].  SWITCH TO DISPARITY REDUCTION!

If, in the post 2015 era, we end up fostering participation on reaching goals and NOT on the means to be used, participation will end up addressing symptoms and NOT causes. (It is like Christmas toys… without batteries). The ‘corrections’ we need to introduce to foster inclusion will simply have to address the causes of the causes this time around.

The MDGs tried to combine normative statements of what was desirable with a political statement of what was feasible. But both did not change the discourse of development!
The dispossessed and marginalized need not only be in the driver’s seat, but also be the owners of the bus!

We All Talk about Accountability, but…

In times of extreme human rights neglect and extreme economic and environmental plunder, we need extreme measures to hold the responsible accountable. I would suggest a three-pronged approach: i) Public interest civil society organizations and social movements have to become active watch dogs and among their functions use blame and shame approaches. ii) UN agencies should publish regular annual rankings of countries and of corporations on their human rights records (in the style of UNICEF’s ‘Progress of Nations’ of many years ago). and iii)UN agencies and Internatoinal Financial Institutions should be subjected to Universal Periodic Reviews (UPR) by the UN Human Rights Council as much as countries are.
Furthermore, we are all calling for participation. Fair enough. But if participation will be called for implementing and monitoring  (as of now) 17 post 2015 outcome goals and not to be part of the means to be used to progressively realize human rights, we will end up again addressing symptoms and not the causes. Participation as de-facto inclusion will have to address the causes of the causes this time around!
Related to this, I am worried about the toning down of human rights language I have seen in the latest post 2015 documents. Why? I think that only using straight human rights language –calling a spade a spade– can lead us to the quantum leaps needed. Quantum leaps that only go half way every time remind me of the mathematical riddle of the turtle’s race that in order to get to the finish line always has to cover half the distance left before getting there; mathematically, going every time half the way, never gets you there… Is this what we want? Let us talk straight.
And this leads me to my final big concern here: I fear we run a great risk of bureaucratizing human rights. If this will be the post 2015 pattern, I welcome you all to 15 years more in the opposition.

Yes indeed, Eradicating the Immense Inequalities behind Poverty is a Monumental Task. So, How do We Start this Monumental Task?

The social mobilization of the kind we need (coming from the masses) will only come if and when States and civil society embark in massive HUMAN RIGHTS LEARNING efforts cum empowerment. The struggle for human rights depends on it.
Already the Vienna Human Rights Declaration of 1993 did recommend that States ensure wide human rights education programs, but they never materialized to the level needed to reach the threshold needed for a truly massive human rights learning efforts cum empowerment.
Civil society and social movements do have a watchdog function and should rightfully act as whistle blowers, but it is ultimately claim holders who will have to forcefully demand accountability. This highlights the importance of human rights learning cum empowerment –for them– since it is the human rights framework that now needs to become center stage. Vienna had asked for it already 20 years ago. It is our challenge now.
Since this is a crucial yet neglected area indispensable for progress in the post 2015 era, States must allocate resources to greatly increase human rights learning activities within government structures, in schools, in communities and in workplaces.
The post 2015 era will have to live up to the massive challenge we face to implement what really is lifelong human rights learning for both claim holders and duty bearers. To sustain a human rights focus in any development agenda, quite massive funding to jump-start this process and to train trainers is indispensable. The new Post 2015 Development Agenda must explicitly address this issue. The struggle for human rights depends on it.

Are Inequalities What We Should Address First and Most Vigorously?

All human rights are equally important and priorities can only be tactical sequential steps in an overall strategy aimed at the progressive realization of all human rights. Health or nutrition are not less, not more important than education….and so forth. This is part of what we call the indivisibility of human rights!

How does one operationalize the human rights framework then to address inequalities?  First of all, one operationalizes it to importantly address existing human rights violations! There are good publications in the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on how to apply the framework. Go to their website and in the search box type applying the human rights framework. If somebody is interested, I also have a short paper on this.

What would the targets look like? How would they be measured? And who has the accountability? The human rights framework does not really have targets! There are a number of indicators to measure progress and suggestions on how to collect them (also in the OHCHR website, actually a whole manual on this exists. Look for human rights indicators). The accountability is in the court of a whole host of duty bearers from the proximal to the global levels.

At the People’s Health Movement (PHM) we have stopped talking about poverty eradication. Instead, we widely promote that everybody should be using DISPARITY REDUCTION as the goal to be included in the post2015 deliberations.

A whole different concept, disparity reduction contextualizes poverty in the process of exploitation, domination and power imbalances.

We are not talking about naïf idealism here we are indeed talking about imposing external binding obligations.

Voluntary guidelines by and for transnational corporations (TNCs) have not worked, so let us be realistic. Look at the breastmilk substitutes industry and their ongoing violation of their own code. Or look at philanthrocapitalism (Gates, Buffet, et al): they are not sinking millions of dollars into disparity reduction. They are pushing technological solutions to what is a worldwide ubiquitous social and political disease.

Only by implementing a host of disparity reduction measures will we move forward. Actually, not implementing: imposing.

And this brings us to the human rights-based approach (HRBA). Is it to our benefit globally to adopt it and is it our best way forward? The HRBA politicizes the issues of inequalities by empowering claim holders to demand human rights principles encoded in UN Covenants and General Comments be upheld as ratified by most countries in the world.

Together with hundreds involved in post 2015 consultations, I am convinced the answer is YES. We must embark in it. Add to this the UN Secretary General’s report to the UN General Assembly recently and see how this way forward now permeates to the highest levels possible.

Are we going to see this materialize in any significant way post 2015? Only if we oppose power to the powers-that-be. That is why I choose imposing over implementing and that is where the mega-challenge lies… (Actually having to wait until the post 2015 becomes a reality is already to our loss: what is so sacrosanct about 2015 anyway?).

 Equality is One of the Most Important Human Rights Principles

The principle of equality is a part of human rights. It is a principle which recognizes that the same rights apply to all citizens. Equality is the right of every individual to receive the same treatment.

It is the principle behind all economic, social and cultural rights, with its opposite being discrimination. Wikipedia offers a definitions of inequality: “the unequal or discriminatory treatment of an individual by another due to their social or economic status, religion, sex, race, among others.” Inequalities are much greater than just “difference”.  People are essentially equal; differences arise secondarily. Equality results from equity just as inequality results from inequity. A reduction of social and health inequalities is limited by capitalism and the structures specific to capitalism. Inequality is an injustice in access, an exclusion from enjoyment, a disparity in the quality of life, while inequity is the lack of equity, that is to say, the inherent characteristic of a society which hinders the common good. Inequity is injustice producing inequalities. Inequalities are measured, inequities are judged. Equality is not a substitute for equity. Doing more for disadvantaged people is not the same as addressing inequalities!

Not all inequalities are inequitable and not all equalities equitable. A very important and correct statement, but not easy to understand the way here expressed. Better to use an Outcome/Process development perspective to put things in perspective. For example, take the use of Affirmative Action in ensuring a gender-equal outcome in employment; it can be defined as: The use of a morally defendable unequal (i.e., equitable) process in order to achieve a morally desirable gender equality.  Finally, we should know, but often ignore, that equality and inequality cannot be measured by averages! (U. Jonsson)

Equity implies willingness to give to each that which they deserve.

Equity relates to natural justice, as opposed to the letter of the law.  Equity is a core legal concept and intimately linked to the notion of justice. For instance, health and nutrition equity are a measure of the degree of social justice prevailing in a society. (Note that health as merely the absence of disease limits our conceptualisation to health care services). The objective of health equity is to be seen in the context of a wider search for social justice. Inequity implies unfair and avoidable differences. A human rights analysis can determine if a given distribution is equitable or otherwise. Achieving health equity requires social policies of empowerment and a redistribution of social wealth. Inequity refers not only to injustice in distribution and access, but to processes which generate this injustice; inequity is about how the social structure determines social inequalities. Inequity arises from the appropriation of power and wealth, which leads to discrimination. Inequity and inequality change historically.

