Diseases Are Neglected by the Pharmaceutical Industry

‘The concern about access, so far, has not yet been incorporated into research for treatments or vaccines for COVID-19, despite significant pressure from civil society’.

 The several years of indifference to the reality of people affected by neglected diseases seem to have created one of the greatest obstacles to the coronavirus pandemic control. By accepting that new health technologies were determined by Big Pharma's economic interest at the expense of millions of people’s lives, we’ve naturalized our lives pricing and the understanding of health as a commodity - and an expensive one! So now we are forced to ask ourselves: when the coronavirus vaccine comes out, will my family and I have access to it? Will we and our health systems be able to buy the drug?

image credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

By Luciana M. N. Lopes and Alan Rossi Silva*

 Translated by Luciana M. N. Lopes and Alan Rossi Silva

Originally published at Le Monde Diplomatique Brasil


Diseases Are Neglected by the Pharmaceutical Industry


Another day. Many thoughts I can’t avoid. Do I need to be isolated? Is my family at risk? Will I have any sequelae? Will I lose my job? If so, how’d we live? Will I run out of food? If I go to a hospital, will they look after me? Will someone look down on me on the streets? What if someone gives me some drug? Hasn’t anyone invented a better medicine that can fix one thing without ruining another one? What about this vaccine that hasn’t come out? When is it being launched?

Fear. Anxiety. Anguish. The wait. Many people living with neglected diseases have been dealing with for a long period of time – sometimes for a lifetime, feelings the whole world got to share in recent weeks.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), every year, around 1.5 billion people (20% of the world population) in more than 140 countries need interventions against Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). We’ve heard of several of them: leishmaniasis, leprosy (Hansen’s disease), Chagas disease, schistosomiasis, among others, which disproportionately affect populations and regions in social vulnerability. These diseases are so called by not being of great interest to the pharmaceutical industry that does not see sufficient economic return to spur its commercial interest for Research and Development (R&D).

Imagine that: you wake up, make a coffee and open the newspaper. A headline pops up: ‘research and development of COVID-19 vaccine is canceled due to lack of economic interest’. It’s true that this scenario seems difficult to imagine. After all, researchers, governments, companies, nonprofits and several other actors are in a race against time to make new technologies available that could change history and the story of the coronavirus pandemic. According to the Milken Institute mapping, there are more than 90 development studies for treatments and more than 50 for vaccines. Every day, a flood of news has been published on the subject, and apparently, we’re getting closer to a solution for this new disease.


A quick launch of a vaccine or a proper treatment against COVID-19 would make all our lives easier, but especially lives of people like Nancy Dominga: ‘I’m between my life and my job. And between my life and my job, I’ll pick my life and I’ll stay at home’. She is in a risk group for COVID-19 because she has heart issues – sequela of a disease that hasn’t been controlled in many parts of the world, despite being around for 111 years: Chagas disease.

Like COVID-19, many NTDs affect entire families. Nancy lost four beloved ones to Chagas disease, which kills around 14,000 people a year in Latin America. There are between 6 and 7 million infected people in the region, but less than 10% of them are diagnosed and less than 1% receive treatment at the appropriate time. There is no vaccine. And both available drugs are over 50 years old, have efficacy limited to early stages of the disease and show relevant adverse effects.

We’re all worried about our grandparents, parents, uncles, aunts, friends and colleagues who are in a risk group for COVID-19. We want society to get mobilized and provide social and economic conditions so our loved ones can stay at home and have no need to expose themselves to be at risk of infection. So, can you imagine knowing that someone you love is in a risk group precisely because she or he was exposed to society’s indifference?

This abandonment is historical. There are diseases that are still important today, such as leprosy (there were more than 200 thousand new cases in the world only in 2018), that have caused suffering for – literally – millennia. As if the anguish of waiting for an effective, safe and quality treatment that never comes was not enough, these neglected people often additionally suffer from the prejudice of an ill-informed society.

Neglected diseases

And it was thinking of it that, in 2016, the Brazilian Social Forum to Confront Neglected and Infectious Diseases was created as a collective of movements, organizations and individuals that fight in defense of the right to health of people and communities affected by and/or living with infectious and neglected diseases. Eloan Pinheiro, former director of the Institute of Drug Technology (Farmanguinhos) in Brazil and one of the founders of the Forum, points to the initiative as an important space to share knowledge, combat discrimination and fight for public policies that can change the reality of these people.

She warns us that the struggle for NTDs drugs and for their cure is crucial but not enough: new people will get infected if deeper causes of these diseases, such as poverty and lack of adequate housing, are not addressed. When referring specifically to the need for new NTDs drugs, Eloan invites us to think outside the box: ‘It’s not enough to just have the drugs, it’s necessary to fight for a financial fund to study new products, diagnostic kits and vaccines, using even local knowledge of medicinal plants. It’s necessary to dare leave the traditional Big Pharma product development scheme’.

We need indeed to seek different paths – especially because we’re dealing here with diseases and people which are invisible to our traditional social structures. COVID-19, on the other hand, ‘has a very different profile from neglected diseases regarding its visibility, its presence on the public agenda and the attention it gets of the media’, says Francisco Viegas, the Latin America Advocacy Advisor for a non-profit drug R&D organization for NTDs: the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative – DNDi. Francisco also points out that the fact that COVID-19 reaches rich Countries and ‘in addition to a large market horizont for new health tools, arouses the interest of multiple actors in searching for solutions’.

