Health Breaking News: Link 235

Health Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Health Breaking News: Link 235


IMF: Global economy has ‘spring in its step’ but protectionism fears loom 

Liberating the World Bank (From the US) 

The World Bank’s new CEO Kristalina Georgieva lays out her vision for an agile bank 

Progress toward Universal Financial Access 

Civil society call for transparent and accountable regulation of the European Fund for Sustainable Development 

The Future Of Investment In PEPFAR: Understanding PEPFAR’s Multiple Economic, Health, And Diplomatic Impacts 

Why President Trump Should Use Foreign Aid For Health To Make America Great 

Policy Advisers Urge Trump to Keep U.S. in Paris Accord 

Enough evidence from India linking air pollution to health impacts: experts 

Air pollution as bad for wellbeing as partner’s death, say researchers 

What can the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals do for cities? 

As quake-prone Asia urbanises, shoddy construction raises disaster risk 

New UN guidelines to make international trade in plants and seeds safer 

Civil Society-Led Monsanto Tribunal Finds Agro-Giant Guilty On All Counts  

Universal water goals impossible without ‘radical’ funding, says WHO, U.N. 

Watch our video and learn how you can have a tangible impact on the lives of former slaves 

Unsung heroes: Community Health Worker lessons in Sierra Leone post-Ebola 

Strengthening health systems through embedded research 

Neglected Tropical Diseases: Gates Celebrates Industry Contribution, Chan Concurs 

Unprecedented progress against neglected tropical diseases, WHO reports 

WHO: Integrating neglected tropical diseases in global health and development 

The neglected tropical diseases: a rags-to-riches story 

UK doubles funding to fight tropical diseases in developing world 

Merck joins DNDi’s “Drug Discovery Booster” to accelerate discovery of new treatments for neglected diseases

On International Chagas Day, MSF asks the Bolivian government to increase the resources allocated to fight the disease 

‘We didn’t expect this’: A historic yellow fever outbreak spreads in Brazil 

Index reveals how vaccine companies are responding to key global health challenges 

Pharmaceutical giant ‘plotted to destroy cancer drugs to drive prices up 4,000%’ 

Changes in prices, sales, consumer spending, and beverage consumption one year after a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages in Berkeley, California, US: A before-and-after study 

Fertility apps: The ‘next wave’ in solving global family planning crisis 

Health Breaking News: Link 234

Health Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Health Breaking News: Link 234


New publication by TWHA and PHM: Building a movement for health – a tool for (health) activists 

European Health Forum Gastein: Health in All Politics – a better future for Europe 4 – 6 October 2017 

A few suggestions to boost the likelihood of planetary health within the timeframe needed 

Radical increase in water and sanitation investment required to meet development targets 

New figures show the poorest countries could miss out due to weak aid rules 

Inflated development aid figures exposed 

The Bad News Is Good News? The Problems of Graduating from Foreign Health Aid  

5 takeaways from Canada’s 2017 aid budget 

Rights of refugees and migrants with disabilities must be priority in new global action plan – UN experts 

Refugees, migrants, and the politics of fear  

SEVENTIETH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY A70/7 Provisional agenda item 11.2 10 April 2017 Proposed programme budget 2018–2019 

World Bank undermines right to universal healthcare 

G7 energy ministers fail to agree statement on climate change… 

NGOs urge UK to approve EU anti-pollution rules  

Q&A: How seed resources can help combat climate change and instability 

ADB Launches Climate Financing Database  

All In: A Funder Bets that Collective Impact Holds the Key to Lowering Rural Infant Deaths 

On World Health Day, why I’m choosing to talk about depression  

WHO: videos about depression 

New Tools Needed to Fight Ancient Disease 

Personalised cancer treatment gets more specific 

The Ebola Crisis: Lessons Learned for Developing Nations 

How to Improve Access to Malaria Treatment in the Private Sector 

Treatment Affordability and the Entry of Biosimilars 

Is There a Fair and Equitable Access to Safe Blood Transfusion Products in the World? 

U.S. defunds U.N. Population Fund, cutting health services to 9 million people 

Parliament calls for mandatory EU-wide food waste targets by 2020 

New Large-Scale Initiative Aims To Increase Open Access To Scholarly Research 

World Bank: Latin America needs smarter investments in sanitation, transport 

Human Rights Reader 411

Treatment Affordability and the Entry of Biosimilars

Uptake of biosimilars, i.e. cost saving highly similar versions of the stiff price reference biologic products, has been slow throughout most of Europe and the rest of the world. 
Without express and official government policy purchasing and recommending biosimilars, doctors will not use biosimilars and the resulting cost savings cannot be made

Fifa Rahman

By Fifa Rahman*

Postgraduate Researcher, University of Leeds, UK

Treatment Affordability and the Entry of Biosimilars

Brief reflections on the 15th Biosimilar Medicines Conference in London, 23-24th March 2017


Biologics, i.e. medicines that are engineered from living cells, are dominating the pharmaceutical market, with 9 out of the 10 top-selling medicines being biologic, and accounting for $70.2 billion in revenue. (Brown, 2016, p. 5) Being complex to manufacture, and being subject to arbitrary price gouging, the prices of biologics are very high and are beyond the reach of a majority of patients. However, the market is now facing the first biologics patent cliff, with many biosimilars now entering, resulting in the opportunity for governments worldwide to make real cost savings. However, uptake of biosimilars, i.e. highly similar versions of the reference biologic product, has been slow throughout most of Europe and the rest of the world.

image fifa's article 2017

On 23-24th March 2017, I attended the 15th Biosimilar Medicines Conference in London, in order to better understand the current biosimilars market, and to help elucidate questions I had about slow uptake. A couple of presentations were of particular interest.