The expression social justice has come into play more recently. It refers to the search for equilibrium between unequal parties that respects their differing needs. Equity and equality are not equivalent, nor can they be reduced to simple risk factors, as currently understood by many.

Equal Relations Between Unequals Reinforces Inequality!

To illustrate this, think for a while that equality under Globalization is a bit like the fight of the Mongoose and the Snake:  Both are of about the same strength, but invariably the mongoose wins –it is more resourceful and it organizes its strategy better to strike.  The First World is like the mongoose; the Third World is like the snake.

The lesson of this fable is that an asymmetry in the use of market power aggravates inequality. The affluent always end up having more political clout (and more wealth). Therefore, promoting self-interest (the soul of the market) is simply not enough. We have to put some heart into it; add solidarity to self-interest. [A modicum of anti-greed policing actions may help as well…].

To achieve greater equality, a set of ‘equality modifiers’ have been proposed. These include: targeting interventions (geographically and/or to vulnerable groups or individuals), land reform, educational/water and sanitation/health/nutrition and family planning interventions, employment generation, grassroots participation in setting priorities, development of the non-farm rural economy, aid to rural women, and the levying of taxes on polluters and degraders.

As pertains to gender, the latter has reached a unique status in the transnational liberal order. Gender equality is (finally) considered compatible with the basic tenets of the neo-liberal credo. But economic equality, not…

Remedies proposed to specifically increase equality in the access to basic services thus include financial and non-financial approaches. To recap and add, among the former are the targeting of subsidies (i.e. selective subsidies of goods and services disproportionately consumed by the poor), prepayment plans (e.g. community-based health insurance), exemptions and the selective dropping of some fees (e.g. health and educational). Among the latter are a greater emphasis on decentralization, on the use of social marketing (*), on prevention and on improvements of the quality of care (in health), as well as on a fairer urban/rural distribution of resources.

(*): Social marketing –one of the sweetheart companions of Globalization attempting to give it a human face– focuses on high-powered “Madison Ave-type” messages and communication strategies that pursue behavior modification and not informed choices. It is quite obvious that we should rather be trying to better understand what motivates people to change and why, and then letting them decide by themselves what steps to take to get there.

Surprising as it may seem, the IMF thinks that more equality need not hamper growth, it could indeed reinforce it! (sic) They actually see a strong negative link between high unequal distribution of assets and subsequent rates of growth. They see equality only requiring ‘equality of opportunities’, though, not necessarily ‘equality of outcomes’. In that sense, they agree the poor need to increase their human capital. Equity, to them, is critical for the political viability of Globalization… (sic). Therefore, decentralization and changing the composition of public expenditure is for them a must. For instance, expenditures on health have to increase, they say, but to be equitable, they have to be concentrated on preventive activities in rural areas and should be targeted to the lower income quintile. (**)

(**): Beware that valid arguments have been raised against ‘targetry’: Targeting misrepresents complex realities, involves big cost in monitoring, distorts policy and destroys political momentum for structural changes by not modifying the conditions that keep poor people poor.

Regardless of whether the IMF follows up with concrete actions on what they philosophize, we need not apologize to act with a more resolute equality bias beyond lip service since such a bias is an important corrective to the other more dominant inequitable value biases out there in the heartless market place. (One of them, for sure, is basing decisions on interventions on cost-benefit analyses only; cost-benefit analyses are understandable to economists and policy makers, but they are grounded in a different reality than most of us live in. Economists make decisions guided by what is ultimately measurable if convertible into monetary value only).

Is this more resolute equality bias a radical proposition? Yes. Is it necessary? Absolutely. Is it impossible? Possible. Is it likely? Not very likely based on my latest dispassionate reality check. But what, then, are the alternatives and could they do the job on time? ….the universal application of the human rights-based framework!

As Progress Towards the MDGs is being Achieved, there is Little Evidence of Results that are Inclusive of the People that are Discriminated

Despite the lack of data, the evidence of disparities, discrimination and deprivation is, in most cases, patently obvious. In spite of this fact, resorting to the legal system for redress violations has been and is practically a remote option.
It has to be noted that there are members of discriminated disadvantaged groups whose achievements may suggest that they do not experience inequalities. The issue here is to avoid using exceptional examples to hide the overwhelming reality of adverse circumstances and of a lack of opportunities.
The case of children:
Children are particularly likely to experience inequalities, and are exceptionally vulnerable to their effects. Children are more exposed to economic inequalities than adults, if nothing else, by virtue of being over-represented in the poorest sectors of society. The struggle to balance household resources is very significantly played out by compromising children’s needs (and rights!). Any shock to household income will invariably affect children. The consequences of inequalities for children are profound. It is estimated that children being affected in these circumstances are actually twice as likely to experience inequality as adults. Besides the diminished capacities that are carried into adulthood, children are also more likely to die. Gender disparities for children of all ages are indeed significant.

Doing more for disadvantaged and discriminated people is not the same as addressing inequalities:
In the political domain, it is importantly the lack of information of citizens and a poor communication with them that undermines their participation and the expression of their voices. So much so, that disparities between urban and rural areas are often taken as a proxy for spatial inequalities. A closer analysis suggests that disparities within urban areas are becoming increasingly significant though.
Addressing inequalities in the long term ultimately depends on tackling structural barriers. Period. Significant progress in addressing inequalities requires broader and more strategic actions, at all levels. Strengthening the capacity of marginalized people to claim their rights is an integral and indispensable part of all actions geared to tackle inequalities. A fairer distribution of wealth should become the core business of human rights work and thus of the post 2015 agenda.
Improved access to decent, safe and fairly paid work is necessary to address inequality worldwide. Increased minimum wages, collective bargaining and stronger employment laws have a significant role in addressing inequality. Expanding the scope and scale of labor protection is also important as is supporting and reducing the gap between the formal and the informal sectors.
Tax policies that address inequalities need to be firmly progressive and need to ensure the financing of universal access to a comprehensive set of social services. A combination of targeted transfers and the public provision of social services are powerful tools for reducing income inequality. We must thus ensure that tax avoidance becomes politically and publicly unacceptable. The same is true for assuring increased domestic tax compliance, particularly standing up to the tactics of multinational corporations avoiding to pay taxes.
Key also is the support of expanded provisions for maternity leave. In general, actions towards social protection offer a powerful means to redistribute wealth, reaching excluded communities and disadvantaged groups. After many many years of experiencing multiple exclusions, people need to, de-facto, become claims-holders thus bringing the diverse positive effects of human rights to fruition.

Joseph Stiglitz, the Nobel Laureate, has Argued that Most People Greatly Underestimate the Scale of Inequalities, Diluting Pressure for Change

The resolution of inequalities is contingent on the engagement, participation and empowerment of people who, perhaps for generations, have lacked the opportunity, freedom or capacity to engage. This is necessary for practical reasons, in order to bring to the fore the needs and priorities of those whose interests have previously been overlooked. More importantly, without voice, excluded groups cannot have influence and play an integral role in society; voiceless, they remain apart from mainstream citizenry. (“Nothing about us without us”).
A ‘quick-win’ approach can move national statistics relatively easily in the desired direction. The MDGs may be an example. Such an approach tends to improve outcomes strictly within existing structural relationships, without addressing the factors that determine and reproduce inequalities for disadvantaged groups; but the extent of disparity between the most and least privileged groups, does not show significant change.
Inequalities in both health and nutrition are strongly related to persistent inequalities in social norms and attitudes (particularly with regards to gender). We know, for instance, that user fees exclude the poorest and most vulnerable people. Measures to address discriminatory social norms are important for the success of any attempt to address inequalities. These measures will have to address tenacious attitudes in families and communities, among service providers and among decision makers and leaders. Inequalities cannot be resolved without the state embracing its responsibilities to the people.
The role of human rights:
The human rights framework offers the most comprehensive means of addressing inequalities in the new post 2015 development era. (In fact, I would not have even waited until 2015 came around!)
Revisions of the existing legal frameworks are needed; they need to be based on the human rights framework which provides normative standards for the elimination of inequalities. The fulfillment of human rights universally and comprehensively requires urgent actions to address inequalities –and any measure to address inequalities is inherently concerned with the fulfillment of human rights! There are many examples of human rights failures and inequalities in some of the richest countries as well, and some of the actions of rich countries directly perpetuate inequalities and human rights failures in poor countries.
Institutionalized inequalities are a substantial barrier to progress in human rights. In relation to political inequalities, the latter prevent people from both making claims from public institutions, as well as extending popular participation in local and national affairs.

