News Flash 527: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Yellow-cave sponge (Aplysina cavernicola)

News Flash 527

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


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Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Prioritizing the Health and Well-being of Refugees and Migrants in Libya  by Meftah Lahwel

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Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic: Prioritizing the Health and Well-being of Refugees and Migrants in Libya

The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the vulnerability of refugees and migrants in Libya, as well as the necessity of investing in inclusive and accessible healthcare, collaboration and partnerships, economic and social support, preparedness and resilience measures, and enhancing the capacity of local NGOs to ensure a sustainable response. These insights can guide future efforts to ensure that refugees and migrants are better supported and protected during times of crisis

By Meftah Lahwel M.D.

 Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Prioritizing the Health and Well-being of Refugees and Migrants in Libya


Covid-19 is no longer classified as a “global health emergency,” as we have all read in the news over the past few days. However, this does not imply that the risk has passed and requires to strengthen global governance in health emergencies as well as to promote investments in into holistic, publicly financed UHC systems in “peace” times based on the lessons learnt from the pandemic. The pandemic’s catastrophic impact was largely attributed to the presence of social and economic inequities, which exacerbated its effects. It was evident that inequality played a significant role in worsening the consequences of the COVID pandemic.

COVID has caused an unprecedented worldwide crisis, with millions of lives lost, public health systems in shock, and economic and social devastation disproportionately impacting the most vulnerable populations. Local, national, regional, and global capacities have been tested by the pandemic.  COVID has a big and complicated influence. After emerging in 2019, COVID continues to spread over the world, overburdening public health and health care systems and resulting in several consequences, including long-term economic and societal effects. The pandemic of COVID is a timely reminder of the nature and consequences of International Public Health Emergencies.

Going back to the global situation prior to the COVID pandemic, COVID was not the first pandemic our world faced. Indeed, pandemics and epidemics have impacted our society ever since human settlements made the transmission of infectious diseases possible.

The International Health Regulations, despite being legally enforceable, were ineffective as preparation measures when COVID attacked the world. Scientists, public health officials, individuals, academic, private, and public institutions have warned of the potential threats posed by emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases with pandemic potential and urged investments in preparedness to respond effectively to this sort of emergencies. But many governments failed to recognize their strategic commitment to maintain a consistent and adequate level of preparedness, leaving the majority of these responsibilities to regional and other decentralized agencies that lacked the capacity to monitor compliance. In result, the world has underinvested significantly in pandemic preparedness. As a result, vulnerable populations such as migrants and refugees were impacted the most.

The already fragile health care system in Libya was severely impacted by the COVID pandemic. Due to the high rate of COVID-19 transmission among health workers and a paucity of PPE (personal protective equipment) and supplies, a large number of primary health care facilities were closed. The remaining functional medical facilities lacked all essential medications. The impact of the COVID pandemic was not limited to healthcare. It was expanded to include various socioeconomic aspects. Penury and economic deprivation make refugees and migrants prone to many morbidities like tuberculosis, scabies and malnutrition which healthcare by itself is not enough as solution.

For refugees and migrants in Libya, the COVID-19 pandemic has presented a unique set of challenges. The pandemic has underlined the vulnerabilities of these already marginalised populations, and the lessons learned during this period can inform future efforts to better safeguard their health and well-being.

The significance of having access to accurate and timely information is one of the most important lessons acquired from COVID-19 in Libya. A significant quantity of misinformation and rumours have been disseminated due to the pandemic, causing refugees and migrants to experience confusion and fear. This has made it difficult for these populations to take adequate precautions to safeguard themselves from the virus. In order for refugees and migrants to comprehend the virus and the protective measures they can take, it is crucial that they have access to accurate and prompt information.

The need for inclusive and accessible healthcare is an additional lesson learned. The pandemic has illuminated the disparities that refugees and migrants encounter in accessing healthcare services, such as limited availability, language barriers, and stigma. Due to concerns of deportation or discrimination, many refugees and migrants have been reluctant to seek medical care. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that healthcare services are available and accessible to all individuals, regardless of their status or origin.

Moreover, the pandemic has highlighted the significance of collaboration and partnerships among humanitarian organisations, local authorities, and communities. This partnership has facilitated a coordinated response to the pandemic and ensured that the requirements of refugees and migrants are met. For example, local authorities have collaborated with humanitarian organisations to provide access to medical care, distribute hygiene packages, and distribute food aid.

