Population Aging, a Challenge for Public Health in Latin America and the World

The information contained in this work and the recommendations proposed seek to expand the opportunities for older adults to maintain their health as they age. The current situation of aging in the world deserves immediate attention. Society can no longer afford to merely ensure the survival of its citizens to advanced ages; it must now promote the healthy and active aging of the population, which can be planned and supported. The scientific-technical advances achieved still do not satisfy the needs of an aging population. The investment that governments make in science and technology for social good must be aimed not only at prolonging years of life but also at achieving a satisfactory quality of life in a world population that is getting older every day

By Nicolas Castillo

Biochemical. Private Laboratory Santa Clara de Saguier Sanatorium, Santa Fe, Argentina. Graduated in Clinical Biochemistry. Master in Public Health. Master in Digital Health Management

Population Aging, a Challenge for Public Health in Latin America and the World




Old age and aging are problems that modern societies have been facing for a relatively short time. Aging is an integral and natural part of life, it is a biological process that is accompanied by a great vulnerability to disease, and in which individuals present a series of characteristic physical manifestations, not particularly associated with any disease. Aging is a process that lasts a lifetime. It is multidimensional and multidirectional, in the sense that there are differences in the rate and direction of change (gains and losses) of the different characteristics of each individual and between individuals. Every stage of life is important. Therefore, aging must be viewed from a perspective that encompasses the entire life course. Aging is a very complex and variable phenomenon. Not only do organisms of the same species age at different rates, but the rate of aging also varies within the organism of any species itself; This heterogeneity between individuals is a characteristic of ageing.

The most significant problem of aging is the loss of autonomy that leads to dependency. It is a state of a permanent nature, in which people find themselves who, for reasons derived from age, require the attention of another or other people or important help to carry out basic activities of daily life. Aging and dependency constitute a real challenge for families and the social policy of a country. That is why the societies of the different countries must face this challenge in an equitable and supportive manner so that all people can function autonomously and with quality of life in this period. The notion of healthy aging is a health goal, individual and for the population.

Health and functional capacity are of vital importance for the quality of people’s social life; The level of functional capacity determines the extent to which they can manage autonomously within the community, participate in different events, visit other people, use the services and facilities offered by organizations and, in general, enrich their own lives and those of others of the people closest to them.

The increase in older adults will undoubtedly demand the need for more services, related to educational, economic, social, health, environmental, recreational and generational aspects, among others. The present work was based on a documentary review of different works carried out at a global, regional and local level in order to give a different approach to the aging of the population.

The clinical history of elderly people must unquestionably contemplate an analysis, to a lesser or greater extent, of their functional capacities. This evaluation allows the knowledge of the present and past functional situation, and the realization of the functional diagnosis. The functional assessment of the elderly is essential for the design of individualized geriatric care plans. The most important functions to assess in the elderly are physical, mental, and social function. Therefore, functional capacity is usually assessed through the degree of autonomy one has to carry out a series of daily activities related to personal care (basic activities of daily living: moving around the house, eating, dressing, washing oneself, drinking a bath or shower, use the toilet,..).

It is currently accepted that functional capacity is one of the best indicators of the health status of the elderly, and it is very useful for predicting disability, mortality and consumption of healthcare resources, as well as for screening for alterations in the state of the elderly health with preventive objectives. Taking functional capacity into account, dependency will be understood as the fact of not being able to fend for oneself to some degree, that is, having difficulties or not being able to carry out certain activities that are common for the population as a whole. To approach the social burden that dependency represents in old age, some authors establish the need to evaluate those factors that have a greater risk of being in a situation of dependency in old age, factors that are known as determinants or predictors. Among the factors that show a greater risk of dependence in old age, illiteracy, widowhood, suffering from a situation of comorbidity with three or more diagnosed chronic diseases, feeling unwell or very unwell, having exceeded 75 years of age or being obese stand out. On the contrary, the characteristics that seem to determine more favorable situations when dealing with old age with a certain quality of life and autonomy are having educational resources (secondary or university), enjoying a medium or high social status, doing some physical exercise and not be in a situation of loneliness. In Spain, demographic and social changes are producing a progressive increase in the population in a situation of dependency.