Equality is not a new priority, and indeed it is even more important now than ever.
Equality means that everyone can realize their rights; it also means that duty bearers must fulfill their obligations to allow that realization. Rich nations have responsibilities that go well beyond the transfer of resources. Their actions too often actually just deepen global inequalities. Rich countries must fulfill the universal rights of their own populations in a non-discriminatory way and must provide assistance to other countries that struggle to do the same. This also means that they must halt actions and policies that result in human rights violations, no matter where.
Inequalities must be done away with (starting with discrimination when it is involved), or must be progressively reduced (applying to all HR violations). There must be a focus on spatial inequalities (e.g., rural/urban and informal/formal urban sectors) with disaggregation of data by wealth quintile, by gender and by disadvantaged groups. These should be monitored through nationally participatory processes that particularly focus on the groups that suffer discrimination.
Avoiding any reductionist tendency (as we saw in the MDGs era) while finding practical and viable approaches to the monitoring of inequalities lies at the heart of the challenge we face ahead. Accountability from the grassroots up is the name of the game.

The Road to a Global Post 2015 Development Agenda is Paved with Good Intentions

The High Level Panel for the post 2015 development agenda included corporate transparency and accountability as one of the building blocks underpinning a vision for a post 2015 development agenda that will respond to the challenges of the 21st Century. It suggested that corporate transparency through sustainable reporting and disclosure will enhance the effectiveness of the Post-2015 Development Framework and strengthen the Global Partnerships and coordination between private sector, governments and other development actors including civil society.

I was glad it mentioned corporate accountability and not corporate responsibility since the latter has proven to be biased. But what the Panel does not say is on whom the watchdog responsibility should fall. It is public interest civil society and social movements that should play the ombudsperson role, not corporations. As regards sustainably reporting and disclosing, I fear this will be just more of the same we have seen so far: little…. Furthermore, I fail to see a partnership of equals between the private sector, governments and civil society. The playing field is simply not leveled….

Otherwise, the Panel proposes a whole bunch of wishful normative changes as proposed by the ‘perennial experts’ –as if the world would be perfect and free from vested interests.  Why don’t we give ourselves a break from dreaming? These things are never going to happen you and I know it…

So, what next?

I was also struck by the many woulds, shoulds, coulds and some timid need tos in the Panel’s document. At one point, they do points out that we have a poor track record to show for. Is it perhaps because we do not set the stage for more definite musts?

In successive versions of the Sustainable development Goals (SDGs), this normative should predominates. It seems more and more we are not short of ideas and suggestions –even recommendations. But the truth is that those UN member states that must eventually make these changes are not genuinely interested. Much of what we in civil society ask for goes against their interests. So, guess what: I leave the answer to you…

Changes in governance will not come about as a result of our enlightened and very very reasonable suggestions. These have to be made into effective demands of claim holders who will bitch to the end to see these changes come about. Voila’ the challenge as I see it…Any takers?

Many Many of Us have been Repeating to Satiety the Importance of Human Rights Becoming Part of Governance Principles Post 2015

We do not need more ‘angelical’ contributions or being satisfied with the fact that complaint mechanisms are being set up or any other minor gratification. Our arguments need to be more hard-hitting, among other demanding autonomous civil society participation mechanisms that can de-facto counter positions staunchly taken and held by the G20 countries cum their TNCs alliance. I take perhaps a more ‘militant’ view.

Here is my not-too-short contribution:

How can the human rights-based approach (HRBA) be incorporated into potential global governance bodies?

  1. The HRBA (or human rights-based framework) can be incorporated as a positive force into global health governance bodies for them to actually tackle the social determination of poverty.
    2. We cannot be naïf. Nothing short of global institutions active in development re-visioning and re-missioning their mandates will do. The shift will not come without a shift in paradigm and the same can only come from the organized pressure exerted by public interest civil society organizations and social movements. (CSOs from here on)
  2. So, how can the HRBA tackle needed changes towards addressing the shortcomings of governance?

-The incorporation of ‘capacity analyses’ to identify, characterize and target duty bearers that are not doing what needs to be done will, together with the empowering of the claim holders, from now on, be key to CSOs work. This process is in itself empowering for the institutions committing themselves to apply the HRBA, as well as for the claim holders they ultimately (purport to) work for.

  1. What do UN agencies need to do specifically to keep in line with the more than decade-long UN mandate to apply the HRBA?

-They must re-vision and re-mission themselves as well, making a clearer break with the pre-2015 (current) paradigm and thus more proactively shift towards tackling the social determination of maldevelopment by embarking in activities directly linked to revert violations of human rights in all the domains of development worldwide. Among other, these UN agencies should move in the following direction:

–Focus can and should remain sectoral as it is now, but all should address the social determinants more directly. This will require building internal capacity to address and act upon the underlying power relations at the root of poverty and well known preventable social ills.

–They will need to more boldly advocate for massive training in human rights (‘human rights learning’) and to use their outreach and influence to change people’s mind sets away from understanding health, nutrition, education… as commodities. — –They need to make people understand that any society must have functioning and effective social systems underpinned by human rights principles.

–Integrating the human rights based approach will thus mean going beyond national averages in measuring results and specifically looking at impacts on the different vulnerable groups.  Involving these groups at all stages of UN agencies work will make this task easier.

–Moreover, UN agencies will have to shift their work away from targeting towards involving claim holders in generating systemic, structural changes in law, policy and practice at all levels and across sectors.  Work will also have to enhance accountability for development interventions across government ministries. This has to be done by developing tools that help, for instance, to assess the negative impact of multilateral trade agreements on various human rights.  Governments will also need to be supported to regulate non-state actors such as private practitioners (especially in health) and transnational corporations particularly, but not only, those in drugs, food, beverages and tobacco.

  1. The bottom line is that UN agencies need to more proactively institutionalize human rights in their post-2015 mandates. Unfortunately, however, this work is not ongoing at the moment despite all the ‘talking’ we hear about it having already been done. Question is, will we be able to reinvigorate this institutionalization in the near future?
  2. When UN agencies look to see how things may be done differently, they should thus not limit their gaze to their respective sectoral responsibilities. Often, they tend to give too much attention to narrow ‘pro-poor’ sectoral approaches and policies when what is really needed is  ‘pro-health/pro-nutrition/pro-education/pro-agriculture… disparity reduction policies and strategies’ that tackle preventable ill-health, preventable malnutrition, preventable deaths, preventable illiteracy, preventable rural neglect… at is roots. Why continue to focus on sectoral interventions and not on their social determinants when such sectoral approaches have not worked too well in the MDGs era?  At some point, instead of just trying harder, it is time to try something else, e.g., more supportive proposals for new systems in the social realm with reforms that are themselves social determinants- and HR-oriented, and are indigenous (local) rather than imported.
  3. Finally, why do UN agencies (with their original core values) need to get back into a position of greater command and power in global governance? Because they are losing this command to philanthrocapitalism a la Gates, TNCs and public private partnerships PPPs)…
  4. Globally, tackling the social determination of maldevelopment has become central in the effort to improve global governance. This makes the choices made by UN institutions in this respect of far greater priority concern. They thus need to regain their commanding position in global governance to put human rights at the center of their respective endeavors. UN agencies continue to embody our best hope for a social and political conception of development embedded in a human rights and social justice framework that is not always shared by other institutions (such as the World Bank).
  5. In addition to this historical legacy, UN agencies have a past proven track record of providing technical leadership on a range of issues that is unsurpassed.  Now, they have to use their leadership to tackle the social determintion of maldevelopment and more decisively adopting the HRBA (which is the UN mandate anyway!).
  6. I am aware that using a HRBA does not automatically guarantee the social determinants will be tackled. But the HRBA is more likely to do so since it empowers claim holders to demand their rights. Herein lies one of the greatest challenges for the post-2015 era.
  7. However, the emphasis here on a UN reform and its agencies regaining global governance powers may be misplaced. Instead of looking to UN agencies re-visioning their role, perhaps more should be done to get the governments of member states to make decisions that serve the interests of their own people whose human rights are being violated on a daily basis. It is mainly up to developing countries themselves to say no to Western, top-down, technocratic approaches that do not serve the interests of their people.
  8. All this will require massive lobbying and training of CSOs and of the claim holders they represent to push UN agencies in this direction.

