Breaking News: Link 177

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 177


Zika Virus a Global Health Emergency, W.H.O. Says 

Vaccine for Zika Virus May Be Years Away, Disease Experts Warn 

Building research and development on poverty-related diseases 


Citizens, the Private Sector and SDG implementation: Scale success and scrap the rest 

‘Neoliberal Epidemics in Global Context’ by Ted Schrecker and Clare Bambra, Durham University 

European Parliament, Policy Department on Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs: Presentations from the Brussels Workshop on “The impact of the Economic Crisis on Access to Health Care and Medicines”. Thursday 28 January 2016 10.15 – 12.30 Room PHS 4B001 

Increasing Shortages Of Medicines Discussed At WHO, To Be Continued In May 

Feasibility study on a TDR pooled fund for R&D to be released on 20 February 2016  

How Would Government Negotiation Of Medicare Part D Drug Prices Work? 

Using The Intensive Outpatient Care Program To Lower Costs And Improve Care For High-Cost Patients 

WORKSHOP INTERNAZIONALE “Partecipazione sociale, strategie di formazione e valutazione in Primary Health Care: una prospettiva collaborativa” 8-12 febbraio 2016, Bologna – Parma – Copparo (FE) 

Implications of dual practice for universal health coverage 

The Launch of an International Institute for Primary Health Care in Ethiopia: Revitalizing ‘Health for All’ through the Primary Health Care Approach 

Ensuring Health Care Equity in Ethiopia by Taye Tolera Balcha, Head Office of the State Minister, Ministry of Health, Ethiopia 

Human Rights Reader 379 

UNPO Newsletter: December-January edition 

A new roadmap for Power Africa 

Compliance with smoke-free legislation within public buildings: a cross-sectional study in Turkey 

Drinking water and sanitation: progress in 73 countries in relation to socioeconomic indicators 

Access to iodized salt in 11 low- and lower-middle-income countries: 2000 and 2010 

The use of mobile phones in polio eradication 

Mortality from neglected tropical diseases in Brazil, 2000–2011 

On-Demand Preexposure Prophylaxis in Men at High Risk for HIV-1 Infection 

Sustainable HIV treatment in Africa through viral-load-informed differentiated care 

“Well Nourished and Ready to Learn.” A Service Program in Schools Gains Steam 

EEA Technical report No 22/2015: Fluorinated greenhouse gases 2014 

Evaluating 15 years of transport and environmental policy integration — TERM 2015: Transport indicators tracking progress towards environmental targets in Europe 

On Family Planning, Financing, and Fine Lines: Recapping ICFP 2016

‘Neoliberal Epidemics’ in Global Context

Conditionalities attached to loans from the World Bank and IMF were among the key negative influences  on health and its social determinants between 1980 and 2000 in many of the more than 75 low- and middle-income countries in which they were applied. Best available evidence suggests that this 'neoliberal epidemics' era is not over. In the future, neoliberalism is likely to reflect the erosion of territorial divisions between core and periphery, or the global North and the global South, in the world economy


by Ted Schrecker, professor of Global Health PolicyClare Bambra

and Clare Bambra, professor of Public Health Geography

Durham University, England

‘Neoliberal Epidemics’ in Global Context


An aid-funded Canadian team that sought to rebuild Tanzania’s health system on a pittance wrote in 2004 that: ‘The era of structural adjustment may be over, but the effects of earlier damage continue to cast a long shadow’.   The length of that shadow became apparent a decade later, when the Ebola outbreak in Africa in 2014 dramatised the fragile state of national health systems – attributed by commentators writing in The Lancet and Foreign Policy to the damage done by long periods of expenditure restraint mandated by the International Monetary Fund.  (The IMF, predictably, contested these claims.)  The specifics of the Ebola response aside, conditionalities attached to loans from the World Bank and IMF were among the key influences on health and its social determinants between 1980 and 2000 in many of the more than 75 low- and middle-income countries in which they were applied, and the best available evidence is that the era was not over at least circa 2007.

Structural adjustment programmes involved a relatively standard neoliberal package of privatisation, deregulation, reduced subsidies for consumer goods including food, economic restructuring that prioritised export sectors, and what would now be called austerity – demanded in exchange for loans that enabled countries to reschedule their external debts.  At least as early as 1987, a major UNICEF study warned of the destructive human consequences.  Similar consequences are now being experienced in Greece in the context of analogous demands by the ‘troika’ of the IMF, the European Commission and the European Central Bank.  As in the 1980s and the 1990s, primary beneficiaries are commercial banks that hold the country’s debts.  (The ‘debt crisis’ that ushered in the era of structural adjustment became part of the US foreign policy agenda in the early 1980s mainly because of threats to several of the country’s major banks.)

