Will Ever WHO’s Roadmap for Medicines Move into Action?

 The safeguarding principles for equitable access to medicines embraced by the WHO and the UN system as a whole are under attack and watered down now that the stranglehold of neoliberal policies is mushrooming worldwide. In this context, some WHO Member States disappointingly run contrary to WHO directions while placing corporate interests and for-profit policies before people right to the equitable access to health


By  Daniele Dionisio

PEAH – Policies for Equitable Access to Health

Will Ever WHO’s Roadmap for Medicines Move into Action?

The Threat of Neoliberal Policies, Corporate Interests Collusion


A preliminary draft of the 2019-2023 Roadmap for Access to Medicines was just released by WHO amidst consultation with Member States and an informal discussion with stakeholders on 10-11 September, including a presentation to which a number of stakeholders provided comments. An online survey had already been carried out from 9 July to 31 August, to which some 56 countries secured answers.

As a follow-up to the WHO report on ‘Addressing the global shortage of, and access to, medicines and vaccines’ presented at the 71st World Health Assembly (WHA) in May, the draft roadmap included a list of 10 activity areas to be addressed during 2019-2023.

A revised draft will predictably be delivered in December, and then submitted to the WHO Executive Board meeting in January, and to the WHA in May 2019.

As such, while no conclusion is in the offing, there’s still a long way to go , as you’d expect also in the light of an appendix to the draft roadmap enlisting ‘KEY RESOLUTIONS OF THE HEALTH ASSEMBLY AND REGIONAL COMMITTEES, AND REGIONAL COMMITTEE DOCUMENTS FROM THE PAST 10 YEARS RELEVANT TO ACCESS TO SAFE, EFFECTIVE AND QUALITY MEDICINES, VACCINES AND HEALTH PRODUCTS’.

Heard correctly: ten years (without counting the ‘hard slog’ globally in the field the Agency has been engaging in since long before)!

Admittedly, if this year’s WHA seems to have delivered on its goals, one could infer, however, that deeply-routed conflicting issues across countries have undermined the outcomes of WHO efforts. This comes as no surprise in today’s world, as highlighted below in this editorial aimed at hammering awareness home that the safeguarding principles for equitable access to medicines embraced by the Agency and the UN system as a whole are under attack and watered down now that the stranglehold of neoliberal policies is mushrooming worldwide. In this context, some WHO Member States disappointingly run contrary to WHO directions while placing corporate interests and for-profit policies before people right to the equitable access to health.

The key to WHO functioning and success relies heavily on deep collaboration and sustainable financial support from Member States. Unfortunately, while this is not the case with the United States (US), all the more in Trump era, neither is it with the European Union (EU).

Indeed, while relying on established synergies with WHO, the EU seemingly lacks adequate coordination and collaboration with the Agency. Worse, a number of EU recent political choices run against WHO principles for fair access to medicines (these are meant in alignment with the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ­- TRIPS , and include facilitating the issuance of compulsory licences, rejecting the so-called evergreening of patents, restricting patents to genuine inventions only, and refraining from patent term extensions).

As would be the case of EU Regulation EC 469/2009 concerning the supplementary protection certificate (SPC) mechanism for medicinal products. Such an extended monopoly protection beyond new medicines’ 20-year patent term has undermined access to affordable generic drugs and biosimilars in Europe and led to unbearably spiralling prices of medicines for HIV/ AIDS, cancer and hepatitis C treatment. In a nutshell, by stifling generic competition, SPCs still keep up extortionate drug prices while exhausting earmarked national budgets for health and depriving patients of equitable access to lifesaving treatments.

Coupling with insights so far, other circumstances add to the matter of Member States and concerned parties insufficient collaboration with WHO.

Relevantly, what happened to the requests laid down a couple of years ago by the United Nations High Level Panel on Access to Medicines in their final report serving as a cornerstone, under the UN 2030 Agenda perspective, for all decisions regarding non-discriminatory access to treatments and care – and not just at a poor country level?

Among other recommendations, the report urged to begin negotiations at the WHO for a binding research and development treaty up to delinking R&D costs from the end prices of medicines (as a proposal backed in a report released in 2012 by the WHO established Consultative Expert Working Group-CEWG).

The Panel’s report contended that ‘Governments should require manufacturers and distributors of health technologies to disclose to drug regulatory and procurement authorities information pertaining to:

(1) the costs of R&D, production, marketing and distribution of health technology being procured or given marketing approval with each expense category separated; and (2) any public funding received in the development of the health technology, including tax credits, subsidies and grants.

It maintained that ‘Governments and the private sector must refrain from explicit or implicit threats, tactics or strategies that undermine the right of WTO Members to use TRIPS flexibilities’, while calling on governments engaged in international trade and investment negotiations to ensure that these do not include clauses contrary to their obligations to the right to health.