Is all this going to happen?  I ask you!

Development in the New Millennium: Reflections of an Old Socialist

I have been in the business of Third World Development -with a capital D- for the last 40 years; mostly in the areas of health and nutrition and in over 60 countries. I think I am ready to downgrade the upper case D to a lower case d in development. After one repeatedly hits one’s head against the wall of hard realities, it behooves anybody honest with him/herself to change his/her views. The trick for me has been to do so without betraying my deep ideological convictions.

First of all, has it all been worthwhile? An overall balance would prompt me to say yes. But it is a guarded yes. In this business, we really operate on the ‘two steps forwards – one and three quarters steps backwards’ mode. The measuring stick for ‘worthwhileness’ has to be what is left behind after overseas development assistance (ODA). And of that that is left behind that really counts, it is the intangibles that count the most; not the half-achieved objectives of projects. Key among these intangibles is changed attitudes of some of the people who worked with you.

Over the years, I have mostly worked inside and through government (and international) bureaucracies. I have thus realized that rigidities in the minds and behavior of senior national cadres is inherent to bureaucracies -transcending the North/South and the ideological barriers. My latest experience took me from working in Kenya to working in Vietnam where I had hoped things would be different. But there is something intriguingly common to bureaucracies in that they abhor change with rewards rather coming from staying the course.

In the midst of all this, you find yourself as a long term adviser.

You are under pressure to move the project along, it takes you six months to assert yourself in your new position (while your coworkers are measuring you up), you experience your first frustrations of things not moving, of deadlines passing with no glory, of you increasingly taking the role of the doer rather than of the promoter and coordinator, of the project not spending funds according to plans to keep up a credible absorptive capacity, of the project bringing in short term consultants that have never been in the country and are expected in three weeks to speak words of wisdom that have never been spoken before, and so on…

And through all this, you try to keep your mental sanity and not to hate yourself every morning when you look at yourself in the mirror. The truth is that you get so caught up in the whirl of things that you do not take time out to look at things overall, in perspective: Is all this really helping? Helping who? Further, I cannot emphasize enough the advice I have for you to take every opportunity to escape the claws of the central bureaucracy to do some work in the field. It has always proven to be rewarding, a source of some satisfaction for a sense of accomplishment on small undertakings. It is the string of such small victories that keeps you in reasonable mental health, because development with a lower case d does not have big victories in the realm of ODA.

In essence, what you have really become is another (more efficient and well paid) bureaucrat. You have learned not to take a first ‘no’ as a definite answer and know your way around to revert such a decision -you have nothing to lose, you are not putting your neck on the line. Besides that, you have developed some relationships with one or two more progressive senior officers in the organization whom you consult and carefully use as needed. Again -in the search of some long term achievements on the fringes of the project you work in- I have found it very rewarding to establish professional contacts and long term working relationships with young people where you work. This is always an important source of new inspiration.

In your immediate working environment, things are tougher. You find that your coworkers have their own parallel agendas -as opposed to you who devote better than 90% of your time to project objectives. The project does not cater to those parallel agendas and, therefore, (no wonder) you ‘lose’ your colleagues to different degrees and get only very partial cooperation. The sad truth is that often these parallel agendas are related to their sheer everyday economic survival.

I think we have to learn to cater to some of those other needs of our coworkers if we want them to be more committed strategic allies. English language coaching and travel/training opportunities are often high in the list for such perks.

It has been my own personal rewarding experience that you can always find at least one (young) cadre in your unit with whom you can work more closely and who is eager to learn and do with you; someone who has not yet been caught by the negative influences of the prevailing ‘system’. Seize such opportunities and develop them as intensely as you can. You will gain a strategic ally for life.

All projects have training components, and working in the bureaucracy, you see an array of workshops being organized for staff by many donors or by the government itself. An unwarranted faith has been placed on this entity: the workshop; workshops are our prescription to inform and upgrade people’s skills. But although it may achieve the former, it certainly does not achieve the latter: Staff returns from workshops and goes on with their routines as if nothing had been learned. Moreover, training is atomized into different components by different single-track vertical donors with each one doing his thing in an uncoordinated way; the result is multiple workshops for the same staff every year, with the hope that the (poorly qualified) staff will do the integration and coordination in their own heads… Failing to recognize this is costing billions of dollars around the world. People have called this epidemic “workshopitis”. As it stands, workshops are more a source of sporadic extra income for staff than of changed behaviors. No funding is thrown in to follow up on workshops’ medium or long term impact. Donors like workshops, because money is spent and quickly written off against the budget.

On the other hand, institutionalized support supervision of field activities of programs and projects is virtually non-existent.

The time has come to make a bold move.

Continuing education and support supervision activities have to be merged. The budget available for workshops should be used instead to fund multidisciplinarily trained support supervision teams (one by province?) to go around at least two times a year to visit peripheral units. They will stay 4-5 days in each place before moving on to the next unit; they will work with the staff in their every day chores and routines, correct mistakes, introduce new procedures, educate on the job on technical and managerial matters, on reliable information systems, etc. Workshops are to be kept to a bare minimum.

I have by now seen too many well intentioned, well planned, well executed, culturally sensitive, balanced top-down/bottom-up interventions in primary health care that have still failed to bring about and sustain desired changes. There are deeply ingrained flaws in the public sector staff’s system of motivation and dedication that no amount of outside intervention can affect. My change of view relates to the greater openness I now have for exploring options in the poor rural areas. The sad truth is that privatization has already occurred, but is often though not always ‘under the table’. For instance, health staff is charging fees, is doing private home visits and/or is selling drugs on the side for profit. Given this fait accompli, we must stop the farce and stop this unhealthy mix which, in a way, is costing the country double: by keeping up the bottom heavy public sector payroll and by the beneficiaries using the private services of the same staff, because it perceives it gets more personalized attention (let alone all the over-prescribing we see as private practitioners try to make more money).

With all this (…and so much more), is development work still exciting to me? I think yes. But again, a qualified yes.

I think the Western model of development has, so far, miserably failed to endorse a realistic conceptual framework of the causes of under or maldevelopment that has the courage to put the political and economic causes of worldwide poverty, preventable ill-health, high morbidity/mortality and malnutrition in the proper perspective so as to give those causes the needed priority for more determined actions. In that sense, I continue to feel guilty of being part of this system. I feel I am being instrumental in changing things just to leave them the same way. But I want to think that, over the years, I have contributed my small grain of salt to expose, demystify and correct some of the flaws of a technocratic (D)evelopment model oversold (not always in good faith) for its potential impact.

I cannot but see that some of the problems and obstacles in the path of development are the same everywhere, and much work is still needed.

I now settle for (d)evelopment work with less grandiose expectations, not missing any opportunity to raise awareness about its contradictions, always trying to stay faithful to my ideological convictions. In this way -despite alternating between depression and (small) euphoria- every day continues to be a challenge to me.