The Norwegian success story on substitution of biologics with biosimilars is distinct from the reality in most countries worldwide. Dr Steinar Madsen of the Norwegian Medicines Agency related the cost imperative of substitution of novel infliximab in Norway with the corresponding biosimilar, citing government incentives to doctors as the key to the success. In 2 years of the new policy, the biosimilar infliximab had garnered 92.9 per cent of the market share in Norway. (Welch, 2016)

Infliximab, a highly effective monoclonal antibody targeting Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and rheumatoid arthritis, among other conditions, costs up to £420 per vial, and since treatment dose is dependent on weight, a singe dose of treatment for someone weighing 73kg, for example, would cost £1680 (Robertson, 2015), with approximately 8 doses needed annually. White (2016) reports that use of biosimilar infliximab cuts the course of an annual course of treatment from £10,000 down by half, resulting in substantial cost savings for governments.

Doctors elsewhere, including many middle-income countries where disease burdens are increasingly mirroring that of developed countries, have been suspect of biosimilars substitution, on unfounded grounds that they have reduced safety and efficacy. This is contrary to all recent evidence and developments in Europe, where European medicines authorities have reacted positively to biosimilar medicines interchangeability (Baumgärtel, 2017). In addition to Norway, in Denmark, as related by a conference participant, biosimilar infliximab has wiped out originator infliximab, and 50% more patients are being treated.

So how do governments encourage doctors to substitute reference biologics with biosimilars? According to an earlier presentation at the conference by Per Troein from Quintiles IMS, “Biosimilars uptake is highly dependent on government proactivity in encouraging hospitals and physicians to substitute.” That is to say, without express and official government policy purchasing and recommending biosimilars, they will not use biosimilars and the resulting cost savings cannot be made.

The entry of biosimilars, including the projected entry of Roche’s Ocrevus (multiple sclerosis) and Sanofi’s Dupilumab (atopic dermatitis) in 2017 (Brown, 2016, p. 8), is bound to result in a corresponding response in terms of maximalist intellectual property. Proponents contend that market exclusivity periods for reference biologics are too short, as even if the pioneer biologic retains substantial market share after biosimilar entry, that biologic would fail to recover the average costs of development, manufacturing, promotion, and the cost of capita. (Grabowski et al., 2011, p. 15) The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has disagreed with the contention that patents provide insufficient protection, contending that biologics are covered by varied, and more complex, patents. These considerations are relevant for governments considering the way forward in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which contains 5 or 8 years of market exclusivity for biologics as a minimum standard.

Also interesting during the conference were discussions around narrow bolar exemptions as a barrier to biosimilar medicines entry in Europe. Broader bolar exemptions ensure that experimentation and clinical trials conducted in the private domain towards the production of biosimilars can occur.

As countries get richer, disease burdens in developing nations mimic and morph closer to those of developed nations, and at the same time that they set aside misconceptions and embrace biosimilars as have some European countries, they will be expected to embrace maximalist intellectual property tailored towards extending the monopolies of biologic medicines. And while the countries themselves may be rich per World Bank standards, this does not reflect purchasing power, nor does it necessarily reflect the strains on health budgets. Only time will tell how developing countries and emerging markets respond to these countervailing interests, but in any case will serve to illuminate and elucidate the mechanics of the new pharmaceutical political economy and its impact on access to medicines.



Baumgärtel, C. 2017. Austrian medicines authority positive towards biosimilar interchangeability. GaBi Journal [Online]. 6 [Accessed 24 March 2017]. Available from:

Brown, A. 2016. EP Vantage 2017 preview. London: Evaluate Group Ltd [Online]. [Accessed 1 March 2017]. Available from:

Grabowski, H., Long, G., Mortimer, R. 2011. Data exclusivity for biologics. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. [Online]. 10: 15-16. [Accessed 20 March 2017]. Available from:

Robertson, S. Infliximab cost. [Accessed 9 April 2017]. Available from:

Welch, A. R. 2016. The Norwegian biosimilar phenomenon: from biosimilar to biogeneric. Biosimilar Development [Online]. 26 July [Accessed 23 March 2017]. Available from:

White, C. Infliximab biosimilars are safe, effective, and cheap, UK audit shows. British Medical Journal. [Online]. 354 [Accessed 9 April 2017]. Available from:


*Fifa Rahman, MHL (Health Law) is pursuing a PhD in Law examining political economy tradeoffs to intellectual property demands in trade agreements, in the context of access to biosimilars. She is contactable at



Is There a Fair and Equitable Access to Safe Blood Transfusion Products in the World?

Blood transfusions are today safer than any other treatment procedures today in the richest part of the world. But it is less true elsewhere, where the role of unsafe blood transfusions on major dramatic epidemic situations is certainly high although not so well documented: hepatitis B and C and E... and even HIV is estimated by WHO (The World Health Organization) that up to 80% of the world population who need safe blood products don’t get them

Yves Charpak

By Yves Charpak*

MD, Public Health Specialist, PhD in Epidemiology

Is There a Fair and Equitable Access to Safe Blood Transfusion Products in the World?


We all have in mind historical images of people being saved from death through blood transfusions after accidents, wounds, deliveries, hematological diseases… It is still true in numerous medical situations, but unfortunately it is estimated by WHO (The World Health Organization) that up to 80% of the world population who need safe blood products don’t get them.