Moreover, the report insisted that ‘Governments should strengthen national level policy and institutional coherence between trade and intellectual property, the right to health and public health objectives by establishing national inter-ministerial bodies to coordinate laws, policies and practices that may impact on health technology innovation and access.

The success rate of Panel’s meaningful recommendations is hard bet in these times of rampant neoliberal globalization underpinning unfettered trade liberalization, meaning collusion between national-transnational corporations and their political counterparts. As maintained by AE Byrn, Y Pillay and TH Holtz in their Textbook of Global Health (2017 edition, Oxford University press): ‘..the exigencies of market competition and enormous corporate power mean that governments privilege economic priorities and corporate interests over social and environmental needs, even in settings where democratic institutions and decision-making processes are marked by integrity and representativeness….’

Inherently, as reported elsewhere, ‘In the contemporary policy environment, one element in particular connects health inequalities around the world: Neoliberalism as a set of norms that guide and justify policy, ultimately equating financial worth with moral worth. The connections are not only conceptual of course; they are also material and institutional, operating through such channels as campaign money, capital flight and the networks of power and privilege epitomised by the World Economic Forum, where the global super-elite meet to worry about the threat  posed to their fortunes by the rest of us’.

Not to mention that in today’s global landscape, which is torn by misalignment, litigations and frictions among the involved parties, governments look like they won’t be ready to embark on these recommendations as an opportunity to advance public health over political and commercial interests.

As such, no wonder the Panel’s report has received strong push-back from powerful nations even as  governments’ directions and trade agreements, largely instigated by the EU and the US, run contrary to the Panel’s principles while turning governments’ agendas into policies that protect monopolistic interests.

As regards the points above, the EU has been keen on undermining any progress on the R&D treaty mentioned before. On the same wavelength, the Panel’s request for cost transparency  to help curb extortionate drug prices looks like a difficult task at a time when pharma companies and their allies are lobbying policy decision makers  to scupper any rules that would force them to disclose the real R&D costs and profits of their medicines and the rationale for charging what they do. As such, no surprise that the report was opposed by the US Chamber of Commerce and the pharmaceutical industry.

All highlights here add to many debated questions because of their actual potential to negatively affect health and worsen inequalities in access to care and treatments. Just few examples:

– The credit policies of International Monetary Fund, World Bank and European Commission still incur criticism of indirectly stifling public spending, including for health, in the borrowing countries. As reported Conditionalities attached to loans from the World Bank and IMF were among the key negative influences  on health and its social determinants between 1980 and 2000 in many of the more than 75 low- and middle-income countries in which they were applied. Best available evidence suggests that this ‘neoliberal epidemics’ era is not over. In the future, neoliberalism is likely to reflect the erosion of territorial divisions between core and periphery, or the global North and the global South, in the world economy…’

– Unbridled TRIPS-plus measures still enforce intellectual property (IP) protection beyond what is required by the WTO TRIPS agreement. These measures encompass making it easier to patent new forms of old medicines that offer no added therapeutic benefit for patients (the so-called ‘ever-greening’); restricting ‘pre-grant opposition’, which allows a patent to be challenged before it is being granted; allowing customs officials to impound shipments of drugs on mere suspicion of IP infringement, including ‘in transit’ products that are legal in origin and destination countries; expanding data exclusivity beyond WTO’s request for data protection against unfair commercial use only; extending patent lengths beyond 20-year TRIPS requirements; and preventing drug regulatory authorities from approving new drugs if they might infringe existing patents.

Investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions are in the crosshairs now that most currently-being negotiated or finalized trade agreements are charged with introducing ISDS clauses whereby many forms of government regulations, including TRIPS-compliant price cuts of medicines, could be sued by the patent owners for making pointless or eroding their expectations.

These circumstances bode ill at a time when the US administration is lobbied by the pharmaceutical corporations,  European authorities are doing almost nothing to check the tide of ‘me-too’ drugs, and the European Medicines Agency keeps testing new medicines only in terms of safety and efficacy compared with a ‘pretend’ drug. And this occurs even as a WHO strapped for public financing sees its role thwarted by a number of international bodies and private donors resulting in overlapping/duplication of initiatives and undue pressure towards earmarked programs.

In such context, WHO Member States around the world should really put into practice what the EU Commission envisaged (alas, just in words?) some years ago  ‘At global level, the EU should endeavour to defend a single position within the UN agencies. The EU should work to cut duplication and fragmentation and to increase coordination and effectiveness of the UN system. It should support stronger leadership by the WHO in its normative and guidance functions to improve global health. The EU should seek synergies with WHO to address global health challenges. It should decrease the fragmentation of funding to WHO and gradually shift to fund its general budget.’