While in 2018, according to the G-Finder Report, the global funding for basic research and product development for NTDs from 262 entities reached a record amount of US$ 4.05 billion, Johnson & Johnson and the US government alone have pledged to co-invest more than US$ 1 billion in a COVID-19 vaccine R&D. If, on the one hand, knowing that there are several actors – including Big Pharma – in search of technologies for COVID-19 brings some relief, on the other hand, it turns on a warning light: if there’s economic interest in saving my life, how much does it cost?


Having worked for 15 years with a R&D model alternative to the one traditionally adopted by the pharmaceutical industry, Francisco highlights that ‘DNDi considers that its innovative treatments must reach all countries and patients who need them, that’s why we work with the notion of ‘public good’. It means that they ideally have no patent protection and have price affordability guarantees’. Despite the fact that a great number of studies against the new coronavirus has adopted collaborative approaches in order to speed up investigations – just as DNDi usually does -, Francisco warns us: ‘the concern about access, so far, has not yet been incorporated into research for treatments or vaccines for COVID-19, despite significant pressure from civil society’.

The several years of indifference to the reality of people affected by neglected diseases seem to finally collect their debt. All this time we’ve tolerated an unfair incentive system for health innovation may have created one of the greatest obstacles to the coronavirus pandemic control.

By accepting that new health technologies were determined by Big Pharma’s economic interest at the expense of millions of people’s lives, we’ve naturalized our lives pricing and the understanding of health as a commodity – and an expensive one! So now we are forced to ask ourselves: when the coronavirus vaccine comes out, will my family and I have access to it? Will we and our health systems be able to buy the drug?

The good news is that the COVID-19 pandemic, exactly by collecting our debts from the past, is also giving us the opportunity to stop, think, catch up on our obligations and put our house in order. Giving visibility to the reality of people affected by NTDs during the current crisis doesn’t mean to establish a hierarchy among the diseases. It’s quite the opposite. It’s the strong statement that we won’t be able to overcome this challenge if we continue to accept a system that ignores the suffering of millions of people as if they were less valuable and their needs were less urgent.

Epidemics and diseases, regardless of our will, will continue to emerge. What we can change is how we look at those affected by all of them and how we face them. It’s precisely at this moment when humanity is called to fight an invisible enemy that we have the unique opportunity to notice the silenced reality of those who have waited, for a long time, to be seen.




*Luciana M. N. Lopes is a PhD student in Public Health at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and Alan Rossi Silva is a PhD student in Law at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), in Brazil. They represent the Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM), a student-driven organization in defense of universal access to medicines and a fair biomedical innovation system.

PEAH News Flash 382

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

News Flash 382


WHO Member States Agree On Draft Resolution For COVID-19 Response – Overriding US Objections to ‘Equitable Access’ 

MSF at the 73rd World Health Assembly 

Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Carlos Menem, Yanis Varoufakis & Richard Durbin and 300 other lawmakers call for a cancellation of developing world’s’ debt – Washington Post

Will donors finally agree on fair rules for reporting debt relief as ODA? 

How sustainable are the SDGs? We need more development, not post-development 

Why Some National Health Care Systems Do Better than Others 

NEW deadline for GHW6 case studies – Nov 30 

Life Expectancy Increased, But COVID-19 Threatens Gains 

The Digital Migration: Lessons About Open Science Arising from the COVID19 Crisis 

G2H2 Civil society meeting ahead of WHA73 Friday, 15 May 2020, 15.00-17.30 hrs CEST. A World Health Assembly in times of a dual crisis: Covid-19 and the collapse of multilateralism as we have known it 

IS SPACE CLOSING FOR CIVIL SOCIETY IN GLOBAL HEALTH? 19 May 2020, 16:00 – 17:30 73rd World Health Assembly Week 

Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports 

Postscript – The World at Risk: Covid-19, Global Sustainability and 1 HOPE by George Lueddeke 

Back to Basics – Lessons Learnt from COVID-19 Pandemic by Meenakumari Natarajan 

Reflections on the COVID-19 Crisis: Smart Lockdown by Muhammad Usman Khan

Universities announce a One Health Center 

Covid-19 in Greece 

Covid-19 pandemic and refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in Greece: a public-health necessity to prioritize their comprehensive care 

In The Fight Against COVID-19, It’s Not Too Late to Fix America’s Public Health System 

As Gates Foundation Keeps Up COVID-19 Fight, Here are 3 Things to Know

Protecting Women’s Reproductive Health During the Pandemic 

The COVID Pandemic and the WHO: Need for Reflection and Global Solidarity 

Low-paid workers more likely to die from Covid-19 than higher earners 


Maintaining and prioritizing HIV prevention services in the time of Covid-19 

The potential impact of the Covid-19 on tuberculosis in high burden countries 

Unicef: 6,000 children could die every day due to impact of coronavirus 

Cascade of continuous HIV care for MSM in five countries  of the EECA region   

Does the use of low-dose antibiotics in livestock put human health at risk? 