How is this related to governance?  You figure it out…. But let me just ask you: Will better data fix our chronic governance problems? Well, relying on the dream that better data will make decision makers more rightful and fair brings about great fear in me of yet another technocratic remedy to what is a deep political and ideological problem.
I rest my case.

Global Governance and Social Determination of Health

Globalization is aiding capital, goods and services, as well as to a lesser extent people, to move ever more freely. Products, both those essential for health, as well as those directly harmful, move more freely. Risks and benefits, as well as costs and earnings from production affecting consumption are increasingly complex to control.  Increased international competition to attract investments is influencing the capacity of nation states to tax, and to regulate. Differences in wealth and wellbeing between regions and countries, as well as sub-nationally are increasing. Stress at work and insecurity of employment are increasing, as capital and production are moving more easily. Social support systems have become overstretched with increased demands of the workforce who have a sense of uselessness due to high unemployment leading to, among other, increased mobility of people.

The global governance architecture has undergone major changes over the past decade or two. New actors, such as TNCs are entering and old ones (nation states) are losing power; the overall change has seen a shift from multinational (UN) global and nation-based policy-making structures towards more diversity that puts more emphasis on private sector actors, links economic contribution to policy-making power and puts more emphasis on unfair economic and trade policies. The changes in the old actors and their relative power, and the emergence of new actors in ever new arenas have important influences on the perspectives and frameworks of dealing with the “governance of the social determinants of health” and, therefore, on the social determinants themselves.

Inventory of actors and arenas:

In the 1980s and 1990s, the UN organizations lost power in global governance.

The UN proper and as a whole has faced continuous financial difficulties and outside pressures to reform. The normative influence of the specialized agencies, WHO, FAO, ILO, UNESCO, have been influenced by the changes in the global architecture with their normative power draining and moving over to myriad financial institutions, bilateral donor agencies and business. Nevertheless, FAO remains central in questions concerning food security and safety. ILO is central to labor issues, occupational health and regulatory measures, as well as UNESCO is central in achieving education for all. The role of UN Programs and Funds (UNFPA, UNICEF, UNDP, UNEP, UNCHR, UN-HABITAT) in global governance remains important through their prestige as part of the UN family, as well as their country-level work and financing. WHO has seen its policy decision making influenced by the fact that 80% of its budget is now coming from public private partnerships that are tied to these ‘not-really-partners’ priorities.

The Bretton Woods Institutions and other financial institutions have been important in financing many aspects central to social determinants and to governance including those linked to water and sanitation, the environment, agriculture and rural development, education, social security systems, as well as trade and industrial development, transport, and information technology, having thus important direct influence on these matters and on the structures of the societies where these institutions intervene.

The WTO has influenced the nature and context of standard setting procedures and commercial regulation in the context of international trade. It has, for example, legitimated and confirmed the role and status of WHO/FAO’s Codex Alimentarius in the context of food, as well as opened space for more corporate sector-driven and managed standards setting in the context of ISO standards, for example. The lack of WTO focus on production processes and methods has also implied that in the context of trade, the importance of labor regulations and requirements for occupational health and safety have at the same time suffered.  However, it is likely that agreements and policies set in the context of agreements on agriculture will be most important in terms of social determinants of health due to the potential impacts on food security and access to basic foods.  Rich countries, on the other hand, have grown tired of WTO procedures and have gone the route of direct free trade agreements with individual countries or regional blocks.

As part of the current global governance situation, some organizations may be of importance even though they may not be globally representative. The work of the OECD fits clearly in this category both through DAC and its more general policy influence on sectoral policies. In addition, regional organizations, groupings such as G8, G20 and G77 and some big bilateral actors have, to different degrees, kept an important role.

Business has become increasingly transnational and powerful, and has also been increasingly invited to take part in public policy-making at the global level. In some bodies, such as ILO and in the Codex Alimentarius discussions, business has been taking part since the launching of those bodies, while in other, such as the UN, the role of business has increased substantially in the last couple of decades. The rise of legally independent bodies in the form of global public-private partnerships in the health arena also implies a further emphasis on the medical perspective at the expense of emphases on the social determinants.

Public interest civil society and social movements have gradually become recognized as an important body of actors in global policy-making. The definition of ‘civil society’ has been problematic, as it has also included business-backed associations and even straight business representation.  The emergence of global legally independent public-private entities to address selected health issues at the turn of the century has further mangled the global health policy scene, as well as emphasizing the medical and curative frameworks in tackling development and the solving of health problems leaving out the principles of the human right to health.

The issue of accountability is key to global governance and touches all the social determinants of health. Governments are ‘passing the buck’ in their responsibilities and so do agencies. Grassroots organizations simply have to take up this holding the actions of these actors in check.

Redistribution, Rights, and Regulation:

Initiatives that have seen the light to address the diminishing capacities of the public governance system and/or to address redistribution problems are viewed as largely ineffective so far. The regulatory capacities of the various global UN bodies has been weak often resulting in non-binding recommendations. Human rights will come in into the discussions of governance only once duty bearers are held accountable which unmistakably means empowering claim holders for them to demand human rights violations be reversed.

The Millennium Development Perspective:

The role of the Millennium Development Goals in advancing the case for the social determinants of health being addressed frontally has little to show for.

Finally, as regards, the major implications of the changes in global governance on the aspects of the social determinants of health, it is necessary that the analysis actually starts with a selective list of determinants such as those affecting early life, social exclusion, work, unemployment, social support systems, addiction, and food sovereignty. The social gradient within and between countries and poverty itself are at the core of the social determinants of health. The role of the international financial institutions are of special importance. Special attention needs also to be given to the not so innocent role of the World Bank and on the IMF.

The Post-2015 Development Agenda: a Couple to-the-Point Short Comments

  1. Is there a way we can get away from the use of the maligned term ‘stakeholder’? Stakeholders stake claims, right? The simple replacement of the word stakeholders by claim-holders or duty bearers, as appropriate (to use the correct HR parlance that we and the UN are finally trying to instill in post-2015), just might provide us with the hint of the sort of framework we are interested in fostering in the new era. Claim holder and duty bearer are in the original UN language. ‘Stakeholders’ is originally business language. To have or to hold a stake in something is the same as having an interest or holding shares!!! (A. Katz)
  2. The MDGs have shown us that a focus on outcomes does not assure sustainability of the respective goal being kept up. It is not only the quantity and the quality of outcomes that counts; it is the participatory processes to achieve them that will matter in the long run. (Note that here sustainability is used in a different sense than in the environmental connotation of the term).
  3. There are still too many among us that consider human rights, equity and gender… as crosscutting issues; they are not. They are core issues (!) and we have to build sectoral or other interventions around them.
  4. I also have reservations about the use of safety nets. I feel strongly we ought, instead, to be talking about social protection mechanisms. Safety nets take the issue of poverty as a fait accompli. So since ‘they’ are poor, we throw them a few crumbles of bread since it is morally reprehensible to us to let them starve. In reality, safety nets somehow come up with measures that avoid social discontent that could flare up into protests and thus a challenge to the status-quo. Am I very wrong?
  5. In 2015, it is not about providing accessible and affordable basic needs to the poor. It just, in a way, replaces safety nets by targeting the poor (note the use of ‘the poor’ in this statement; should it not be ‘poor people’? We have to be careful with depersonalizing the billions of those affected!). Basic needs bring about promises; human rights have correlative duties duly contained in international human rights law.
  6. Universal provision of nutrition, health, education, housing, clean water and sanitation alone will not ‘eventually cut the vicious circle of poverty’. I am of the strong opinion that the inter-generational vicious circle of poverty can only be uprooted for good with structural changes in the political and economic system that rules most of the world.  Am I very wrong?



*Claudio Schuftan, M.D. (pediatrics and international health) was born in Chile and is currently based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam where he works as a freelance consultant in public health and nutrition.

