Public Health or Poverty Alleviation? What are Mosquito Nets for?

A total of 21.5 and 27 million nets were distributed in Uganda in 2013/14 and 2017/18 respectively, and this yielded reduced malaria cases in the country. However, despite good government intentions, a number of Insecticide-Treated nets have not been used for their intended purpose and many are using them as fishing nets, wedding veils, ropes and for ant collection. It’s therefore important that government incorporates and ensures implementation of a proper malaria communication strategy


By Gertrude Masembe*

Kampala , Uganda

Public Health or Poverty Alleviation?

What are Mosquito Nets for? 


Mosquito nets of varying types and sizes have over the years been used as a prevention strategy against Malaria in the world and this is no exception for my country Uganda. Uganda was once in 2017 cited as having the highest malaria incidence rate of 478 per 1000 people per year. To curb the deaths and escalating Out Patient Visits (OPD) at health centers government came up with a Universal coverage program which would help address this seemingly indomitable but preventable disease.

According to the National Malaria Control Program Report (2018), a total of 21.5 and 27 million nets were distributed in 2013/14 and 2017/18 respectively, under this arrangement and this, according to reports, yielded reduced malaria cases in the country.

However, despite good government intentions, many of the ITNs (Insecticide-Treated nets) have not been used for their intended purpose. According to the Uganda Demographic Household Survey 2016, 65% of household populations had access to ITNS and percentage is lower in special areas like island and mountain districts where access stands at 48% and 59% respectively.  To prevent malaria, people must own mosquito nests and must use them whereby use is assessed through having slept under the mosquito net the previous night. A study undertaken in Uganda showed a reduction in LLIN (Long Lasting Insecticide Net) ownership at 65% of sampled household (in 2018) down from 94% in 2018 favoring wealthier households. Only 17.9% had adequate LLIN coverage favoring households with fewer residents and wealthier households but only 39.5% had used a LLIN the previous night.

A number of theories can be advanced to explain this but one reason we can’t run away from is the fact that a number of ITNS have not been used for their intended purpose. ITNs have been repurposed to serve other uses and many are using them as fishing nets, wedding veils, ropes and for ant collection. I have had chance to transverse various parts of the country during which time I have fed my eyes on outcomes of new innovations by communities as they seek to generate income using the free government goodies. One adventure that has stuck with me though was use of ITNs to trap ants intended for human consumption!

Of course, trapping white ants using government donated nets is no new story but the way of doing it is what caught my attention during my adventure. As I made my way towards the eastern part of the country I came across a stretch of land all lined up with white funnel shaped images along the main road.

I requested the driver to stop by so I could chat to the ladies nearby. After the usual greeting, I requested them to allow me take some pictures. They were at first hesitant for fear of being penalized by government but after back and forth negotiations I emerged winner and strolled towards the harvesting point.  My eyes immediately caught sight of the additional items used in trapping the white ants and couldn’t contemplate the level of hygiene!!! There, before me, was a very old and dirty kettle all stained with soil that appeared to be in piles. The white net now turned brown and with numerous holes due to continuous stretching was a sight to behold.

However, the ladies were all happy to have me take the pictures as long as no one was captured in the background. They also let me into their small secret. “Mosquitoes nets are now part of our money-making resource. After all we didn’t ask government for nets. Instead of giving us things we need they choose what they think is best for us” one lady commented while others agreed in unison

After a few minutes, a ten-year-old emerged with a sizeable saucepan and a plastic cover but the level of dirt on the utensils this time sent me packing.

“Aren’t you taking some white ants for people back home?” they beckoned as I sped off to the car

“Thank you very much for your kindness, but my team says I have over stayed my leave” I replied in a loud voice.

This clearly indicates that government is probably under performing in terms of awareness regarding malaria and its adverse effects on the human population or people don’t have mosquitoes nets as a priority need. It’s therefore important that government incorporates and ensures implementation of a proper malaria communication strategy while my individual advise to travellers remains summarized in one statement

Next time you think of buying white ants along the road, think twice before you munch on the crunchy treats!!


*  Gertrude Masembe is an Executive leader with proven management background; effective problem-solving skills with demonstrated ability to work in rapidly changing environments. She has demonstrated expertise in strategic planning, organizational development, project management and business intelligence across diverse spaces in the development sector. She attended Makerere University and specialized in Social Sector Planning and Management. Her passion is community development which cuts across various sectors like health, education and economic empowerment



PEAH News Flash 369

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

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PEAH News Flash 368

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

News Flash 368


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Assessment of Private Wing in St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Background: Private wing service in public hospitals was established in Ethiopia in 2009. The main objective of the private wing was to motivate and retain specialist doctors. Retention of doctors had been a big challenge for Ethiopian public hospitals. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the private wing in St. Paul Hospital.

Methods: This is a qualitative study based on Focus group discussions, key informant interviews were   conducted with specialist doctors, nurses, anesthetists and members of the hospital management team and document review was made. Data were collected in December 2015 to January 2016. All data were transcribed verbatim, typed and stored safely. Content and thematic analysis was done.

Results: A total of 37 participants were included in the study. It was found out that the number of specialist doctors in the hospital increased over the 6 years after the establishment of the private wing from 30 to 67. The quality of health services was found to improve as a result of the private wing. The annual income generated by the private wing arrangement increased from 583,578.18 ETB in 2010 to 1,939,912.2 ETB in 2015. The private wing in St. Paul hospital was successful as it contributed to the retention of specialist doctors.

Conclusions: The private wing arrangement at St Pauls Hospital Millennium Medical College has contributed to the motivation and retention specialist doctors. The arrangement generated revenue to the hospital and the quality of care was improved. Other hospitals may consider establishing private wing services.

Keywords: private wing, motivation, retention, health services

 By Fitsum Girma Habte1  

     Yemisirach Abeje2  

    Girmaye Tamrat Bogale3(Corresponding Author)

1: Ministry of Health of Ethiopia

2: St Paul Millennium Medical College

3: Addis Ababa University, Department of Surgery

Assessment of Private Wing in Public Hospitals

The Case of St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia



It is widely acknowledged that the health work force, as an integral part of health systems, is a critical element in achieving universal health coverage. The migration of health workers to high-income countries has been of great concern to developing countries. Developing countries have particularly suffered from high attrition rates; geographical imbalance and an uneven skill mix of health workers. As a result, achieving universal health coverage has been a big challenge for many developing countries (1). It has also been noted that globalization has an impact on hospital management, in both public hospitals and private nonprofit hospitals, in order to achieve clinical, quality and financial objectives (2).

Many African countries have started training more medical doctors to tackle the shortage of medical doctors. However, the rate of brain drain is incomparably high as compared to the rate production. Although many African countries are brain drain victims, the three severely affected ones in descending order are Ethiopia, Nigeria and Ghana. Therefore, because of the complex web of factors that influence the mobility of health workers, any efforts to scale up the health workforce in response to the shortage must be combined with effective measures to attract and maintain existing health professionals (3).

Poor remuneration is a feature of many health systems in Africa. This is especially so because most health workers in African countries work for the government and poor remuneration of civil servants helps to reduce public spending. The salaries unrealistically low and the living conditions are not up to the required standards (4). Thus, many African countries tried to improve the remuneration packages of health professionals. In Zimbabwe, for example, a retention package was implemented in for health professionals. The financial incentives were found to be less effective in retaining staff, as they were eroded by high inflation rates. Sometimes, incentives were not uniformly applied to all health workers, and did not always reach all in the target category. In Kenya, for example, the incentives mainly targeted nurses and doctors (5).

