News Link n. 72

The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.


News Link 72

Gilead attempt to secure patent on hepatitis C drug opposed in India

Fire in the Blood 

How innovations will pave the way to an AIDS-free generation

Stock-outs rock world’s biggest HIV treatment programme

Land, livelihoods and sustainable development

Poverty eradication & climate change: Friends or foes?

What Europeans think about development aid

INFOGRAPHIC: How transparent are aid donors?

Aid for trade, trade for aid : What’s the new deal?

Trade: time for a new vision 

EU Commissioner Defends Investor-State Provisions; NGOs Propose “Alternative Trade Mandate” 

European Commission: Fact sheet “Investment Protection and Investor-to-State Dispute Settlement in EU agreements”

European Commission Floats Proposal To Stop Theft Of Trade Secrets  

USTR Says Its TPP Proposal On IP And Public Health Shows Flexibility

WHO: Identification of Health R&D Demonstration Projects ( Summaries of the regional selection processes for experts and projects)  

WIPO GREEN: New Online Marketplace Seeks Environmentally Sustainable Solutions for Climate Change

WIPO GREEN database 

South-South Cooperation Rising; WIPO Pushed To Persevere In Its Efforts 

International Organisations Launch Campaign Against Fake Medicines

Make a Difference and Be a Part of #TheGiveEffect

Salute e mercato 

Less Neglect, More Openness: Two ‘Grand Experiments’ in Health Innovation 

Protecting Shared Traditional Knowledge: Issues, Challenges and Options 





News Link n. 71

The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.


News Link 71

5 ways to fight resistance to sustainability, from Muhammad Yunus

Food security demands diversity  

Chi controlla l’industria di alimenti e bevande?

How a Toilet Makes Everyone Taller 

Grass-roots movements key to ending world’s toilet problem: UNICEF


Finding the urban crisis tipping point

The MPP: Working In Partnerships to Increase Access to Medicines

TPP Chief Negotiators’ Meeting Kicks Off as December Deadline Hastens  

Access to medicines in grave danger as Trans-Pacific Partnership talks continue 

TPP provisions on Injunctions, are the TRIPS exceptions in or out?

EU adopts seven-year environment strategy

European apathy spells end for corporate social responsibility rules

Parliament gives final approval to EU long-term budget

DAI: New kids on the EU bloc  26-27 November 2013  

Development Asia Interviews Ban Ki-Moon on the Post-2015 Development Agenda 

Climate change crisis fund to assist poor countries almost empty

Countries with poor tax collection may lose international aid, says Justine Greening 

Intrigues et jeux de pouvoir au cœur d’une grande organisation internationale 

India Weathering Doubts About Its Approach To Intellectual Property  

Cipla plans bigger international presence

GSK to invest Rs 864 crore to set up pharma unit in India

A Question Of Balance In IP Rights In South Africa

Comments Received To South Africa’s Process For New IP Policy

La salute non si compra, si fa insieme  

Better Health for Latin Americans  in Europe 

The drug and vaccine landscape for neglected diseases (2000—11): a systematic assessment

Policy Cures new factsheets on R&D and funding of diagnostics for neglected diseases and diarrhoeal diseases   






News Link n. 70

The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.


News Link 70

SIMET (Società Italiana di Medicina Tropicale) Congresso Nazionale 28-30 novembre 2013 Torino 

29th November 2013 Licensing of Climate Change related Technologies to Developing Countries: Options and Challenges

Wikileaks’ Release Of TPP Chapter On IP Blows Open Secret Trade Negotiation 

Inside Views: Capture, Sunlight, And The TPP Leak 

Celebrating Women and the Dignity of Family Planning

Oxfam welcomes progress to protect girls and women in emergencies

WHO, UNICEF Launch Largest-Ever Polio Vaccination Campaign In Middle East  

mHealth Toolkit 

Late night deal seals 2014 EU budget 

ACTION PLAN ON DISABILITY , a process set up by the Dgcs in 2011

Immigrati, la loro “dote” ammonta a 1,5 miliardi di euro

As growth slows, developing countries face uncertainties over debt, UN conference told 

Event Brings Business Perspective To Creating, Leveraging IP In Developing Countries 

UK promotes business links in east Africa to end poverty

Coca-Cola to check Cambodia land-grab claim

Four Global Trends to Watch for in African Resource-Rich and Soon-To-Be-Rich Countries 

Effective aid funding vital to fight malaria, says spending watchdog

WHO R&D ‘Demonstration Projects’: A Member State-driven step towards a sustainable global framework for neglected disease R&D

Poor countries left in the dark on climate finance: COP19

He who pays the piper… 

Is All Aid Good Aid? 

Bill Gates and President Bill Clinton on the NSA, Safe Sex, and American Exceptionalism 

Hey NGOs! Stop fighting with each other!







News Link n. 69

The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.


News Link 69

EU 2013 Report on Policy Coherence for Development

EU Dev Days Brussels: Finishing and moving beyond the health MDGs Auditorium A Tuesday 26 November 2013 – 14:00 PM – 15:30 PM

‘Top-down’ approach needed for EU-Africa partnership — EU official

Commission pledges €5 billion aid for Sahel

Human resources for universal health coverage: from evidence to policy and action 

Cash Transfers and Deeper Causes of Poverty

La lezione del Sud del mondo sul finanziamento della sanità

Guerra alla droga ed epatite C

WHO Gathers R&D Projects For Developing Countries Ahead Of December Meeting 

Beyond philanthropy: What happens when a multinational creates its own development agency? 