In a book published last year, we used the term ‘neoliberal epidemics’ to describe the spread of overweight and obesity, austerity (expenditure cutbacks), inequality and insecurity in the United States and the United Kingdom – the large, high-income countries that have travelled farthest down the road of neoliberal or ‘market fundamentalist’ policies.  These are epidemics in the sense that they exist on such a scale and have spread so quickly across time and space that if they involved pathogens they would be seen as of epidemic proportions; indeed, references to the epidemic of overweight and obesity are now commonplace.  They are neoliberal in that they are direct consequences of neoliberal economic and social policies.

The example of structural adjustment programmes and their contemporary European analogues shows that in global context, the concept of neoliberal epidemics is even more relevant.  In another example, references to the epidemic of overweight and obesity, now convincingly linked to the neoliberal transformation of food systems and the increasing unaffordability of healthy diets, have become commonplace in the high-income world.  The connection is evident, as well, in many low- and middle-income countries where rapid transitions to a diet that is conducive to obesity have been connected with trade liberalisation and the growth of foreign investors, to the point where one article described a pattern of ‘exporting obesity’ from the United States to Mexico, notably in the form of (subsidised) high-fructose corn syrup for use in fizzy drinks.  Predictably, the prevalence of obesity in the two countries is now comparable.  Neoliberalism is also implicated in the spread of precarious and insecure work, which is increasingly recognised as a social determinant of (ill) health.  One author, Guy Standing, has argued that it has generated a new global class – the precariat – as ‘flexible’ labour market regimes become the price of attracting and retaining foreign investment.  In an especially striking illustration of the consequences, in 2012 The New York Times revealed that not long before a disastrous fire at a Bangladeshi garment factory, Walmart had resisted an initiative to improve fire safety in such factories.

In the future, neoliberal epidemics are likely to reflect the erosion of territorial divisions between core and periphery, or the global North and the global South, in the world economy.  William Robinson, a leader in the emerging field of critical globalisation studies, pointed this out more than a decade ago when he argued the need to move from a ‘territorial’ to a ‘social cartography’  in understanding development.  More recently, social theorist Nancy Fraser has made a similar point, noting not only the spread of austerity programmes to Europe but also phenomena like ‘the terrible impoverishment of the old industrial cities, of the global north, which are starting to look more and more like the periphery’, and the fact that ‘the conditions of working class people in the global north are converging with the conditions of the global south’.  On one estimate, 1.4 million UK workers are on zero-hours contracts, which do not guarantee them even a single hour of work in a given week.  Trends like this help to explain the widening of health inequalities in the UK, such that in the small municipality of Stockton-on-Tees where one of us (TS) lives and works, the 17-year gap in male life expectancy between the most and least deprived neighbourhoods is comparable to the difference in national average male life expectancy between the UK and Senegal.

This analysis is not a counsel of despair, but it does suggest that the success of efforts to fight neoliberal epidemics and reduce health inequalities will depend on blurring boundaries: between the global and local frames of reference, and between public health practice and the politics of health.  This last blurring means a return to the wisdom of Rudolf Virchow, to the effect that ‘medicine is a social science, and politics is nothing else but medicine on a large scale’.  As Martin McKee and colleagues wrote in a 2012 commentary on the failure of austerity policies, ‘Virchow’s words are as relevant today as they ever were’.  Understanding how to translate that insight into political action will require the development of a comparative political science of health inequalities – a critically important project that remains in its infancy.

Ensuring Health Care Equity in Ethiopia

Although Ethiopia’s health care is grounded in equity principles and health outcomes have shown considerable improvements during the past 20 years, substantial challenges persist. Indeed, though equal access to essential health services for those in equal need has been largely ensured, equal utilization of health care for them and equal health outcomes have not been attained yet. Systematic disparities in the burden of diseases, service uptake and health outcomes prevail between communities, particularly arising from differences in places of residence. In the face of this, a range of diverse initiatives have been taken by the Ministry of Health to mend the chasm in health service uptake and health outcomes between the regions

Taye Balcha

by Taye Tolera Balcha

Head, Office of the State Minister

Ministry of Health, Ethiopia

Ensuring Health Care Equity in Ethiopia


With a little less than 100 million people, Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa. About 80% of Ethiopia’s population live in the rural part of the country. While an overwhelming majority of rural residents live on agriculture, 10% of the population living in the Eastern and South Eastern parts of the country are pastoralists. Generally, pastoralist parts of the country are sparsely populated. Ethiopia is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The World Bank predicts that Ethiopia will be a middle-income country by 2025.