Even though the Ethiopian government has recognized the need to address the health workforce, migration of medical doctors significantly compromised the quality and access of health care services. Between 1987 and 2006, 73.2% of medical doctors left the public sector mainly due to attractive remuneration packages in other countries, international NGOs and the private sector in the country (6). Despite the rapid expansion of health training institutions and the production of physicians in Ethiopia, the gains made have been offset by brain drain (7).

To address the high attrition rates of medical doctors, the government of Ethiopia approved the establishment of private wing services in public hospitals in 1998 as part of the health sector reform. Then, implementation of the private wing arrangement in public hospitals was launched in 2008 (8). Establishing private wing in public hospitals is one of the options for private participation in hospitals recommended by the World Bank (9).

The main objective of establishing private wing in public hospitals in Ethiopia is to increase motivation and reduce attrition rates among health workers especially specialist doctors. The other objectives are to improve the quality of services; to mobilize additional resources and to subsidize the public ward; and to provide alternative care access for clients. Private wing is an official arrangement where medical services are provided, on a fee for service basis, to inpatient and outpatient clients in public hospitals. Doctors and other health workers get additional income for providing services to the private clients in public hospitals (8).

A literature review indicated that establishing well functioning private wings in public hospitals can result in retention of staff, increased client satisfaction and increased revenue flow to the hospital (10). A study conducted in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia revealed that medical professionals had the intention to continue working in government health facilities at least for three more years indicating a positive outcome of the private wing arrangement in public hospitals in retaining medical professionals (11). A study conducted in Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa, revealed that the existence of private wards in public hospitals could increase revenue flow to the hospital to improve the quality of service in public wards (12).

However, there is a significant research gap regarding the effectiveness of the private wing arrangement in Ethiopia. The effectiveness of the private wing in achieving the set objectives has not been studied comprehensively in Ethiopia to the researchers knowledge. Therefore, we assessed the effectiveness of private wing arrangement in the St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College (SPHMMC).

Therefore, this paper was aimed to explore the effectiveness of the private wing arrangement in St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College in terms of motivating and retaining specialist doctors and improving the quality of health services.


The study was conducted in St. Paul Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from December 2015 to January 2016. Guided focus group discussions (FGDs) and key informant interviews (KIIs) were used to collect data. Relevant documents were also reviewed.

The Key informant interviews (KIIs) were conducted with the Provost, Vice Provost for Medical Services, the Acting Vice Provost for Administration and Development and the Private Wing Coordinator. Focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted with nurses, specialist doctors and anesthetists. Participants of each of the FGDs were selected from various departments that provided private wing services. Accordingly, a total of 4 key informant interviews and 4 focus group discussions were conducted. A total of 33 health professionals participated in the four FGDs.

The proposal was submitted to the institutional review board (IRB) of St. Paul hospital millennium medical college (SPHHMC) and ethical approval was obtained. Oral consent was obtained from all interviewees and participants of the FGDs. The recorded interviews were used only for the purpose of the study and were deleted at the end of the research project.

The audio-recorded interviews and FGDs were transcribed. Then content and thematic analysis was conducted. For each transcription, issues relating to the study objectives were identified and coded without predefined categories.  After the completion of the coding process, themes were developed and classified. A triangulation of data sources and methods were employed, comparing information from different respondents, different methods (KIIs and FGDs) and reviewed documents.


Overview of Respondents

A total of 37 health workers participated in the study. Thirteen were females while the remaining were males. Four of them participated in the key informant interviews while the remaining 33 were participants of the focus group discussions (FGDs). Out of the 33 who participated in the focus group discussions; 13 were specialist doctors, 14 were nurses and the rest 6 were anesthetists. Out of the 13 specialist doctors who participated in the FGDs, 9 of them were used to perform procedures/surgeries.

Overview of the Private Wing Services of St. Paul Hospital

The provision of private wing services was started in 2010. The major services provided in the private wing include consultation, laboratory testing, imaging services, minor and major surgeries and inpatient care. Among the 17 clinical Departments in the hospital, the following 12 departments were providing the services by January 2016.

  • Surgery and Orthopedics
  • Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • Internal Medicine
  • Ophthalmology
  • Laboratory
  • Radiology
  • Psychiatry
  • Endoscopy
  • Pathology
  • Anesthesia
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Physiotherapy

Familiarity with the Objectives of the Private Wing

Key informants were familiar with most of the objectives of the private wing. All the key informants mentioned at least two objectives of the private wing establishment by the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) of Ethiopia. All of them were aware that motivating and retaining specialist doctors was the primary objective of private wing services.

The focus group discussants mentioned most of the objectives of the private wing establishment in the country. Motivating and retaining specialist doctors was mentioned as a primary objective of private wing in all the FGDs. A female nurse said, “Can I speak what I am feeling? The private wing service is established for the benefit of doctors. It is designed to retain and motivate doctors.” Improving access to services to clients at reasonable price; motivating and retaining other health workers; and reducing the burden on the regular medical services were mentioned by the study participants as objectives of the private wing.

Motivation and Retention of Health Workers in the Hospital

All key informants mentioned that the private wing arrangement motivated, retained and attracted specialist doctors. This was true especially for those who were performing procedures/surgeries. After the private wing establishment, the hospital managed to keep most of its specialist doctors while the number of employment applications increased. Some of the key informants mentioned that health professionals working in the radiology department and anesthetists were also motivated by the private wing arrangement.

On the other hand, key informants mentioned that the effect of the private wing arrangement in the motivation and retention of other health professionals and administrative staff was not that significant. This is because a small proportion of the revenues from the private wing services were divided among other health professionals. Especially nurses were not motivated by the arrangement as they were dissatisfied by the payment they were getting for participating in the private wing services. Most of the key informants mentioned that nurses usually complained about the ‘small’ benefits they were getting from the private wing services.

In the FGDs, specialist doctors generally agreed that the arrangement had contributed to motivation and retention of specialist doctors. They mentioned that surgeons were benefitted most from the arrangement. However, some discussants mentioned that the benefit to specialists especially those who did not perform procedures/surgeries, was not that significant.

The retention and motivation issue was also raised with specialist doctors who did not perform procedures. They agreed that the private wing did not have significant effect on the motivation and retention of specialists who did not perform procedures. The specialists mentioned that the payment is small and is subject to 35% taxation.  One internist exclaimed, “The private wing service did not motivate specialist doctors as expected. It is better to work for private health institutions.”

The number of specialist doctors in the hospital had steadily increased over the 6 years after the establishment of the private wing arrangement in the hospital. The number of specialist doctors increased from 30 in 2009 to 67 in 2015. (See Table 1)

Nurse FGD discussants said that specialist doctors especially surgeons were motivated and retained by the private wing arrangement. They mentioned that doctors had training and educational opportunities in addition to the financial incentives they got from the private wing. However, they mentioned that the arrangement is not motivating to other health workers especially nurses. One nurse said, “Nurses prefer to work in private clinics as they can get more money. Nurses are not motivated. There is a high turnover rate of nurses in the hospital.”

Anesthetists who were involved in the focus group discussion agreed that most health workers are benefitted from the private wing arrangement from gardener to specialist doctor. However, they mentioned that surgeons and gynecologists had more clients, performed more procedures/surgeries and hence benefitted more. They argued that though the payment is small, the private wing arrangement motivated most health workers in the hospital.