Public policy refers to the philosophies and priorities followed by a government (in the form of legislation or programs) and represents the emphasis on government responsibility. The main influencing factors are the number of those affected or the organized pressure groups. Today we clearly observe in a large number of different national censuses, that there are fewer children and older people are increasing (change in the population pyramid). For this reason, the aging of nations is an important imperative of public policy in this century, having been exposed in the 1st World Assembly on Aging, in 1982 (Vienna), and reaffirmed in the second held in 2002 (Madrid). Health policy for older adults must consider the unique needs and problems that distinguish them from non-elderly people. A pioneer was the World Health Organization (1959) and, subsequently, numerous other international organizations agree that the most important thing is to maintain functionality in daily life (quantifiable with geriatric assessment). There is consensus that this is the most important factor in older adults to predict possible future dependence, the use of health resources, economic resources or death. As the percentage of the elderly (>80 years) increases, something that occurs in all countries, an increase in disability is projected. This would increase the emotional, social, economic and environmental handicaps. The dominant view of health planners and planners from the 1980s to the 1990s was that the elderly would be totally dependent and very expensive, but this has been denied. Currently, in the United States of America and other countries (including culturally close ones, such as Spain) it has been shown consistently over the last ten years that disability is decreasing despite the increase in the very elderly. In other words, by investing in efficient programs and with geriatric services focused on function, it is possible to reverse the projections. Something similar was done in the global fight against child malnutrition and is similar to what is currently being done against morbid obesity. Any human being with multiple chronic noncommunicable diseases that affect their functionality will have a decrease in “quality of life” that will affect the family and require prolonged care. We know that functional impairment is preventable.


The World Health Organization (WHO) promotes “active ageing” which is based on three pillars: social participation, economic security and health. Most countries advance first in social participation. The same thing happened in Argentina where municipalities, churches and other organizations have implemented it to achieve “participatory ageing”. Achieving economic security is complex and is being faced in various ways to achieve a decent and sustainable pension system over time. Health aspects are generally the most backward. Its great guidelines have already been studied in other countries, so we have the knowledge about the correct way to do it. Efficient health systems must respect the following three guidelines:

  • Acute and continuous and integrated services that are developed simultaneously: massive prevention and promotion to achieve “healthy ageing” in the majority of the population; ambulatory health care; hospital geriatric care for acute cases; implementation of functional geriatric recovery units (average stay) and the development of long-term care at home and in institutions.
  • Training of health teams, together with an adequate number of geriatricians. Academic education and training programs are required for all health and other professional careers.
  • Adequate financing, including ongoing, outpatient, and institutionalized care.


In societies, there is a common concern about the rising costs of health care for the elderly and the increase in the number of citizens who require continuous medical-social services.

Policies for the elderly should be formulated within the context of other age groups because:

  • The well-being of the older population is based on the living conditions of the young years. The ability of the elderly to move easily, retain their hearing, vision and mental faculties, and take care of themselves is, in part, a result of adequate health care at an early age. Continued efforts to reduce health inequalities for all will also benefit the elderly.
  • The health programs implemented for the elderly also serve young people, especially those who suffer from some kind of disability.

A reassessment of the method by which health care for them is conceived, organized and delivered is required. It has been amply proven that the classic model of medical care, useful in the young adult population, fails when it is applied automatically to the elderly.

A simile would be that of child health and especially in those who are born with low weight. It could therefore be considered “discriminatory” today to provide appropriate health care only for the fact of being “old” or in places not appropriate for them, especially if the staff is also not trained and there are no geriatric specialists to attend to cases more complex.

The main objective of a national health policy for the elderly should be to keep them physically and mentally independent for as long as possible. This will require an effective health care system and adequate financial means. The older population is different and requires its own services. They currently receive the same services as the younger ones. Today no one disputes that in order to obtain good quality care for populations of children or pregnant women, changes and investments had to be made. In addition, it was possible over time to reduce costs and improve quality of life. Today it is wrong not to have the trained health teams, nor the necessary geriatric services. This is a responsibility of all the governments that have signed the agreements of the 2nd World Assembly on Aging in 2002, in Madrid.


The elderly needs basic health services and economic-social assistance similar to the rest of the population, although adapted to their concrete, peculiar and specific needs.

If we are heading towards an older society, we must emphasize the development of geriatric medicine. The geriatric service (hospital and its community network) in Europe and other countries is the cornerstone of healthcare provision for elderly patients and has proven to be cost-effective. Hospitals in the United States of America have shied away from this role, in part due to an emphasis on high-tech curative medicine, but today they see the elderly as the majority group of hospitalized patients and have begun to emphasize ongoing geriatric care.