Health Breaking News 304

Health Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Health Breaking News 304


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Cost-effectiveness of financial incentives and disincentives for improving food purchases and health through the US Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): A microsimulation study 

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Health Breaking News 303

Health Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Health Breaking News 303


The Commission on Social Determinants of Health: Ten years after 

Are Big Companies Walking Their Talk on the SDGs? New report digs into the evidence 

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The Cambridge Handbook of Public-Private Partnerships, Intellectual Property Governance, and Sustainable Development 

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Variations in the quality of tuberculosis care in urban India: A cross-sectional, standardized patient study in two cities

UN High-Level Meeting On Noncommunicable Diseases: A Call To Action

Costs and cost-effectiveness of HIV/noncommunicable disease integration in Africa: from theory to practice 

DRC Ebola latest numbers as of 25 September 2018 

DR Congo Ebola outbreak: Beni attack halts outreach work 

WHO Extremely Concerned About Ebola ‘Perfect Storm’ in Congo

Push to contain Zimbabwe cholera outbreak ahead of rainy season 

Fixed-dose combination therapy for cardiovascular disease: what can we learn from HIV? 

DNDi: Responding to neglected patients’ needs through innovation 

11th DNDi Partners’ Meeting: From innovation to access in Africa – the way forward 4 October 2018 Kampala, Uganda 

India Uses Tech to Power its New Battle Against Malnutrition 

Without Food Security, There Is No Peace 

How Filling in the Agricultural Data Gap Will Fill Empty Plates 

Why do women still die giving birth? 

UN Chief Blasts Lack of ‘Strong Leadership’ on Climate 

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Europe’s 2050 climate strategy takes shape 

What a Waste: An Updated Look into the Future of Solid Waste Management 

Uganda: the Big Challenge of Maternal and Child Health

Uganda has made progress towards improving the health of children, newborns, adolescent boys and girls, women and men in the country. However, Uganda  still ranks among the top 10 countries in the world with high maternal, newborn and child mortality rates. Many policies have been implemented over the last 20 years trying to improve maternal and child health. The related health indicators are progressing but there is still much to do

By Pietro Dionisio

 EU health project manager at Medea SRL, Florence, Italy

Degree in Political Science, International Relations Cesare Alfieri School, University of Florence, Italy 

Uganda: the Big Challenge of Maternal and Child Health


Over the past two decades, Uganda has made progress in improving Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) indicators. Nevertheless, RMNCAH conditions currently account for over 60% of years of life lost in Uganda constituting a major public health problem. Maternal mortality rates fell by only 20% over the past 20 years, decreasing too slowly to achieve national targets. The unacceptably high number of maternal deaths annually are mainly caused by hemorrhage, obstructed labor and complications from abortion and account for 2% of the annual maternal deaths globally. Moreover, almost 28% of maternal deaths occur in young women aged 15 – 24 years.

Actually, Uganda realized a steady reduction in child mortality rates between 1995 and 2016 from 156 to 64 per 1,000 live births with the annual rate of reduction increasing dramatically from 1.2% per year to 8.1% per year between 2006 and 2011. Unfortunately, while the infant mortality rates have followed a similar trend, neonatal mortality is decreasing at a slower pace with newborns experiencing a disproportionate burden of deaths among this age group. Under-five mortality is mostly attributable to neonatal conditions as well as three common childhood illnesses: malaria, pneumonia, and diarrhea often in synergy with underlying malnutrition.

The path is still long and a lot has to be done to reach the SDGs target by 2030. As such, according to the “Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health Sharpened Plan for Uganda 2016/17 – 2019/20”, the Government is addressing the following topics:

  • Improving maternal mortality (including improvement of skilled birth attendance and antenatal care),
  • Improving adolescent health,
  • Family planning,
  • Ending preventable newborn and under-five mortality,
  • Improving Universal Health Coverage (UHC),
  • Provision of water and sanitation,
  • Coverage of RMNCAH Interventions, &
  • Malnutrition reduction.

But, how these dominions are treated? What about the outcomes of government directions so far?

As for the first point above, the maternal mortality has dramatically improved. Indeed, it has gone down to 336 per 100,000 live births (687 per 100,000 in 1990). The skilled birth attendance and the antenatal care are being improving, but great disparities persist between urban and rural areas as well as between educated mothers and the non-educated ones. In fact, while skilled attendance at birth rate is 89% in urban area, it is just 53% in the rural zones. Additionally, only 38% of mothers with no education had a skilled attendant at birth, compared to 55% of mothers with primary education and 93% with higher education.