Quality of the Private Wing Medical Services

Key informants had mixed opinions on the quality of the private wing services. Some key informants said that the quality of private wing services was very good as experienced specialists provided services and clients were provided with timely medical and surgical treatment. Clients had the right to choose the specialist they wanted to get service from and this increases their satisfaction. Clients were not required to wait for a long period of time for surgical interventions. However, one key informant revealed that clients had hard time making payment for services, which affected their satisfaction. He said, “There is no separate triage/ card room for the private wing clients. The waiting area is overcrowded especially after 5:00 PM. Payment is a problem; two payment receipts are issued for the client, one for the surgeon and the other for the hospital. The location of card room and OPD is not adjacent and some departments are located far from the card room.”

Others felt that the quality of private wing medical services was not better than that of the regular medical services. The services were provided with the existing medical equipment and materials. The facilities were the same in both private and regular service, and nursing care was provided in a similar fashion. They also felt that clients expectations were not fulfilled regarding post surgery follow up. Clients expected to be followed by the surgeon who performed the surgical operation but sometimes the surgeon might delegate other surgeon or residents to follow the patients post surgery. Sometimes, follow up problems could happen even in the out patient department. Specialists provide consultation services and order various examinations. When the patient comes back on the next day with the examination result, the specialist doctor might not be available.

In the focus group discussion with specialists, most participants agreed that the quality of the private wing medical services was poor. They mentioned the following reasons for considering the quality of the services to be poor.

  • The post operative follow up was poor particularly in weekends
  • The private wing services were not reported while the regular services were reported in the morning sessions. There was no system for follow up and reporting of the private wing cases. Audit report was also not in place in the private wing.
  • The clients did not get the required laboratory, pathology and imaging services in the hospital and hence clients were forced to visit other private health facilities where the payments for the services were expensive.
  • Major surgeries were performed by fewer number of team members in the private wing while in the regular services at least three professionals were involved in each major surgery. In the regular program a surgeon and two assistants (residents) operated on a patient while in the private wing a surgeon and only one assistant (mostly nurses) operated on a client.
  • Patient history was not taken and recorded properly; the specialists wrote no preoperative note or preoperative order. In the regular program the specialists write orders on patient charts to be executed by the nurses. The specialist was expected to take and document patient history that was not practical in many instances.

Some specialists mentioned that the only advantage of the private wing arrangement to the clients is that clients could get the services without waiting for a long period of time. A specialist doctor said, “If your definition of quality is presence of queue, there is no long queue in the evening but the clinical service is the same both during the day and in the evening. Nothing more, except the number of clients admitted in private wing (in the evening) may be fewer than that of the regular services (during the day time)”.

The issue of quality of the private wing medical services was also raised in the focus group discussion conducted with nurses working in the hospital. Most of the nurses perceived the quality as poor except the services provided by the radiology unit where the services were getting improved due to high tech equipment like magnetic resonant imaging (MRI) and qualified radiologists who had joined the hospital lately.

The number of beds in the private wing was limited and even if clients got bed there was no proper follow up of patients especially compared to private health facilities. Nurses were not working hard especially in the ward due to low payment. One nurse said, “If you go to private clinics the nurses ‘sneeze’ when the patient sneezes”.

The nurses mentioned that, once the patient had the operation, doctors were not coming back immediately to see how the patient was doing. The surgeons didn’t appear though the patients demanded for the visit of the specialist doctor who operated on them. They often came the following day and follow up in the weekends was particularly poor. There was no schedule for regular post-operative follow up by the specialists. Some specialists gave instructions regarding the patient through telephone. On the other hand, clients were not pre-informed or oriented about the services and they did not know what, how, where, from whom they receive the services especially after the operation. As a result, some clients were dissatisfied with the services and angry with the providers especially the nurses.

In the focus group discussion with anesthetists, most of the discussants agreed that the quality of the private wing services was good. The clients could choose the specialist doctor who provide them with the required services. The private wing bedrooms were better than that of the regular bedrooms as they were less crowded with patients. The patients got the services within a short period of time as compared to the regular services with reasonable payment. However, few anesthetists considered the private wing service quality was similar to that of the regular services.

Revenue Generation to the Hospital

The income generated to the hospital as a result of the private wing arrangement increased from time to time. The estimated annual income generated to the hospital by the private wing significantly increased from 583,578.18 Birr in 2010 to 1,939,912.2 Birr in 2015. (See Table 2) The increment in revenue was more than three fold, which is a significant one even in the presence of high inflation rates. Key informants mentioned that 15% of the income from the private wing services had been kept as revenue generated for the hospital. Unfortunately, the hospital couldn’t fully utilize the revenue due to unclear income utilization policy by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development of Ethiopia. However, the hospital was courageous enough to purchase reagents, equipment and 6 vehicles for department heads in the hospital. One key informant said, “We bought 6 service vehicles for department heads including the private wing coordinator. This empowers the management to assign capable department heads. That was the turning point of SPHMMC for its current improvement.”

The Effect of the Private Wing on the Regular Health Services of the Hospital

Key informants mentioned a number of positive effects of the private wing arrangement on the regular health services. Before the establishment of the private wing, it had been very difficult to find and consult specialist doctors in the evening sometimes even in the afternoon. After the private wing started, specialist doctors stayed in the hospital waiting for their private wing clients in the evening. Whenever they had to conduct procedures or see patients at the OPD (out patient department), then they would stay in the hospital even at night. This facilitated better care for emergency patients in the regular service at any time including the weekends. Another positive effect mentioned was that the load on the regular services had been reduced. As many patients were getting treatment in the private wing with reasonable cost, the number of those patients waiting for treatment in the regular service decreased. One respondent related, “Before the private wing service establishment, patients had to wait for three years to get operated. Currently the waiting time has been reduced to three months.”

Most key informants mentioned that efficiency of the hospital had been increased as a result of the private wing establishment. Given the existing facilities more patients were served. One key informant said, “Before the private wing establishment, some surgeries were cancelled due to various reasons. After the private wing establishment the number of patients operated per physician increased.” One of the key informants reported that before the private wing establishment gynecology department used to serve 400 clients per month while after the establishment around 1000 clients were served per month. This contributed to better image and perception of the hospital by the public.

Another positive outcome of the private wing mentioned by key informants is that the hospital is able to retain its specialist doctors. One of the key informants said, “As a management team member, I am happy to see health workers are motivated, committed and ready to change.” The hospital is even attracting specialists from other hospitals. In turn this improved the access and quality of various types of health services in the hospital. Even residents are benefiting from the private wing arrangement. They assist in various procedures in the private wing in addition to those conducted in the regular services. Accordingly, residents had got more exposure to various types of procedures and they would be more competent. That means the private wing improved the learning teaching process of the hospital medical college.

On the other hand, the key informants revealed that the private wing establishment also had negative effect on the regular health service provision. Bedrooms were taken from regular service that could affect service provision in the regular ward. There had been conflicts of interest among health workers that brought additional burden to the hospital managers. Complaints were continuously reported as a result of staff dissatisfaction on the private wing arrangement.

One of the key informants noted that health professionals were more motivated and creative in the private wing than the regular services. Knowingly or unknowingly those health providers who benefited from the private wing service showed the tendency to push patients to the private wing service by extending the waiting list of clients for operation in the regular program. He explained, “In some cases, clients are forced to wait for three weeks to get operated in the regular program, but in the private wing service they can get operated within three days for the same health problem. Hence, sometimes clients are forced to use the private wing service though it may not be their preference.”