The impact of economic and social factors on refugees and migrants has also been brought to light by the pandemic. As a result of the pandemic, a significant number of refugees and migrants have lost their means of subsistence and are now confronting heightened destitution and insecurity. Therefore, it is crucial to address the economic and social effects of the pandemic so that refugees and migrants have access to the resources they need to survive and flourish.

Lastly, the pandemic has demonstrated the significance of preparedness and resilience in responding to crises. Investing in measures of preparedness and resilience can help ensure that refugees and migrants are better equipped to withstand future crises. Investing in infrastructure and education, for instance, can help create resilience among refugees and migrants, allowing them to deal with future crises more effectively.

In conclusion, the COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the vulnerability of refugees and migrants in Libya, as well as the necessity of investing in inclusive and accessible healthcare, collaboration and partnerships, economic and social support, preparedness and resilience measures, and enhancing the capacity of local NGOs to ensure a sustainable response. These insights can guide future efforts to ensure that refugees and migrants are better supported and protected during times of crisis. Protecting the health and well-being of refugees and migrants is crucial for constructing a more just and equitable society.


By the same author on PEAH

Refugees and Migrants Access to Healthcare in Libya: Challenges and the Way Forward

News Flash 526: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Small Triplefin (Tripterygion melanurum)

News Flash 526

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


Global Health Summer School 2023 – September 16-23 in Berlin.  Colliding crises: Global Health between war, security and human rights – application until May 15th

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The Value of Communication in a Pandemic  by Nicolas Castillo

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The Value of Communication in a Pandemic

This article emphasizes the crucial importance of communication during a health crisis. It highlights how accurate and up-to-date information, accessibility and inclusiveness in communication, empathy and compassion in the way of communicating, and the proper use of technology are key elements for effective communication in times of pandemic. The benefits of effective communication are mentioned, such as preventing the spread of the virus, promoting responsible behaviour, managing misinformation and promoting solidarity and emotional support. The challenges facing communication in a pandemic, such as misinformation and inequality in access to information, are also recognized

By Nicolas Castillo

Biochemical. Private Laboratory Santa Clara de Saguier Sanatorium, Santa Fe, Argentina

The Value of Communication in a Pandemic


Materials and Methods

The materials used in this study include data from various sources, including databases, public health reports, and scientific literature.

We conducted a comprehensive review of the literature on health communication in times of pandemic, using a systematic approach to identify relevant articles. We searched multiple databases, including PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science, using keywords related to epidemiological surveillance and pandemics. We also reviewed the websites of national and international public health organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to identify guidelines and protocols for pandemic surveillance.

The results of our review provide an overview of the key principles and challenges of health communication in times marked by pandemic.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the way we communicate as a society. At a time when movement restrictions, social distancing and quarantine measures have disrupted our daily lives, communication has become more crucial than ever. The way we communicate with others, whether on a personal, community or global level, has proven to be a determining factor in managing the pandemic, disseminating accurate information and promoting solidarity and mutual support. This article will examine the value of communication in a pandemic, highlighting how effective communication can contribute to preventing and mitigating the negative effects of a public health crisis, as well as promoting resilience and recovery in difficult times. The various forms of communication used during the pandemic will be explored, including interpersonal communication, online communication, and communication by public health authorities and government leaders. In addition, communication challenges and opportunities in a pandemic will be discussed, such as the need to manage misinformation, the importance of empathy and compassion in communication, and the need to adapt to changes in communication way we communicate in a virtual environment. In summary, this article will highlight how effective communication has been a key resource in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, and how its value in times of crisis has been instrumental in addressing challenges and building a stronger and more resilient community.


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical importance of effective communication in times of health crises. Communication has become an essential tool to address the challenges posed by the pandemic, and has played a fundamental role in preventing, mitigating and recovering from the negative effects of the crisis on society.

First, communication has been essential in preventing the spread of the virus. The dissemination of accurate and timely information on prevention measures, such as social distancing, the use of masks, hand hygiene, and public health guidelines, has been crucial to educate the population and promote responsible behaviors. Clear and accessible communication, aimed at diverse audiences and communication channels, has been essential to increase public awareness and encourage adherence to preventive measures.