Hospitals often act as an important focal point for receiving medico-social services for the sick elderly population. Consequently, the development of a more human orientation with an emphasis on functional recovery, less technical towards its inpatients, with treatment by a multi-professional geriatric team is a welcome innovation. The Geriatric Service or Unit plays the central role both in the provision and in the cooordination of the continuous care requirements in a close relationship with the primary care teams. It is obvious that this will depend, to a large extent, on how doctors and health teams are trained (undergraduate and postgraduate) in the basics of geriatrics. This is the current line of development of the European Community and other countries.

Geriatrics’ focus on caring rather than healing can help rejuvenate medical practice in general. It achieves better doctor-patient communication and greater commitment of family members in treatment guidelines.

The implementation of a national policy for the elderly is essential, regarding its health dimension. Latin America currently faces not only the challenge of achieving these goals for a growing number of its population, but also with a more compressed term of years (about 25 years) than that of the most developed countries (100 years), to respond to these challenges. The “social” dimension of public policies for the elderly has presented achievements, from the point of view of the number of programs, social organizations developed and others. These programs have largely managed to change the perception of the elderly people. However, the “quality of life” of older people is directly related to physical-mental well-being and therefore to health indicators. In general, the biggest fears of the elderly are premature aging, losing health (especially being dependent on their care), poverty and loneliness. Regarding the measures implemented in the region, of the public programs for the elderly, we can say that, of the three priority areas, such as biological (medical), psychological and social defined as interacting and, therefore, in the actions and measures to be carried out, the biological one has had a slower pace of execution than the other two. Taking only the medical aspects into consideration, we can affirm that one of the most relegated has been the training of specialized human resources, that is, geriatricians and services, despite the fact that these are among its specific objectives. Surely, in the future we will be judged by how we treat our elderly people today. It is essential to invest in comprehensive community health, including primary care adapted to older adults, recognizing that it has long-term benefits with the appropriate budget allocation and training support for professionals and formal and informal caregivers. The adaptation of Health Centers is required, eliminating architectural and administrative barriers, as well as the inclusion of protocols for the elderly in Primary Health Care services.

The challenge also involves raising awareness in society as a whole to understand aging as part of the life cycle and not as a different stage from others. All efforts must be made to delay dependency and disability until the last moments of life. This implies promoting, preventing, assisting and rehabilitating; the classic functions of public health that have their specificity when talking about older adults.


The information contained in this work and the recommendations proposed seek to expand the opportunities for older adults to maintain their health as they age. The current situation of aging in the world deserves immediate attention. Society can no longer afford to merely ensure the survival of its citizens to advanced ages; it must now promote the healthy and active aging of the population, which can be planned and supported. Planning for a healthy and active old age implies launching promotion programs, prevention services and timely diagnosis in the field of primary health care with this orientation, long before old age begins. The real expectation of a healthy and active life for older people forces us to reformulate the concept of “aging” as a burden and as a deficiency that still prevails in Mexican society and, instead, to highlight the current participation of older people in social, economic, cultural and civic spheres, as well as in its continuous contribution within society, particularly in the transmission of values ​​through generations and during a longer period of life. The promotion and protection of the human rights of the elderly must be a concern for all, because aging is a universal process. Older people are especially vulnerable as a group, in part due to stereotypical and misconceptions that they are an ‘outdated’ segment of society; nevertheless, as life expectancy increases and health improves, people remain functional and active longer than ever before, both professionally and in the community. Encouraging and supporting older people to stay active for as long as possible will have benefits for society as a whole. From this perspective, it is clear that the development of new care models that are qualitatively different from the current ones, that are adapted to the new needs and promote the training of competent human resources, necessary both at the primary level and at the specialized levels, are a priority. These new models will have to be developed based on considerations of the national context of each particular region, recognizing the social, legal and institutional aspects, as well as the forms of social organization that prevail. Likewise, they must be based on the recognition of the obligation of the State, institutional responsibility and social co-responsibility. Models like this would focus on the community and the family, help rebuild the social fabric and reward intergenerational solidarity. In this way, greater distancing between medical care and social services will be avoided and it will help to make them more dynamic, taking into account regulations, institutional feasibility, human capital requirements and the necessary sustainability. Currently, government work is not only defined by institutions and public servants: but also various actors are recognized who participate actively and committed in the definition and execution of public policies under a principle of co-responsibility, participation and plurality. This way of doing government is defined as governance, and it is necessary in a scenario where aging is not just a matter of age or of a single population group, but involves everyone directly or indirectly and requires innovative and sustainable proposals. Undoubtedly, the role of organized civil society – which had been developing beforehand – becomes relevant, so its actions must be accompanied by an adequate legal framework that gives them strength and transparency. From this perspective,