Global Fund embarks on new procurement strategy

The risk with the Global Fund’s new TB strategy

Foreign Aid: Saving The World Or Forgetting England?

Why UN Climate Talks Must Deliver a Brighter Future for Us All

As climate changes, will we change with it?

Global peace impossible without fair deal for the poor, says IDB President 

UK warned that youth unemployment is ‘public health time bomb waiting to explode’ 

Call for FAO to shift focus 

How shipping unions  sunk food aid reform

A Question of Quality: Why Retention Matters for AIDS Treatment









European Commission’s Trade Agenda and Least Developed Countries

The EU’€™s blatant attempts to prevent the LDCs from getting the full extension they had a right to under the TRIPS Agreement and its use of underhand tactics on the world’€™s poorest nations…. is an indication that corporate profits now outweigh any global commitment the EU has to the international human rights


European Commission’€™s Trade Agenda and Least Developed Countries

Corporate Profits Trump Concerns of the World’€™s Poorest Countries

by Shiba Phurailatpam

Regional Coordinator and Director of Asia Pacific Network of People Living with HIV (APN+)



This decade has seen the unveiling of an aggressive trade agenda by the European Commission that threatens the right to health and access to medicines in the Global South. Questions on the health impact of Europe’€™s trade policies have been swirling since the EU-India Free Trade Agreement negotiations revealed multiple intellectual property demands of India that will hinder the manufacture and supply of generic medicines. Now the EU is making those same demands of Thailand, another crucial manufacturer of generic medicines.

In 2013, even the world’€™s poorest countries who are members of the WTO were not spared the EU’€™s trade pressures.

Who are the Least Developed Countries (LDCs)?

 The UN lists 49 countries as least developed, i.e. they meet three criterion: 

– a low-income criterion, based on a three-year average estimate of the gross national income (GNI) per capita under $750;

– a human resource weakness criterion, involving a composite Human Assets Index (HAI) based on indicators of: (a) nutrition; (b) health; (c) education; and (d) adult literacy; and

– an economic vulnerability criterion, involving a composite Economic Vulnerability Index (EVI) based on indicators of: (a) the instability of agricultural production; (b) the instability of exports of goods and services; (c) the economic importance of non-traditional activities (share of manufacturing and modern services in Gross Domestic Product (GDP); (d) merchandise export concentration; and (e) the handicap of economic smallness (as measured through the population in logarithm); and the percentage of population displaced by natural disasters.

LDCs comprise more than 880 million people or about 12% of the world’€™s population but account for less than 2% of the world GDP and about 1% of the global trade in goods (2013 UNDP/UNAIDS Policy Brief). Adult literacy rate in LDCs is on average at 60.7%, with gross enrolment in tertiary education at about 6.6% while primary school dropout rate at 40.9 % of the population; only 1.7 per 100 people have personal computers, while about 5 out of 100 have access to the worldwide network; more than half of the LDC population do not have access to electricity, water or sanitation facilities (LDC Watch and OWINFS Open Letter).

LDCs and the WTO’€™s intellectual property rules 

Of the UN recognised LDCs, 34 are members of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and had to sign the WTO’€™s Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights or TRIPS. TRIPS requires all WTO members to implement an intellectual property legal regime which includes the granting of trademarks and patents on pharmaceutical products.

At the time TRIPS was negotiated, a key safeguard enshrined in the agreement in Article 66 for LDCs was that they would have a ten year transition period to apply the TRIPS Agreement “€œin view of the special needs and requirements of least-developed country Members, their economic, financial and administrative constraints, and their need for flexibility to create a viable technological base”€.

Developed country members of the WTO were also obligated under this Article to set up conditions to encourage the transfer of technology to LDCs.

Crucially Article 66 also recognises the right of LDCs to get further extensions of the transition period on a duly motivate request. The operative part of Article 66.1 reads: “€œThe Council for TRIPS shall, upon duly motivated request by a least-developed country Member, accord extensions of this period” (emphasis added).

The ten year transition period for LDCs was due to expire in 2005. In 2002, LDCs received a waiver for the grant or enforcement of patents and test data protection on pharmaceuticals till 2016 which was agreed as part of the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health.  In 2005 the transition period to comply with TRIPS for LDCs was extended by 7.5 years to June 2013.

LDC€™’s 2012 TRIPS extention request

Last year, on 5 November 2012 Haiti on behalf of the LDC group submitted a request to the TRIPS Council for the transition period for LDCs to apply the TRIPS Agreement to be extended from the 2013 deadline to the time that they graduate from LDC status. The LDC request stated the obvious:

“€œThe least developed country Members of the WTO represent the poorest and weakest segment of the international community. The economies of least developed country Members are extremely vulnerable, with large segments of their population living in poverty. They also face numerous challenges such as high burdens of infectious and non-infectious disease, low literacy, inadequate access to clean water and sanitation, low agricultural productivity, environmental and climate-related challenges”€.

The resolution highlighted the extremely vulnerable situation that the LDCs find themselves in with little development of productive capacity and had been unable to move beyond “€œout-dated technologies”€ (as noted above, under TRIPS, developed countries are obligated to facilitate such technology transfer.)