Focus group discussants were asked on the effect of the private wing on the regular health services of the hospital. Participants discussed on the positive and negative effects of the private wing. It was found out that the specialist doctors, nurses and anesthetists participated in the FGDs had similar feelings regarding the effect of the private wing on the regular medical services of the hospital.

Most participants agreed that the private wing resulted in decreased workload at the out patient department (OPD) as well as in the in patient wards of the regular service. According to the health professionals participated in the FGDs, the regular hospital services were upgraded and efficiency increased as a result of the private wing establishment. They mentioned that the private wing arrangement improved the availability of specialist doctors in the evenings, weekends & holydays. This improved the quality of medical care provided as part of the regular hospital services. They also mentioned that the waiting list of clients in the regular service decreased after the private wing service started.

The FGD discussants observed that there were some problems as a result of the private wing establishment, which negatively affected the regular hospital services. They observed a tendency to prioritize the private wing services than the regular services by health care providers. As a result, working time of the regular services was compromised for the private wing services. According to the Private Wing Guideline, the private wing services should be provided outside of the working hours. This means, in the working days, the private wing services should be started after 5:00 pm. However, FGD participants mentioned that services were started before 5:00 pm even before 4:00 pm.

Some specialist doctors delegate residents to follow up regular time clients. This resulted in decreased quality of regular medical services. One nurse stated that, “Specialist doctors are not available on time at the OPD for the regular services. They don’t see many patients. In addition to providing services in the private wing, they have classroom sessions with their students and research activities. And therefore, they delegate residents to provide follow up services. Sometimes, patients are told to comeback another time, as resident doctors do not make major decisions without the consultation of the specialist.”

In order to assess the effect of the private wing on the regular medical services, documents were also reviewed. The number of surgeries conducted each year before the establishment of the private wing was compared with the number of surgeries conducted each year after the establishment of the private wing in 2001 E.C. It was found out that the number of both major and minor surgeries conducted in the regular service increased every year especially after the establishment of the private wing. The number of major surgeries conducted in the regular service of the hospital increased from 1214 in 2001 at the establishment of the private wing to 4379 in 2007. The number of minor operations in the regular program increased from 524 in 2001 to 1006 in 2007. In the same period of time the number of surgeons increased from 7 to 13 (See Table 3).


All key informants mentioned that the private wing arrangement motivated, retained and attracted specialist doctors. This was true especially for those who were performing procedures/surgeries. After the private wing establishment, the hospital managed to keep most of its specialist doctors while the number of employment applications increased. Most focus group discussants agreed with the key informants in that the arrangement motivated and retained specialist doctors who were performing procedures. This was objectively verified as the number of specialist doctors in the hospital had steadily increased over the 6 years after the establishment of the private wing arrangement as per the document review finding. Though we cannot say for sure that the increment in the number of specialist doctors is solely due to the existence of the private wing, we can recognize that the private wing has contributed to the retention of specialist doctors in the hospital. This finding is consistent with a study conducted in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia which revealed that medical professionals had the intention to continue working in government health facilities at least for three more years as a result of the private wing arrangement in the public hospitals they practice (11). A study conducted in Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa, revealed that the existence of private wards in public hospitals could increase revenue flow to the hospital to improve the quality of service in public wards (12).

The income generated to the hospital as a result of the private wing arrangement increased from time to time. The estimated annual income generated to the hospital by the private wing significantly increased from 583,578.18 ETB in 2010 to 1,939,912.2 ETB in 2015. The increment in revenue was more than three fold, which is very significant even in the presence of high inflation rates. A similar finding was reported in a study conducted in Tygerberg Academic Hospital, Johannesburg, South Africa, which revealed the existence of private wards in public hospitals, could increase revenue flow to the hospital (12).

The private wing was found to have a number of positive and some negative effects in the regular health services of the hospital. After the establishment of the private wing, specialist doctors were available all the time even at night and weekends for consultation. Patient who could afford were getting treatment in the private wing reducing the workload of the regular program to some extent. Respondents felt that as a result of retention of experienced specialists, the quality of the regular medical services was maintained. All these factors could sum up to significantly improve the quality of medical services provided in the hospital.

Interestingly, the number of both major and minor surgeries conducted in the regular service increased every year after the establishment of the private wing. The rate of increment in the number of both major and minor surgeries is more than that of the rate of increase in the number of surgeons. It seems like the private wing establishment resulted in increased number of surgeries conducted in the regular program. Most notably, in 2015, the number of major surgeries conducted was almost twice that of 2014. This is in conformity that the hospital claimed that it used the private wing arrangement to motivate the surgeons to perform more in the regular program.

On the other hand, bedrooms were taken from regular service that could affect service provision in the regular ward. There had been conflicts of interest among health workers that brought additional burden to the hospital management. A tendency to give more emphasis to the private wing services than the regular services was observed and as a result working time of the regular services was compromised for the private wing services.


The private wing arrangement had significantly contributed to the motivation and retention specialist doctors especially those who used to perform procedures most notably the surgeons. Other health workers like anesthetists and pharmacists were also benefited from the private wing. However, it seems like nurses were dissatisfied by the payment they were receiving for providing private wing services.

Significant amount of revenue had been generated to the hospital as a result of the private wing establishment. The amount of revenue generated had been increasing every year since the establishment of the private wing in the hospital.

The private wing establishment was found to have a number of positive and some negative effects in the regular health services of the hospital. After the establishment of the private wing, specialist doctors were available all the time even at night and weekends for consultation, which improved the quality of services. On the other hand, bedrooms were taken from regular service that could affect service provision in the regular ward.

Therefore, it is recommended that St. Paul Hospital,

  • Continue providing the private wing services to retain and motivate specialist doctors and improve the quality of services in the hospital.
  • Dedicate a separate building/ ward including consultation rooms, inpatient wards, pharmacy and the card section for the private wing services to mitigate the unfavorable effect of the private wing on the regular services.
  • The nurses complained a lot about the amount of payment they were receiving. Though it is difficult to satisfy everyone, the payment distribution should be fair. Therefore, the hospital may consider reviewing the payment distribution for fairness and acceptability and make the necessary measures as needed.

Other public hospitals may learn from the experience of St. Paul hospital and consider establishing the private wing services to motivate and retain their doctors and other health professionals.


ETB: Ethiopian Birr (unit of currency in Ethiopia)

FGD: Focus Group Discussion

FMOH: Federal Ministry of Health

HCF: Health Care Financing

HR: Human Resources

MPH: Master of Public Health

OPD: Out Patient Department

SPHMMC: St.Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College


The authors would like to thank the health professionals and key informants who participated in the study. We would also like to thank the data collectors for conducting the key informant interviews and facilitating the focus group discussions. Finally, we would like to thank St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College for covering the costs of data collection of the study.

Author Contributions

Fitsum Girma and Girmaye Tamrat substantially contributed to the design of the work; the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data; and approval of the submitted version. Yemisrach Abeje did part of literature review. Fitsum Girma wrote the final report and Girmaye Tamrat revised it. All authors have read and approved the manuscript. Each author agrees to be personally accountable for the author’s own contributions and for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


The study was funded by St Pauls Hospital Millennium Medical College. The money was used for stationery and data collection.