We also know that blood transfusion may be dangerous through transmission of various micro-organisms. There were major crisis in Europe and other developed health systems, leading to “the blood contaminated scandals” in the years  80-90. Theses crisis have been sources of major changes in the blood transfusion systems in the most developed countries. Major surveillance systems have been put in place for making sure that the threatening nosocomial diseases like transmission of HIV and hepatitis through blood transfusions are under control. It is fragile but a big success. Blood transfusions are today safer than any other treatment procedures today in the richest part of the world.

But it is less true elsewhere, where the role of unsafe blood transfusions on major dramatic epidemic situations is certainly high although not so well documented: hepatitis B and C and E… and even HIV…

A huge burden of disease in emerging and developing countries is on its way on hepatitis. In the former especially, because the increase in life expectancy will allow existing chronic hepatitis infections to develop toward cirrhosis and liver cancers in the future.

HIV is a worldwide concern, but even the numerous international or bilateral aid institutions specialized on HIV – UNAIDS, GFATM, UNITAID, WHO, EU, PEPFAR, etc.- are not addressing seriously the transmission of the virus through blood transfusions. And hepatitis are only considered as “co infection” problems.

The international “solution” for hepatitis can be seen through GAVI programs (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization). GAVI intends to vaccinate massively young children against hepatitis B (therefore children will not get it in the future, even if exposed to it). Hepatitis C is more and more covered through patents agreements to provide worldwide antiviral treatment for hepatitis C.

But a worldwide strategy to prevent what is probably, at least partly, a major nosocomial problem linked to blood transfusions is yet to be seen.

Could blood transfusion lack of products be considered as an “orphan disease” ?

WHO has been for long advocating for safe ad sufficient blood transfusion…

Blood transfusion products have been put recently on the list of essential drugs of WHO.

The introduction of “labile blood products” (LBP; the red cells, the platelets and the plasma for transfusion) on the list was opposed by a lot of the blood transfusion institutions in the developed world, because they consider themselves as not being part of the “medicine system”. Therefore there is no international trade of blood products for transfusion (LBP).

It is important to mention that this article is not addressing another part of the blood products which is the transformation of some collected plasma into “pharmaceutical drugs”, called the PMD, Plasma Derivated Drug.

The situation regarding the blood products for transfusion (LBP) is that the blood banks, being out of the “Medicine industry”, have their own system of quality and Good Manufacturing Practices. This situation protects them from the worldwide trade of medicinal products. Most developed countries are “self-sufficient” and don’t allow usually import of products. It fits well with WHO recommendations, advocating for country self-sufficiency worldwide based on non-paid donations (Voluntary Non-Remunerated Donations, VNRBD).

This is “value based” and very nicely in line with most international or regional human right treaties.

But real life is challenging this value based policy. There is no visible timeline for the achievement of a perfect solution. In between, waiting for success of the ideal policy, the situation of shortage of safe products is creating favorable environment for future health problems which is not addressed properly.

As no specific international aid program is supporting all countries to achieve quickly their expected self-sufficiency in the coverage for blood transfusion products, the situation is dramatic in many places, when looking at WHO description of the situation with a reverse view: looking at the gaps instead of the improvements provides the real situation (

WHO text is in italic and between quotes.

«The risk of transmission of serious infections, including HIV and hepatitis, through unsafe blood and chronic blood shortages brought global attention to the importance of blood safety and availability. With the goal of ensuring universal access to safe blood and blood products, WHO has been at the forefront to improve blood safety and availability, and recommends the following integrated strategy for blood safety and availability: »

Types of blood donors

«There are 3 types of blood donors:

  • voluntary unpaid
  • family/replacement
  • paid.

An adequate and reliable supply of safe blood can be assured by a stable base of regular, voluntary, unpaid blood donors. These donors are also the safest group of donors as the prevalence of bloodborne infections is lowest among this group»

« Data reported to WHO shows significant increases of voluntary unpaid blood donations in low- and middle-income countries: »…


« In 72 countries, more than 50% of the blood supply is still dependent on family/replacement and paid blood donors (11 high-income countries, 45 middle-income countries and 16 low-income countries) »

Family/replacement donors are often the only way for a patient to get blood transfusion: if a patient needs a transfusion, he would (or his family) bring a donor, wherever they find him/her, to replace the products that will be used. And sometimes they just directly pay for “professional” donors outside the facility, even not knowing them…

And there are also blood banks getting donations through paid donors. For most of those paid donors the payment may be the only resource available, leading them to put in danger their own health by repeating it too often. And for the blood bank and the recipient patients it leads to more risky donations. Especially if no proper testing is available.

Blood screening

« WHO recommends that all blood donations should be screened for infections prior to use. Screening should be mandatory for HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis. Blood screening should be performed according to the quality system requirements. »


  • « 16 countries are not able to screen all donated blood for 1 or more of the above infections.
  • Irregular supply of test kits is one of the most commonly reported barriers to screening.
  • 81% blood screening laboratories in high-income countries are monitored through external quality assessment schemes, as compared to 55% in middle-income countries and 34 % in low-income countries.
  • The prevalence of transfusion-transmissible infections (TTI) in blood donations in high-income countries is considerably lower than in low- and middle-income countries ».