Health outcomes in Ethiopia have shown considerable improvements during the past 20 years. A sharp rise in the life expectancy at birth from 46.7 in 1990 to 65 years to date shows a significant leap in the aggregate picture. The child mortality rate, which had been 204 per 1,000 live births in 1990 dropped to 62 per 1,000 live births in 2014. Between 1990 and 2014, maternal mortality declined by 72%. Both international and national targets set for health have been met. In particular, Ethiopia achieved all health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Ethiopia chalks up its success to an equity-based primary health care. In 2003, the country introduced a signature primary health care- Health Extension Programme (HEP). By design, the HEP combines the overall capacity of the country with community contexts and needs. With low cost for the nation and prominent community participation, a health post has been constructed in each village across the country. To address social and basic health intervention demands of the community, an army of female community health workers – Health Extension Workers (HEWs) – have been recruited, trained and assigned to the health posts. Paid by the government, the chief responsibility of the HEWs (usually 2 or more at each health post) is to provide culture-sensitive package of health promotion, disease prevention and essential curative health services. Interventions targeting maternal and child conditions and infectious diseases stand out in the set of services provided at primary health care level. The recruitment of HEWs from the community they eventually serve is instrumental in providing sustained, community-desired and individually-preferred services at each health post. For instance, HEWs can provide oral contraceptive pills, injectables or implants for family planning depending on the women’s choice.

The HEP is particularly an enormous success in the agrarian parts of the country. Over the past decade, the HEWs have graduated millions of model households (those who utilize all community level health interventions they are eligible for). As a consequence, improvement in health literacy and an upsurge in community-based service uptake have been reported. Recently, the HEWs trained women development groups in each village to advance the community engagement in and ownership of their health. This resulted in organized communities that demand and enthusiastically contribute to improved essential health services. This further catalysed the rising service uptake including utilization of family planning, skilled birth attendance, immunization, nutrition services and construction and use of improved latrines. The effectiveness of initiatives of health promotion and disease prevention targeting major communicable diseases including tuberculosis, HIV and malaria has shown considerable improvement. Bolstered by the growing impacts of the community in improving health, Ethiopia has planned to transition the concept of model households to model villages. Similar to model households, to be categorized as model villages, entire member residents of the village should utilize all key community level health interventions. Additionally, model villages should be represented in health facility governance at each level of care to foster accountability and continuous quality improvement. The metrics used in model village evaluation and categorization largely focus on an individual member of the village rather than aggregate village or district picture to eliminate disparities in service utilization within a specific community.

Higher levels of health care have received adequate emphasis. Thousands of health centres have been constructed across the country, one for 25,000 people or less. Owing to the rising public expectations, massive construction of primary hospitals is underway for some time to achieve the target of 1 primary hospital for 100,000 population. Equity-centred distributions of zonal and specialized referral hospitals complete the spectrum of health care in the country. Concurrent investment has been made into the development of human resources for health. The number of public medical schools has jumped from a paltry 3 in 2004 to 34 in 2015. Currently, more than 3,000 medical doctors graduate annually compared with about one hundred, eventually overworked doctors a decade ago. Likewise, training of other cadres including specialized nurses, mid-wives, integrated emergency surgical officers and public health officers has been fast-tracked to fully staff the growing number of health facilities. The construction of health facilities and assignment of health staff to each region in the country is guided by an equity-sensitive ratio, nationally endorsed by Ethiopia’s House of Federation for allocation of all types of resources.

Although Ethiopia’s health care is grounded in equity principles, substantial challenges persist. Most notably, equal access to essential health services for those in equal need has been largely ensured. Yet, equal utilization of health care for those in equal need and equal health outcomes have not been attained. Systematic disparities in the burden of diseases, service uptake and health outcomes prevail between communities, particularly arising from differences in places of residence. For instance, in 2012, the HIV prevalence ranges from 0.9% in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples region (SNNPR) to 6.5% in Gambella region. The proportion of children younger than one year who received their full immunizations in 2015 is 34% and 98% in Ethiopia Somali region and SNNPR, respectively. In 2011, child mortality rate substantially varied between 53 per 1,000 live births in Addis Ababa and 169 per 1,000 live births in Benishangul Gumuz region. In general, the two pastoralist regions in the Eastern part of the country (Afar and Ethiopia Somali) and the two regions in the western part of the country (Gambella and Benishangul Gumuz) are worse-off in service uptake and health outcomes than every other region in the country.