Catching fog and other creative solutions for clean water access 

Brazil deploys thousands of troops to protect Amazon’s trees 

Deadly humidity events accelerating – study 





Reflections on the COVID-19 Crisis: Smart Lockdown

The critical discussion of weak immune systems and chronic illnesses catching up to us in an acute infection should be at the heart of the public health discourse at these COVID-19 pandemic times. The lack of promotive and preventive dimensions of public health will continue to deliver such crises in the future and even when those crises emerge we should remember that lockdown is not a real policy option. A lockdown makes sense if we are caught off guard and we are biding time to create policy solutions. Quarantine and selective isolation are the key public health interventions, not lockdown
Country Officer at Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation
Lahore, Pakistan

Reflections on the COVID-19 Crisis: Smart Lockdown



The various strategies laid out by experts in Pakistan are focused on a tiered approach whereby neighborhoods will be locked down and the extent of lockdown will be determined by the number of cases identified. These strategies miss the mark on one very important aspect: Locking down neighborhoods can create concentrated pockets of infection given that social distancing and hand hygiene cannot be enforced at such a micro-level. Additionally, 40% of the country does not have access to water and soap at home. These proposed ‘smart’ lockdown will, therefore, increase the probability of transmission of the virus to the most vulnerable population (elderly who are at home and those with chronic illnesses).

The issue of identifying what constitutes a neighborhood notwithstanding, let’s say a pooled test identifies a certain neighborhood where the infection is present. Further testing reveals the need for a lockdown- you lock down the area for 14 days but due to poor understanding of social distancing and hygiene- the virus keeps spreading in that neighborhood. You do a follow-up test after 14 days. You don’t find a positive test. The probability of this follow up test being a false negative is somewhere in the range of 0.25 to 0.30 (some have pegged it even higher). This might be due to poor viral load (early phase of infection) or low sensitivity of the kit. Either way, the uncertainty around opening this neighborhood is immense. So, are we going to continue to shut down these neighborhoods over and over again? Given the amount of deprivation that most of these neighborhoods face- we face a catch 22: data shows that deprived population is at a higher risk of dying from COVID-19 and simultaneously they face the health threats that emerge from poverty (which is the biggest precursor to poor health) as well as diseases of despair. So what is the point of the lockdown if it is not crunching the virus and is increasing the health burden due to forgone healthcare and income?

Through seroprevalence testing, we know that the actual prevalence of the disease is on an order of magnitude 30 to 85 times higher than reported cases in the west. Although antibody testing has its limitations given its specificity and sensitivity, these can be accounted for through rigorous methodology as well as through adding appropriate weights in the statistical analysis. The concerns around the accuracy of the test also abound when it comes to the RT-PCR test being used to identify people infected with SARS-CoV-2 but we have circumvented that problem through repeat testing and testing at different points during the incubation and disease phase. Furthermore, the antibody doesn’t capture those who fought off the virus without an antibody response, which means the prevalence may even be higher, it is still offering key insights. This higher prevalence is good news as it shows that we had grossly overestimated the fatality rate. Given our population density and strong person to person network- it would be fairly safe to assume that the prevalence is much higher than cases reported. This should also be obvious given our limited testing capacity. Lockdowns are effective because they create the necessary social distance required to reduce transmission and that too if implemented in the earliest phase of the epidemic. It is very difficult to ensure with accuracy the exact time when a viral epidemic of respiratory infection has started in a region. Positive tests are not the same thing as the incidence of the disease so what testing reveals is not the epidemic curve but rather (crudely speaking) number of tests done. By the time the first death was reported in NY- it had already been a month since the virus was in circulation.

The critical discussion of weak immune systems and chronic illnesses catching up to us in an acute infection should be at the heart of the public health discourse right now. The lack of promotive and preventive dimensions of public health will continue to deliver such crises in the future and even when those crises emerge we should remember that lockdown is not a real policy option. A lockdown makes sense if we are caught off guard and we are biding time to create policy solutions. Quarantine and selective isolation are the key public health interventions, not lockdown.

The virus has to complete its cycle- you can spread the deaths by flattening the curve but you can’t avoid them via lockdown. The way you can partially avoid them is through herd immunity that is achieved by exposing healthy individuals to the virus. Yes, some healthy individuals will have negative outcomes- but unfortunately, some healthy individuals will always have negative outcomes. We have to assess this risk against the day to the day background risk of life. The COVID-19 death risk in people <65 years old is equivalent to the death risk from driving between 13 and 101 miles per day for 11 countries and 6 US states. The younger you are the lesser the risk. Those who say that there is no evidence for herd immunity confuse what WHO has stated. The absence of evidence is being read as evidence of absence. We have enough precedent in terms of fighting off coronaviruses and other viruses to reasonably assume that herd immunity is the most likely outcome. If herd immunity is not possible then a permanent lockdown till we die of some other ailment is in order – as the implication is that vaccines would also be ineffective.

Based on the best data available we need to:

· Revisit pandemic models that were developed in a situation of limited data and critically identify their shortcomings instead of continuing to follow their results. Find updated international models to serve as a proxy for local policymaking

· Isolate those facing the highest risk (elderly, those with chronic conditions and immuno-compromised)

· Identify areas that can promote super-spreading of disease (mosques, bus stops) and institute social distancing mechanisms there. We need smart usage of law enforcement and our limited public health infrastructure.

· If the government wants to pursue a test, trace, isolate (not lockdown) strategy- the quality of the test has to be improved and the time for processing of the test has to be reduced drastically to isolate before further transmission.