Safety of use:

« WHO recommends the development of systems, such as hospitals transfusion committees and haemovigilance, to monitor and improve the safety of transfusion processes. In this regard: »

  • « 125 countries (Among 194 WHO Member States) have national guidelines on the appropriate clinical use of blood.
  • Transfusion committees are present in 67% of the hospitals performing transfusions in high-income countries and in 34% of the hospitals in middle- and low- income countries.
  • Clinical audits are conducted in 54% of hospitals performing transfusion in high-income countries and in 42% of hospitals in the middle- and low- income countries.
  • Systems for reporting adverse transfusion events are present in 92% of hospitals performing transfusion in high-income countries and 40% in middle- and low- income countries.
  • 72% of high-income countries have a national haemovigilance system, compared to only 28% of middle- and low-income countries. »

« In high-income countries, transfusion is most commonly used for supportive care in cardiovascular surgery, transplant surgery, massive trauma, and therapy for solid and haematological malignancies. In low- and middle-income countries it is used more often to manage pregnancy-related complications and severe childhood anaemia. »

To conclude, WHO is one of the only international organizations advocating for sufficient and safe blood products worldwide, with almost no resources allocated for implementing related programs.

But the present situation shows that the expectations of the advocated policies are far from being achieved in many emerging and developing countries, creating a dangerous situation for the future: a huge burden of disease for tomorrow is being created today, but invisible to major international aids’ agendas.

The crisis which occurred in Europe and developed countries, named “contaminated blood scandals”, may well pop up in most countries tomorrow. The developed world leading the agenda on international aid will have its own responsibility in not trying to address it:

– Reinforcing the international support to WHO recommendations by giving more focus on building safe blood transfusion systems everywhere.

– Making sure that all health facilities in the word where blood transfusion products are needed for patients get it, whatever that means. It could well include international circulation of safe blood transfusion products (LBP) at affordable prices for poor countries.

– As most blood donations are done in the developed world today, could those genuine and generous donors give a bit more for helping poorest part of the world get the blood products they need, waiting for them to be self-sufficient? It would be a shift in blood donation policies in our rich countries… but potentially very rewarding.



*Yves Charpak is a public health MD with a PhD in Epidemiology. From 1981 to 2000 He worked as a researcher in Health technology Assessment (HTA) and clinical epidemiology, and then as consultant in evaluation of health systems in his own company (EVAL). He then moved from 2000-2007 to WHO regional office for Europe as senior policy advisor to the Regional Director. Then he was back to France as head of international affairs of Institut Pasteur, followed by head of prospective studies in the French blood transfusion systems (EFS) and its representative in European Blood Alliance (vice-president of EBA).

He is member of various think tanks on health and vice president of the SFSP (Société Française de Santé Publique).

He writes and talk on health issues in journals, papers and social media.

He wrote a book in 2016 with his former Director of WHO regional Office, Marc Danzon: “La santé dans l’arène politique mondiale”, Editions Belin, Paris



Health Breaking News: Link 233

Health Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Health Breaking News: Link 233


Oxford University Press Textbook of Global Health (4th edition, 2017) co-authored by Anne-Emanuelle Birn, Yogan Pillay, and Timothy Holtz 

Links to PEAH latest publications 

Clean seas: turn the tide on plastic 

World Ocean Summit 2017 

Only healthier diets can tackle climate change, experts claim 

WHO: public health round up 

Scale up of hepatitis C treatment possible as Brazil rejects patent on key drug 

Report Finds Wide Gap In Pharma Companies’ Profits And Spending On R&D

A Strategy For Lowering Brand Drug Prices: Patent Buyouts And Licensing 

Strategies To Address The Challenges Of Outcomes-Based Pricing Agreements For Pharmaceuticals 

New Drug Pricing Bill from Democrats Balances Innovation, Access 

Modernizing And Strengthening Existing Laws To Control Drug Costs 

Report: Market Share Of Orphan Drugs Could Top 20 Percent Of Global Market By 2022 

Never Say Die: How State Health Funders Are Defending Obamacare 

Leapfrogging the Cold Chain: Why Gates is Big Into Microneedles 

Pandemic response a cycle of ‘panic and neglect,’ says World Bank president 

Progress in promoting data sharing in public health emergencies

Reflections on governance and corruption at the 2017 AAC 

The Campaign to Lead the World Health Organization 

A Race To Restore Confidence In The World Health Organization 

Antibiotic-Resistant ‘Superbugs’ Are Here 

Antimicrobial resistance: translating political commitment into national action 


Status and methodology of publicly available national HIV care continua and 90-90-90 targets: A systematic review 

PLOS Medicine Special Issue: Advances in HIV Prevention, Treatment and Cure 

Global health: a midlife crisis, early retirement, or growing pains? 

Social innovation for health-care delivery in Africa 

Lessons learnt from 12 oral cholera vaccine campaigns in resource-poor settings 

New Development Bank and EIB Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Structure Future Cooperation 

UNPO newsletter March 2017 edition 

S20 DIALOGUE FORUM Experts discuss global health 


Links: PEAH latest publications


Links to PEAH latest publications



AFEW-Tajikistan Has Unique HIV Rapid Testing Point in the Country

by Olesya Kravchuk, Communications Officer at AFEW (AIDS Foundation East-West) International

Tajikistan is among the countries where HIV prevalence has increased by more than 25% over the last 10 years. In Tajikistan the number of sterile needles and other commodities for people who inject drugs per year is still very low. AFEW-Tajikistan is the only NGO in the country that has HIV voluntary counselling and rapid testing


Public-private Partnership Paradox: the Case of Gavi and Health System Strengthening

by Renée de Jong, Junior Global Health Advocate at Wemos Foundation

The WHO model for Health System Strengthening (HSS) includes improving its six health system building blocks and managing their interactions in ways that achieve more equitable and sustained improvements across health services and health outcomes.... It appears that Gavi maintains a very different interpretation of HSS....vhere the interconnectedness between the building blocks is hardly taken into account


Inclusive Communication as a Mechanism to Improve Equity of Access in Health Systems

by Alex Henriquez Research Analyst at Healthcare Improvement Scotland / Scottish Health Council