Likewise, things aren’t going well if we consider “adolescent health”. Indeed, Uganda still has one of the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy and HIV incidence among young people in Sub-Saharan Africa. Overall, teenage birth rate or proportion of births per 1,000 women aged 15-19 years decreased from 204 to 111 between 1995 and 2016 with 24% giving birth to their first child before turning 19 years. Additionally, adolescent women are loath to use sexual and reproductive health services because of long waiting time, long queues, and poor quality services. Plans have been implemented and guidelines released (“Adolescent Health Policy Guidelines and Service Standards 2012”) to overtake this situation, but only slow pace progresses are obtained and more efforts should be devoted to adolescents’ health and related strategies.

Concerning family planning, overall, 39% of currently married women are using a method of family planning. Furthermore, the contraceptive prevalence rate among married women generally increases with age, peaking at 40-45 years old women (47%) before declining to 29% among women aged 45-49. Women with no education are less likely (26%) than women with any education (38-51%) to use a contraceptive method. Concerning sexually active unmarried women, 51% are currently using a contraceptive one.

Noteworthy, Uganda is moving towards Universal Health coverage (UHC) and a higher RMNCAH coverage. In fact, the Country has a strong health sector development plan that seeks to, among other goals, “accelerate movement towards UHC with essential health and related services needed for promotion of a healthy and productive life”. Additionally, a health sector monitoring and supervision framework has been set up and health services have been deployed both at national and local level.

Unfortunately, despite strong policies foundation, still a long way has to be covered to achieve UHC. At a time when  72% of the Ugandan population live within 5 km of a health facility, only 13% of health facilities carry out scheduled maintenance of medical equipment, while health workforce density is at 1.55 per 1,000 population and health facilities reporting availability of over 95% of a basket of commodities are only 55%.

What’s more, despite the presence of important and well-articulated programs, the water and sanitation sector is still a little bit tricky for the Country. In fact, almost 61% of Ugandans lack access to safe water and 75% do not have access to improved sanitation facilities.  Many are the reasons explaining this state of the art, but the development of the socio-demographic fabric as well as the lack of good and prompt infrastructure are among the most relevant. In fact, since mid-‘90s, Uganda experienced a significant economic growth, leading to large population movements from rural to urban areas. Additionally, the high population growth, coupling with an inadequate infrastructure development, stressed the existing water and sanitation services. Many initiatives are currently on the ground to improve the situation. Among these, the last June, the African Development Bank approved a $62 million concessional loan to finance the Ugandan “Strategic Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project (STWSSP)”. The project, to be implemented in 10 towns spread across the country over a five-year period, is designed to enable the government to achieve sustainable provision of safe water and sanitation for the urban population by 2030.

These prospects unfortunately couple with the awareness that RMNCAH plan is undermined by a high rate of women abuse cases. The 2016 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey revealed that up to 22% of women aged 15 to 49 in the country had experienced some form of sexual violence. The report also revealed that annually 13% of women aged 15 to 49 report experiencing sexual violence. This translates into more than 1 million women exposed to sexual violence every year in Uganda. Violence against women has recently taken new, more sophisticated forms. An increasing number of women are, for instance, reporting cyber-bullying and abuse through social media and smartphones.

In particular, ineffective laws pose a big challenge to the fight against women abuse. Laws such as the Penal Code (Amendment) Act 2007, the Domestic Violence Act 2010, the Sexual Offences Bill and the Marriage Bill do not address key violence against women. None of these laws criminalize marital rape, for instance. The Domestic Violence Act does not cover cohabiting partners, while the 2004 amendment to the Land Act of 1998 requires spousal consent to sex, but does not recognize coownership of land between spouses. The Land Act also fails to require customary land tenure systems to permit women to act as co-owners/managers of customary land, and creates weak protections for widows who seek to inherit their husband’s land. Additionally, the Employment Act, 2006 restricts punitive action in sexual harassment cases at work to an employer or his representative, saying nothing of physical, sexual and verbal abuse by coworkers.

Poor funding for “stop violence against women” programs also remains a huge challenge.

Things are not running well for malnutrition as well. As a malnutrition consequence, almost one-third of children under 5 years in Uganda are stunted. Stunting increases with age, peaking at 37% among children 18-35 months with a higher prevalence among children in rural (30%) than urban (24%) areas, with some regional variations. Unfortunately, more than 30% of the total population faces some level of chronic food insecurity. The causes of food insecurity in Uganda are multifaceted, often as a result of poverty, landlessness, high fertility, natural disasters, high food prices, lack of education, and the fact that a majority of Ugandans depend on agriculture as a main source of income. Gender inequality worsens food insecurity and poverty.

Admittedly, the Government is fighting this issue and several programs have been implemented (such as the  “Uganda Nutrition Action Plan (UNAP)” or the “National Nutrition Planning Guidelines (2015)” and the “Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Action Planning Training Module (2017)”), but more has to be done to reach the national targets in this area.