The request accordingly notes:

“€œDeveloping a viable technological base is a long-term process. Given the increasing complexity of modern industrial practices, least developed country Members need a continuing waiver from TRIPS in order to be able to grow economically viable industrial and technological sectors, to consolidate capacity, and to work their way up the technological value chain. Moreover, because of their extreme poverty, least developed country Members need the policy space to access various technologies, educational resources, and other tools necessary for development. Most IP protected commodities are simply priced beyond the purchasing power of least developed country Members and their nationals”€.

UNAIDS and UNDP support LDC Proposal

In February of 2013, UNAIDS and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) voiced their strong support for the proposal and issued a policy brief on the importance of the extension of the transition period. The policy brief highlights the serious challenges faced by LDCs in confronting disease and illness. Heavy health burdens in LDCs include the estimated 9.7 million people living with HIV. The disease burden co-exists with poverty and the inability to provide prevention, treatment and care “€œparticularly where respective interventions call for high-cost medicines, diagnostics, and other health products”€ often made expensive by patents. “€œCancer incidence is expected to rise 82% from 2008 to 2030 in low-income countries (compared to 58% in upper-middle and 40% in high-income countries).”€

UNAIDS and UNDP note that:

“…without the requirement of providing intellectual property protections, LDCs are free to follow the historic path of copying and adaptation to develop their technological capacities, at the same time strengthening their human, administrative, financial and other capacities…”€

The LDC proposal garnered wide support from civil society, academics and experts (NGO letter; Global Commission on HIV and the Law).  Developing countries also extended their full support to the LDC proposal, some even noting that the 2005 extension contained some unwarranted conditions which should not feature in the new extension (Government of India intervention).

EU leads developed countries demand for “€œinformal consultations”€

The extension sought by the LDC’€™s “€œduly motivated request”€ should have been immediately granted as per the clear language of TRIPS. But developed countries including the EU that are strident in their demands that the developing world comply with other provisions of the TRIPS Agreement appear to not take their own commitments under that same agreement quite so seriously.

The hopes of the LDCs that the request would be granted in accordance with their rights under the TRIPS Agreement were dashed at the March 2013 TRIPS Council meeting where the matter was taken up. Instead the LDC proposal was put through months of closed door negotiations with developed countries preventing them from realising one of the few rights they have under the TRIPS Agreement.

Nepal, on behalf of the LDC groups gave a detailed explanation for the proposal:

“€œLDCs need the continuation of flexibility as their situation has not changed significantly over the years. Their marginalization continues. They have not been able to develop their productive capacities which limit their meaningful integration into the world economy. LDCs’ economic indicators have not changed since 2005… 

…All LDCs are net payers of royalties. These countries have not been able to spend even a small fraction of their national budget to research and development as they have to concentrate more on basics like health and education. The developmental schemes for transfer of technology provided in TRIPS Article 66.2 have not effectively and adequately materialized. The level of technological development in the LDCs has remained low. In UNDP’€™s Technological Achievement Index LDCs are at the bottom. So are they in UNIDO’€™s Competitive Industrial Performance Index and UNCTAD’€™s Innovation Capability Index. Numbers from WIPO reports indicate that LDCs have not been able to enter the race of technology and innovation.

Unless LDCs have flexibilities to adopt policies to stimulate technological catch-up with the rest of the world, they will continue to fall behind other countries and face deepening marginalization…

…LDCs’€™ request has been motivated by the need of policy space to (to quote UNDP’€™s latest issue brief) ‘€˜conserve the autonomy to determine appropriate development, innovation, and technological promotion polices, according to local circumstances and priorities’€™. They need such space to ensure access to various technologies, educational resources, medicines and tools necessary for development. Most IP-protected goods and services are simply beyond the purchasing power of least developed countries and their people”.

This appeared to have little impact on the EU and the rest of the developed world that persisted with attempts to impose conditionalities on the LDCs. The EU in its intervention at the March TRIPS Council meeting stated that it was “€œwilling to consider”€ the proposal but was unhappy with the lack of a time frame or the consideration of efforts by the EU and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in some LDCs to develop IP systems already.

The EU’€™s statement as well as those of other developed countries were remarkable as they were speaking in fact of an obligation of the TRIPS Council and not something that was negotiable! If a developing country were to ever state that they would only “€œconsider”€ and demand negotiations on one of their obligations under the TRIPS Agreement, it would surely be met swiftly with a trade dispute and unilateral trade sanctions. But LDCs have little muscle to flex at the WTO and at the March 2013 meeting this became painfully obvious as the EU called on the TRIPS Council Chair to facilitate “€œinformal consultations”€ and bulldozed the LDC group into negotiations.

By May, it became clear that these consultations were meant only to create pressure on the LDCs to back down from their request. As an outraged open letter to Alfredo Suescum, Ambassador of Panama to the WTO who was the chair of these informal consultations noted the “€œunfair and prejudicial”€ process was limited to developed countries that were opposing the request instead of also involving the developing countries that were supporting the request. The letter noted that this was an attempt to “€œoverwhelm the negotiating capacity of the poorest members of the WTO by placing them in an unfair position where they have to face the united might of the developed countries.”