 A really equitable health system is that that ensures that people with special needs also have fair access to healthcare. This is especially relevant for people with communication needs, who may experience more barriers of access to healthcare services. Inclusive communication is an approach to communication in which information and its understanding are made accessible to everyone

DSCN0524 Creating and Maintaining Fair, Trustworthy and Sustainable Research Collaborations

by Lauranne Botti, Manager and Carel Ijsselmuiden, Executive Director COHRED’s Research Fairness Initiative (RFI), The Council on Health Research for Development-COHRED Group Geneva, Switzerland

 The Research Fairness Initiative (RFI) responds to the increasing understanding of the importance of partnerships and SDG 17 by ensuring that institutions around the world can have access to an evidence-base on how to create and maintain fair, trustworthy and equitable partnerships in research and innovation

stella marina

From Animosity to Murder: the Spectrum of Workplace Violence against Physicians

by Lawrence C. Loh, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, and Director of Programs at The 53rd Week Ltd

 The observed increase in violence against physicians is a clear trend, supplemented by no end of anecdotal stories of physician disrespect; spitting, verbal, and physical assault, online harassment. Many of these would be criminal if done against a transit operator, but such behaviour seems to be increasingly tacitly accepted as part of a doctor’s craft

pesce ali

Taking a Pill: Not So Counted On in South Africa

by Pietro Dionisio, EU health project manager at Medea SRL, Florence, Italy. Degree in Political Science, International Relations Cesare Alfieri School, University of Florence, Italy

 Despite noteworthy improvements in its public health system, South Africa is still facing huge problems in fighting diseases such as TB  and HIV/AIDS. Among several reasons, the poor patient adherence to medical prescription stands out.  Though the Government is trying to address the issue, the desirable results still lag behind. Future years look brighter than today’s, but additional efforts are required to pull the final goal off


Substantive Work of WHO, particularly in  Relation to Health Systems Development, Should Counter the Privatization Agenda, but Does It?

by Claudio Schuftan, People’s Health Movement – PHM

 Donor countries (the US in particular) continue to push WHO towards working with industry through ‘multistakeholder partnerships’, rather than giving WHO the chance to implement regulatory and fiscal strategies that could make a real difference. (David Legge) Moreover, bilateral donors (and big philanthropies) demand WHO provides data according to their particular interests. Therefore, the types of data produced by WHO (and other UN agencies) are greatly influenced by a donor mandate that goes beyond the simple compilation of country-reported statistics


Do the Credit Policies of the WB, IMF & EC Damage Health?

by  Daniele Dionisio, PEAH – Policies for Equitable Access to Health

article originally published in International Health Policies

Despite recent positive rhetoric by the IMF, WB and the EC to reform conditionality policies, a gap persists between the declared intentions and the general practice. It is time for the three institutions to turn the rhetoric into reality


Brexit can be Hazardous to our Health

by Ted Schrecker, Professor of Global Health Policy, Durham University, UK researchers and professionals are (or should be) asking how Brexit will, and could, affect public health.  Among the questions, informed by a political economy perspective on health and its social determinants, five stand out.One needs to remind oneself that the last word in Albert Camus’ famous essay about suicide is ‘hope’.  But it is hard to sustain in these times


Could HIV be the Youngest Disease to be Eliminated? The Experience of Ethiopia

by Taye Tolera Balcha, MD, MPH, PhD, Director General, Armauer Hansen Institute (AHRI)

 Excellent partnership between the government, key stakeholders, and the community has helped Ethiopia rise to the tectonic challenge of HIV. Since 1990, more than 90% reduction in new HIV infection has been recorded. Survival of HIV-positive individuals has substantially improved. At present, about 70% of HIV-positive people in the country know their status and 65% are on treatment


Kenya in a Bad Shape about Open Defecation Free Goal

by Pietro Dionisio, Degree in Political Science, International Relations Cesare Alfieri School, University of Florence, Italy

 Even though the national law establishes the right to “reasonable standards of sanitation”, some Kenyan people are denied them. Especially in rural areas, the worst-off people face poor living conditions due to open defecation. The Government is implementing a four year strategy to fight against this scourge, but corruption, misappropriation and mismanagement risk to frustrate the efforts


























Antibiotico-resistenza: la risposta OMS

 "Antibiotic resistance is growing, and we are fast running out of treatment options. If we leave it to market forces alone, the new antibiotics we most urgently need are not going to be developed in time." 

 Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO's Assistant Director-General for Health Systems and Innovation


By Daniele Dionisio

Membro, European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases

Responsabile del Progetto Policies for Equitable Access to Health – PEAH

  Antibiotico-resistenza: la risposta OMS 


Un problema multifattoriale

La resistenza dei batteri agli antibiotici è un fenomeno in rapida crescita, come confermato, su scala mondiale, dal Surveillance Report OMS del 2014.

Esposti a particolare rischio sono i pazienti ospedalizzati lungodegenti, soprattutto se richiedenti procedure invasive multiple o pluri-antibiotico terapie, inclusi gli ustionati gravi e gli immunodepressi in generale, per i quali è elevata la possibilità di sviluppare infezioni sistemiche da germi multi-resistenti.

E mentre i paesi ricchi, grazie a sistemi sanitari stabili e avanzati, possono meglio affrontare il problema, questo si preannuncia drammatico nei paesi poveri.

La criticità è ingigantita dal fatto che lo sviluppo industriale di nuovi classi di antibiotici ha mostrato una preoccupante flessione negli ultimi decenni.

Non è un mistero che l’industria sia incentivata ad investire nello sviluppo di nuovi farmaci per patologie croniche piuttosto che per quelle infettive (solitamente di breve corso), in ordine ai ritorni economici di ben più lunga, spesso pluriennale, durata.