To conclude, gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a pre-condition for sustainable development. Providing women and girls with quality education, health care, decent work, access and ownership rights over property and technology, and an equal participation in political and economic decision-making processes will lead to social, economic and environmental sustainability across the globe.

Uganda is strongly progressing in the protection of women and girls, yet a lot remains to be done. As a matter of fact, at a time when RMNCAH indicators are improving year by year and investments in the sector are growing nationwide and internationally, the overall healthcare and law system is not strong enough to underpin them.

Nevertheless, while discrepancies between what is written and the reality are still huge and time is needed to make further progress, the road is seemingly traced to achieve the foreseen targets by 2030.


Health Breaking News 302

Health Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Health Breaking News 302


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Draft UN non-communicable diseases (NCDs) Declaration, Sept 18 version 

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WHO calls for urgent action to end TB 

MSF response to release of WHO’s Global Tuberculosis Report 2018 

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Falsified and Substandard Medicines: Threat to the SDGs – but Who’s Watching, Caring or Acting?

Falsified and Substandard (FS) medicines remain a largely hidden problem in many lower-and-middle income countries. Adding to law reform, a comprehensive response should include strengthening of capacity, accountability, collaboration and coordination of all concerned parties

By David Patterson*

Principal Consultant, Health, Law and Development Consultants (HLDC), The Hague, Netherlands

Falsified and Substandard Medicines: Threat to the SDGs – but Who’s Watching, Caring or Acting?


The heartfelt cry for action on falsified (‘counterfeit’) and substandard (FS) medicines in Uganda by Denis Bukenya and Michael Ssemakula on PEAH – Policies for Equitable Access to Health in August and September 2018 must not be ignored.

FS medicines remain a largely hidden problem in many lower-and-middle income countries – legitimate manufacturers are afraid of a loss of confidence in their brands – and hence loss of revenue, governments fear censure if the scale of the problem becomes widely known, and there has been deliberate obfuscation between deadly FS medicines and quality generic drugs that can save lives. International development agencies have generally focused on technical solutions without addressing the transnational criminal aspects.

In 2015, with funding from the World Bank, I led a multi-agency team for the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) on a scoping mission to Kampala to review options to strengthen the legal environment for the elimination of FS medicines. Our report was published in February 2016 on the websites of IDLO and of the World Bank’s Global Forum on Law, Justice and Development.

Our recommendations focused less on law reform and more on strengthening the capacity of the different actors, including civil society. Uganda has a relatively vibrant civil society sector. Many NGOs focus on health, and several have addressed issues related to FS medicines. However, the civil society response to the issue of FS medicines is complex. It was reported that in some districts local populations may wish to protect unlicensed vendors from inspectors by informing the vendors of upcoming inspections. This occurs because the local population is afraid that the unlicensed vendors will be closed and drugs will be less accessible. They do not adequately understand the dangers of FS medicines.

We therefore identified civil society capacity as central to strengthening government resolve to act. This would mean supporting health rights organizations such as the Centre for Health, Human Rights and Development (CEHURD) as well as the Community Health and Information Network and the Coalition for Health Promotion and Social Development.

We also heard that regulators and prosecutors needed training to prosecute for crimes relating to FS medicines, and that magistrates and judges may need training to ensure that the full gravity of the offences are understood, and appropriate penalties imposed.

We approached multiple funders for support to implement the recommendations of the scoping mission, but failed to elicit any interest. The justice sector funders told us to approach the health sector donors, and vice versa. Development sector funding to build public health law capacity typically falls in the crack between the silos of justice and health. Some donors, such as Open Society Foundations and the Ford Foundation, understand this general problem. But their support cannot respond to the scale of the need – the response must be mainstreamed.

As noted by Bukenya and Ssemakula, the impact is both on infectious and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). On 27 September 2018 the United Nations General Assembly will reflect on the sporadic successes and multiple failures of its Member States to address NCDs since 2011. While the focus will largely be on prevention, the draft resolution circulated on 27 July also includes welcome commitments to improve ‘access to access to safe, affordable, effective and quality essential diagnostics, medicines, vaccines and technologies…’ There were also specific references to drugs to treat cancer and mental illness.

The draft resolution also includes commitments to strengthen legislative measures to address NCD risk factors. But the challenge of FS medicines, which threatens to undermine all efforts to achieve the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is not on the agenda.