“It is sheer hypocrisy that these countries themselves blatantly copied, imitated and borrowed each other’€™s intellectual property for their technological advancement in the pre-IP era and now they are imposing the false notion that IP is essential for development, which basically guides their current opposition to LDCs’€™ request.”    –Arjun Karki, LDC Watch on the opposition by developed countries to the unlimited time frame  


That same month the EC recommended to the European Council that the EU position in the TRIPS Council should be that the LDC extention should not be more than what was granted in 2005 (i.e. 7.5 years) and that LDCs should not decrease any existing levels of IP protection below that of TRIPS. Regrettably this position was then adopted by the European Council.

The latter conditionality is also referred to as a “€œno rollback clause”€ which is similar to one that was imposed in the 2005 LDC extention decision. India in its intervention at the March meeting noted that “…the no roll back provision has no place in the TRIPS Agreement and had in fact reduced the policy space for the LDCs in utilising the TRIPS flexibilities during the transition period to engage in technological development and ensuring access to affordable goods to its citizens.”

The EC’€™s continued efforts to water down the LDC proposal did not go unnoticed and in June health groups in Uganda (part of the LDC group) organised a protest to hand over a letter to the Head of the Delegation of the European Union Mission to Uganda registering their opposition to the EU’€™s position on the LDC extention.

The 2013 LDC extention decision

On 11 June 2013, the final extention details were finally announced and as opposed to the full enjoyment of their right under the TRIPS Agreement, the world’€™s poorest countries under pressure from the EU and the US had to settle for an 8 year extention till 2021.

Crucially, however, the LDC objection to the “€œno roll-back”€ clause from the 2005 decision succeeded. Instead of any mandatory or obligatory condition to freeze their national IP systems, LDCs merely expressed a determination to preserve these developments.

The decision re-iterates that this extention does not preclude any future requests for further extentions and is without prejudice to the 2016 extention for the grant or enforcement of patents on pharmaceutical products.

Without the obligation, LDCs can now review the impact of their early compliance with TRIPS most of which has taken place under technical assistance from the developed world or the WIPO. WIPO’€™s technical assistance has not been without criticism and an evaluation in 2011, the report of an External Review of WIPO Technical Assistance in the Area of Cooperation for Development, was released.

The WIPO Review found that in relation to WIPO’€™s technical assistance and advice in relation to development matters,

“…respondents overwhelmingly poorly rated WIPO’€™s efforts to adapt its legislative advice to reflect national development priorities in areas such as public health and access to education. Similarly, WIPO’€™s assistance to put into practice the IP flexibilities that are included in their national laws (e.g., through patentability guidelines, advice on issuing a compulsory license; guidelines on differences between their national patent laws and those of countries which may assist their country in patent search and examination) was predominantly ranked by respondents in the poor range….Further, with regard to WIPO advice to tailor the implementation of national treaties to reflect national development needs and priorities, 11 of 14 respondents that provided a ranking, rated WIPO’€™s assistance in this area as in the poor range or only satisfactory. Interviews with stakeholders during the country visits conducted by the Review Team also affirmed that while WIPO’€™s legislative assistance is appreciated, particularly by IP offices, WIPO is not proactive in providing advice on flexibilities and officials do not perceive that they can rely on WIPO for tailored or pro-development advice. Several country visits by the Review Team also highlighted that countries sometimes perceive that a request for advice on the use of flexibilities would not be an appropriate request to make of WIPO and/or that it would likely be refused”€.

EU’€™s shocking press release

As aggressive as the EU was throughout the negotiations with the LDCs, few could have expected the EC’€™s next move once the final decision was announced.

On 11 June 2013, the day the final LDC extension decision was announced, the EC issued a press release purportedly welcoming the LDC extention decision. In it, the EC claimed it had always been supportive of LDCs enjoying every flexibility under TRIPS despite their actions in the previous month of blatantly violating WTO rules by forcing negotiations and compromise on a crucial right of LDCs under TRIPS.

Completely disregarding the actual text of the final decision, the EU press release also stated

“€œThe decision does not affect the transition period for patents for pharmaceutical products, which was agreed in 2002; LDCs will not have to protect these patents until 2016.  Where least-developed countries voluntarily provide some kinds of intellectual property protection even though they are not required to do so under the TRIPS Agreement, they have committed themselves not to reduce or withdraw the current protection that they give”€.

These statements were grossly misleading and a misrepresentation of the final decision. The language of the “€œno roll back”€ clause included in the 2005 decision was removed from the 2013 decision and civil society and health groups immediately condemned the EU press release.

In a strongly worded letter, civil society groups and academics immediately clarified the misrepresentations of the EC stating that “€œthe EU’s interpretation of the new extension decision is fundamentally flawed and purposefully misleading, and is just another attempt to undermine rights of the poorest nations granted under Article 66.1 of TRIPS”€.

It was also pointed out that the EC’€™s statement on the 2016 deadline was designed to mislead LDCs as not only can that deadline also be extended, the latest extention applied to the whole of the TRIPS Agreement (except Articles 3, 4 and 5 of TRIPS that LDCs are required to comply with). The EC’€™s interpretation would lead to an absurd situation where LDCs do not have to apply the TRIPS Agreement till 2021 but have to start granting or enforcing pharmaceutical patents after 2016.

The importance of the transition period 

The importance of the transition period for the development of LDCs and in the context of medicines for the development of local manufacturing and technology has been underscored in several statements of support for the LDC proposal.