The current geographical inequities in health care in Ethiopia is mainly attributed to inadequate implementation capacity and deficiencies in the health systems in the pastoralist and in the regions located in the extreme west of the country. The Ministry of Health has taken a range of diverse initiatives to mend the avoidable chasm in health service uptake and health outcomes between the regions.  The ratios of HEWs, health posts and health centres to the population have been adjusted upward to address the remaining barriers in regards to access to essential health services. Mobile clinics are providing essential clinical services in selected districts of the pastoralist regions along pasture and water points for their cattle to tailor the health service to the lifestyle of the community, and thus boost the service uptake. To strengthen the health systems in these 4 regions, a Health Systems Special Support Directorate is designated at the Ministry. The directorate provides an intensive systems support to these regions. Furthermore, the Ministry is currently hiring dozens of senior public health specialists to be based at each region and galvanize the health systems, and thus the performance of each health facility. Salaried by the Ministry, a mix of public health and clinical officers are also placed at selected districts to beef up the implementation capacities of the districts. Differential support in regards to ambulance services, an array of public health and clinical interventions including maternal and child health and major communicable diseases (malaria, tuberculosis and HIV) prevention and control, and heightened overall support has been provided to these regions.

Ethiopia’s Health Sector Transformation Plan (2015-2020) boldly states that all health indicators in these regions should rise to the level of the national average within the next 5 years. These targets are overly ambitious. Equally notable, the commitment of the government to holding down health inequities arising from differences from personal or community characteristics is unprecedented. More specifically, the health sector has embarked on multi-layer equity insuring interventions: authentic community engagement in health in all regions, provision of tailored health services and health systems overhaul in the societies and geographies left behind. The 5 year health sector transformation plan also highlights the need for progressive evaluations of barriers to healthy behaviours and subsequent implementation of equity-targeted social, public health and clinical interventions. Socio-economic factors fostering service uptake will be assessed and encouraged regularly; a detailed, right-based scrutiny will be performed on unreached individuals and populations; and bi-annual status of inequality report will be produced and disseminated. Innovations that could improve the health status in the four regions will be stimulated; and innovations with promise for population level impact will be transitioned to investment at regional scale. Most importantly, the government just transitioned community-based health insurance (targeting citizens engaged in informal sector) from a learning phase to a national scheme. Employees of formal sector are planned to be fully covered in 2016 through social health insurance.  The two insurance schemes are expected to completely remove financial barriers to health care and enhance care seeking behaviour.

In conclusion, Ethiopia is determined to ensure equitable access to essential health services. This can be done through intensifying differential systems support to the group left behind. The local health leadership in the regions and the general health workers should fully comprehend the prevailing equity challenges and work towards rooting them out. Initiatives explicitly targeting the unreached populations will be implemented. The sheer power of partnership with community to ensure equitable access to good health should be recognized. The new initiatives including health insurance schemes will contribute to attaining better health for all citizens living in all geographies of Ethiopia.


Links: February 2016 Meetings


by Pietro Dionisio

Degree in Political Science, International Relations

Cesare Alfieri School, University of Florence, Italy

Links: February 2016 Meetings


Cell Biology and Immunology of Persistent Infection 

Self Neglect and Adult Safeguarding 

Arrhythmias & the Heart: A Cardiovascular Update 

Cell Culture 2016 

Measuring & Monitoring Clinical Quality 

1st International Thyroid NOTES Conference 

Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2016) 

1st International Conference of Applied Pharmacology for Pharmacy and Clinical Practice (APPCP) 

International Symposium on Role of Herbals in Cancer Chemoprevention and Treatment 

Advances and Progress in Drug Design 

International Workshop on the World Wide Web and Population Health Intelligence (W3PHI) 

16th Annual International Symposium on Congenital Heart Disease 

Sixth International Conference on Metals in Genetics, Chemical Biology and Therapeutics (IGMC-2016) 