  • Change the traditional conception that aging implies passivity, isolation and dependence; Emphasis must be placed on autonomy, the exercise of rights and co-responsible participation by the population through self-care and collaboration in health promotion actions.
  • Include the age perspective, as has happened with the gender perspective, in all public tasks, which will allow redirecting a greater amount of resources and outlining the implementation of complementary programs and actions in less time.
  • Review the institutional capacity to ensure that it is adequate in the performance of functions, resolution of problems and achievement of objectives of the public policies necessary for development in each stage of life.
  • Strengthen and stimulate the capacity of the family and the community to respond to the needs of the elderly, which promotes care at home and contributes to the creation of new jobs in this area.
  • The link between research in public health and other areas will allow the transfer of knowledge to health policies and strategic plans related to the elderly, their families and their environment to continue.


  • United Nations, 2002 (UN). Report of the Second World Assembly on Aging. New York. United Nations.
  • Rojas Pérez M, Silveira Hernández P, Martínez Rojas LM. Gerontology and Geriatrics, a count of little more than a century. Medical Record of the Center. 2014; 8(1). [Cited: February 8, 2015]. Available in: http://www.revactamedicacentro.sld.cu/index.php/amc/article/view/49/153
  • Bases of the Federal Health Plan 2004-2007. Ministry of Health of the Nation. Federal Health Council (2004). Presidency of the Nation. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Mandatory Medical Program (PMO) (2001). Ministry of Health of the Nation. Superintendency of Health Services, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Transfer of knowledge. [Cited 2013 Apr 20]. Available in: https://www.who.int/es/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ageing-and-health
  • Madrid International Plan of Action on Aging Santiago de Chile, (2003). Regional Dialogue.
  • Primary Care Adapted to Older Adults. Regional Implementation Strategy for Latin America and the Caribbean. Towards a PHC adapted to the Elderly (2004). Irene Hoskins, Alexandre Kalache, and Susan Mende. PAHO/WHO Document
  • Pérez Rojo N, Laria MS, Pastor Castell-Florit S, Piñeiro Pérez J, Romero Barroso Z. Research on health systems and services in Cuba and Projections until 2015. Cuban Journal of Public Health. 2010; 36(3)209-214. [Cited February 8, 2015]. Available in: http://scielo.sld.cu/pdf/rcsp/v36n3/spu04310.pdf
  • La construcción de las bases de la buena salud en la vejez: situación en las Américas. Martha Peláez. Available in: https://iris.paho.org/bitstream/handle/10665.2/8094/26267.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
  • WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. [Cited April 20, 2013]. Available at: https://www.who.int/es/publications/m/item/decade-of-healthy-ageing-connection-series-no2
  • Report on the Elderly in Argentina (2000). Chap. 3 “Health in the elderly”, Carlos Vassallo, Matilde Sellanes. Secretariat for the Elderly and Social Action. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Llanes Betancourt C. Demographic aging and the need to develop professional skills in geriatric nursing. Rev haban cienc méd. [magazine on the Internet]. 2015 Feb; 14(1): 89-96. [Cited Oct 19, 2015]. Available in: http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1729-519X2015000100013&lng=es
  • Revue de littérature sur la promotion de la santé des personnes agées (1999). Good vivre avec son age. Sante publish. Collection Promotion de la Santé. Document available at www.msss.gouv.qc.ca. Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociales, Québec, Canada. Orientations ministérielles sur les services offers aux personnes agées en perte d’autonomie. (2001). Ministry of Health and Social Services, Canada.
  • World Health Organization (2002) “Active ageing: a policy framework”.
  • Department of Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases and Health Promotion, Aging and Life Cycle.
  • Aging, Communication and Politics (2004). Ministry of Communications and Gerontological Psychology Center (CEPSIGER), Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Gascon, S. and Redondo, N. (2005). “Programming of integrated long-term care services for elderly people with loss of autonomy in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay”. Final report of the International Technical Cooperation between the Pan American Health Organization, the Government of Quebec, Canada and the Ministries of Health of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. Gascón, S., Redondo, N. and collaborators, 2003. ECLAC, preliminary document on social and community participation and the situation of older persons in Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago de Chile. Gascon, Silvia and Tamargo, Maria (2004). Citizen Participation in Health in Mercosur, Fundación Salud.