Brazil in its support (intervention, TRIPS Council, Agenda item 11, 5 March 2013) noted that, “€œthe incorporation of developing countries, in particular the least developed ones, into the so-called knowledge economy has proved to be a daunting challenge, the complexity of which could barely be assessed almost twenty years ago, when the Uruguay Round was completed”€.

Indeed several developing countries, after complying with TRIPS are now reviewing their laws to ensure the full incorporation of TRPS flexibilities as their ability to access affordable generic medicines becomes more and more difficult. The Philippines amended its law in 2008, nearly 10 years after TRIPS compliance to include TRIPS flexibilities. In 2012, Argentina issued strict patent examination guidelines for pharmaceutical products. Brazil and South Africa are currently undertaking their own review and the reform proposals on the table all entail the inclusion of key health safeguards such as those similar to the Indian prohibition on evergreening.

The Indian experience with patent law perhaps has the most to offer as experience for the LDCs. India’€™s patent system was inherited from the British and resulted in the highest prices of medicines anywhere in the world. In 1970 the Indian government abolished product patents on food and medicine aiming to be self-reliant in these areas and to be able to access affordable medicines. During this time, India also set up scientific research centres and adopted an industrialisation policy that supported local pharmaceutical production. India’€™s minuscule pharmaceutical industry grew to become one of the largest centers of generic production in the developing world. The safety, quality and affordability of Indian generic medicines soon resulted in India supplying most developing countries with medicines. Unlike the majority of developing countries, India also waited till the very end of its transition period (2005) to amend its patent law to comply with TRIPS. As a result not only was India able to incorporate every single TRIPS flexibility that had evolved over time, it was also able to preserve the maximum space for generic production. The result of delayed compliance with TRIPS is clear. Take Thailand on example, also a local manufacturer of generic medicines, Thailand complied with TRIPS by 1999. Thus, although the first generic AIDS medicines was synthesised in Thailand, by 2007 the country had to issue compulsory licences on patented first and second line AIDS medicines. By contrast first line and to a large extent second line AIDS medicines remain off patent in India.

As successful as India’€™s health safeguards in its patent law have been, patents are now being granted in India and cancer and hepatitis C patients are facing treatment costs in thousands of dollars. India has already had to issue a compulsory licence on a cancer medicine whose cost was too high. India is also being sued incessantly by multinational companies like Novartis and Bayer for the safeguards in the Indian law while the EU is pressuring the Indian government in the FTA negotiations to adopt TRIPS-plus patent protection.

LDCs can use the transition period to the full extent to set up local manufacturing of medicines and other pharmaceutical products. The lack of intellectual property protection in all areas of technology would allow LDCs to access knowledge and medicines at affordable prices.

To do this, LDCs must retain the ability to fix mistakes they may have made in early or over compliance with the TRIPS Agreement.

The EU’€™s blatant attempts to prevent the LDCs from getting the full extension they had a right to under the TRIPS Agreement and its use of underhand tactics on the world’€™s poorest nations like the misleading press release is an indication that corporate profits now outweigh any global commitment the EU has to the international human rights.

News Link n. 68

The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.



News Link 68

Brazil pioneers treatment for everyone

UNAIDS Discussion on “Tranexamic acid in trauma care”

La violenza contro le donne, causa e conseguenza dell’AIDS

PAHO recommends 4-7 R&D projects for consideration in December WHO meeting 

WHO’s engagement with “non-state actors”

WHO: Global tuberculosis report 2013

Tuberculosis Fact sheet N°104 Updated October 2013

First New TB Drug in Fifty Years Risks Being Squandered Without Better Research and Pricing Strategies

Video: The Global Fund Mid-2013 Results at a Glance #BeTheGeneration

ARIPO’S plant variety protection law criminalises farmers and undermines seed systems in Africa

Misdiagnosing the problem of global food security

Producing food sustainably 

Is it Useful? A Drug Patent Enigma 

How Open Are US Development Agencies? The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 

Opening up aid — but more data is not enough

Three Examples Why Nonprofits Must Engage Politicians

Oxfam reaction: EU Ministers fail to break deadlock on climate finance  

The Challenge Of Climate Change And Development In Africa

‘India is committing selective genocide in healthcare’

Featherstone: World must wake up to ‘great neglect’ of disability

Deadly Gaps Persist in New Drug Development for Neglected Diseases

Watch Out for False Friends (full version) 

Malaria deaths nearly double in Chad

Here’s What Stands in the Way Of Africa Becoming an Economic Success 

UNICEF Running Low on Supplies in CAR

Uganda Fights Stigma and Poverty to Take On Breast Cancer

How good are Goodwill Ambassadors?

Aid’s segmented future 




WHO Performance Undermined by Inadequate EU Collaboration

Though the WHO is among the recipients of EU contributions, support should be scaled up now that the WHO fears program cuts because of persistent funding crisis. And revenues from a Financial Transaction Tax would be a resource for the EU to partly allocate for WHO needs

WHO Performance Undermined by Inadequate EU Collaboration


 By Daniele Dionisio*

Member, European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases


Amidst a public funding shortfall, the World Health Organization (WHO)’s slimmer budget for 2014-2015 ($3.9 billion) foreshadows cuts to the programs for communicable diseases and outbreak and emergency responses.

As such, from 1 September 2013, the organization has begun charging a fee to manufacturers seeking prequalification of their medicines and pharmaceutical components through the WHO Prequalification Programme, a move feared to discourage applications, with a negative impact on procurement and access to essential medicines.