Furthermore, effective communication has been essential in mitigating the negative effects of the pandemic. Up-to-date and accurate information on the evolution of the epidemiological situation, government restrictions and regulations, and available resources, has enabled individuals and communities to make informed decisions and adapt to changes in their environment. Communication has also been crucial in addressing misinformation and the spread of fake news, which can lead to confusion and panic in times of crisis. Communication based on science and credible sources has been critical to maintaining public trust and ensuring an effective response to the pandemic.

Additionally, communication has played a fundamental role in promoting solidarity and mutual support in times of crisis. Empathy and compassion in communication have been important in connecting with people affected by the pandemic, expressing emotional support, and promoting unity in the community. Communication has been used to mobilize resources, coordinate community efforts, and promote collaboration among different sectors of society, such as government, health organizations, businesses, and civil society.

Communication has also evolved during the pandemic, with a significant increase in online communication and the use of digital platforms. Virtual communication has become an important tool for maintaining social connectivity, distance education, telemedicine, and information dissemination. However, it has also raised challenges, such as the need to ensure the accessibility, reliability and privacy of information online, as well as the ability to adapt to the digital divide and ensure that everyone has access to the necessary information and resources.

In short, the value of communication in a pandemic is fundamental. Effective communication has been essential for the prevention, mitigation and recovery of the negative effects of the pandemic, promoting adherence to prevention measures, addressing misinformation, promoting solidarity and coordinating community efforts.


Communication in a pandemic presents both opportunities and challenges. First, the rapid dissemination of accurate and up-to-date information has been crucial in preventing the spread of the virus and ensuring that the public is informed about government prevention and regulatory measures. However, there has also been a significant increase in misinformation and fake news, which has generated confusion and panic in society. The management of false information has become a major challenge for authorities and health professionals, and it is essential to promote the veracity and reliability of information in communication during a pandemic.

Another challenge is to ensure accessibility and inclusion in communication. The pandemic has exacerbated the digital divide and inequality in access to information, especially for marginalized and under-resourced communities. It is important to ensure that communication is accessible to everyone, including people with disabilities, older people, and communities with language or cultural barriers. Promoting inclusive and equitable communication is essential to ensure that everyone has the information they need to protect themselves and face the pandemic.

Empathic and compassionate communication has also been essential in a pandemic. The health crisis has had a significant emotional impact on people, with loss of life, jobs, and changes in lifestyle. Communication must be sensitive to people’s emotions and needs, offering emotional support, showing empathy and providing support resources. Lack of empathy in communication can have negative effects on people’s mental and emotional health, and can undermine trust in authorities and in the information provided.

Despite the challenges, communication in a pandemic has also presented opportunities. The use of digital platforms and social networks has allowed a rapid dissemination of information at a global level, and has facilitated the connection and collaboration between people and communities. Virtual communication has been used for distance education, telemedicine, and to maintain social connectivity during times of physical distancing. Technology has opened up new forms of communication and has proven to be a valuable tool in managing the pandemic.

Effective communication in a pandemic is invaluable. It has been instrumental in preventing, mitigating and recovering from the negative effects of the crisis, promoting responsible behaviours, addressing misinformation, promoting solidarity and connecting people. However, it has also faced challenges in terms of managing misinformation, accessibility and inclusiveness, and empathy in communication. Adapting communication to changing circumstances and promoting truthful, inclusive and empathetic communication are essential to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that communication offers in a pandemic.


In short, the value of communication in a pandemic is incalculable. Accurate and up-to- date information, accessibility and inclusion in communication, empathy and compassion in the way of communicating, and the appropriate use of technology are key elements for effective communication during a health crisis. Communication has been essential in preventing the spread of the virus, in promoting responsible behavior, in managing misinformation, in connecting and collaborating between people and communities, and in promoting solidarity and emotional support.

However, challenges have also been faced in terms of misinformation, inequalities in access to information, and the need for empathetic and compassionate communication in times of crisis. It is essential to address these challenges and adapt communication to changing circumstances to ensure that everyone has access to accurate and reliable information, and that people’s emotional needs are met.

In conclusion, effective communication in a pandemic is essential for public health and the well-being of society. The promotion of truthful, inclusive, empathetic communication and adaptation to the needs of the population is essential to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that communication offers in times of crisis. The assessment and strengthening of communication in a pandemic contribute to the protection of the health and well-being of affected individuals and communities.


Declaration of Conflict of Interest: As the author, I declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Thanks: To my family for accompanying me at all times.