He is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of International Health, Tulane School of Public Health, New Orleans, LA. He received his medical degree from the Universidad de Chile, Santiago, in 1970 and completed his residency in Pediatrics and Nutrition in the Faculty of Medicine at the same university in 1973. He also studied nutrition and nutrition planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, MA in 1975. Dr. Schuftan is the author of 2 books, several book chapters and over fifty five scholarly papers published in refereed journals plus over three hundred other assorted publications such as numerous training materials and manuals developed for PHC, food/nutrition activities and human rights in different countries . Since 1976, Dr. Schuftan has carried out over one hundred consulting assignments 50 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. He has worked for UNICEF, WFP, the EU, the ADB, the UNU, , WHO, IFAD, Sida, FINNIDA, the Peace Corps, FAO, CIDA, the WCC (Geneva) and several international NGOs. His positions have included serving as Long Term Adviser to the PHC Unit of the Ministry of Health (MOH) in Hanoi, Vietnam under a Sida Project (1995-97); Senior Adviser to the Dept. of Planning, MOH, Nairobi from 1988-93; and Resident Consultant in Food and Nutrition to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Planning, Yaounde, Cameroon (1981). He is fluent in five major languages. He is currently an active member ( of he Steering Group of the People’s Health Movement and coordinated PHM’s global right to health campaign for 5 years.



Breaking News: Link 131

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Breaking News 131


Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 2015: 24-27 August 2015 Manila, Philippines

UN health agency approves rapid test for Ebola as decline in cases appears to level off

WHO Warns Unsafe Procedures Hurting Anti-Ebola Efforts

EU Announces Encouraging Research Results to Tackle Ebola Disease

Supporting Those Who Go to Fight Ebola

Drug-resistant malaria found close to Myanmar border with India

What not to neglect in tackling NTDs

As overseas money dries up, Indonesia develops its own vaccines

In 21st Century No One Should Die For Lack Of Access To Medicines, Participants At UN Forum Say

WTO TRIPS Council (February 2015): LDC request for extension of the transitional period for pharmaceutical products

The Medicines Patent Pool Signs Licensing Agreement with MSD for Paediatric Formulations of Raltegravir

TRIPS In Question During Social Forum Discussion On Access To Medicines

The future of the Global Fund

Philanthrocapitalism, past and present: The Rockefeller Foundation, the Gates Foundation, and the setting(s) of the international/global health agenda

The Need For Publicly Funded Trials To Get Unbiased Comparative Effectiveness Data

How Open Data Can Reveal—And Correct—The Faults In Our Health System

Paving the road to a new global climate agreement

EU will push for 60% cut in global emissions by 2050

America’s Love Affair with Meat: It’s Not Just about Us

Transparency in development: Making it happen

Africa: Where Is the ‘A’ in ‘Brics’?

Clinton Development Initiative Expands Work in Rwanda to Help Improve Farmers’ Incomes

World Food Programme chief appeals for ‘more flexible’ aid

China, World Bank and WHO Collaborate to Support ‘Deep Water’ Phase of Health Reforms

Oms: perché l’Italia dice no al dimezzamento degli zuccheri

Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 2015

COHRED Forum 2015Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 2015

Location: Manila, Philippines 

 by Andrea Rinaldi (COHRED)



The Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health 2015 ( aims to identify solutions to the world’s unmet health needs through research and innovation.

As world leaders shift their focus to the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, increased understanding of the impact of research and innovation on national health systems is of critical importance. Scientific research and innovation has transformative effects on not only health outcomes, but also on national economic growth and sustainable development.

Forum 2015 provides a platform where low and middle income countries take prime position in defining the global health research agenda that better suits their needs, in presenting solutions and in creating effective partnerships for action. Putting “People at the Center of Health Research and Innovation”, Forum 2015 will place much emphasis on empowering populations in low and middle income countries as leading role actors of their own future. The Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED), in partnership with the Philippine Department of Health and Philippine Department of Science and Technology, will host the Global Forum on Research and Innovation for Health in Manila, from 24-27 August 2015.

Forum 2015 will bring together all stakeholders who play a role in making research and innovation benefit health, equity and development. This includes high-level representatives from government, business, non-profits, international organizations, academic and research institutions and social entrepreneurs among others.

The Global Forum for Research and Innovation is the successor to the Global Forum for Health Research, last held in Cape Town, South Africa in 2012.

Save the date and register now!

Date:2015-08-24 to 2015-08-27.

For more information:


Doctors for Divestment: Climate Change and Public Health

At the international level, there is a need to encourage fossil fuel divestment by governments, companies, and institutions in order to promote a healthy climate and a safe planet

Doctors for Divestment: Climate Change and Public Health



by Matthew Rimmer*

Associate professor, Australian National University College of Law, Canberra


 Launch Global Divestment Day

The Launch of Global Divestment Day in Australia, Photo: Matthew Rimmer

On the Global Divestment Day on the 13-14 February 2015, doctors and health professionals were at the forefront of the campaign for fossil fuel divestment. In Australia, medical professionals have pushed for fossil fuel divestment, climate action, and re-investment in renewable energy. Professor Fiona Stanley has been a key leader in the debate over public health and climate change, delivering a Monster Climate Petition to the Australian Parliament. In the United Kingdom, the British Medical Association has led the way, with its decision to divest itself of investments in coal, oil, and gas. The landmark report Unhealthy Investments has provided further impetus for the United Kingdom health and medical community to engage in fossil fuel divestment. In the United States and Canada, there is a burgeoning fossil fuel divestment movement. At an international level, there has been a growing impetus for climate action in order to address public health risks associated with global warming.

1.  Australia

Doctors for the Environment

Doctors for the Environment Australia – Global Divestment Day Picture

In Australia, Doctors for the Environment have mounted a campaign for fossil fuel divestment. The group has emphasized: ‘Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century.’[1] The medical professionals emphasized that climate change was a present challenge for public health: ‘We are already experiencing significant changes in climate, increased extreme weather events, and health impacts.’ Doctors for the Environment stressed: ‘The current trajectory of emissions growth and warming will lead to a world not easily habitable, and with disastrous health effects for many.’  The group insisted: ‘Our generation has a rapidly closing window of time in which to act to avoid the worst health impacts of climate change.’ Doctors for the Environment emphasized: ‘We can all make our savings and super a force for health, not harm.’

Professor Fiona Stanley delivers

Professor Fiona Stanley delivers the Monster Climate Petition to the Australian Parliament on the 3rd December 2014 – photo: Matthew Rimmer

Professor Fiona Stanley – a doctor and a paediatrician who was named Australian of the Year in 2003 – has been particularly vocal about the impact of climate change and public health.

Professor Fiona Stanley has expressed her concerns that the public health impacts of climate change have been politically ignored.[2] She expressed her deep disquiet about the attacks upon climate science and climate scientists: ‘Once something does become politicised the science goes out the window’. She commented: ‘At a time when we need science to be used more than ever people are sort of denying the science and the second thing that’s happened with this politicisation of the climate change agenda is the denigration of scientists.’ Stanley insisted: ‘The mechanism of how we do the science has to be appreciated more by the politicians and bureaucrats who are trying to use the science to make really important policy changes that are going to affect the health and wellbeing of the population.’ Professor Fiona Stanley has maintained that the medical profession needed to do more to sell the health co-benefits of individual and community action on climate change.

Professor Fiona Stanley was the lead petitioner in the Monster Climate Petition.[3]  The petition by Australians to the House of Representatives demanded immediate and effective action to reduce carbon emissions.

Professor Fiona Stanley emphasized the need for effective and co-ordinated action on climate change:

If our governments are to develop effective policy responses to climate change they need to work with the science and the scientists. Science is never perfect, but to ignore it is very dangerous. My whole life has been about prevention, getting the best scientific data to develop preventative strategies in public health. Where are our Departments of Climate Change and Health?  Or similar units in other depts. We need a coordinated, whole of government, climate change strategy. And we need it now!