The key to WHO functioning and success relies heavily on deep collaboration and sustainable financial support from Member States.

Unfortunately, this would not be the case with the European Union (EU). Indeed, while relying on established synergies with WHO, including contribution to the Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property, the EU’€™s global plan for health development cooperation seemingly lacks adequate coordination and collaboration with WHO. Worse, a number of EU political choices run against WHO directions.

Relevantly, the EU succeeded in opposing any mention of the report and recommendations of the WHO-backed Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination (CEWG) in the lame resolution EB132/R7 on poverty-related neglected diseases (NDs) passed at a January 2013 meeting of the WHO Executive Board.

Aside from innovative financing sources and the de-linkage of R&D cost from the price of health products, the core recommendation of CEWG report was for WHO Member States to begin formal negotiations towards a global framework -€“ a medical R&D Treaty -€“ that would enhance coordination and financing of medical innovation and set norms to ensure the cost of R&D is de-linked from the price of products and thereby attain the widest possible access.

Yet, the EU is keen on undermining any progress on the Treaty. Starting from the 65th WHO World Health Assembly (WHA), where several European countries ran against and slowed down a proposal to negotiate a binding convention on financing R&D for NDs, the EU still remained opposed to the Treaty at the 66th WHA last May.

Similar considerations apply to the models the WHO has called for to finance R&D for diseases of the poor and ensure long-term access to medicines. There is seemingly poor attention by the EU, apart from product development partnerships and prizes, to the other models taken into consideration by WHO. This disregards evidence that any one model is not enough to ensure full availability of life-saving medicines, and would contradict the commitment of EU’€™s plan for health development cooperation that high-quality medicines and care in the developing world be available without restrictions.

And there is more.

In the aftermath of adoption by the 65th WHA of a Member State Mechanism (MSM) to fight poor-quality medicines internationally, the EU said it would consider shifting its relevant activities to the new mechanism should it prove successful. However, while there is wide frustration on the slow pace of the MSM until now, the reliability of EU openings is doubtful, mainly  because an MSM would be entitled to call for a medical R&D Treaty as a binding convention which the EU is fiercely opposed to.

Unfortunately, the EU looks like it would disregard WHO as the most accountable, overarching actor. As an example, while the latest WHO and EU plans to address medicine quality issues have raised criticism of inadequate coordination and collaboration with each other, the Directive 2011/62/EU against falsified medicinal products (applicable from January 2013) did not mention WHO as a partner body for field purposes, and did not align with WHO definition of “€œfalsified medicines”€. 

The conflicting issues above run contrary to EU’€™s engagement as the world’€™s largest aid donor, and raise doubts about EU’€™s real will and ability to address today’€™s overall challenges while pushing for sustainable development and inclusive access to care and treatments.

This couples with fear that terms threatening access to medicines by the worst-off people could be approved in negotiations for an EU-Thai agreement and an EU-India trade deal now on track to conclusion. As reported “…These trade agreements are designed to ensure that developing countries who sign these agreements adopt more stringent IP laws that go much beyond the requirements of the World Trade Organization’€™s TRIPS agreement…Proposed EU Trade agreements seek to further consolidate and extend the monopolies of big pharmaceutical companies by blocking the production, registration and supply of affordable generic medicines…”

The concern is even greater now that a 12 June 2013 EU custom regulation has incurred criticism of allowing illicit seizing of in-transit goods (including legal generic medicines) “€œover a simple suspicion of IP infringement without checking beforehand whether these goods are headed to the European territory or just in transit”€ and without “€œclear and convincing evidence of a substantial risk of diversion”€. These terms would hamper TRIPS flexibility grants and run against EU commitments regarding access to treatments without restrictions.

And it comes as no surprise that all of this occurs at a time when the EU global plan for health, development cooperation has reportedly fallen short of adequate coherence, innovative financing and collaboration with interested parties, while commitment in R&D for NDs is not spread evenly between EU member states.

As such, it is bad news that a slimmer EU budget for 2014 to 2020 period was endorsed by the EU Parliament in the 3 July plenary session.

Beyond Makeshift Solutions

Filling the gaps highlighted here is a matter of priority and a way for the EU to consolidate leadership in global health. To this aim, the EU should display better coherence between its policies, strategies and practices.

Relevantly, the EU should support stronger WHO leadership, secure the organization more financial support, and seek deep collaboration, coordination and alignment with the overall UN system and interested stakeholders. Inherently, the revenues from a Financial Transaction Tax, now on track to enforcement in Europe, would be a resource for the EU to partly allocate for WHO needs.

While helping identify shared priorities for global health, this strategy would avoid overlapping and ensure that global health products and initiatives are delivered without restrictions and in a fast, efficient manner.

Finally, this would put into practice what the EU Commission Communication and Council conclusions on the EU role in Global Health already envisaged three years ago:

“€œAt global level, the EU should endeavour to defend a single position within the UN agencies. The EU should work to… increase coordination and effectiveness of the UN system. It should support stronger leadership by the WHO in its normative and guidance functions to improve global health. The EU should seek synergies with WHO to address global health challenges…”

“€œThe EU shall promote dialogue and joint action with key global players and stakeholders, including UN agencies concerned with global health, International Financing Institutions, regional organisations, regional health networks, and countries, in order to identify synergies, coordinate actions, advance in the achievement of commitments, and avoid duplication and fragmentation to increase effectiveness.”€


Article republished from Intellectual Property Watch 23 October 2013


*Daniele Dionisio is a member of the European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases. He is reference advisor for “€œMedicines for the Developing Countries”€ for the Italian Society for Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT), and former director of the Infectious Disease Division at the Pistoia City Hospital (Italy). He may be reached at 

News Link n. 67

The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.