* Disclosure: From 2009 – 2018 David Patterson was senior legal expert, health, for the International Development Law Organization (IDLO). He is now a consultant with IDLO and other health,law and development organizations. Correspondence: dpatterson@healthlawdc.com


References (chronological)

Denis Bukenya and Michael Ssemakula, The Untold Story About Counterfeit Medicines And Its Effects On The Right to Health In Uganda published on PEAH 10 September 2018 available at http://www.peah.it/2018/09/the-untold-story-about-counterfeit-medicines-and-its-effects-on-the-right-to-health-in-uganda/

Denis Bukenya and Michael Ssemakula Accessibility to Medicines in Uganda published on PEAH 24 August 2018 available at http://www.peah.it/2018/08/accessibility-to-medicines-in-uganda/

Strengthening the Legal Environment for the Elimination of Falsified and Substandard Medicines: Uganda Report (2015: IDLO, UNICRI, O’Neill Institute, World Bank) available at http://www.globalforumljd.com/sites/default/files/docs/cop/160215%20FS%20medicines%20Uganda%20report%2015%20February%202016%20low%20res.pdf and at https://www.idlo.int/what-we-do/initiatives/uganda-report-strengthening-legal-environment-elimination-falsified-and

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Health Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Health Breaking News 301


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Opinion: Why diabetes in pregnancy should be on the agenda at UN meetings 

Extended Monopolies On Biologic Drugs – A Warning To Developing Countries 

11th DNDi Partners’ Meeting: From innovation to access in Africa – the way forward 

DNDi: 2017 annual report ‘Responding to Neglected Patients’ Need Through Innovation’ 

‘The Untold Story About Counterfeit Medicines And Its Effects On The Right To Health In Uganda’ by Denis Bukenya and Michael Ssemakula 

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‘Caning of LGBT Persons – Implications for Public Health and the Economy’ by Fifa Rahman 

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Caning of LGBT Persons – Implications for Public Health and the Economy

This article draws on the significant amounts of rejection, threats of violence, and stigmatisation faced by LGBT Muslims, with a focus on implications for public health and the economy

By Fifa Rahman*

Postgraduate Researcher (PhD) at University of Leeds, UK

Caning of LGBT Persons

Implications for Public Health and the Economy


In the placental excreta of the recent Malaysian elections and a new government built on promises of justice and good governance, there has been increasing hatred and corresponding human rights violations towards LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) people, perhaps as an overreaction to the perception that human rights would destroy religious privileges. This began with the removal of portraits of notable Malaysian LGBT activists from an art gallery in the island state of Penang, to viral tweets from extremists quoting hadith allowing for the murder of LGBT persons, and this past week has culminated in the caning of two young Muslim women for ‘attempting lesbian sex’. A gay friend of mine sent me a message on Facebook saying that his parents were part of the 100 people who witnessed the caning. Malaysian twitterverse is rife with thousands of tweets from average people saying that the caning was ‘gentle’, that there was no humiliation, and that it was a victory for Islam.

But is it really?

A victory for any group of persons should be seen in the light of economic stability, an improvement in public health, and an improvement in happiness. The public health implications first. Recent literature details how LGBT Muslims face significant strain and anxiety in reconciling their faith with their sexuality – some individuals feel aberrant, that their sexuality taints Islam, and that their sexuality is a test from Allah (Eidhamar 2014; Siraj 2012). In an analysis of British Muslim gay men, Jaspal and Cinnirella (2010: 855) write, “The dilemma lies in individuals’ perception that being gay is in some way ‘wrong’ or illicit, but that, on the other hand, it is God who has created them ‘this way’.” One scholar has suggested that in order to remedy this conflict, LGBT Muslims should resort to an alternative pedagogy of Islam (Shah 2016). Alternative interpretations aside, the fact remains that LGBT Muslims, in addition to internal conflicts of reconciling their faith with their sexuality, face significant amounts of rejection, threats of violence, and stigmatisation that negatively affects mental health.

LGBT people with mental health conditions are also notoriously difficult to reach. As Lucksted (2004: 27) writes, “LGBT people with serious mental illnesses are difficult to reach and to measure, given the multiple stigmas of psychiatric labels, LGBT identities, and the poverty common in the lives of people receiving services in the public system.” These compound existing difficulties faced by mental health staff in tackling an increasing public health burden.

LGBT Muslims are politicians, corporate executives, nurses, lawyers, waitresses, and soldiers.

When workers struggle with a lack of acceptance, anxiety, and depression, this in turn affects the economy. In a review in the United Kingdom, mental health issues in the workplace cost the UK economy £34.9bn in 2017. A study from Canada estimated that total economic costs associated with mental illness would increase six-fold over the next 30 years, exceeding $2.8 trillion (Doran and Kinchin 2017).

There is no doubt that a fervent conservative would respond to this article with ‘just don’t be gay’, and thus no mental health issues and no economic impact. But they forget the decades of cruelty of failed conversion therapies in other nations. Truly, to quote a line attributed to an array of authors, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Homophobia and transphobia is an urgent human rights and public health issue – diplomatic measures must be deployed with greatest urgency to mitigate the burden.