Ma l’antibiotico-resistenza affonda in molteplici cause che ne compongono la natura multifattoriale e favoriscono, attraverso la non necessaria esposizione a plurimi antibiotici, la selezione di ceppi batterici resistenti. Fra queste:

-Prescrizioni irrazionali o inutili da parte dei medici, ovvero impiego di antibiotici ad ampio spettro laddove basterebbe uno spettro ristretto e mirato.

-Vendita senza ricetta, soprattutto diffusa nei paesi in via di sviluppo, di antibiotici da banco presso farmacie e mercati, oltre che via internet.

-Trasmissione paziente-paziente intraospedaliera di patogeni multi-resistenti in carenza di adeguate misure igieniche e di controllo delle infezioni.

-Impossibilità di sorveglianza e monitoraggio delle resistenze  in molte aree in via di sviluppo per la scarsità o assenza di laboratori in grado di testare campioni biologici di pazienti per saggiare la resistenza microbica ai farmaci.

-Diffuso e incontrollato impiego di antibiotici in agricoltura e nella filiera animale del commercio.

OMS in azione

Il 27 febbraio 2017 l’agenzia OMS pubblicava la ‘Global Priority List of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria’ nell’intento di guidare e promuovere la ricerca e sviluppo (R&D) di nuovi antibiotici in linea con quanto dalla stessa e dalle Nazioni Unite già prodotto, inclusi la ‘Political Declaration on Antimicrobial Resistance’ e  il ‘Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance’.

La lista evidenzia in particolare la minaccia dei batteri gram-negativi multi-resistenti agli antibiotici e di cui è nota la capacità trasmissiva di materiale genetico ad altri batteri così da trasformarli in germi a loro volta antibioticoresistenti.

La lista è suddivisa in tre categorie in rapporto all’urgenza di nuovi antibiotici: critica, alta, e media priorità.

Il gruppo a priorità critica comprende agenti antibiotico-resistenti (incluso a carbapenemi e cefalosporine di terza generazione) particolarmente temibili in ospedali, case di riposo, e in pazienti richiedenti ventilatori e cateteri endovenosi, quali responsabili di infezioni severe e potenzialmente letali del distretto circolatorio e respiratorio.

La tubercolosi, pur con nota resistenza in crescita ai farmaci tradizionali, è stata esclusa dalla lista perché oggetto di programmi specifici.

Di seguito i criteri di selezione dei patogeni inseriti: potenziale letalità delle infezioni correlate; necessità di ospedalizzazione dei pazienti colpiti; frequenza di resistenza agli antibiotici correnti nel caso di pazienti ospiti di comunità; grado di diffusibilità tra animali, da animali a uomo, e da persona a persona; possibilità di prevenzione (es. mediante igiene adeguata e vaccinazione); opzioni residue; idonei nuovi antibiotici già in corso di ricerca e sviluppo.

La lista intende spronare i governi ad attuare politiche incentivanti la scienza di base e lo sviluppo di nuovi antibiotici tramite il coinvolgimento di agenzie a finanziamento pubblico e del settore privato. Da menzionare, quale esempio applicativo corrente, è il nuovo partenariato ‘WHO/Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) Global Antibiotic R&D’ mirato allo sviluppo ‘no profit’ di nuovi antibiotici.

Un approccio allargato

Se maggiore ricerca e sviluppo è vitale, da sola non può risolvere il problema. Allo scopo il ruolo proattivo di governi e istituzioni regolatorie è irrinunciabile, incluso per l’ottimale coordinamento fra le parti senza duplicazioni o sovrammissioni di iniziative.

Non è dunque per caso che, in accordo con quanto previsto nella citata ‘Political Declaration’, le Nazioni Unite hanno annunciato il 17 marzo scorso l’insediamento del ‘Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance’ incaricato di fornire una guida pratica agli approcci necessari per assicurare azione globale, sostenibile ed efficace contro l’antibiotico-resistenza, compresa ogni opzione per migliorare i livelli di coordinamento.

Il Gruppo, co-diretto dal vice-segretario  generale delle Nazioni Unite e dal direttore generale OMS, è composto da rappresentanti delle agenzie correlate e di altre organizzazioni internazionali, oltre ad esperti di settore.

Ovviamente, questo non può bastare. Per contrastare l’antibiotico-resistenza occorre migliore prevenzione delle infezioni, uso appropriato, in animali e uomo, degli antibiotici esistenti ed impiego razionale di ogni nuovo antibiotico.

In sintesi, oltre allo sviluppo di nuovi antibiotici, altre contemporanee azioni urgono:

  • Migliore prevenzione e controllo delle infezioni, in particolare per i degenti ospedalieri;
  • Migliore accesso a laboratori di microbiologia affidabili per incrementare la sorveglianza e tracciare lo spettro dell’antibiotico-resistenza in contesti definiti;
  • Formazione degli operatori sanitari e dei medici sull’uso degli antibiotici al fine di pratiche prescrittive e di controllo antinfettivo adeguate e razionali;
  • Attività di advocacy e correlata ricerca operativa;
  • Collaborazione stretta con ministeri della salute e governi locali per ridurre la disponibilità da banco degli antibiotici a largo spettro, assicurando nel contempo che quanti in necessità di antibiotici li possano tempestivamente ricevere;
  • Collaborazione stretta con ministeri della salute e governi locali per l’espansione della pratica vaccinale quale strategia di contrasto alle malattie che richiedono antibiotici.