Bibliographic Citations

  • Liu, Q., Zheng, Z., Zheng, J., Chen, Q., Liu, G., & Chen, S. (2020). Health communication through mass media during the early stage of the COVID-19 outbreak in China: digital issue modeling approach. Internet Journal of Medical Research, 22(4), e19118.
  • Bavel, JJV, Baicker, , Boggio, PS, Capraro, V., Cichocka, A., Cikara, M., … & Willer, R. (2020). Using the social and behavioral sciences to support the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Human Behavior, 4(5), 460-471.
  • Mian, & Khan, S. (2020). Coronavirus: The spread of misinformation. BMC Medicine, 18(1), 89.
  • Chan, MS, Jones, CR, Hall Jamieson, , & Albarracín, D. (2020). Debunking: A meta-analysis of the psychological efficacy of messages countering misinformation. Psychological Science, 31(11), 1381-1395.



By the same author on PEAH

Epidemiological Surveillance in Pandemics

Population Aging, a Challenge for Public Health in Latin America and the World

News Flash 525: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

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News Flash 525

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


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Refugees and Migrants Access to Healthcare in Libya: Challenges and the Way Forward

Libya's political instability, violence, and economic difficulties have made it a challenging location for migrants and refugees to reside. Consequently, their health has been severely compromised, and they confront a variety of health challenges closely connected with social exclusion and discrimination

By Meftah Lahwel M.D.

Refugees and Migrants Access to Healthcare in Libya

Challenges and the Way Forward


In recent years, the world’s total number of forced displacements has reached an all-time high as a result of the wars, violence, instability, and natural disasters that are presently impacting many regions around the world. For years, Libya has been a hub for migrants and refugees attempting to reach Europe, with many putting their lives at risk to cross the Mediterranean Sea in pursuit of a better life. The country’s political instability, violence, and economic difficulties have made it a challenging location for migrants and refugees to reside. Consequently, their health has been severely compromised, and they confront a variety of health challenges.

Access to healthcare services is one of the most significant health challenges migrants and refugees in Libya encounter. Many refugees and migrants in Libya are undocumented or lack the appropriate documentation, limiting their access to healthcare. Even if they have access to healthcare, the quality of care is frequently inadequate, and healthcare facilities are frequently overcrowded and insufficient. This dearth of access to healthcare services has resulted in an overall decline in health.

Due to security threats and a lack of financing, more than half of the health facilities that were operational in Libya in 2019 had to close in 2020. The closures in rural areas have been the most severe as a result of security threats and an absence of state and health sector funding. Those who remained open endured frequent power outages, which were exacerbated by a dearth of fuel for standby generators. Children were exposed to life-threatening diseases such as measles and polio due to the repeated shortage of essential vaccines, which disrupted immunisation schedules and placed children at risk of contracting such diseases. Similarly, over two-thirds of primary healthcare facilities lack antibiotics, analgesics, insulin, and antihypertensive medications.

The already fragile health care system in Libya was severely impacted by the COVID pandemic. Due to the high rate of COVID-19 transmission among health workers and a paucity of PPE and supplies, a large number of primary health care facilities were closed. The remaining functional medical facilities lacked all essential medications. The impact of the COVID pandemic was not limited to healthcare. It was expanded to include various socioeconomic aspects. Penury and economic deprivation make refugees and migrants prone to many morbidities like tuberculosis, scabies and malnutrition which healthcare by itself is not enough as solution.

In Libya, migrants and refugees are also susceptible to physical and mental maltreatment, which can have long-lasting health effects. Many migrants and refugees are victims of physical and sexual violence. This can result in both physical and mental injuries, including anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

In addition to these obstacles, migrants and refugees in Libya are also subject to discrimination and social exclusion, which can exacerbate their health issues. They are frequently marginalised and excluded from conventional society, which can lead to feelings of loneliness and hopelessness.

In order to resolve these health issues, the Libyan government and international organisations must prioritise the health requirements of migrants and refugees. This includes providing adequate food and water and addressing issues of violence and abuse. These efforts can be supported by international organisations providing humanitarian aid and assistance, as well as advocacy and technical support.

Improving access to healthcare services is essential to addressing the health issues migrants and refugees in Libya face. This involves ensuring that healthcare services are accessible and affordable, as well as expanding the capacity of healthcare facilities to satisfy the needs of migrants and refugees. International organisations can also support the training of healthcare professionals to provide migrants and refugees with culturally sensitive and appropriate care.