News Flash 495: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

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News Flash 494: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

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Malaria Eradication and Prevention through Innovation

 A reflection here on WHO-led key initiatives to protect pregnant women and children against the scourge of malaria in underserved low- and middle-income countries

By Kirubel Workiye Gebretsadik

Medical Doctor and Master of Public Health student 

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

 Malaria Eradication and Prevention through Innovation



Malaria is an infectious disease caused by parasites of the plasmodium group, spread through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes. Though a preventable and curable disease, malaria is a huge burden for sub-saharan African nations. Approximately 92% of malaria cases and 93% of malaria deaths are within low- and middle-income countries.

At the seventh replenishment conference for the Global Fund to combat AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria in New York, which was hosted by US president Joe Biden, governments from all around the world contributed a record US $14.25 billion. Over 45 nations attended the meeting, including governments, international partners, the commercial sector, and civil society organizations. Significant strides have been made in the fight against malaria since the global fund was established in 2002; it is predicted that interventions funded by the global fund prevented a 70% increase in malaria cases. Nevertheless, almost two decades later, there are still 241 million cases of malaria worldwide. Africa is heavily burdened by it. https://www.theglobalfund.org/en/fight-for-what-counts/

Malaria infection during pregnancy is a major public health problem. Pregnancy-related malaria infection can result in life-threatening consequences, such as severe anemia in the mother, low birth weight in the baby, or even stillbirth or death. In addition to using insecticide-treated mosquito nets and ensuring efficient case management of malaria and anemia in pregnant women, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommended in 2012 giving pregnant women at least three doses of the antimalarial drug sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) to significantly lower the risk of malaria infection. Data revealed that millions of women were still being overlooked despite this guidance. https://www.afro.who.int/publications/who-policy-brief-implementation-intermittent-preventive-treatment-malaria-pregnancy

Jhpiego is the project’s leader, and it is referred to as intermittent preventative therapy in pregnancy (IPTp). Through the use of skilled health extension program officers, this study sought to find out by providing malaria prophylaxis to women in their homes. It had the belief that it could close care gaps and open doors to more health services for millions of women. This flexible community-led strategy has been successful in 2021 in reaching 80% of the targeted pregnant women. This strategy has provided at least three doses of SP through community interventions, protecting approximately 100,000 pregnant women against malaria. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23403684

SP is also successful in protecting infants against anemia and malaria. As a result, WHO also suggests intermittent preventive therapy in infants (IPTi-SP). https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-IVB-11.07

IPTi-SP is the administration of a full therapeutic course of SP delivered through the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) at intervals corresponding to routine vaccination schedules for the second and third doses of DTP/Penta3, and measles vaccination — usually at 8-10 weeks, 12-14 weeks, and ~9 months of age — to infants at risk of malaria. It is anticipated that the Population Service International (PSI)-led IPTi project will produce data to encourage the broad adoption of an effective but underutilized preventive strategy that, if scaled up, could prevent 6.7 million cases of malaria and anemia in children under two by 2030. https://www.psi.org/news/ipti-plus/

Let us work together on the WHO global target for malaria 2016-2030.


By the same Author on PEAH


Social Innovation in Healthcare


News Flash 493: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

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News Flash 492: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

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News Flash 492

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Covid-19 and the Global South

What are the effects of the Covid measures on people from southern and northern countries? Are these more positive or more negative for the world's poor? How are you politically classified? The following article seeks to answer these questions by evaluating the impact of common interventions on individual and global health, as well as social impacts

By Dr. med. Christiane Fischer

Chairwoman, PHM Deuteschland

 Covid-19 and the Global South



At the individual level all vaccines are positive! The resistance to vaccination, which is mainly found in rich countries, seems unfounded. The vaccinations have no more side effects than any other vaccinations and, as with other vaccinations, long-term effects have not been described.

On a global level, there is a massive problem that people, especially from poor African countries, have insufficient access. While in Germany the vaccination rate on August 31, 2022 was 76.2% of the population, in Burkina Faso it was only 8.1%. India has a vaccination rate of 73%, as the vaccines are produced in the country by its own Indian pharmaceutical companies and are therefore accessible to the entire population. [i]  Unfortunately, India cannot export them due to the existing patent law in many African countries. Therefore, they do not benefit the poor, especially in African countries. A main reason for the lack of access for poor countries without their own pharmaceutical industry is massively inflated prices, which are usually caused by unnecessary patent protection. Globally, 67.7% of people worldwide have been vaccinated at least once, but as is almost always the case, the vaccine is distributed very unfairly between the rich who swim in vaccine and the poor who at best have miserable access. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 34 countries have rates below 10%.[ii]