WHO: Global Priority List of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

UN: Political Declaration on Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial resistance: translating political commitment into national action

Antimicrobial resistance: global WHO report on surveillance 2014

Global Antibiotic Research and Development Partnership (GARDP) garners key financial support for launch

WHO: Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance

MSF takes on antibiotic resistance





AFEW-Tajikistan Has Unique HIV Rapid Testing Point in the Country

Tajikistan is among the countries where HIV prevalence has increased by more than 25% over the last 10 years. In Tajikistan the number of sterile needles and other commodities for people who inject drugs per year is still very low. 
AFEW-Tajikistan is the only NGO in the country that has HIV voluntary counselling and rapid testing

Olesya picture

By Olesya Kravchuk

Communications Officer at AFEW (AIDS Foundation East-West) International

AFEWTajikistan Has Unique HIV Rapid Testing Point in the Country


HIV voluntary counselling and rapid testing point opened on December 1, 2016 in Qurghonteppa, Tajikistan. Testing point is situated in the representative office of RPO “AFEW-Tajikistan” in Khatlon region. The activity is conducted within “Bridging the Gaps: Health and rights of key populations” funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

HTC center 2HTC center

Tajikistan is among the countries where HIV prevalence has increased by more than 25% over the last 10 years. The country is at the early stage of an HIV/AIDS epidemic, with an estimated 16,000 people living with HIV at the end of 2015. Although the proportion of new HIV cases diagnosed among people who inject drugs (PWID) seems to have fallen dramatically over time (down to 22.4% in 2015), PWID still bear a disproportionate number of HIV infections. In Tajikistan the number of sterile needles and other commodities for PWID per year is still very low.

HTC center 3IMG_9944

AFEW-Tajikistan” is the only NGO in the country that has HIV voluntary counselling and rapid testing. “We chose Qurghonteppa for providing these services because our second office is situated there. Besides, one of the main routes of Afghan drug traffic goes through Khatlon region and that is why drug addiction level in the region is high,” director of AFEW-Tajikistan Ikram Ibragimov says. “People who use drugs are the main target audience for us. As a rule, donors and partners work in the capital and on the North of the country. We decided to go South.”


People find out about the testing point from AFEW’s website, media and business-cards that organization disseminates among population, get information from the clients who visit the center themselves. Mostly, the visitors of the center are representatives of key populations.

“HIV is one of the most serious public health problems of our region. It is very good that AFEW-Tajikistan obtained the opportunity to open such point in its branch and this will allow AFEW together with еру regional AIDS center of Khatlon to fulfill the goals of UNAIDS Global Strategy,” says the director of regional AIDS Center of Khtalon region Akram Davlatov.

Starting from December 1 and up until March 16, there were 69 people tested for HIV. Two positive cases of HIV were detected and clients already started the antiretroviral treatment. The total number of HIV-infected people in Tajikistan is 8750. This is the officially registered cumulative HIV cases as of the 1st of January 2017.



Health Breaking News: Link 232

Health Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Health Breaking News: Link 232


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Public-private Partnership Paradox: the Case of Gavi and Health System Strengthening

The WHO model for Health System Strengthening (HSS) includes improving its six health system building blocks and managing their interactions in ways that achieve more equitable and sustained improvements across health services and health outcomes.... It appears that Gavi maintains a very different interpretation of HSS....vhere the interconnectedness between the building blocks is hardly taken into account

Rènee de Jong

By Renée de Jong

Junior Global Health Advocate at Wemos Foundation  

Public-private Partnership Paradox: the Case of Gavi and Health System Strengthening


Public-private partnerships claim to have saved millions of lives since 20001, but despite their efforts, the Millennium Development Goals on health were not reached. It remains questionable if the achieved results can be sustained without well-functioning health systems2.

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that failing health systems are the root cause for low health outcomes and inequalities3. It hampers the right to health, as a rights-based approach to health requires accessible, affordable and high quality care4. Also with the Sustainable Development Goals in mind, we might have to rethink our current approaches. In this article, I take a close look at the functioning of the Global Vaccine Alliance, known as Gavi. Public-private partnerships such as Gavi have often been criticised for being too disease-focused; Gavi focuses on vaccinating children. These disease-specific approaches contradict with earlier agreements made by the international community like the Alma Ata Declaration for strong primary healthcare and the Paris Agreement on Aid Effectives from 20055. Moreover, the WHO stresses the need for Health System Strengthening (HSS) in its Framework for Action: strengthening health systems to improve health outcomes3.

Contribution to health systems?

Currently, public-private partnerships, such as Gavi develop programs with the aim to strengthen health systems. However, it is questionable whether those programs positively contribute to health systems in low income countries. HSS programs are criticised as ‘old wine in new bottles’ and when badly executed it could become a meaningless container concept6.

Gavi’s primary aim is to provide more equitable vaccination coverage in low-income countries7, but hits a roof where health systems are not functioning. To overcome these ‘system barriers’ or ‘bottlenecks’, Gavi invests in programs labelled as ‘health system strengthening’. However, Gavi’s approach is criticised for not truly strengthening health systems but rather strengthening the power of Global Health Initiatives8. The approach of public-private partnerships has moved the debate around health systems from the political debate to a technical debate8.

The doubt about the effects of HSS programs is alarming. Therefore, I compared the approach to HSS suggested by the WHO with the practical investments by Gavi at country level. My aim was to understand how the approaches differ and why. Below I present the main findings from my qualitative study based on programs labelled as HSS by Gavi, literature and expert interviews.

What is Health Systems Strengthening?  