Improving the health of migrants and refugees in Libya is also contingent on addressing the problem of violence and abuse. This includes protecting migrants and refugees from physical and sexual violence. These efforts can be supported by international organisations through the provision of legal and advocacy assistance, as well as the establishment of secure spaces for migrants and refugees.

In order to improve the health of migrants and refugees in Libya, it is essential to resolve social exclusion and discrimination. This includes addressing discrimination against migrants and refugees as well as improving social integration and inclusion. These efforts can be supported by international organisations collaboration with local NGOs and host communities through advocacy and awareness-raising campaigns, as well as the establishment of community-based organisations that promote tolerance and social inclusion.

News Flash 524: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

female Parrotfish (Sparisoma Cretense)

News Flash 524

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


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Workshop: Engaging Women in Nature-Based Solutions to Improve Livelihood, Ecosystem Conservation; Resilience to Climate Change and Peace Building in Bugesera; Rwanda

Key highlights here on a project aimed at raising awareness and actions to mitigate the effects of climate change in holistic approach like forest recovery and how the interventions of the project will help to improve livelihood in Bugesera communities. The project will work with 45 women leaders at community level and will be implemented in Bugesera district, Rwanda. By the end of 2023, GER-Rwanda will reach 1,000 participants which will include women champions on awareness on climate change in Bugesera district

By Innocent Musore

Executive Director

Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation-GER

Kigali City, Rwanda

Workshop: Engaging Women in Nature-Based Solutions to Improve Livelihood, Ecosystem Conservation; Resilience to Climate Change and Peace Building in Bugesera; Rwanda


  1. Introduction

The workshop commenced at 10:30 am on April 18th, 2023. The Master of Ceremonies (MC) began by requesting all participants in the meeting hall to introduce themselves to facilitate smooth conversations throughout the meeting. Mr. Innocent Musore, the founder and Executive Director of GER-Rwanda, delivered the opening speech welcomed all the participants and provided a brief summary of GER’s mission, history, achievements, and future goals. He also introduced the theme for the workshop, which focused on women’s role in nature-based solutions, ecosystem conservation, and resilience to climate change and peace building.

Mr. Innocent Musore

He reminded the participants that the aim of the project is to raise awareness and actions to mitigate effects of climate change in holistic approach like forest recovery and how the interventions of the project will help to improve livelihood in Bugesera district communities.

Rwanda's districts. Image Source: Government of Rwanda

He pointed out that women are responsible of domestic work, they are most affected by climate change. He highlighted that “WE CAN’T build sustainable peace without considering ecological aspects especially in Bugesera district one of the most affected by the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi”.  The workshop convened 50 participants (40 F; 10 M). The project will work with 45 women leaders at community level and will be implemented in Bugesera district. By the end of 2023, GER-Rwanda will reach 1,000 participants which will include women champions on awareness on climate change in Bugesera district. He Thanked the Rain forest for partnership and the good leadership on Rwanda

  1. Workshop Highlights and Topics

2.1. Strategies that Women Can Undertake to Contribute to the Fight against Climate Change

Community team leader discussing some points with the participants

Among the discussions, the first topic of the meeting aimed at brainstorming different strategies that women can undertake to contribute to the fight against climate change and establish a climate resilient atmosphere in their living environments.

Climate Change: The facilitator helped the participants to better understand climate change effect globally, in Rwanda and at community level respectively; case in point, Bugesera district that face long-term droughts with very little rain.

Factors Contributing to Climate Change: The facilitator highlighted factors that have contributed to the increase of climate change, such as carbon-emissions, pollution, deforestation, and overgrazing.

Consequences of Climate Change: The facilitator pointed out the consequences of increasing climate change, such as drought, famine, poverty, disease, land infertility, floods, soil erosion, land degradation, and dried-up water sources.  

Strategies to Ensure Climate Resilience

  • Sensitizing the communities on climate change, soil erosion prevention
  • Planting trees and avoiding deforestation, practicing irrigation using renewable energy, use of organic fertilizers, planting trees on lake shores, farmers’ respect for buffer zones near lakes and rivers, reviving use indigenous seeds that are climate change resilient.
  • Enhancing meaningful stakeholder collaboration and engagement to mitigate the effects of climate change and improve community livelihoods, these stakeholders include but are not limited to private institutions, local communities, youths, women.
  • Strengthening small holder farmers to have more capacities and add value to their harvest that generate profit easily with little expenses.
  • Advocacy, Community-based activities specifically for women (special communal work locally known as umuganda) as home-grown solutions.
  • Strengthening environmental education in schools as well as environmental protection initiatives.