Professor Fiona Stanley delivered the Monster Climate Petition, along with other key representatives, to the Australian Parliament on the 3rd December 2014

The Monster Climate Petition was organised by the Victorian Women’s Trust. It was inspired by the historical act of 30,000 women, submitting a petition for the vote for women in 1891. The petition sought to draw ‘the attention of the House the damage to the earth’s climate and its oceans from humanity’s continuing and increasing carbon emissions and the consequent severe risks to the future health, safety and well-being of our children and our children’s children and future generations’. The petition asked ‘the House to respect the science and build a safe climate future for our children and grandchildren and generations to come by enacting immediate and deep reductions to Australia’s carbon emissions’. The petition also asked ‘the House to commit to and actively promote and support global strategies for immediate and deep reductions to global emissions at every relevant international forum.’ The petition was designed to spur on climate action at the G20 talks in Brisbane, and encourage the development of a substantial international climate framework at the Paris climate talks in 2015.

In Australia’s neighbour New Zealand, there has also been concerns about the public health impacts of climate change. Dr Sudhvir Singh, a Registrar at the Auckland District Health Board, has been a prominent voice in the debate. In a piece for The Lancet, Dr Sudhvir Singh and his associates argued that ‘anthropogenic climate change poses a grave and immediate danger to human health and survival around the world.’[4] He insisted: ‘Whether through heatwaves, extreme weather events, drought, starvation, altered disease vectors, or water contamination causing diarrhoea, poverty, mass migration, or resultant conflicts, all are at risk.’ Singh and his colleagues insisted that ‘the substantial health and economic co-benefits of reducing climate change emissions are clear.’

2. United Kingdom

Health professionals in the United Kingdom have been at the forefront of the campaign for fossil fuel divestment and climate action.

In an influential piece in The British Medical Journal in March 2014, David McCoy and his colleagues called upon hospitals, universities, medical societies, and pharmaceutical and medical companies to engage in divestment from fossil fuel companies.[5] The writers maintain: ‘We should push our own organisations (universities, hospitals, primary care providers, medical societies, drug and device companies) to divest from fossil fuel industries completely and as quickly as possible, reinvest in renewable energy sources, and move to “renewable” energy suppliers.’ The writers concluded: ‘If we are to avoid catastrophic climate change and bequeath a sustainable planet worth living on, we must push, as individuals and as a profession, for a transformed, sustainable, and fair world.’

In April 2014, the group Fossil Free Health was established by health professionals and students in order to encourage wider fossil fuel divestment within the medical establishment.[6] The campaign was focused upon the British Medical Association, Royal Colleges, and the Wellcome Trust. Fossil Free Health explained:

Divesting will send an important message to the world that climate change is real and requires immediate preventative action through a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and rapid transition to a zero-carbon world. Such changes may be considered disruptive and difficult, but are necessary and can bring enormous benefits to human health and well-being both in the short term and in the years and decades to come.

Alice Bell reflected: ‘It’ll be interesting to see how this new medical push on fossil fuel divestment plays out.’ [7]

In June 2014, the members of the British Medical Association voted to end its investments in the fossil fuel industry, and increase investment in renewable energy. The motion passed call upon the Association to ‘transfer their investments from energy companies whose primary business relies upon fossil fuels to those providing renewable energy sources.’[8] Medical student and Healthy Planet UK Coordinator, Isobel Braithwaite, commented on the decision: ‘By adding the voice of health professionals, this decision will add considerable momentum to the international movement for divestment from fossil fuels.’ David McCoy, public health doctor and Chair of Medact, congratulated the BMA on taking a leadership role in the fight against climate change: ‘In the same way that ethical investors choose not to profit from tobacco and arm sales, the health community worldwide is correctly calling for divestment from another set of harmful activities.’

Unhealthy Investments

In 2015 in the United Kingdom, a coalition of doctors, nurses, and health professionals released the report, Unhealthy Investments: Fossil Fuel Investment and the UK Health Community.[9] The work has been co-published by the health non-government organisations, Medact, Healthy Planet UK, the Climate and Health CouncilMedsin and the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare.   The report has the striking cover image of an x-ray taken a person who lives near a coal-fired plant in China.

The work has a powerful foreword written by Martin McKee, a Professor of European Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. McKee noted that ‘health professionals have understood the urgency of the health threat posed by man-made climate change for years, and the evidence has only become stronger with time.’ He recognised that climate change and the air pollution associated with fossil fuels poses substantial hazards to health:

Unless we keep most known reserves of fossil fuels underground, the 21st century will see a rise in average global temperatures unprecedented in human history. Though we are only in the early stages of this process, we can already see the severe consequences for human health, with extreme weather events, food insecurity, displacement of populations and civil unrest. There are also many other health effects of dependence on fossil fuels, from the resulting air pollution, physical inactivity and unhealthy diets. We may risk the very survival of our civilisation.

Martin McKee draws comparisons between the debate over tobacco control and climate change. He noted: ‘Taken together, [the hazards of climate change] may be even greater than those posed by tobacco.’ Martin McKee observed that ‘the fossil fuel industry is increasingly using the tactics developed by the tobacco industry, sowing doubt about the very existence of man-made climate change.’ He maintained the ‘UK health profession led the way in the tobacco divestment movement two decades ago, putting the issue firmly on the political agenda, strengthening public understanding of the risks, and paving the way for stronger anti-tobacco legislation.’ Martin McKee noted: ‘This report shows why, in 2015, fossil fuels can no longer be considered an ethical investment.’

The report Unhealthy Investments contends that health organisations in the United Kingdom and elsewhere should end investment in the 200 largest publicly-listed fossil fuel companies, over a period of five years. The report stressed: ‘It is arguably both immoral and inconsistent for the health sector to continue to invest in industries known to harm health, given its clear responsibility to protect health.’ The report emphasized that there were both financial and moral imperatives for fossil fuel divestment:

Ending fossil fuel investments makes financial as well as moral sense. Portfolios which exclude investments in fossil fuel companies can perform as well as those with no such screening criteria, and may indeed outperform them. Moreover, such investments may carry significant long-term financial risk, as international action to address climate change will dramatically devalue investments in coal, oil, and gas. A societal move away from fossil fuels – which would be supported by the adoption of more sustainable and responsible investment strategies – can not only reduce health impacts from climate change, but brings independent short-term health benefits.

The report concludes in its executive summary: ‘The health sector bears a uniquely privileged role in public discourse – divestment provides an opportunity to state unambiguously the need for a transition to a more sustainable society, for the health of people and planet alike.’

In addition to fossil fuel divestment, the report recommended reinvestment in public health. The report concluded: ‘Many of the health problems our patients suffer could be lessened – if not prevented entirely – through measures to transfer our supply from fossil fuels to renewable energy, improving air quality and levels of physical activity.’ The report maintained: ‘Focused investments in areas such as clean energy, building insulation, waste management and many others can help to achieve these twin aims, and often offer strong financial returns in addition.’

3.  North America

In North America, there has been a powerful movement for fossil fuel divestment, led by Professor Bill McKibben, and Naomi Klein. Pioneering universities, religious institutions, cities, and even philanthropic organisations have agreed to support fossil fuel divestment.

The group Health Care without Harm has highlighted the critical role played by the health care sector in combatting climate change.[10] Gary Cohen, the President of Health Care without Harm, makes the case for health care to transition away from fossil fuels:

Health care can also divest from fossil fuels or freeze current investments in fossil fuel holdings. They can move their endowment investments from fossil fuels to alternative companies. Similarly, they can provide their employees with mutual fund retirement options that are fossil fuel free.

Cohen stressed: ‘The other critical role that health care can play is to exercise its moral and political power to support policy to rein in climate change, to stop subsidizing dirty energy and instead put a price on carbon emissions.’ He emphasized that health care professionals could provide transformative leadership in the debate over climate change: ‘If they can step up and speak to the health issues related to our continued addiction to fossil fuels and the health benefits of investing in cleaner energy, they can help tip the political debate in this country and around the world regarding the urgency to act on climate change.’