4th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress 

15th International CRS-IC Symposium 2016: Advances in Technology and Business Potential of New Drug Delivery Systems 

World CNS 2016

The Future of Healthcare 

ICHB 2016: 3rd International Conference on Heart and Brain 

4th International Congress on Cardiac Problems in Pregnancy 

International Conference Continued and On-Going Process Verification 

Breaking News: Link 176

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 176


UN Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Access to Medicines 

Discovering New Medicines And New Ways To Pay For Them 

WHO Members Commit To SDGs For 2030, Despite Some Differences 

Seven ideas on how to finance the SDGs 

Evaluation Starts On WHO Global Strategy For Public Health, Innovation, IPRs 

138th WHO EB – Briefing – Addressing the global shortages of medicines, and the safety and accessibility of chidren’s medication. – Agenda Item 10.5 

138th WHO EB – Agenda Item 9.3 – Global Vaccine Action Plan 

138th WHO EB – Briefing – “From Ebola and Beyond: faulty governance of the health system in responding to medical emergencies and epidemics- Agenda Item 5 & 8.4 

What Ebola has Thought Us to Counter Mismanagement of Epidemic Outbreaks 

World’s most difficult task — ensuring UN sustainable development agenda 

3 ingredients to ensure health and well-being for all in emerging economies 

Human Rights: World Report 2016 

Congresso Internazionale Septimo Encuentro Multidisciplinar sobre Pueblos Indígenas (EMPI VII) Popoli Indigeni e disuguaglianze:fra crescita e crisi socio-economica 12-13 Maggio 2016 Università degli Studi di Milano Italia 

ICIC16 – 16th International Conference on Integrated Care, Barcelona 23-25 May 2016 

9th IAEN Pre-conference 

HEARD publications 

Gated Development Is the Gates Foundation always a force for good? 

Young People Are in Economic Crisis Worldwide. This Bank Aims to Help 

The Irvine Foundation Has It Exactly Right: The Poor Need Power to Not Be Poor 

The Faces Of China’s New Philanthropy 

Life after aid work: When the ground begins to shake 

The E15 Initiative: Strengthening the Global Trade and Investment System in the 21st Century 

With the AIIB, China is ready to rewrite Asia’s financial order 

The refugee crisis as seen from Davos 

Denmark approves controversial migrant assets bill 

Waste prevention in Europe — the status in 2014 

UN health agency convenes emergency meeting to address ‘dramatic’ spread of Zika virus 

As Zika Virus Rises, Vaccine Development Gets Attention 

City at center of Brazil’s Zika epidemic reeling from disease’s insidious effects 

Health Highlights: Jan. 28, 2016 

Non siamo un Paese normale 

Salute Globale in una prospettiva comparata tra Brasile e Italia 

Secondhand Smoke in Lawless Japan

Japan has the highest life expectancy worldwide but its leadership could come to an end since the country ranks third for smoking rate in Asia and the lack of strong legislation on passive smoking puts lots of people at health risk. The 2020 Olympic and Paralympic games are giving an impetus to the relevant debate and more fitting regulations could be ready by 2019


by Pietro Dionisio

Degree in Political Science, International Relations

Cesare Alfieri School, University of Florence, Italy

  Secondhand Smoke in Lawless Japan


According to WHO, 21per cent of the world population aged 15 and above smoked tobacco in 2012. Men smoked at five times the rate of women (36 per cent and 7 per cent average rates respectively). Smoking among men was highest in the WHO Western Pacific Region, with 48 per cent of men smoking some form of tobacco.

The high use of tobacco and cigarettes accounts for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory illnesses. As real killers, NCDs are responsible for almost 38 million deaths each year, including 17,5 million by cardiovascular diseases.

Though new data show a decrease in smokers worldwide, the governments are to be held accountable for ensuring far more drops in tobacco consumption.

In Japan smoking is a widespread practice, with available data showing a per person smoking rate  as high as 1,841 cigarettes per year in 2012. However, the percentage of adult smokers continues to drop: between 2003 and 2014 it declined from 27,7 per cent to 19,7 per cent, as confirmed by the cigarette market trend.

The stricter restriction on smoking, the rising awareness over health implications and an increase in the country consumption tax ( from 5 per cent in 2013 to 8 per cent a year later) making cigarettes more expensive, are among the main reasons.

In Japan smoking is a rooted practice free of any social stigma. In the past, smokers were allowed to light their cigarettes wherever they wanted to. Should others be unwilling to breath smoke, it was their job to find a smoke free place.