News Link 67

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La violenza contro le donne e il ruolo dei sistemi sanitari

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Training Health Personnel in Resource-Limited Settings

The critical shortage of health care professionals limits the access to care to millions of individuals in resource-limited settings. This situation requires urgent action, such as a profound transformation of the present training approach, as to (i) adapting curricula to local needs, (ii) promoting strategies to retain expert faculty staff, (iii) expose trainees to community needs during training, (iv) promote multisectoral approach to education reforms and (vi) strengthen links between the educational and health care delivery system. Western academic Institutions’€™ role is to facilitate the process. The possible strategies for assistance must be in constant and balanced partnership

 Training  Health Personnel in Resource-Limited Settings


                by Francesco Castelli*  and  Marianna Bettinzoli**

* Chair of Infectious Diseases, University of Brescia, Italy

**PhD trainee in “€œMethodology and Appropriate Techniques for International Development Cooperation”€, University of Brescia, Italy



The right of millions of people around the world to have access to care is jeopardized by the shortage of health care personnel. Only in the African continent, the global burden of diseases is estimated to be as high as 27% of the world’€™s total despite only 12% of the world population live here. The problem is even more critical because the continent only have 3,5% of the total healthcare workforce 1. This shortage is critical, as recognized by Word Health Organization (WHO) in its 2006 annual report requesting urgent interventions. The shortage is even more dramatic if one considers that over 75% of physicians in Sub-Saharan Africa live and work in the urban setting, leaving the rural areas nearly devoid of care providers 2.

The reasons for this shortage of health care professionals where they are more needed are various:

First, in low-income countries, the training of health professionals is quantitatively limited 3. This limited capability is due to scarce funding, poor infrastructure, the highly qualified teachers often search for more remunerative and attractive jobs abroad.

Second, after graduation, a great proportion of health professionals declares its willingness to migrate 4. Among the identified reasons for migration, in decreasing order, are 2: (i) better remuneration, (ii) safer environment, (iii) living conditions, (iv) lack of facilities and  (v) the absence of future. Understanding the reasons for migration is crucial in order to define and to put into practice strategies to limit brain drain 5. Other Authors estimate that other factors, apart from financial incentives, including working and living conditions, social and political insecurity could play a even more important role in the migration decision 6.  The Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel has been recently launched by WHO,  requesting all member States to take action to facilitate retention of health personnel in those areas where they are most needed 7.

Third, the social and economic prestige of the health professions is better exploited in the urban setting 8. One possibility to contrast this phenomenon is context-appropriate medical training. In fact, exposing medical students to problem-based learning approach in the rural settings areas may influence their attitude and willingness to work in rural remote areas once graduated 9.

The challenge of health education in resource poor countries

Many strategies have been put forward to combat global health worker shortages, with conflicting results.

Task shifting, the progressive inclusion of tasks, traditionally ascribed to the medical or surgical profession, among the job descriptions of lower level health care professionals, has been advocated by many international Agencies and adopted by many developing countries 10. Training of mid-level personnel has also been implemented in same situations and global standardization of curricula would be desirable to share expertise and compare training experiences 11. Task-shifting and mid-level health professionals are not to be considered a makeshift solution in resource-poor settings but instead as true strategies.

To retain the health professionals in remote areas, offering specific benefits (i.e. housing, etc.) that might elevate their social and economic status might be influence the willingness to migrate 12. On the contrary, the widespread use of per diems for in-job training has motivated health professionals to actively search for continuous training remunerative activities leaving their clinical duties, an attitude referred to as “€œperdiemitis”€ 13. Furthermore, reinforcing the social accountability and ethical commitment of medical trainees to engage himself to the underserved community appears crucial.

Finally, the careful planning of training needs for health care professionals (both quantitatively and quantitatively) should involve different sectors at the governmental level and particularly the education and the health sectors 14.

What western education institutes may contribute?

Literature on the medical education needs of resource-poor countries is scanty and, unfortunately, it has been mostly published by Authors working in western institutions. Only quite recently, the academic leaders from the southern countries have raised their voice about the problems and have proposed solutions 15.

When putting in place a training or research partnership between academic institutions from the North and the South, many possible mistakes have to be carefully avoided when  partnering for medical education in southern countries. These are: i) curricula are often  western-centered, ii) the social and cultural contexts are not considered, iii) tendency to create specialists instead of public health expert without attention to multidisciplinary approach, iv) unbalance between the teaching staff from the north and the south, with little incentives for the latter, v) prolonged training periods of time spent in affluent countries , vi) use of sophisticated training material vii) the local public health system and economic authorities are poorly involved.

The following are among some additional possible solutions to increase quality and quantity of medical education in the south through a possible help by western academic institution.

Long distance internet-based teaching resources. They are attractive and have the advantage to limit travels, vacancies and costs. Positive experiences have been reported 16. The main difficult is the adaptation to the recipients’€™ settings in terms of social, cultural, legal, economic and, sometimes, religious context. Furthermore, on-line training requires access to electronic facilities and internet competencies 17.