  1. World Health Organization (2013). World Health Report 2013: Universal Health Coverage, 1-9.
  2. Patrick Mordelet(2009). The impact of globalisation on hospital management: Corporate governance rules in both public and private nonprofit hospitals, Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare, 2:1, 7-14, DOI: 1179/mmh.2009.2.1.7.
  3. Lehmann U, Dieleman M, Martineau T (2008). Staffing remote rural areas in middle- and low-income countries: a literature review of attraction and retention. BMC Health Services Research, 8 (19), 1-10.
  4. Travis P, Bennett S, Haines A, Pang T, Bhutta Z, Hyder AA. (2004). Overcoming health-systems constraints to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. The Lancet, 364: 900–906.
  5. Mathauer, I. and I. Imhoff (2006). Health worker motivation in Africa: The role of non-financial incentives and human resource management tools. Human Resources for Health, 4 (1), 24–41.
  6. Berhan, Y. (2008). “Medical Doctors’ profile in Ethiopia: production, attrition and retention”. Ethiopian Medical Journal, 46(01): 1-7.
  7. Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia (2010). Health Care Reform Manual, Final Draft, 2-4.
  8. Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia. (2014). The National guideline on the establishment of private wing in public Hospitals, 1-10.
  9. The World Bank Group, Private Sector and Infrastructure Network (2002). Public Hospitals: Options for Reform through Public-Private Partnerships. Public Policy for the Private Sector, Note number 241.
  10. Management Sciences for Health, USAID Rwanda Health System Strengthening Project. (2016). Private Sector Brief. August 2016, no. 4.
  11. Bogale, B. (2015). The Role of Private Wing set up in Public Hospitals in Reducing Medical Professionals’ Turnover. Journal for Studies in Management and Planning, 11(01): 13-18.
  12. Wadee H. Gilson L (2007). Private Wards in public hospitals: what are the policy and governance implications? A case study of Tygerberg Academic Hospital. Centre for Health Policy, University of Witwatersand, Johannesburg, November 2007; 29-40.
List of Tables

Table 1: Total number of specialist doctors in the six years after the establishment of private wing services in SPHMMC, January 2016.

Table 2
: Annual Revenues Generated from the Private Wing Services in St. Paul Hospital, January 2016

Table 3
: Average number of surgeries (minor and major) per year before and after private wing service establishment (2001 E.C) in St. Paul Hospital, January 2016




PEAH News Flash 367

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

News Flash 367


Davos wrap-up: Forum runs out of steam as climate becomes ‘king’ 

Wake-up call: 10 years remaining to address inequalities on right to health for all 

Sub-Saharan Africa and International Taxation: Time for Unilateral Action? 

Multilateralism Versus Regionalism: Which Path Should African Countries Pursue to Expand Trade and Investment Opportunities? 

Development Cooperation: Concerns and Emerging Challenges by Michael Ssemakula

WHO, China leaders discuss next steps in battle against coronavirus outbreak 

2019-nCoV outbreak — a timeline 

Coronavirus More Infectious Than Suspected; China Expands Quarantine 

China’s response to a novel coronavirus stands in stark contrast to the 2002 SARS outbreak response 

Another Decade, Another Coronavirus 

A Novel Coronavirus from Patients with Pneumonia in China, 2019 

A Novel Coronavirus Emerging in China — Key Questions for Impact Assessment 

Coronavirus – Early Responses by Rosemary Barber-Madden 

Why tracing the animal source of coronavirus matters 

DRC Ebola update 

Research for the Zika response 

HIV Is Not a Verdict: I Love Every Minute of My Life by Olga Shelevakho

One Step Closer To Ending Leprosy 

As J&J release earnings, MSF protests price of lifesaving TB drug 

Prevalence and genetic profiles of isoniazid resistance in tuberculosis patients: A multicountry analysis of cross-sectional data 

Isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis: A problem we can no longer ignore 

A One Health Approach to Tackle Cryptosporidiosis 

Systematic review of the effectiveness of selected drugs for preventive chemotherapy for Taenia solium taeniasis 

Why is uploading clinical trial results onto trial registries so important? 

Q&A: ‘Transformation takes time,’ Richard Horton on the EAT-Lancet Commission diet 

From Hospital To Home: Why Nutrition Counts 

Human Rights Reader 513 

Family Caregivers Are Rarely Asked About Needing Assistance With Caring for Older Adults 

Australia bushfires contribute to big rise in global CO2 levels – UK’s Met Office 

Farmers face up to climate risks in south Asia 

Coronavirus – Early Responses

Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) epidemic, an emergency in progress.... and a short article here trying to follow the progress and knowledge on potential global effect, diagnostic testing, and what appears to be early intervention strategies on the part of globally

By Rosemary Barber-Madden

Professor Emerita

Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, NY, NY, USA

Received 28 January 2020

Coronavirus – Early Responses


Twenty-nine (29) days ago, the Ministry of Health (MOH) of the People’s Republic of China reported cases of pneumonia, of unknown etiology (unknown cause) detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province to the World Health Organization (WHO) WHO China Country Office (31December 2019) (1). By January 3 2020, a total of 44 case-patients with pneumonia of unknown etiology were reported to WHO. During this reporting period, the causal agent was not identified (2).

Reports of this pneumonia of unknown cause, now classified as novel coronavirus outbreak, in Wuhan, indicated that early cases emanated from an open market selling live poultry, seafood and wild animals. Health authorities in China announced a temporary ban on the trade of wild animals, in response to demands from group of prominent researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the nation’s top universities calling for the government in China to crack down on wildlife markets such as the one at the center of the Wuhan outbreak (3).

By Jan 2, 2020, 41 were admitted to hospital were identified as having laboratory-confirmed 2019-nCoV infection. Most of the infected patients were men (73%); with 32% having underlying diseases that included diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Twenty-seven (27) of 41 patients had been exposed to human seafood market. And, by 7 January 2020, Chinese scientists had isolated a novel coronavirus (CoV) from patients in Wuhan (3).

While Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has likely spread from animal to person, Chinese officials report that the spread of disease is predominantly in person-to-person. Since the cause was unknown at the onset of these emerging infections, the diagnosis of pneumonia of unknown cause in Wuhan was based on clinical characteristics, chest imaging, and the ruling out of common bacterial and viral pathogens that cause pneumonia. Suspected patients were isolated using airborne precautions in the designated hospital, Jin Yin-tan Hospital (Wuhan, China), and fit-tested N95 masks and airborne precautions for aerosol-generating procedures were taken. This study was approved by the National Health Commission of China and Ethics Commission of Jin Yin-tan Hospital (KY-2020-01.01). Written informed consent was waived by the Ethics Commission of the designated hospital for emerging infectious diseases (4).

By 20 January, the Chinese Ministry of Health had reported 258 cases in Wuhan, 14 in Guangdong Province, 5 in Beijing Municipality and 1 in Shanghai Municipality. Thus far, 37 cases have been identified in 11 other countries, including Japan, Republic of Korea, Viet Nam, Singapore, Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, United States of America, Canada, and France. In other countries, possible cases are under evaluation (5).

WHO issued  interim guidance for laboratory diagnosis, clinical management, infection prevention and control in health care settings, home care for mild patients, risk communication and community engagement; provided recommendations to reduce risk of transmission from animals to humans; updated the travel advice for international travel in health in relation to the outbreak of pneumonia caused by a new coronavirus in China; and is working with global expert networks and partners for laboratory, infection prevention and control, clinical management and mathematical modelling (6).