*About the Author

Fifa Rahman LLB (Hons) MHL (Health Law) (Sydney) is a PhD Candidate in Law at the University of Leeds. She also represents NGOs on the Board of Unitaid, working on access to innovative health technologies in HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria.












The Untold Story About Counterfeit Medicines And Its Effects On The Right To Health In Uganda

Uganda's National Drug Authority (NDA), a national body that presides over the oversight and authorization of sale and distribution of drugs, does not have a National Formulary (NF) to outlaw and disallow importation of counterfeit drugs. This paper raises many questions relevant to drug authorization in Uganda and calls for response to the unresolved answers: What does NDA use to guide and control the marketization and selling of imported drugs in Uganda in the nonexistence of a National Formulary? What does NDA use to make a taxonomy between unauthorized and authorized drugs for general public use?

By Denis Bukenya

and Michael Ssemakula

Human Rights Research Documentation Center (HURIC), Kampala, Uganda

The Untold Story About Counterfeit Medicines And Its Effects On The Right To Health In Uganda


If the dead had an opportunity to voice out their very last second-chance entreaties and wishes, their Grade-A wish would be to return to the mortal world and lay-grab of the devious fake drug sellers and the lazy buyable and corrupt incompetent drug regulators in Uganda. Everybody desires to live a long-life free from disease. Therefore, selling one a counterfeit drug is undeniably an ill-timed death terminal condition given to a patient to find his/her treatment from the defunct immortal world of the deceased.

It is an unendurable obnoxious shockwave to return to the medic for approval of the medicines you purchased at astronomically sky-high price from a health facility or pharmacy and s/he announces in your two earholes, that the medicines you bought don’t exist anywhere in the medicine bracket to cure your illness. If this happens to you, for while your individual-self can half -way pass-on after hearing the vulgarity loutish of this statement. Apparently this has grown into a wide abnormal-normalized deceptive sound lyric which Ugandans’ ears have conventionally and strongly got accustomed to. The outrage is seemingly spinning and bleeding the patients’ undying agony into an eternal psychological and financial hemorrhagic pain. The predicament is spiraling by-day due to the shocking and severely nerve-wracking flooded pond of fake and unregistered medicine drugs sold on the medicine market. This health firetrap has not seen any light of cure yet and no ultimate remedy in the policy space has been forthrightly fronted towards assisting those scammed through counterfeit medicines by the crooked and dishonest drug merchants.

The National Drug Authority (NDA), a national body that presides over the oversight and authorization of sale and distribution of drugs, does not have a National Formulary (NF) to outlaw and disallow importation of counterfeit drugs. The NF comprises a list of drugs that are permitted for medical prescriptions all-over the Country, but this is non-existent thus exposing multitudes to an unescapable eminent death endangerment. The National Drug Authority Act under Section.8 (2) & (3) requires NDA (NDA, 2000) to make sure that the country has a NF and it further provides that “no person shall import or sell any drug unless it appears on the National Formulary.” This NF similarly encircles significant information evidence on the description, composition, selection, recommendation, prescription, administration and dispensation of medicines, which has not been considered yet. Shamefully, the NDA Act was approved and passed in the year of 2000, but unfortunately the Formulary has not been established yet into reality to help the citizenry.

In the article on fake medicines (Aine, 2018), the ex- interdicted legal advisor of the NDA, Mark Kamanzi revealed that, despite the fact that the NDA is aware of National Formulary would favor Ugandans; they chose to “illegally” use a register which they can control. This paper raises many bold questions and a call for response to the unresolved answers:

What does NDA use to guide and control the marketization and selling of imported drugs in Uganda in the nonexistence of a National Formulary?

What does NDA use to make a taxonomy between unauthorized and authorized drugs for general public use?

This is a geometrically growing trend of counterfeit pharmaceuticals far-and-wide recognized as a public health threat and a serious concern to the health advocates, researchers, consumers and public health officials. According to the World Health Organization reports, in many countries counterfeit prescription drugs cover as much as 70 percent of the drug stock supply and have been accountable for the legions of deceases in the world’s most impoverished nations. In 2016, a report by newz Ug (Ug, 2016), after the fake malaria medicine distribution and consumption, the  NDA warned against  a counterfeit malarial drug Coartem with the Green Leaf AMFm wallet packs that is found on the market with pack details Batch number NOF 2153, Date of manufacture: 062015,Expiry Date 07 2018. Further in the recent past, the NDA approved the selling of Valsartan drug used in the treatment of high-blood pressure, usually in combination with other anti-hypertensive drugs. However, on Thursday 16th August 2018 (NDA M. , 2018) NDA recalled the drug after its distant-wide distribution on the market justifying that they had discovered some brands of this drug were manufactured using an ingredient potentially contaminated with an  impurity called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), which is classified as a probable human carcinogen (a substance that could cause cancer). Now these drugs for way too long have been sold on the market, so, who did authorize them? Why does NDA wait every passing year to do a regulatory scrutiny and research on risky medicines such as Valsartan and fake Coartem  after procuring them and distributing them to the public for health treatment? The patients who took these medicines, were they diagnosed to establish the status of the Valsartan and fake Coartem’s effects on their health? Was the awareness information broadly enough disseminated to help the vulnerable patients who had already subscribed to the deathtraps of these drugs? Were the patients compensated for the financial losses incurred through buying these fake drugs? The absence of a Formulary now clearly justifies the rapidly increasing number of fake drugs in the health centres, drug shops and pharmacies. Additionally to the pharmaceuticals, medical devices and other medical-related products are also faked, comprising blood-glucose, spectacles’ contact lenses, test strips, surgical and clinical instruments, and even sexual reproductive commodities like condoms and pills.