· Isolation SOP’s (Standard Operating Procedures) need to be developed for the layman and should be tested before implementation.

· Roll back the lockdown by opening the society to the least at-risk population. The stronger the immune systems of those being exposed to virus the lesser the probability of transmission and the lesser the intensity of the illness. In this vein, keeping the schools closed is counterintuitive. Keeping the schools closed seems to be a political decision rather than a technical one.

· Start a nationwide educational campaign on public health spanning issues such as building a stronger immune system, social distancing measures, and hygiene.

· Start an educational campaign on the strategic and safe use of masks that avoids cross-contamination. Though there is mixed evidence on the efficacy of masks- they can be (if cross-contamination and a false sense of security can be avoided) a constant reminder to stay vigilant.

· Concomitantly, establish clean water units and start a countrywide soap dispensing campaign

· Poor immune system and spread of much of the infectious diseases in Pakistan can be attributed to poor sanitation. Improvement of sanitation facilities will make the population resilient towards infectious diseases and greatly reduce the overall burden of diseases in the country. Much of the increase in life expectancy over the last 100 years is attributed to non-medical public health interventions such as hygiene and improved sanitation.

Back to Basics – Lessons Learnt from COVID-19 Pandemic

In the current pandemic scenario, public health experts need to look at the establishment of animal health care and the strengthening of an ecosystem where human and animal will live congruently to protect human health. This integrated, holistic and harmonious approach to protecting human health is referred to as one world one health, a name coined by the wildlife conservation society. A better understanding of the ecosystem is needed to protect public health

By Dr. Meenakumari Natarajan, MPH.Ph.D

Health Economist, Epidemiologist

Scientist-C-National Institute of Epidemiology (NIE-ICMR), Chennai – India

 Back to Basics 

Lessons Learnt from COVID-19 Pandemic


In this postmodern world, matching pace with the world’s growth and securing a place for oneself, our complicated life is burdened with the fear of new, sometimes anonymous diseases which are growing drastically, and it is a major concern for research. One such disease is COVID-19. The world is becoming small, national borders are diminishing by recent developments in all sectors. More people travel or trade across the global. Our ecosystem also includes forest, sea and space. With all these changes it is becoming easier for diseases have jumped from animals to human.

The viruses find ways to jump from species to species. Jumping from one species to species is a good survival strategy for viruses like swine flu virus, HIV, now coronavirus.  COVID-19 is a relatively new virus. It has only recently jumped to human which is part of the reason. Viruses need hosts and that jumping among hosts is good for viruses but often not so good for hosts. In recent days scientists have made amazing and wonderful progress in tracing the origin of COVID-19: found bats were indeed involved. (Kock, Karesh et al. 2020)

At present mankind is facing many challenges, which will require globally integrated solutions. The spread of infectious diseases that jumped from animals to human was mainly by the interface in the ecosystem which they live. In the preindustrial phase, birth and death rate were similar, the world was balanced fluctuated conferring to natural events like droughts and disease. Unfortunately, the invention of new techniques and procedures caused the death rate to decline further resulting in a population explosion. Millions of animals were hunted to feed billions of people. It is important to note, that the present evidence that exponential growth of population, urbanization, modernization of the farming system all made encroachment of forest and closer interaction of wildlife thereby exposing humans and domestic animals to new pathogens.

In this scenario, public health experts need to look at the establishment of animal health care and the strengthening of an ecosystem where human and animal will live congruently to protect human health. This integrated, holistic and harmonious approach to protecting human health is referred to as one world one health, a name coined by the wildlife conservation society. A better understanding of the ecosystem is needed to protect public health.

World history is plagued with wars, boycotts, violence, and pandemics; however, death and health are shaken by uncontrolled pandemics such as COVID-19. Many countries have done enormous effort to contain COVID-19 such as early diagnosis, contact tracing, contact isolation, quarantine, social distancing, temporary hospital construction, financial support to citizens, closing the national borders, cutting off transportation intra and international etc.. This increases many additional issues such as global economic loss, Economic recession, economic slowdown and supply chain cut off. At present we do not have any clear-cut structure or strategy to confront a future global pandemic and economic crisis. (Pan, Ojcius et al. 2020).

Now the world is moving towards health promotion, disease prevention and it cannot be achieved by alone. It requires support from other sectors such as education, agriculture, industries etc. It requires cooperation and partnership across the disciplines. It is time for the world to review their pandemic plans to address pandemic preparedness in their business plans Many countries have started, tested and updated their plans to reduce the negative impact of a pandemic on the industry, economy, education, ecosystem and health. (Chakraborty and Maity 2020)

However, in line with the ideas of harmonious life with the ecosystem, it can be concluded that this is time for us to Revisit, Revise, Restructure, Reform, and Rebuild ourselves to counteract future crisis.



  1. Chakraborty, I. and P. Maity (2020). “COVID-19 outbreak: Migration, effects on society, global environment and prevention.” Sci Total Environ 728: 138882.
  2. Kock, R. A., W. B. Karesh, F. Veas, T. P. Velavan, D. Simons, L. E. G. Mboera, O. Dar, L. B. Arruda and A. Zumla (2020). “2019-nCoV in context: lessons learned?” Lancet Planet Health 4(3): e87-e88.
  3. Pan, X., D. M. Ojcius, T. Gao, Z. Li, C. Pan and C. Pan (2020). “Lessons learned from the 2019-nCoV epidemic on prevention of future infectious diseases.” Microbes Infect 22(2): 86-91.