On 23 January 2020, the People’s Daily, China tweeted that “No people in #Wuhan, C China’s Hubei will be allowed to leave the city starting 10 a.m. of Jan. 23. Train stations and airport will shut down; the city bus, subway, ferry and long-distance shuttle bus will also be temporarily closed: local authority (7).”

The WHO Emergency Committee was convened by the WHO Director-General on 23 January 2020 under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus 2019 in China. After deliberation with the Emergency Committee, WHO declined to classify the outbreak as a global health emergency. WHO plans to reassess that question in ten days, if not sooner (8).

The virus requires close contact to spread between humans and that the majority of those who have perished from the illness suffered from other immune-system deficiencies. As of Sunday, 26 January 2020, the coronavirus was responsible for 80 deaths in China, up from 56 the day before, and more than 2,761 infections, with 5794 suspected cases, according to WHO.  All indications are that the number of cases will increase substantially (9).

Researchers from the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin have developed a new laboratory assay to detect the novel Chinese coronavirus. The work is based on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in the absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. The design relies on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with the SARS coronavirus making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology. The assay protocol was published by WHO as a guideline for diagnosis detection. The new assay enables suspected cases to be tested quickly (10).

Chinese scientists were able to quickly identify the genetic sequence of the new coronavirus and officials posted it publicly within a few days, allowing scientific research teams to get to work right away. With the genetic code in hand, scientists can start vaccine development work without needing a sample of the virus. According to a JAMA Viewpoint article posted online on 23 January 2020, biomedical researchers are initiating ‘countermeasure development for 2019-nCoV using SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV as prototypes.’ For 2019-nCoV, they hope to proceed more rapidly, using messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine technology. With these prototypes, it is likely that other researchers will be able to ‘construct viral vectors and subunit vaccines.’ (11)

The European Union issued a request to Member States to share travel advice and report on measures or plans regarding entry screening, or other measures at entry points to inform in writing on clinical management capacities available (stocks of antivirals, shortages), and dedicated hospitals (isolation facilities, respiratory treatment, PPE). The Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) is working  with European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) on information exchange related to air traffic/contact tracing as well as with air flight operators to share incoming airlines passenger data timely, provide guidelines for entry screening, mapping laboratory and other capacities since 23 January; and circulate a survey on preparedness on capacities, including capacities to manage novel coronavirus, based on survey developed by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) (12)

US Centers for Disease Control issued guidance for public health entry professionals, in particular those where known cases have entered the country (San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Chicago. An alert was issued to clinicians for careful review of patients with respiratory symptoms, especially for those who had traveled to Wuhan, and guidance for testing and management of home care patients with 2019-nCoV. CDC also reports that it is developing a diagnostic test to detect this virus in clinical specimens, accelerating the time it takes to detect infection, and activated its Emergency Operations Center to better provide ongoing support to the response (13)



  1. World Health Organization (WHO). Coronavirus. Geneva: WHO; 2020 Available from:
  1. Pneumonia of unknown cause-China, Disease outbreak news, Geneva: WHO; Available from:
  1. Huang C, Wang Y, Li X et al. Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China. 2020; (published online Jan 24)
  1. Hornby PW, Hayden FG, Gao GF. A novel coronavirus outbreak of global health concern. Lancet.2020; (published online Jan 24).
  1. World Health Organization. (WHO). Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV). Situation report – 1. Geneva: WHO; 21 Jan 2020. Available from:
  1. Coronavirus: China bars 11m residents from leaving city at center of outbreak, The Guardian. 22 January 2020.
  1. Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) situation report – 2 (22 January 2020). Geneva: World Health Organization.
  1. Statement on the meeting of the International Health Regulations (2005) Emergency Committee regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), 23 January 2020, Statement, Geneva, Switzerland. Available from:
  1. World Health Organization. (WHO). Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) SITUATION REPORT – 6 26 JANUARY 2020.–ncov.pdf?sfvrsn=beaeee0c_4
  1. CormanVM, OlfertL, KaiserM, et al. Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR. Euro Surveill.2020;25(3): pii=2000045. 21 Jan 2020; Accepted: 22 Jan 2020
  1. Paules CI, Marston HD, Fauci AS. Coronavirus Infections—More Than Just the Common Cold. Published online January 23, 2020.
  1. Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV.
  1. First travel-related case of 2019 novel coronavirus detected in United States. Atlanta, GA: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.









Dev Cooperation Concerns and Emerging Challenges

Challenging the ideological deficiency in the existing Aid narrative is essentially dependent on how we accord attention to the existing shifts in the interests of global economic power centers, and power imbalances rooted in imperialism- that is perpetuating the misdiagnosed fundamental dynamics of capitalism in the multilateral trading system that has quite often acted as a tandem to direct the route of trade

By Michael Ssemakula

        Human Rights Research Documentation Center (HURIC) &  People’s Health Movement

Development Cooperation: Concerns and Emerging Challenges


The challenges surrounding Aid and overall support towards the health, humanitarian and development programs of the south, sets in another significant conversation on the notion of aid especially its flow- through the far-old outdated narrative of aid coming from the bloc [1] of “first world capitalist” states to the poor-est and low-est wage countries.[2] The question remains, who has access to these resources? Why Aid flows predominantly from one side of “philanthropic stream”, mainly from ex-colonial monopoly and north partnership financing initiatives? [3] Who has access to this stream? How is the Aid system in the multilateral trust funds and groups structured to reduce systems of aid that are “parallel” to local systems [4] which is one of the Paris Declaration [5] priorities. What is the role of proximity to these Aid resources between the south and north divides? How effective is aid in impacting the livelihoods of the recipients besides being used largely for influencing the macro-economic policies of developing countries? [6]

Challenging the ideological deficiency in the existing Aid narrative is essentially dependent on how we accord attention to the existing shifts in the interests of global economic power centers, and power imbalances rooted in imperialism- that is perpetuating the misdiagnosed fundamental dynamics of capitalism in the multilateral trading system that has quite often acted as a tandem to direct the route of trade.

Thousands of policy analysts and advice-givers commend for aid as a catalyst to harness the global development agenda, health and development transformation in the economic growth stages of nations- from traditional economy to the age of high-mass-consumption- but is aid the ultimate solution? Who demystifies the misleading purported “persuasive thought of fair trade that is acting as a blindfold in promoting neoliberalism syndrome in the world economy ruining fragile economies and fueling dependency through aid.

Echoing back on the historical reality, and the contemporary reality that suggests a required model shift in aid drawn for its coverage and effectiveness; that is aid flowing from north to south- to universal coverage through global public investment, where all countries should contribute to Global Public Investment according to their ability, and all can benefit from it according to need. [7]  Circumstances have changed over time and this is a manifestation of the fact that developing nations are no longer a homogeneous boat of “poor” countries but instead are extremely differentiated in their capacities and needs [8]. Historically Aid was coiled in the dominant narrative of rich countries helping poor countries to develop [9]. This traditional model of development and health assistance has been superseded by a more complex reality of aid in response to new prevailing conditions, new global players, and new mechanisms for aid delivery.

In the recent Kampala initiative workshop (November 2019) “cooperation and solidarity within and beyond aid” civil society activists from diverse professional and experience backgrounds met in Kampala to examine the notion of Aid, dominant narratives about aid and charity emanating from the global North (the rich states helping the “poor” states- and in particular from many NGOs), establish a democratic civil society space and structure of independent, critical-thinking activists and organizations across Southern and Northern boundaries and address the failures and shortcomings of “health aid” and its actors and practices.[10] But how can we change this narrative with the existence of funding mechanisms and systems of these new players operating differently from and parallel to the country policies and structures?