Research shows counterfeit drugs often comprise inappropriate quantity of active substances or no active substance at all. In long-run, through use of counterfeit drugs, illnesses’ prevalence continues untreated which results in treatment failure, amplified resistance to treatment, and even may cause death, thus intercepting people’s right to proper health. Many counterfeits have inactive pharmaceutical ingredients — they comprise ineffective ingredients, these ingredients contain chalk, flour, vitamins, talcum powder, or sugar, which, when taken with an anticipation of having a pharmacological effect, can be deadly.

There are numerous factors that raise opportunities for counterfeit drugs to continue their soundless existence in the medicine market which include deficiencies in supply, monitoring mechanism and legislation (counterfeit laws and policies):

– Supply and procurement related concerns that consist of irregular stock of pharmaceutical commodities due to a void in the forecasts and health strategic plans leading to stock-outs thereby creating a vacuity that counterfeit merchants start to fill.

– The vacuum in the legislation and monitoring of the drugs in pharmacies, health centres and drug shops are vehicles fuelling and incentivizing the prevalence of counterfeit medicines. In that counterfeited stuffs pass through the procurement and eventually the supply chain undistinguished and undetected, and even when noticed, there are inadequate and unsatisfactory legal mechanisms to indict those implicated. Therefore with a deficiency in effective and operational mechanism to monitor the supply sequence, the challenge can only deteriorate.

– Management and handling of drugs by inexperienced and untrained health personnel in medicine outlets, this correspondingly increases chances for counterfeit drugs because numerous indicators of counterfeit drugs necessitates generic medicine knowledge and understanding of the technical pharmacological interpretation before the dispensation of the medicines to the public.

In our proposed recommendations therefore, The Government should re-consider strengthening The Anti-counterfeiting Goods Bill, 2015, (Watch, 2015). This bill in Section 10 provides for confiscation and imprisonment of the person indicted and found guilty of the counterfeiting crime; the Bill in general goes on to provide for return of the counterfeit items to the country of origin; however, more emphasis should be put on withdraw of licenses from the importers as an ultimate solution to reduce the vice.

Relevantly, the ongoing and devastating growth trend of the fake drugs has heavily been caused by the lazy and incompetent regulators who have intentionally continued to use the national drug register instead of the National Formulary (NF). The absence of a Formulary undoubtedly vindicates the ever persistent increasing number of fake drugs in the health centres, drug shops and pharmacies.

Stringent assessment, monitoring, usage and clearance of drugs are called for to reduce the delay in identification of counterfeits. In most cases the drugs are discovered to be fake after when they have hit the market and consumed by the population. Therefore proper assessment and monitoring of the medicine supply chain stages should be emphasized before the final drug usage.

Distribution of drugs in the licensed pharmacies and health centres should be done by an authorized, qualified and well trained health practitioner. This is because many medicines in the drug outlets are handled by untrained health personnel who literally have very little generic medicine knowledge and understanding of the technical pharmacological interpretation for the public.



Aine, K. (2018, April 25). Uganda Drug Authority Lacks Manual to Block Fake Medicine. Kampala, Central, Uganda.

Jaramogi, P. (2011). Fake drugs flood Kampala. Kampala: New vision.


NDA, M. (2018, August 16). Recall of Valsartan a drug used in the treatment of high blood pressure. Kampala, Central, Uganda. Retrieved from National Drug Authority: https://www.nda.or.ug/ug/dnews/133/Public-Notice—Recall-of-Valsartan-a-drug-used-in-the-treatment-of-high-blood-pressure-.html?option=dnews&id=133

Ug, n. (2016, October 13). Shock as National Drug Authority recalls six fake drugs. Kampala, Central, Uganda.

Watch, P. (2015, October 16). The Ant-Counterfeiting Goods Bill, 2015. Kampala, Central, Uganda.



Health Breaking News 300

Health Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings

Health Breaking News 300


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