PEAH News Flash 381

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

News Flash 381


Webinar registration: The COVID Pandemic and the WHO: Need for Reflection and Global Solidarity, May 8, 2020 

Weekly COVID-19 Pandemic Briefing – The Geopolitics of the Coronavirus 

 WHO: Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports 

‘Finding The Balance’ In Saving Lives & Livelihoods From COVID-19 – Charting Ways Forward In Africa 

WHO: EU draft for WHA on “COVID-19 Response” lacks clarity 

What does the EU’s pledging event on May 4th, to fight COVID-19 actually mean for global health? 

Is ODA up to the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic? 

The Economic Impact of COVID-19 around the World: Projections of Economic Growth Falling Further, Food Insecurity, and A Round-Up of Other Recent Analysis 

Interactive: An analysis of COVID-19 funding in West and Central Africa 

Urgent steps are needed to define how COVID-19 medical tools can really be “global public goods” 

Needed: a pandemic patent pool 

March-In Rights And Compulsory Licensing—Safety Nets For Access To A COVID-19 Vaccine 

Public health must be strengthened for a healthy post-COVID world 

Il silenzio degli innocenti 

The One Health Initiative: The Collaboration Between Human and Animal Medicine 

Staying Sane during COVID-1: Mental health resources for ourselves, others, and the world 

The COVID-19 Pandemic And Rural Hospitals—Adding Insult To Injury 

Global Humanitarian Response Plan COVID-19: Information update (1 May 2020) 

Yes, COVID-19. But what about other infectious diseases? 

Microbe that blocks malaria identified in mosquitoes 

Economic evaluation of short treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, Ethiopia and South Africa: the STREAM trial 

TB and Covid-19 Interactive maps 

UN response to Haiti cholera epidemic lambasted by its own rights monitors 

Reducing antibiotic use in livestock, China 

Sudan criminalises female genital mutilation (FGM) 

Record child displacement figures due to conflict and violence in 2019: UNICEF 

A Global “Hunger Pandemic” is Coming. Who’s Giving to Keep People Alive?

‘Big push’ on food security as COVID-19 response enters second phase 

Food insecurity in West Africa could leave 43 million at risk as coronavirus hits 

EU weighs options for gas grid in zero carbon world 

Energy firms rally behind green stimulus call 

Billions Could Live in Extreme Heat Zones Within Decades, Study Finds 




Postscript – The World at Risk: Covid-19, Global Sustainability and 1 HOPE

Postscript piece here by George Lueddeke is just an addition - an update to an article by him first posted on PEAH in March this year. Publishing it further to the article may be of help to reinforce proactivity and awareness governments and policymakers desperately need in preparation for post-Covid-19. Given the devastating worldwide effects of the pandemics, no wonder, indeed, global and national leaders are urged to collaborate and adopt sustainability values and measures without delay to save the world from itself.

Comments on the article and postscript are welcomed – glueddeke@aol.com

By George Lueddeke PhD, MEd, Dipl. AVES (Hon.)

Chair, One Health Education Task Force and the international One Health for One Planet Education initiative (1 HOPE) 

(One Health Commission and the One Health Initiative)


The World at Risk

Covid-19, Global Sustainability and 1 HOPE

The article published on 25 March 2020 reported data that totally underestimated the devastating global effects of Covid-19. Since that time the pandemic has forced more than 30 million Americans alone to lose their jobs, far exceeding the 25 million job losses worldwide predicted by the United Nations. Indeed, projections are now that close to 200 million people could end up without work globally – ten times the March prediction with over 80% of the global workforce of 3.3 billion people having had their workplace fully or partly closed. Business is in freefall with several countries (e.g., France, Italy) already in recession and GDP possibly collapsing by as much as 12 percent across the Euro area as shoppers stay indoors. The possibility of a global depression similar to the 1930s is very real. While the coronavirus antiviral drug remdesivir looks promising, many scientists agree that it may not be a “game-changer” for most patients, and the hunt is on for a long-term solution to the global crisis. Over 100 clinical labs are conducting intensive research – most collaboratively- to develop a vaccine that would provide protection for billions of people with Oxford University and Imperial College leading the way in the UK.

The impact of Covid-19 has been devastating with the total number of cases across the world now moving toward 4 million (May 3) and most of the more than 254,000 deaths in the US (c. 66, 000), followed by Spain (c. 25,000), Italy (29,000) and the UK (c. 30,000). On a cautiously  more positive note, in some  countries the cases  may have peaked in April and governments have begun to ease restrictions on social distancing as concerns remain over  the psychological effects of those (especially the elderly and young) forced to remain indoors and away from family and friends.

Covid-19 was not unexpected as key reports in the US (e.g., independent Commission on a Global Health Risk Framework for the Future [GHRF], 2016; Harvard’s Global Health Institute report, Global Monitoring of Disease Outbreak Preparedness: Preventing the next Pandemic, 2019) all  reached similar conclusions as the GHRF:  “a flu pandemic could kill millions, cost trillions, and derail the global economy.”  In the UK the possibility of a pandemic was considered a “level five” threat-war-gamed in October 2016. Notably, the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board in 2019 also alerted governments to scale up “research and development for new vaccines and medicines.” Its chair, Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, formerly Prime Minister of Norway and Director-General of the World Health Organization, lamented that world leaders’ response to an impending crisis was “a cycle of panic and neglect.”