Assistance in quality control procedures, external evaluation and accreditation. The maintenance of high quality of education is essential to gain credibility at the national and international levels 18.

Promoting independent research activity in developing countries.  To have a high quality teaching and training, promoting research capability is crucial. The creation of a independent research career path for physicians from resource-limited countries is needed 19.

Concluding remarks

The critical shortage of health care professionals limits the access to care to millions of individuals, especially where the need is higher. This is mainly caused by poor training capabilities of academic institutions in developing countries, the attitude of health care personnel to migrate to more affluent western countries and the unwillingness of local doctors to work in the most in need rural areas. This situation requires urgent action, such as a profound transformation of the present training approach, as to (i) adapting curricula to local needs, (ii) promoting strategies to retain expert faculty staff, (iii) expose trainees to community needs during training, (iv) promote multisectoral approach to education reforms and (vi) strengthen links between the educational and health care delivery system 19. Western academic Institutions’€™ role is to facilitate the process. The possible strategies for assistance must be in constant and balanced partnership.


1) WHO. Core Health Indicators 2008, World Health Organization, Geneva, 2008

2) WHO. World Health Report 2006. Working together for Health. World Health Organization, Geneva, 2006

3) Mullan F, Frehywot S, Omaswa F et al. Medical schools in sub-Saharan Africa. Lancet, 2011 Mar 26;377(9771):1113-21

4) Chen C, Buch E., Wassermann T et al. A survey of Sub-Saharan African medical schools. Human Resources for Health, 2012, 10:4

5) Oyeyemi AY, Oyeyemi AL, Maduagwu SM et al. Professional satisfaction and desire to emigrate among Nigerian physiotherapists. Physiotherapy Canada, 2012; 64: 225-232

6) Vujicic M, Zurn P, Diallo K et al. The role of wages in the migration of health care professionals from developing countries. Human Resources for Health 2004, 2, 3

7) Mills EJ, Kanters S, Hagopian A et al. The financial cost of doctors emicrating from Sub-saharian Africa: human capital analysis. British Medical Journal, 2011; 343:d7031 doi:10.1136/bmjd7031

8) Burch VC, McKinley D, van Wyk J et al. Career intentions of medical students trained in six sub-saharan African countries. Educ Health (Abingdon), 2011; 24: 614

9) Kaye DK, Mwanika A, Sewankambo N. Influence of training experience of Makerere University medical and nursing graduates on willingness and competence to work in rural health facilities. Rural and Remote Health, 2010

10) Nelson R. Combating global health worker shortages: task shifting and sharing may provide one solution. Am J Nurs, 2012; 112: 17-8

11) Brown A, Cometto G, Cumbi A et al. Exchange of the Global Health Workforce Alliance. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica, 2011; 28: 308-15

12) Hagopian A, Ofosu A, Fatusi A et al. The flight of physicians from West Africa: views from African physicians and implication for policy. Social Science and Medicine, 2005; 61: 1750-60

13) Ridde V. Per diems undermine health interventions, systems and research in Africa: burying our heads in the sand. Trop Med Int Health. 2010 Jul 28. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2010.02607.x

14) Celletti F, Reynolds TA, Wright A et al. Educating a new generation of doctors to improve the health of populations in low- and middle-income countries. PLOS Medicine 2011

15) Kiguli-Malwadde, Kijjambu S, Kiguli S et al. Problem Based Learning, curriculum development and change process at Faculty of Medicine, Makerere University, Uganda. African Health Sciences 2006; 6: 127-130

16) Chung MH, Severynen AO, Hals MP et al. Offering an American graduate medical HIC course to health care workers in resource-linited settings via the internet. PLOS One, 2012; 7: e52663. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052663

17) Mohammed E, Andargie G, Meseret S, Girma E. Knowledge and utilization of computer among health workers in Addis Ababa Hospitals, Ethiopia: computer literacy in the health sector. BMC Research Notes, 2013; 6: 106

18) Galakunde M, Opio K, Nakasujja N et al. Accreditation in a sub-Saharan Medical School: a case study at Makerere University. BMC Medical Education 2013; 13/73

19) Manabe YC, Katabira E, Brough R et al. Developing independent investigators for clinical research relevant for Africa. Health Research Policy and Systems, 2011, 9:44


*Francesco Castelli, MD, FRCP (London), FFTM RCPS (Glasgow), is Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Director of the University Division of Infectious and Tropical Medicine at the Università  degli Studi di Brescia (Italy). He is also Director of the Specialty School in Infectious Diseases at the same University. He serves as the Vice-President of the Italian Society of Tropical Medicine (SIMET) and is Member of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM). He is site Director of the Brescia Geosentinel site and of the WHO Collaborating Center for the implementation of TB/HIV collaborative activities. He is past-President of the Italian NGO Medicus Mundi Italy. His major fields of scientific interest are tropical diseases, migration medicine, travel-related and imported infections and HIV/AIDS both in industrialized and developing Countries. He has published more than 180 papers on peer-reviewed journals and more than 100 chapters of Books and Manuals.

**Marianna Bettinzoli, MD. She is in PhD training in “€œMetodology and Appropiate Techniques for International Development Coopoeration”€ at the University of Brescia. Her major fields of scientific interest are global health, migration medicine and public health.

News Link n. 66

The news links are part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on the best options for the use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries.


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