In the current global development evolution both in north and south, the progressive development and health cooperation among the partnering agencies and states through bilateral, multilateral and aid trust funds like the Global Financing Facility of the World Bank Group have become more and more essential joints in financing for health. All these are multiple mechanisms that have been designed to channel aid to the high priority areas, but how can we strengthen coordination to prevent distortion of national policies and structures through these funding modalities? Most significantly how governments in low- and lower-middle income countries can transform how they prioritize and finance their health [11] without necessarily drifting away from their country health strategies, plans and programs because of the enthralling “big monies” promised by big agencies to support new areas that are far-divergent from the country original strategic plans?

Aid can be a propulsion to strengthening health systems, but also its intended purpose and achievements can remain “imaginary” if power imbalances remain unchecked, one-sided and firmly ingrained in decisions made by aid agencies. The current narrative on aid reinforces power imbalances, and through Kampala initiative, civil society recognized that the framing of the language in aid is still problematic and inadequately represents the reality. This is detrimental to strengthening policy coherence and the normative values of aid and solidarity among the aid actors especially the intergovernmental agencies.

Moving forward, the complex mix of approaches interweaved with new global instruments for delivery designed to reshape rules and policies and strengthen coordination and corroborative efforts (such as the Global Action Plan-GAP on healthy lives and wellbeing) in health financing and development among the existing and new institutions and funding models, have served as an imperative tandem of shifting development paradigms in health, thriving on the assumption of what is purported to work best for the aid agencies’ systems. But little grip of attention on what works best for the in-country systems. With the increasing diversity of approaches and aid streams, the development cooperation space now faces a blend of multiple exciting opportunities to expand funding, however this raises difficult questions about how to forge meaningful and effective partnerships,[12]shared ownership, mutual accountability, deliverable results, and harmonization of processes as guiding principles of the Paris declaration.[13]



[1] First, Second and Third World

[2] Ecological modernization: World Bank’s ‘impeccable’ logic of pollution trade, Lawrence H. Summers

[3] Turbulences in Uganda’s Global Aid Construct: Is the Contemporary Aid Effective Enough to Transform Uganda’s Health System to Achieve UHC? By Michael Ssemakula;


[5] The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

[6] The Effectiveness of Foreign Aid on Economic Development in Developing Countries: A Case of Zimbabwe (1980-2000)

[7] GLOBAL PUBLIC INVESTMENT Five paradigm shifts for the future of aid: Jonathan Glennie, Principal Associate, Joep Lange Institute; September 2019

[8] Building a Foundation for Better Development Cooperation: CGD Development Leaders Conference 2019




[12] Building a Foundation for Better Development Cooperation: CGD Development Leaders Conference 2019

[13] The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness

[14]  “Beyond aid” – the Kampala Initiative,




PEAH is pleased to cross-post an article by AFEW partner organization. AFEW is dedicated to improving the health of key populations in society. With a focus on Eastern Europe and Central Asia, AFEW strives to promote health and increase access to prevention, treatment and care for major public health concerns such as HIV, TB, viral hepatitis, and sexual and reproductive health

First published January 22, 2020 

By Olga Shelevakho

Communications officer, AFEW International


I Love Every Minute of My Life


HIV is not a verdict. It is a reason to look at your life from a different angle and get to love every moment of it

That is exactly what Amina, the protagonist of this story who lives with HIV, did. She went through the dark side of self-tortures, reflections, and suicidal attempts to realize that every minute is precious and HIV is what helped her to become strong, independent and happy.

Amina works in the Tajikistan Network of Women Living with HIV. She found herself in this field and nowadays she is actively involved in the Antistigma project implemented within the Bridging the Gaps programme.

How I learned about my status

“In 2012, I got pregnant for the fourth time. Seven months into my pregnancy, I got tested for HIV within the routine health monitoring. Four weeks after, I was asked to come to the clinic and was told that they detected haemolysis in my blood. I got tested again. My doctor told me the result of this second test after my baby was already born.

HIV. The diagnosis sounded like a verdict. What should I do? How should I live? Where can I get accurate information? My conversations with health workers were not very informative. Nobody told me that one can live an absolutely normal life with the virus. I felt that I was alone, left somewhere in the middle of an ocean. I had my baby in my arms, my husband who injected drugs was in prison. Back then, I hoped that I could tell at least my mother about the diagnosis to make it easier for me. However, the virus drove us apart. My mother, who took care of me for all my life, turned her back on me. At the same time, my three-month-old daughter, who also had HIV, died of pneumocystis pneumonia. I hated myself so much that I even had suicidal thoughts. I took some gas oil, matches… If not for my brother, who saw me, I would have burned myself. Then I remember a handful of pills, an ambulance and another failed attempt to kill myself. I felt that I was completely alone on this dark road of life. I started losing weight and falling into depression”.

Through suicidal attempts to the new life

“Two years passed, and my suicidal thoughts started to gradually go away. I had to go on living. Throughout all this time, I kept ignoring my status, but I was searching for the information on HIV in the internet. I was not even thinking about ARVs, I was not ready for the therapy. Sometimes I did not believe that I had HIV as doctors kept telling me that HIV was a disease of sex workers.

After a while, I came to the AIDS centre with a clear intention to start ART. I passed all the required examinations and told the infectious disease doctor that I wanted to start the treatment. Six months after, I already had an undetectable viral load! I believed in myself, in my results, so I wanted to share this knowledge with all the people who found themselves in similar situations. That’s how I started working at the AIDS centre as a volunteer and later as a peer consultant”.

I am happy!

“HIV helped me to start a new life. I am happy – I help people, I am doing something good for the society working at the Tajikistan Network of Women Living with HIV. Recently, I was the coordinator of the Photo Voice project.

I want to keep people who find themselves in similar situations from repeating my mistakes. I want to protect them from unfair attitude, stigma and discrimination against PLWH as well as different conflicts, in particular based on gender.

In 2019, I gave birth to a baby. My boy is healthy. Just recently, with the help of the Photovoices project I disclosed my HIV status to my older sons.  Before that, I wanted to keep that as a secret, but after training and meetings with women within the framework of this project, I decided that I need to open my status. For me it was the scariest thing to do as I thought that they might not accept me as my mother did. However, I did not have to worry. My children hugged me and said that I am the best mother in the world. Now I’m a happy wife of my husband, whom I convinced to start opioid substitution treatment.

HIV helped me to be happy and independent! I am not afraid to say that I have HIV and I love every minute of my life!”


PEAH News Flash 366

News Flash Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

News Flash 366



The World On Fire: Five Global Health Stories To Watch In 2020 

The World On Fire: Five Global Health Stories To Watch In 2020 – Part II 

The University in the early Decades of the Third Millennium: Saving the World from itself? by George Lueddeke 

Davos 2020 diary – day #1 

Davos 2020 diary – day #2 

Davos 2020 diary – day #3 

Key Global Health Positions and Officials in the U.S. Government 

New impact fund could put smallholder finance on path to asset class 

Increase Healthcare Spending By 1% GDP, Save 60 Million Lives 

As Gavi turns 20, MSF urges the vaccine alliance to protect more kids from pneumonia 

Wuhan placed under lockdown as coronavirus outbreak kills 17 in China 

WHO Director-General’s statement on IHR Emergency Committee on Novel Coronavirus 

2019-nCoV outbreak — a timeline 

Why the Coronavirus Should Worry Us All 

Low Antibiotic Prices Dampen Industry Investment In Vital New Tools To Combat Superbugs – Says AMR Industry Alliance 

Fight against antibiotic crisis stymied by lack of R&D spend 

WHO warns that pipeline for new antibiotics is running dry 

Novartis scandal : the product of a system encouraged by the lack of public policy 

E-cigarettes: how risky are they? 