The questions on everyone’s mind are ‘when will the pandemic be over?’ and ‘what changes will need to be put in place to create a new “normal,”?’ –  one that mitigates the probability of a pandemic reoccurrence, and other possibly future crises.  As someone recently said, the “old normal” was never “normal,”  not when we have regions and countries, for example, Africa and India – with over 1 billion people each – excluded as permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), the UN’s most powerful body that  has ‘primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security’ but seems to be in a state of  Covid-19 ‘paralysis,’  when we are driving species to extinction at about 1000 times baseline rates, while decreasing vertebrate animals by more than  50% in the past two generations. And, definitely not when social injustices and inequities are allowed to continue  (e.g., the Syrian conflict – creating ‘one of the worst humanitarian crises of our time’ with millions killed or forced to flee their homes now facing Covid-19,  and, globally, 4.5 billion out of c 7.8 billion without safe sanitation). Can we really continue on a planet where annual funding for conflicts and wars (c. US $13 trillion) is prioritised over peace (c. US $ 6 billion) with on-going attempts to reduce even this amount?  And, can we simply ignore the latest metaphorical re-setting of the Atomic Clock (threats to humanity – e.g., nuclear weapons, climate change, pandemics) by the members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, from 2 minutes to midnight in 2018 to 100 seconds in January 2020?

In terms of responding to the question on the length of the pandemic raised in the previous paragraph no one really knows the answers and will largely depend on how well people follow government guidelines on keeping safe. Unfortunately, many of the most vulnerable living in the poorest conditions will not have any guidelines to follow and will be at greatest risk to themselves and their families and indeed the world. Their plight will need to become a top global priority as we strive to build  a new “normal” and the adoption of  a global new mindset – re-orienting society  from its main concern for itself and separate from and superior to nature (anthropocentrism or humancentrism) – the root causes of most global problems today!- to one that respects and protects the sanctity of all life and the sustainability of the planet (ecocentrism). Transdisciplinary education (holistic learning!) – across all formal and non-formal levels – that demonstrates a much greater concern for the future – remains our best hope for transforming society in the longer run.

In the immediate, the sage advice offered by Angel Gurria, OECD Secretary General, is well worth noting as governments plan for a new “normal”.  In a piece entitled “Tackling the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis together: Contributing to a global effort,”  he  contends  that in the post-COVID world

“…governments have a unique chance for a green and inclusive recovery that they must seize – a recovery that not only provides income and jobs, but also has broader well-being goals at its core, integrates strong climate and biodiversity action, and builds resilience. Stimulus packages need to be aligned with ambitious policies to tackle climate change and environmental damage. Only such an approach can deliver win-win-win policies for people, planet and prosperity.”

Applying lessons from previous crises, the Secretary General’s recommended strategies include the need to

  • align ‘the short-term emergency responses to the achievement of long-term economic, social and environmental objectives and international obligations (the Paris Climate Agreement, the SDGs)’;
  • prevent ‘lock-in of high-emissions activities’ while focusing  ‘support on the most vulnerable countries’; and
  • ensure the systematic integration of ‘environmental and equity considerations into the economic recovery.’

His concluding comment that ‘Protecting the planet is the most important inter-generational responsibility we have today’ is one that must be taken very seriously by all decision-makers.   Significant steps in this direction would be reversing decades of undervaluing and underfunding (5%: 95% ratios) public health measures at the expense of treatment and increasingly unaffordable cures. Extending the meaning and responsibilities of public health to embrace not only human health and well-being but also all species is another critical advance.  In this regard, bringing human and veterinary medicine more closely together (education, research, practice) would not only reduce costs but most importantly also lead to building our capacity for ensuring the sustainability of life on earth. Over 70% of all emerging diseases today are of animal [zoonotic] origin. Covid-19  is the most recent and likely one of the most devastating pandemics  in the past century, and  to save the world from itself,  global and national leaders – regardless of  political persuasion or ideological leanings – are urged to collaborate and adopt sustainability values and measures without delay.

In the final analysis, will any of our differences or divisions that we have created matter on a planet potentially devoid of life?



Comments on the article and postscript are welcomed – glueddeke@aol.com




PEAH News Flash 380

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

News Flash 380


COVID-19 Call to Action: Short – Term Assignments with the WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) 

WHO May Host Virtual World Health Assembly May 18 – COVID-19 To Be Main Agenda Item 

Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports 

Coronavirus Response: Commission adopts banking package to facilitate lending to households and businesses in the EU 

Modelling the COVID-19 epidemic and implementation of population-wide interventions in Italy 

‘The World Should Have Listened To WHO’ Says Director General Tedros; Arthritis Drug Shows Promising Results Against COVID-19 In Early Trials 

Coronavirus: ‘One billion’ could become infected worldwide – report 

Study from Chinese City of Shenzhen, Outside Hong Kong in Southern China, Provides Key Insights on How Coronavirus Spreads. ANALYSIS SHOWS HOW EXTENSIVE TESTING AND CONTACT TRACING STOPPED OUTBREAK IN SOUTH CHINESE MEGACITY 

Stop Using The Term ‘Social Distancing’ — Start Talking About ‘Physical Distancing, Social Connection’ 

Contact Tracing Apps: Extra Risks for Women and Marginalized Groups 

Eyeball fever scan ‘could prevent spread of COVID-19’ 

Coronavirus | Why pathogens travel in search of a host 

G20 debt service suspension: A response not fit for purpose (II) 

Opinion: Without funding, there will be no COVID-19 vaccine 

EECA’s response to Covid-19 

Updates – African Countries With Confirmed COVID-19 Cases 

Pandemic Lays Bare Africa’s Deficits, but Youth Will Grow the Future 

More than 13 million children globally missed out routine vaccinations – even before Covid-19 struck 

‘COVID-19 And Global Inequality’: What Needs To Be Done? 