On October 2, 2020, South Africa and India applied to the World Trade Organization to temporarily suspend patent protection for all products necessary to prevent, contain and treat Covid-19. In the language of the WTO, such an exemption is called a “TRIPS Waiver”. As of October 2020, over 100 governments have endorsed the TRIPS Waiver. After 18 months of negotiations, a document has been made public that is described as a possible compromise between the EU, the USA, South Africa and India. However, the text in no way corresponds to the original proposal tabled by India and South Africa. The compromise proposal is too narrow and does not provide sufficient measures for equal access to Covid-19 technologies. It does not represent a simplification but a complication of the necessary conditions for Covid-19 technologies. [iii]


The sensitivity of tests is only 40%, as evaluated by the German professional association of paediatricians (BVKJ). The number of false-negative and false-positive results is unacceptably high and would do more harm than good, so the conclusion. The isolation and quarantine measures and school closures associated with the tests have led to schools in particular, and thus the education of children and young people, being massively disrupted. [iv] Therefore, testing without cause, be it with rapid antigen tests or PCR pool tests, is currently and probably not justifiable for the further course of the pandemic. This should also apply to nursing homes, clinics and other facilities, as the example of Switzerland shows, which abolished all corona measures in February and does not have a higher incidence than Germany. [v]

On the other hand, there are fears that are triggered by tests and cannot be justified in view of the lack of sensitivity. In addition, a large amount of waste is caused by tests.


In the debate about the new Infection Protection Act, the German Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) spoke out against compulsory masks for schoolchildren in autumn and winter, because studies would show that masks tend to postpone infections. [vi]

At the same time, people who consistently and correctly wear mouth and nose protection indoors in public had a significantly reduced risk of becoming infected with SARS-CoV-2 in a case control study by the California health authority. [vii]

Consequently, a weighing of interests must take place here between protecting others and protecting yourself, your own body awareness and the right not to wear a mask yourself. The fact that people can effectively protect themselves with a mask should not be an obligation, but only a recommendation.

From an ecological point of view, masks create a lot of waste. A lot of resources are used for mask production that are missing in other areas. These reasons also speak against a mask requirement.


The societal impact of lockdowns far outweighs the health benefits they have produced.[viii] This is especially true for the poor in southern countries. If, for example, people do not have money to drive the bus to a treatment center for tuberculosis or AIDS due to lockdowns, this causes more resistance and deaths in poor countries. [ix] Other measures such as curfews have generally been controversial due to a lack of evidence.


Vaccinations are the most effective measure to combat the pandemic in the long term. In order for everyone to have access to vaccinations, it is necessary to suspend patents on vaccines, medicines and diagnostics. The aim of progressive politics and health policy is to fight poverty worldwide. This is central in the case of the Covid-19b pandemic. All measures must therefore be measured against this. The effects of the other Covid-19 measures are particularly problematic for people from countries in the south (but also in the north) and for ecological reasons. The focus must be on action that serves in the poor and fights poverty globally. This is only possible with patent-free access. Therefore, our commitment to off-patent vaccines, medicines and diagnostics should be stepped up so that global justice can emerge.



[i] https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations?country=OWID_WRL

[ii] https://www.who.int/initiatives/act-accelerator/covax

[iii] https://www.aerzte-ohne-grenzen.de/sites/default/files/2022-04/Factsheet%20TRIPS%20Waiver%20Kompromiss.pdf

[iv] https://www.bvkj.de/politik-und-presse/nachrichten/264-2022-08-29-stellungnahme-anhoerung-covid-19-schutzgesetz

[v] https://www.corona-in-zahlen.de/weltweit/schweiz/

[vi] https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/news/kinderaerzte-grundsaetzlich-gegen-maskenpflicht-in-schulen-tests-corona-jakob-maske-li.255030

[vii] https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7106e1.htm

[viii] https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/did-covid-lockdowns-work-heres-what-we-know-two-years

[ix] https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abd1072


By the same author on PEAH

Access to Corona Vaccination only for the Rich 

Action Alliance “Training 2020” – An Alliance for Independent Continuing Medical Education

Corrupt Medical Practices in Germany

Interview: MEZIS (Mein Essen zahl ich selbst – I pay for my own lunch)


News Flash 491: Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Salema fish (Salpa Salpa)

News Flash 491

Weekly Snapshot of Public Health Challenges


The call for abstracts EECA INTERACT 2022 is open. Please, apply!