The group has stressed that ‘Divestment or freezing fossil fuel holdings is another important strategy for addressing climate change.’ Health Care without Harm comments: ‘The continued burning of fossil fuels will dramatically effect food production, water availability, air pollution, and the emergence and spread of human infectious diseases.’ Health Care without Harm emphasizes: ‘Divestment can be a powerful tool to help bring attention to these risks and the effect they will have on public health and the overall health of the planet’. The group maintains: ‘By divesting or freezing fossil fuel holdings, the health sector can stand up for human health as it did in the 1990’s, when leading hospitals, health organizations, and medical schools divested their tobacco holdings to bring attention to the harm being caused by smoking.’

Health Care without Harm also calls for reinvestment in renewable energy: ‘Clean technology investments make sense for hospitals.’ The group says: ‘Investments in renewables and energy efficiency help reduce incidence of asthma, heart disease, and the spread of infectious disease by reducing the harmful effects of greenhouse gas emissions. Investments in technologies like combined heat and power (CHP), make hospitals more resilient in the face of extreme weather events. By increasing the overall level of investment, the health sector can reduce the health impacts of climate change, save money on energy costs, and help accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy.’

Announcing his EPA reforms, President Barack Obama has emphasized the public health impacts of climate change.[11] He stressed: ‘We don’t have to choose between the health of our economy and the health of our children.’ Obama commented: ‘As president, and as a parent, I refuse to condemn our children to a planet that’s beyond fixing.”

4.  International Organisations

Notably, a number of international organisations have considered the interaction between public health and climate change, and the benefits of policy action, such as fossil fuel divestment.

In 2014, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has highlighted the public health impacts of climate change.[12] Three Australian Contributors to the report – Anthony McMichael, Colin Butler, and Helen Louise Berry – discussed the findings in respect of climate change and public health: ‘Human-driven climate change poses a great threat, unprecedented in type and scale, to well-being, health and perhaps even to human survival.’[13] The scholars warned: ‘During at least the next few decades, the chapter states, climate change will mainly affect human health, disease and death by exacerbating pre-existing health problems.’ The writers predicted: ‘The largest impacts will occur in poorer and vulnerable populations and communities where climate-sensitive illnesses such as under-nutrition and diarrhoeal disease are already high – thus widening further the world’s health disparities.’

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World Health Organization, ‘Climate Change: A Threat to Human Health’

In August 2014, the World Health Organization held a landmark conference on health and climate. The conference sought to ‘enhance resilience and protect health from climate change’, ‘identify the health benefits associated with reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other climate pollutants’; and ‘support health-promoting climate change policies.’

In her opening remarks, Dr Margaret Chan, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, emphasized: ‘Debates about climate change are still not giving sufficient attention to the profound effects that climate variables have on health’.[14] She observed that, in her personal view, the health effects of climate change are what matters most: ‘Climate and weather affect the air people breathe, the food they eat, and the water they drink.’

Dr Flavia Bustreo, the WHO Assistant Director-General, stressed that health and climate change raised larger issues about development and human rights. [15] She said: ‘Vulnerable populations, the poor, the disadvantaged and children are among those suffering the greatest burden of climate-related impacts and consequent diseases, such as malaria, diarrhoea and malnutrition, which already kill millions every year.’ The Doctor observed: ‘Without effective action to mitigate and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change on health, society will face one of its most serious health challenges’.

The meeting called for stronger action on climate-related health risks. The World Health Organization stressed: ‘Previously unrecognized health benefits could be realized from fast action to reduce climate change and its consequences.’

Health experts at the event called on the medical summit to divest from fossil fuels.[16]

At the United Nations Climate Summit 2014 in New York, there was a thematic session devoted to climate change, health, and jobs.[17] The panel moderator, Dr Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, stressed the health benefits arising from climate action:

The climate crisis is not all bad news – there is a climate dividend to be grasped. There are opportunities for wellbeing and jobs. Part of the challenge is to communicate the threats that climate change presents to health. These are well known, including changes in patterns of disease and mortality, to nutrition, and water and sanitation, and population migration. But it is better to emphasize the opportunities. Changes to diet, electricity generation, transportation, will bring benefits to our wellbeing. We need concrete actions to turn this opportunity into a reality.

Gro Harlem Brundtland – a member of the Elders; the former Norwegian leader and past World Health Organization Director-General – emphasized that human health and planetary health are closely linked. She commented:  ‘The key reasons why we became concerned about environmental destruction and climate change in the first place is the threat that it presents to our health and to our future’. She emphasized the need for governments to reduce fossil fuel subsidies. The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon highlighted how the United Nations Climate Summit 2014 has promoted ‘reducing pollution for improved health.’

At the international level, there is a need to encourage fossil fuel divestment by governments, companies, and institutions in order to promote a healthy climate and a safe planet.



[1]              Doctors for the Environment Australia, ‘Divestment FAQs’,

[2]              Fran Kelly, ‘Health Impacts of Climate Change being Politically Ignored: Stanley’, Radio National Breakfast, 17 April 2014,

[3]              Monster Climate Petition,

[4]              Sudhvir Singh et al. ‘The Importance of Climate Change to Health’, (2011) 378.9785 The Lancet 29-30.

[5]              David McCoy, Hugh Montgomery, Sabaratnam Arulkumaran and Fiona Godlee, ‘Climate Change and Human Survival’, (2014) 348 British Medical Journal g2351 (Published 26 March 2014).

[6]              Fossil Free Health,

[7]              Alice Bell, ‘Will the Medical Establishment Stop Investing in Fossil Fuels’, The Guardian, 8 April 2014,

[8]              Medact, ‘UK Doctors Vote to End Investments in the Fossil Fuel Industry’, 25 June 2014,

[9]              Alistair Wardrope and Isobel Braithwaite, Unhealthy Investments: Fossil Fuel Investment and the UK Health Community, 2015.

[10]             Health Care without Harm, ‘Investment and Divestment’,

[11]             Suzanne Goldberg, ‘Obama Heralds Health Benefits of Climate Plan to Cut Power Plant Emissions’, The Guardian, 31 May 2014,

[12]             Alexandra Phelan and Matthew Rimmer, ‘IPCC Makes Climate A Human Rights Issue’, New Matilda, 1 April 2014,

[13]             Anthony McMichael, Colin Butler, and Helen Louise Berry, ‘Climate Change and Health: IPCC Reports Emerging Risks, Emerging Consensus’, The Conversation, 30 March 2014,

[14]             Dr Margaret Chan, ‘WHO Director-General Addresses Conference on Health and Climate’, Opening Remarks at the Conference on Health and Climate, Geneva, Switzerland, 27 August 2014,

[15]             World Health Organization, ‘WHO Calls for Stronger Action on Climate-Related Health Risks‘, 27 August 2014,

[16]             United Nations, ‘Health Experts Call on Medical Sector to Divest from Fossil Fuels’, News, 19 August 2014,

[17]             United Nations, ‘Climate, Health, Jobs’, United Nations Climate Summit 2014,



*Dr Matthew Rimmer is an Australian Research Council Future Fellow, working on Intellectual Property and Climate Change. He is an associate professor at the ANU College of Law, and an associate director of the Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture (ACIPA). He holds a BA (Hons) and a University Medal in literature, and a LLB (Hons) from the Australian National University, and a PhD (Law) from the University of New South Wales. He is a member of the ANU Climate Change Institute. Dr Rimmer is the author of Digital Copyright and the Consumer Revolution: Hands off my iPodIntellectual Property and Biotechnology: Biological Inventions, and Intellectual Property and Climate Change: Inventing Clean Technologies. He is an editor of Patent Law and Biological InventionsIncentives for Global Public Health: Patent Law and Access to Essential MedicinesIntellectual Property and Emerging Technologies: The New Biology, and Indigenous Intellectual Property: A Handbook of Contemporary Research. Rimmer has published widely on copyright law and information technology, patent law and biotechnology, access to medicines, plain packaging of tobacco products, clean technologies, and traditional knowledge. His work is archived at SSRN Abstracts and Bepress Selected Works.