To explain HSS, WHO refers to their building block model for health systems (see figure below). HSS is defined by WHO as: “improving these six health system building blocks and managing their interactions in ways that achieve more equitable and sustained improvements across health services and health outcomes. It requires both technical and political knowledge and action”3. The building block model from WHO should assist everyone who wants to address a health system.

R DeJ ong Figure 1

In practice, it appears that Gavi maintains a very different interpretation of HSS. The building blocks are used to justify their HSS approach, which is meant to strengthen results in vaccination. HSS is mainly done via investment in local resources: cars, boats, bikes, kits for community health workers and cold chain equipment. Most of their actions are related to service delivery, human resources and information, and usually at local or district level9–11. It appears that the interconnectedness between the building blocks is hardly taken into account. Poorly designed programmes with a disease specific approach still risk unwanted effects and fragmentation of the system12. At the same time positive effects may lag behind, as system barriers remain.

Let me give two practical explanations I was given during my interviews. They show how HSS programs can interfere negatively with the health system.

Vaccinations and trust

Gavi funds a programme labelled as ‘health system strengthening’ in Kenya, with the aim to convince the population to vaccinate its children (demand generation). However, local health systems are sometimes left unable to meet the need for vaccinations while people need to travel sometimes far to reach the clinic. When Gavi has created demand before all vaccinations can be supplied, some patients are left with an unmet need. If the demand for vaccinations increases while in practice it remains challenging to vaccinate children, the trust in the health system could be harmed.

Even when immunisation services are improved, but not general care at health clinics such as treating an abscess or diabetes, this could decrease trust in the health system by the population. For example when people visit the clinic for general care, but this need cannot be met. Because of the decrease in trust, people would be less eager to return to the clinic to vaccinate their children. This is not only an issue actually for vaccines. One expert mentioned that women would not return to a local clinic to give birth because when they saw the clinic, they assumed that care at the clinic would be hardly better than at home.

Only if health systems meet the needs of the local population, trust in the health system can grow. This is why the concept of the ‘responsiveness’ of a health system is so important and requires good leadership besides financial investment.

Why does Gavi still have a disease-specific approach?

Based on the HSS programmes by Gavi, literature and interviews, I found the following reasons why the environment which supports the continuing of disease-specific approaches remain.

First, indicators play a strong role. They create a drive for short-term success. Gavi aims for “the biggest bangs for the bucks” based on their primary goals. As a consequence, progress in ‘Health System Strengthening’ is measured by vaccination follow up rates and other indicators directly related to vaccination13. This has two disadvantages. Their indicators do not measure the possible adverse effects for the health system like the above mentioned examples show. Moreover, long-term effects on the health system can easily be overlooked. However, it is these lasting effects, whether positive or negative, which are important to understand. The positive long-term effects of actions cannot easily be translated into ‘lives saved’, in a relatively short term period.

Second, for Gavi as a Public-Private Partnership the advanced market commitment is stated as their business model14. Their aim is to create a market for vaccines to reach their goal: to provide more equitable vaccination coverage in low-income countries7. This short term commitment to the market resembles a neo-liberal approach and misses out on long-term sustainable solutions which would contribute to a rights based approach. The ambition to build a market for vaccines could be conflicting with the ambition to build a responsive health system. However, the ‘saving lives’ story attracts investment and donations and could undermine investment in alternatives which cannot be easily translated into ‘saved lives’15 such as system investments. Again, this might undermine a shift to a systems approach.

Third, there is an imbalance in power between Gavi and the recipient low income countries. Gavi calls its program ‘country driven’ as governments write the proposals. Nonetheless, Gavi has the power to deny proposals due to which countries have to adjust and resubmit the proposals according to Gavi’s criteria. This process is time consuming and burdens the ministries of health.

While I only included Gavi’s HSS programme in my research, other research has shown similar results. An example is the study by Cavalli16, who showed comparable effects by an HSS programme focused on neglected tropical diseases. This is probably the case for many global health initiatives. Besides, if all other development organizations demand that health system strengthening programs are in accordance of their own short-term disease-specific goals (like vaccination in Gavi’s case), there is only limited space for countries to truly invest in the long-term needs of the population (e.g. primary healthcare). Therefore, the gravity of the problem should not be underestimated.

How about the WHO? Although WHO mentions that one of its objectives is to steer Global Health Initiatives to a less vertical approach, it is in a relatively weak position compared to public-private partnerships, mainly due to its financial situation17. So far WHO appears unable to correct the misuse of the building block model.

How to move towards responsive health systems?

As long as countries do not have an adequate system to raise funds for their health system (e.g. insurance or taxes) they will remain dependent on big donors such as Gavi. In practice, Gavi hardly focuses on the financing of health systems. Nevertheless, Gavi aspires that countries buy all vaccinations themselves in the future. Here it shows the need for countries to make progress in Universal Health Coverage to become able to fund their own health system, as is a goal for the sustainable development goals.

In my research I also questioned issues that were left unproblematic in the HSS discussion. I have seen that a label of ‘health system strengthening’ on a programme surely does not mean that the programme actually strengthens the health system. For now my conclusion is that there is an urgent need for more systems thinking in programmes, financial independency for low income countries, better governance for health and suitable indicators to monitor health system programmes.

We should remain critical to programs addressing health systems, in order to ensure that all programmes truly strengthen health systems. In the end of the day, badly functioning health systems imply that people cannot reach, afford or receive the care they need.

About the Author: This article is based on the Master thesis of Renée de Jong. She works for the Wemos Foundation as a Junior Global Health Advocate. The study was executed to support the Health Systems Advocacy Partnership which includes the following organisations: ACHEST, Amref, HAI and Wemos.  The full thesis can be requested, and questions can be sent to


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