Webinar registration: CSO DG dialogue on climate and health Sep 5, 2022 02:00 PM in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

First adapted COVID-19 booster vaccines recommended for approval in the EU

US Food and Drug Administration Approves Omicron-Targeting COVID-19 Boosters for Fall

Scientists question Moderna invention claim in COVID-19 vaccine dispute: Company sues rivals Pfizer and BioNTech over mRNA technology

India pitches for special WTO meet to expand scope of Covid IP waiver

Poor Vaccines Coverage in Pandemic Blamed on Multiple Barriers

Research characterizes clinical and epidemiologic features of SARS-CoV-2 in pets

Novel Coronaviruses Are Riskiest for Spillover

Primary Care Beyond COVID-19

WHO Lists Entities That Can Engage with Pandemic Treaty Negotiating Body

Why We Need A Pandemic Treaty Built For Accountability & Financial Assistance To Countries That Need It

The New Abnormal by Brian Johnston

Access (or not) to vaccines for monkeypox in Africa: a sense of déjà vu?

Substandard and falsified antibiotics: neglected drivers of antimicrobial resistance?

Reflections on research ethics in a public health emergency: Experiences of Brazilian women affected by Zika

Principles for Access to Multi-disease Molecular Diagnostics

WHO product review process needs better clarity: External report

Half of health care facilities globally lack basic hygiene services – WHO, UNICEF

A Message From Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation – GER Rwanda by Innocent Musore 

European towns exchange good practices to boost migrants’ integration

The Reality of Ethics and the Role of Disruptive Technologies in the Medical Data Industry: How Do They Align? by Tomas Mainil  

Reimagining human rights in global health: what will it take?

The Berlin Wall Between Welfare and Health in Iran: Who Gains the Health Subsidies? by Manal Etemadi

Africa’s water woes ‘driving up food prices’ 

Is There Any Point Defining a ‘Climate Migrant’?

A “hierarchy of suffering” exacerbates asylum seekers’ mental health in Lithuania

What Satellite Data Can (And Can’t) Tell Us About Climate-Affected Migration 

 ONE HEALTH ONE WORLD by Kirubel Workiye Gebretsadik 

‘Time has run out’: UN fails to reach agreement to protect marine life

Commission adopts new rules to fastrack approval of biological pesticides

Latin America Looks to COP27: ‘The Time to See Ourselves Only as Climate Victims is Over’

When open letters work: publication of the EU proposal on pollution emission standards for vehicles













A Message From Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation – GER Rwanda

Find a message here by Innocent Musore, Executive Director Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation-GER Kigali City, Rwanda, as a reminder of GER-Rwanda 2022 field engagement and practices. We are pleased to post and circulate it as a follow-up to Improving Communities’ Livelihood, Healing and Reconciliation in Rwanda PEAH published by the same author on February this year

By Innocent Musore

Executive Director

Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation-GER

Kigali City, Rwanda

A Message From Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation – GER Rwanda

GER-Rwanda-logo.jpg (235×225)


Welcome to GER!

Since 2015, Global Initiative for Environment and Reconciliation (GER) –a Non-Governmental Organization ,  whose Vision is to see people living in harmony with themselves and the environment , with a Mission to support the process of peace building and community development in Rwanda, and the Great Lakes region has  actively been a peacebuilding and development organization.

We work with communities and stake holders, community based organizations to facilitate conflicts transformation and ecosystem conservation with a keen focus to empower women and youth to become agents of change.  We facilitate interactions with people of all walks of life, including; survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, and perpetrators to reconcile and recover from collective trauma and historical wounds.

We facilitate community knowledge exchange and intergenerational learning dialogues that help environmental reconciliation and conservation initiatives to secure food system by Agroecoly farming. This includes and is not limited to testimonies and story-telling.

The beneficiaries should know how to cultivate their land so that it becomes and remains fertile to the future generations, even in times of climate change. Our aim is to raise community awareness so that people are sensitized to become better informed and enlightened about how our actions impact the environment and the associated ecosystems.

We are thus able to understand not only the impact of our decisions and actions, but also learn how to anticipate these changes before they occur and act in such a way as to protect our natural environment which allow us to live in harmony with nature. We work with communities to improve ecosystem conservation and climate resilience.