La dipendenza da interessi commerciali 

A Foundation Set Out to Bolster African Health Systems. What Has it Achieved? 

UN report: half a billion people struggle to find adequate paid work 

EU sets up $998 million budget for humanitarian aid 

A Long Way to Go: What Kind of Change is Needed Within Foundations to Advance Racial Equity? 

Human Rights Reader 512 

4 Years Seeking Justice: Daughter of Slain Indigenous Environmental Leader Berta Cáceres Speaks Out 

One Health: Africa’s diseased aquaculture 

Sounding the Alarm on Climate Change, 1989 and 2019 

Nature losses threaten emerging economies 

Invasion of desert locusts in Kenya: A climate change crisis or a curse? 

Processo al Futuro: come le multinazionali bloccano la transizione ecologica e perché dobbiamo fermarle 

The University in the early Decades of the Third Millennium: Saving the World from itself?

Recognising the need to change our worldview (belief systems) from human-centrism to eco-centrism – and re-building of trust in our institutions, in this chapter, the Author argues  for the re-conceptualization of  the university / higher education  purpose  and scope   focusing   on achieving the UN-2030 Transformative Vision –  “ending poverty, hunger, inequality and protecting the Earth’s  natural  resources.” 

Announcing a Forthcoming Chapter

The University in the early Decades of  the Third  Millennium

Saving the World from  itself?


By George Lueddeke, PhD, MEd, Dipl. AVES (Hon.)


Chapter Overview

Environmental degradation, economic and political threats along with ideological extremism necessitate a global redirection towards well-being and sustainability. Since the survival of all species (humans, animals, plants) is wholly dependent on a healthy planet, urgent action at the highest levels to address large-scale interconnected problems is  needed to counter the thinking that perpetuates the “folly of a limitless world.”1

Paralleling critical societal roles played by universities – ancient, medieval and modern – throughout the  millennia, and  prompted by  my current book, Survival: One Health, One Planet, One Future , 1  and  contributing chapter to a forthcoming publication,2  I call  for all universities and  higher education institutions generally – estimated  at over 28,000 with close to 300 million students – to take a lead  together  with the United Nations  Youth Forum and other major partners – to tackle  the pressing complex and intractable challenges that face  us.

Recognising the need to change our worldview (belief systems) from human-centrism to eco-centrism – and re-building of trust in our institutions, in this chapter, 2,1  I argue   for the re-conceptualization of  the university / higher education  purpose  and scope   focusing   on achieving the UN-2030 Transformative Vision –  “ending poverty, hunger, inequality and protecting the Earth’s  natural  resources.” 4

Time is not on our side. While much of the groundwork has been done by the UN and civil society, concerns remain over the variable support given to the UN-2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in light of the negative impact of global biodiversity loss3 on achieving the UN-2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).4

Ten Propositions for Global Sustainability,1  ranging from adopting the SDGs4 at national and local levels to ensuring peaceful uses of technology  and UN reforms in line with global socioeconomic shifts,  are  highlighted.1  As one example, Proposition #7 calls for the unifying One Health and  Well-Being (OHWB) concept to become the cornerstone of our educational systems as well as societal institutions and  to underpin the UN-2030 SDGs.

A step in this direction is the evolving international One Health for One Planet Education  initiative (1 HOPE),  led by the One Health Commission and  the  One Health Initiative.5  With working groups from education and societal sectors presently being established across six global regions,  its main aim  is  to ‘Build global capacity for promoting and valuing the OHWB concept and approach as the foundation for achieving the UN-2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).’

In a post-chapter reflection the evidence that our planet’s biosphere  continues to be at  risk (e.g., Australian bushfires) is increasing. As a consequence, it appears that some who see their role as having to satisfy different  interest groups  (e.g., electorate, shareholders)  are having  second  thoughts. The  efforts of Sir David Attenborough,6, Greta Thunberg,7 Xiuhtezcatl Martinez,8 and   pro-environment Youth campaigners  around the globe are  having  at least some  impact on reversing irresponsible decisions. A few   government and corporate leaders are even re-setting their priorities – not because of external pressures but because they personally realise what is at stake for their families and future generations.

Indeed, global support for those who continue to ‘subscribe  to the follies that Earth  resources are limitless, that climate change is a hoax, that autocracy is preferable to democracy,  that compassion is a sign of weakness, that profit  comes before  principle, that division is preferable to unity,’ 2  is gradually  weakening at least in a few corners of the world.

Martin Wolfe, chief economics commentator at the Financial Times, London, concludes that tackling climate change ‘policy has to be global, with all the bigger economies involved’ and  with solutions  ‘found in generous assistance from high-income countries to emerging and developing countries.’ 9 He doubts the probability of success  ‘in an era of populism and nationalism’ cautioning  his readers, ‘But the young are surely right to expect better.’

It is noteworthy that for the first time since 2006 the World Economic Forum ‘Global Risks Report 2020 is dominated by the environment’.10  In the light of projected global impacts (e.g., extreme weather, biodiversity loss),  it seems unimaginable and totally unacceptable “that in the face of  this development, when the challenges before us demand immediate collective action, fractures within the global community appear to only be widening.”



1Lueddeke, G. (2019). Survival: One Health, One Planet, One Future. London: Routledge.

2Lueddeke, G.R. (2020, summer). The University in the early Decades of  the Third  Millennium    (Saving the World from  itself?).  In  E. Sengupta, P. Blessinger, & C. Mahoney (Eds.), Civil society and social responsibility in higher education  (vol.21, Innovations in Higher  Education Teaching and Learning).

3IPBES (2019, May 6). Global assessment report on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Retrieved from

4 United Nations. (2015). Transforming our world: The 2030 agenda for sustainable development. Division for Sustainable Development Goals. (Department of Economic and Social Affairs). Retrieved from

5One Health Commission & One Health Initiative. (2020, December 12). The One Health education task force: Preparing society for the world we need. Retrieved from

6Davies, H.J. (2020, January 15 ). David Attenborough warns that humans have ‘overrun the world.’ The Guardian. Retrieved from

7Berghof, E. (2019,  August 23). Economics can  no longer ignore the earth’s natural boundaries. World Economic Forum. Retrieved from

8Tang, M.C. (2019, August 28). Xiuhtezcatl Martinez: “This crisis is one of the most unifying moments of human history.” Landscape News. Retrieved from

9Wolf, M. (2019, |November 5). There is one way forward on climate change. Financial Times. Retrieved from

10World Economic Forum. (2020, January 17). Retrieved from




On the same topic recently on PEAH

INTERVIEW – ‘Survival: One Health, One Planet, One Future’ – Routledge, 1st edition, 2019

Also of interest

USA Senate (bi-partisan) declares January 2020  National One Health Awareness Month!


 (1) January 30, 20209:30 AM – 10:30 AM Eastern Standard Time (EST)


Hosted by the CORE Group. Presentation by Dr. George Lueddeke

(2) 9 February, 20201PM-2:30 PM EST


Hosted by the  International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA)

Presentations by Dr Deborah Thomson and Dr George Lueddeke