Fortunately, during the last decade things started changing. The “Nation’s Health Promotion Act 2002” was a first step wherein Article 25 states that “…those who are in charge of managing the facilities where many unspecified people gather shall make efforts in taking necessary measures to prevent passive smoking…” Facilities include schools, hospitals, government and municipal offices, restaurants, department stores, shops, hotels, trains and buses. However, violation of these duties does not entail any penalty.

In spite of this, smoking is not allowed in many public urban areas and is banned in public transports as well.

However, getting rid of cigarettes is not an easy task for Japan at a time when politicians are interested parties in the tobacco industry. Japan Tobacco inc. (JT), the only Japan tobacco manufacturer, was a government monopoly till privatization occurred in 1985. Currently,  the Japanese government holds a 33 per cent stake in JT and the Finance Ministry has a major role supervising the whole tobacco production, sale and cigarette price processes. What’s more, backers of the Liberal Democratic Party, serving as the majority party, include people involved in the tobacco production chain, from farmers to retail outlets. In short, these are credible reasons behind  the lack of a strictly regulated tobacco market yet.

Relevantly, even warning messages on cigarette packets are quite soft compared with other industrialized countries and only display a small size warning message without any image on it.

Against this, it is good news that, as Japan prepares for Tokyo Olympic games, the debate over smoking bans is intensifying while taking into account that heavy-smoking countries such as China and Russia introduced wider restrictions on tobacco when they hosted the Beijing 2008 summer games and the Sochi 2014 winter events, respectively.

Since last September, the Japanese government has been planning on enacting a secondhand smoke restrictive legislation. To this aim, the administration is about to swear in a special team tasked with figuring out measures to prevent passive smoking ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic games. The team will lay down detailed measures and its first meeting is expected for later this month.

The aforesaid legislation, predictably to be implemented in 2019, will oblige public utilities, including sport facilities, schools and hospitals, to completely ban smoking, and operators of hotels, restaurants and other facilities to implement measures establishing separate smoking and nonsmoking areas. Additionally, the new regulations will include penalties to be imposed on violators.

The measures above do align with the International Olympic Committee requirements calling for “Tobacco Free Games”. Since the Athens games of 2004, all cities and countries hosting Olympic games have been enforcing laws and ordinances not allowing smoking or establishing separate smoking and nonsmoking zones. Most of them also included penalties on individuals and facility operators who violate the regulations.

As such, while Japan must align with, the creation of a tobacco free society would aim far beyond as an overarching target whereby the government should get rid of the vicious circle of self-interests in the tobacco industry and more effectively serve nationwide health priority needs.


What Ebola has Taught Us to Counter Mismanagement of Epidemic Outbreaks

Aligning with earmarked grants for fighting large scale epidemics in fragile contexts, more efforts and strategies are needed. They should come together and act in unison to address the spectrum of challenges these scourges pose to precarious systems


By Daniele Dionisio*

Policies for Equitable Access to Health (PEAH)

What Ebola has Taught Us to Counter Mismanagement of Epidemic Outbreaks


An Ebola outbreak of unprecedented scale broke out in Guinea in December 2013 and swiftly spread into Liberia and Sierra Leone totalling about 28,637 reported cases with 11,315 deaths – probable, confirmed and suspected – over a two-year almost uninterrupted course.

An now that the ravaged countries seemingly got rid of Ebola from mid-January 2016, staying at zero cases is hardly to be hoped for with the load of yet unsolved system gaps paving the way for Ebola reappearance.

Ineffective Policies

These countries are home, indeed, to precarious health systems, deep rates of illiteracy, poverty, social unrest, low-level trust in the governments and huge population mobility across wide-mesh boundaries. These add to weakness of  infrastructure, logistics, health information, surveillance, drug supply and governance systems, together with shortage of well-trained health workers and inadequate organization and functioning of health facilities.

Not to mention that laboratory services, maintenance of vital statistics and disease surveillance and monitoring are underfinanced in these  countries, and fundraising was late and insufficient during the whole Ebola outbreak.

This adds to evidence that WHO has fallen short of its mandate to stop Ebola spread mainly because the agency was slow to mount a response early .

Moreover, while the hit countries had no background tackling Ebola and no basic implementation of the international health regulations to curb epidemics, the African actors (like WHO Afro and involved country offices) did, as reported, a rather small and late job in terms of agenda setting.