Covid-19 affects everything—more than a disease control plan, we need a manifesto 

Build diverse food systems for post-COVID-19 world 

Understanding the Hunger Surge Caused by the COVID-19 Recession to Mitigate It Before It Is Too Late 

Women Face Amplified Risks in the Pandemic. Funders Are Responding

Giving birth amid a pandemic in Belgium: the challenges faced by mothers and midwives 


TDR publishes new guidance on multisectoral approach to help prevent and control vector-borne diseases 

2020-2021 Joint EMRO/TDR Small Grants Scheme Implementation Research on Infectious Diseases of Poverty: Call for Applications- Deadline for applications: 1 June 2020 

European education corridors: opportunity for academic solidarity 

EU lawmaker puts 65% emissions cut on the table 

From yachts to biofuel, how Spanish farmers are embracing circular economy 

How Do Development Agencies Support Climate Action? 

What’s needed from the Petersberg Climate Dialogue? Climate Finance! When is it needed? Now! 

Can We Use COVID-19 To Transition Towards A Greener, Healthier Future? – Climate Experts Weigh In 







PEAH News Flash 379

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

News Flash 379


WHO: Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports 

Coronavirus: Australia urges G20 action on wildlife wet markets 

Coronavirus: Commission launches data sharing platform for researchers 

Leave Politics Out Of Pandemic: WHO Rebuts United States Criticism Over COVID-19 Early Warnings 

Defunding WHO: Why The President’s Decision Makes America Less Safe 

Covid-19: Trump halts WHO funding in move labelled “petulant” and “short sighted” 

Multilateralism Through Public-Private Partnerships Are Key to Flattening the COVID-19 Curve 

Sanità c’era una volta il multilaterialismo: con l’Oms sotto attacco si scherza col fuoco 

COVID-19: time to plan for prompt universal access to diagnostics and treatments 

British scientist to head UN task force distributing Covid-19 vaccine as US blocks G20 agreement 

The Economic Impact of COVID-19 around the World: A Round-Up of the Most Recent Analysis 

COVID-19 Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry: Major Challenges and the Way Forward by Aboli Mandurnekar

COVID-19: How Do We Re-open the Economy? 

Despite The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, COVID-19 Evaluation Is Not Necessarily Free 

The moment to see the poor 

How Can We Protect The Health of Justice-Involved Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic? Decarceration and Timely Access to Medicaid Are Essential 

CGD Conversations on COVID-19 and Development: Antoinette Sayeh WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2020 – 10:00AM ET 

How the coronavirus pandemic exploits the worst aspects of extreme inequality 

European Union Draft Resolution on COVID-19 for WHA73 

G20 debt service suspension: A response not fit for purpose (I) 

How COVID-19 Debt Relief for Africa Will Help World Economies 

International Public Finance and COVID-19: A New Architecture is Urgently Needed 

Coronavirus spread triggers World Bank pandemic bond payout 

Who Cares for the Future: finance gender responsive public services! 

Watch: How Rwanda got ahead of the pandemic curve 

No Exit? The United Kingdom’s Probable Russian Future by Ted Schrecker 

FAO’s Big Data tool on food chains under the COVID-19 pandemic 

Only ecology-based economies can avoid future catastrophe 

Haunting Forest Spirits – is Mother Nature Striking Back? 

WHO guidance helps detect iron deficiency and protect brain development 



No Exit? The United Kingdom’s Probable Russian Future

Some insights here by Professor Theodore Schrecker as a renowned political scientist specializing in the political economy of health and health inequalities


By Ted Schrecker

Professor of Global Health Policy, Population Health Science Institute, Newcastle University


No Exit? The United Kingdom’s Probable Russian Future


As many governments are announcing strategies for ending lockdowns, we have the curious situation in which the leader of the Labour Party and the Adam Smith Institute agree that the UK government needs to set out such a strategy, but the government refuses to do so.  It says only that five tests must first be met, but gives no evidence of being able to meet any one of them.

This is dangerously irresponsible, and is likely to have long-term negative consequences for public health and health inequalities – consequences that most public health researchers and practitioners seem determined to ignore.  Look ahead, for example, to next January when new border controls (the UK imports 30 percent of its food from the European Union) create food shortages whilst economic collapse worsens fuel poverty that was already a substantial public health issue before the pandemic.