Our interventions are in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) particularly in the Eastern part of North Kivu, where communities have been affected by ethnic conflicts and violence, famine, disease as well as extreme poverty. Principally, working with communities has enabled us to learn much from their experiences and program interventions, hence meeting their needs already identified in the communities.  We believe that change is possible when communities are empowered and supported to take full ownership and engage in their own home-grown community development initiatives. Noteworthy, community-based approach permits changes from individuals to families, community members and societal levels.

To that end, we therefore invite individuals with tangible ideas and good will from various organizations, foundations and development partner to support this noble cause of restoring trust and regional integration.

For more information www.globalr.org, our social media: https://twitter.com/GER_Global, https://web.facebook.com/GERRwanda, https://www.instagram.com/ger_global250.

Thank you!




The Reality of Ethics and the Role of Disruptive Technologies in the Medical Data Industry: How Do They Align?

Technical innovation in globalized health systems seems to become the future pandemic in our current time frame. Disruptive technologies can be used for the good and the bad. This research letter wants to pinpoint the landscape of choices in which medical doctors and other medical professions need to balance the trade in health services with their ethical stance and commitment to nurture and treat patients

By Dr. Tomas Mainil

Phd, Ma, Msc, PD, Senior Lecturer/Researcher and strategic policy analyst, Breda University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands. Mainil.t@buas.nl


 The Reality of Ethics and the Role of Disruptive Technologies in the Medical Data Industry: How Do They Align?


Innovative technologies such as Digital Twins, AI and Blockchain are currently changing the way of working in the medical industries, which probably will lead to early adaptors versus businesses which will react to late in this technological battle for the patient. (Nam et al., 2021) point out that smart destinations are beginning to embrace blockchain solutions, which could result in different business practices. According to (Gossling, 2021) we have arrived in the stage of usurpation with regards to ICT adoption in the tourism industry. This is certainly also true for the structure present in the health space worldwide. It will generate new room for imagination to envision the future (Xiang, 2018). So, we need to assess if the application of these technologies are influencing: mutual understanding between health management levels and professionals, Individual fulfillment, Sustainable development, Stakeholder obligations, Right to health care, Liberty for medical movements and finally the rights for health workers in the medical industry.

Each of these ethical perspectives will be touched by the usage and implementation of these technologies. We want to analyze for each of these principles what the positive and negative relationships are with the continuous development of these technologies. This technological shift will be in need of anti-disciplinary thinking, embarking on new paradigms and mindsets (Sigala, 2018).

In the near future disruptive technologies will change the medical industry rapidly and without taken into account workforce, sustainable communities and hosting places and geographic sensitive environments. In the distant future AI and the development of synergetic systems of supervised machine learning will replace human activities and ways of acting in general societies and how these societies will be organized: technology at the front of destructive innovation or technology and AI for the good of society, the citizens in those societies, and last but not least technology which will create a shift in the trade-off between the elite and endangered communities all over this planet.

So, to humbly conclude: do we want as a globalized civil system to sustain our medical apparatus and the planet; or do we want to perish, and is this current time frame the advent of not being able to provide future generations what our ancestors understood better: to simply live in a harmonic system, rather than to enslave our own past and future. Urgently, but at the same time without any political and policy speeding up processes, we have – without debate – arrived at the bones of our current society.

Without solutions and actions from inside our outside the medical profession, no globalized sustainable health system will arise. But in the end, these disruptive technologies can enhance the sustainable character and the ratio of the healthcare sector: to make the right choices and finding the right equilibrium between human striving and technological innovation. (Putera et al., 2022) show evidence in Indonesia, where technology, policies and health care delivery are coinciding.  Possibly and hopefully this will deliver stuctural results or solutions.


The author has no conflicting interests



Nam, K., Dutt, C.S., Chathoth, P. & Khan M.S. (2021). Blockchain technology for smart city and smart tourism: latest trends and challenges, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(4), 454-468.

Gössling, S. (2021). Tourism, technology and ICT: a critical review of affordances and concessions, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29(5), 733-750.

Putera B.P., Widianingsih, I., Ningrum, S., Suryanto, S., Rianto, Y.(2022). Overcoming the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A Science, technology, and innovation (STI) policy perspective, Health Policy and Technology,11(3) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hlpt.2022.100650.

Xiang, Z. (2018). From digitization to the age of acceleration: On information technology and tourism, Tourism Management Perspectives, 25, 147-150.

Sigala, M. (2018). New technologies in tourism: From multi-disciplinary to anti-disciplinary advances and trajectories, Tourism Management Perspectives, 25, 151-155.