2.2. Waste, Hygiene, and Sanitation

Among other discussions focus was also laid on waste, hygiene and sanitation and the discussion points were on the types of waste, benefits of clean water, ways of maintaining good hygiene and sanitation, negative impacts of improper waste disposal, and plastic pollution. The participants learned about the negative effects of plastic pollution on aquatic life and soil fertility. Lastly, they were encouraged to take responsibility for proper waste disposal practices.

Proposed Solutions to Maintaining Good Hygiene and Sanitation

  • Boiling water before drinking it
  • Teaching the benefits of maintaining good hygiene and sanitation and the different methods of doing it
  • Controlled excreta disposal
  • Eating safe food and proper food handling
  • Washing hands regularly with soap
  1. Insights from the Workshop Participants

-Director of Social Affairs in Bugesera district: thanked GER for organizing the meeting and everyone present for attending. He emphasized all the topics discussed by previous speakers, highlighting the benefits of proper waste disposal and community-based solutions.

Nshimiyimana Dative explained about what her group does to help in protecting the environment. She told the participants about the project that they have been working on of producing organic fertilizer from locally sourced materials that are readily available in the communities.

Nshimiyimana Dative

Other participants shared how the project has helped them not only on the personal level but also as a community as a whole. According to them, the project has helped them gain a spirit of reconciliation and unity where now they are able to interact with the people who wronged them during the Genocide contrary to how it was before joining the project. Additionally, they were very appreciative of the water tanks they were given as they have helped them tremendously to have access to clean water and the seeds for planting trees.

  1. Proposed Actions

During the workshop, several action items were proposed:

  • Providing improved cooking stoves to vulnerable women in Bugesera District.
  • Shifting our focus from personal issues to finding ways to fight climate change and make a positive impact in different regions of the world.
  • Engaging women in environmental projects that can also boost their economic growth by generating income, thereby improving their living standards.
  • Planting trees for those who are unable to do so themselves, creating fresh air and helping the environment.
  • Arranging a meeting between project beneficiaries and district representatives to develop action plans that can extend the impact of GER even further.
  • Promoting gender equality within families.
5. Success Stories

A success story was shared by Mukabarisa Safina; a Genocide survivor from Gashora Sector in Bugesera district where she pointed out that  the previous project helped her  to plant climate resilient crops that can yield even in dry spells; Water reservoirs she was given helped to harvest rainwater which was used for irrigation of crops when there is no rain, more still sharing water among people built and improved relations between her and Genocide perpetrators who she forgave and they currently live in peace; Crop harvest has helped boost her household income for families to pay Community Based Health Insurance/ Mituelle de Sante for the family; and school fees for children, the use of clay stoves has prevented deforestation to get firewood, she is more confident in addressing climate change, training, peer education among others.

Mukabarisa Safina

She concluded by pointing out that this project should be a platform for empowering women.  Apart from environmental interventions, the project is improving social relations among people, families, households and communities; this facilitates discussions on climate change.

  1. Concluding Remarks

Innocent Musore gave a closing remark thanking everyone who participated in the workshop and reminded the participants to make sure that they implement the skills and knowledge they have acquired from the workshop once they go back to their respective communities to create a positive change.

Innocent highlighted that climate change is a global challenge and to that end it requires everyone’s synergies to address the issue, while focusing on the most vulnerable people who are women that are most affected by climate change since they are the ones who are least engaged in addressing climate change.

In her concluding remarks Ms. Mukangenzi Lucie, National Women’s Council (CNF) Vice Chairperson also thanked GER on behalf of her organization for holding such educative sessions and expressed their interest in further collaborations with GER.

Ms. Mukangenzi Lucie

She thanked the partnership between GER-Rwanda and Rain-Forest Sweden (RR); and further thanked the collaboration between Bugesera district and for supporting the workshop.





GER-Rwanda 2023

News Flash 523: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Conger Eel (Conger Conger)

News Flash 523

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


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News Flash 522: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Saddled Seabream (Oblada Melanura)

News Flash 522

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


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