In the absence of a clear, credible and rigorously implemented exit strategy, the future may well resemble the situation in Russia after the collapse of the former Soviet Union.  The economy contracted by close to 50 percent, existing social provision mechanisms and large portions of the health care system crumbled, and life expectancy – especially for men, who now are hit harder by the coronavirus – plunged by several years.  Conventional wisdom attributes a substantial part of this transition to alcohol consumption, but from a social determinants of health perspective this is explanandum rather than explanans: that is, it demands explanation rather than providing one.  Twenty-five years on, Russian life expectancy still did not reflect the country’s economic recovery.  That recovery was accompanied by rising economic inequality, massive capital flight, and the emergence of a new stratum of politically connected billionaire oligarchs.

All this could be avoided, but there is no sign that either the UK government or the public health community are even taking these risks seriously.


Additional sources on the Russian experience: 

Field MG and Twigg JL, eds. Russia’s Torn Safety Nets: Health and Social Welfare during the Transition. New York: St. Martin’s Press; 2000.

Field MG, Kotz DM, Bukhman G. Neoliberal Economic Policy, “State Desertion,” and the Russian Health Crisis. In: Kim JY, Millen JV, Irwin A, Gershman J, eds. Dying for Growth: Global Inequality and the Health of the Poor. Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press; 2000: pp. 155-73.


This posting also appears on Prof. Schrecker’s blog ‘Health as if Everybody Counted


COVID-19 Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry

Pharmaceutical industry though being a valuable industry at current times of coronavirus health crisis, is facing tough challenges to conduct its business activity. Ongoing and planned clinical trials for other diseases are getting postponed which will delay the development of new medicines. Major events and conferences organized for health care professionals are getting postponed or are already cancelled. Import of raw materials is restricted, which will affect the manufacturing activity and in turn will lead to lower sales....

 By Aboli Mandurnekar

(M.Pharm, MBA), India

COVID-19 Impact on the Pharmaceutical Industry

Major Challenges and the Way Forward


The human race is witnessing an unprecedented health crisis brought by corona virus across the globe. The market is falling, the production units are standing still, and millions of people are suffering the wreck of unemployment. Analysts believe that the economic impact of the corona virus crisis will be worse than the financial crisis of 2007-08.  Every business activity is seeing a downturn in their fortune be it billion Dollars Company or a small retail shop. Even the pharmaceutical industry is not an exception.

Pharmaceutical industry though being a valuable industry at current times of health crisis, is facing tough challenges to conduct its business activity. Ongoing and planned clinical trials for other diseases are getting postponed which will delay the development of new medicines. Major events and conferences organized for health care professionals are getting postponed or are already cancelled. Import of raw materials is restricted, which will affect the manufacturing activity and in turn will lead to lower sales. Insufficient ancillary supplies such as bottles, caps and packaging material for medicine will affect the output, the impact of which is expected to be felt over a period of next 3 to 4 quarters. This supply shortage may also lead to pricing volatility in future. Companies will try to maintain inventories for longer duration, buffer capacity will be increased which may affect the inventory cycles.

Planned mergers and acquisitions, new projects and ventures have been put on hold for a while (for example: Pfizer and Mylan have delayed their generic megamerger). But every crisis brings with it an opportunity and this time the opportunity may knock the doors of small pharmaceutical companies. It is very possible that for cost cutting measures, major drug makers may outsource the projects of secondary importance to smaller pharmaceutical companies. Especially, the domestic players can benefit from grabbing new projects and, if accompanied by favorable government policies, can boost the pharmaceutical business of resource limited as well as developed countries.

China is one of the largest Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients-API producer in the world. Disruption in supply chains may occur as India is the largest supplier of generic drugs worldwide and nearly 70% of its API requirements are fulfilled by imports from China. It will be important to observe what can be a substitute for cost effective imports from China and how the market moves further. Rosemary Gibson has explained the challenges coming up with this dependency very well in her book named China Rx: Exposing the risks of America’s dependence on China for Medicine and we can see the effects in this crisis.

International Pharma Trade Association (IFPMA), WTO and trade authorities of each country are trying to minimize the scarcity of essential medicines in COVID-19 affected areas, raised due to multiple export bans and simultaneous demand of some medical devices and essential medicines. Many countries have started injecting reserves in foreign exchange markets, to face the challenges posed by COVID-19.  Russia has introduced more favorable treatment for FX loans issued to pharmaceutical and medical supplies companies. The Reserve Bank of India has extended the realization period for export proceeds so that companies can retain their buyer contracts in future. This will help in case of Europe and US exports as they are major importers from India and worst affected regions due to COVID-19 outbreak. Nigeria has introduced import duty waivers for pharmaceutical firms. Central Bank of Iran has allocated 0.06 percentage of GDP for import of medicines.

This crisis may also force few companies to think about new business models. Online pharmacy business may show higher growth, especially in the emerging economies, similar to emergence of Alibaba in China post SARS pandemic. We may expect increase in the use of digital channels to interact with healthcare professionals. Companies may focus on backward integration for APIs and intermediates. The thing worth looking for in the future is whether the pre-pandemic scenario in trade will be restored or new countries will emerge as export leaders in next few years as governments will try to become self-sufficient in medical supplies.

As per the World Trade Organization, the trade scenario will largely depend on the duration of the outbreak and the effectiveness of the policy responses. Spending on healthcare by governments will increase. Dependency in terms of imports of APIs of essential drugs like Azithromycin and Cephalosporin should be reduced. Even if we treat this pandemic a one-time shock, we need to build our capability to tackle any such emergencies in future. For now, let’s hope for a quicker recovery from this pandemic and follow social distancing norms as a responsible citizen.