Worse, since the incentives of current patent system are driven by profits, the lower-income countries lacking lucrative markets are all the more discriminated as regards the development of lifesaving medicines for neglected health scourges.

This may explain the lack of effective treatments and vaccines at the beginning of last epidemic in spite of a 50% average case fatality rate of previous Ebola outbreaks in Africa.

Hence, the just over Ebola crisis has largely depended on the shortcomings above as a reflection of the failure of global health policies to stop inequalities of access to lifesaving treatments and care.

And now that just rolled out effective drugs and vaccines allow treatments  and preventive vaccination campaigns to be finally within grasp, manufacturers are to be held accountable for making end products fully affordable and available in the needed quantities, while ensuring that distribution  is driven by needs, irrespective of where people live or the capacity of a country to pay. As such, excess vaccine doses for unexpected needs and stockpiling for timely response to future Ebola outbreaks are required.

Earmarked Grants as a Priority

Needless to say, things would be far better if outbreak contingency funding sources had already been at hand as an incentive to bring producers into developing  the necessary drugs and vaccines.

That’s why  a forward-looking call by the World Bank president should definitely be put in motion “…The world should come together to fund a permanent pool of money earmarked for fighting pandemics like Ebola… a mechanism like this could protect the global economy from the potential downside risk and the shock of another epidemic”.

While depending on commitment of governments and institutions (BRICS Bank, African Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Bank and International Finance Facility for Immunization, among others), an outbreak contingency fund would work as a callable capital at once for automatic disbursement whenever needed.

Drastic Changes on Agenda

Adding to earmarked grants as just highlighted, more efforts and strategies are needed. They should come together and act in unison to address the challenges that large scale epidemics pose to precarious systems.

This involves preventing  outbreaks by early warning systems as a cost-effective strategy  to timely discover and contain transmissible diseases. As would be the case for an “active case detection” approach based on mobile workers tasked with testing everyone in the population several times a year at their residence places.

Looking for this, a stronger WHO leadership cannot be given up.  Hence, it is good news that the Agency just entered shake-up to effectively  “…enable countries to strengthen their outbreak and emergency preparedness, while ensuring that its own experts and those of its partners can rapidly roll out the required response within the first 24–72 hours… and… subsequently, to …support countries in the recovery phase after an outbreak or emergency and help them “build back better” when health systems have been damaged …”

In such connection, adequate support, collaboration and funding by the member States would be instrumental to WHO good performance in outbreaks monitoring and response.

To these aims, multi-sector engagement is needed as well to induce governments to bring U-Turn changes into effect by measures that include:

-Seeking  synergies and coordination among global level institutions and humanitarian funding agencies  while avoiding overlapping and fragmentation.

-Ensuring that leading institutions and organizations enhance working with health ministries to strengthen national systems, invest in infrastructures and  improve transparency and accountability including by multi-sector participatory models.

-Reversing “brain drain”, health worker shortage by a transformation of the training approach, as to adapt curricula to local needs, promote strategies to retain expert faculty staff, expose trainees to community needs during training, promote multi-sector approach to education reforms, and strengthen links between the educational and health care delivery system.

-Ensuring that revenues from a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), whose approval is in progress in Europe, will substantially be committed to development and for the fight against health scourges, diseases of the poor and epidemics.

Overall, the final success of this framework will depend on weak country governments’ leadership, commitment and accountability while partnering with administrations in wealthy countries, international institutions and organizations to implement a coordinated response to sustainably rebuild and strengthen health systems, the economy, agricultural and food security sectors, access to education, and trust and community empowerment.

Relevantly, it is good premise that Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone entered expenses in the budgets last year to rebuild their health systems and provide services through the end of December, 2017.



*Daniele Dionisio is a member of the European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases. He is an advisor for “Medicines for the Developing Countries” for the Italian Society for Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT), and former director of the Infectious Disease Division at the Pistoia City Hospital (Italy). Dionisio is Head of the research project  PEAH – Policies for Equitable Access to Health. He may be reached at


Breaking News: Link 175

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 175


As EU-India free trade talks get closer to resuming, MSF warns access to medicines under threat 

Davos 2016: eight key themes for the World Economic Forum 

World of business must play part in achieving new Sustainable Development Goals – UN chief 

This Should Be The Biggest Issue At Davos 

Experts say inaction on climate change is top global risk for the next decade 

How the Green Climate Fund Could Promote REDD+ through a Cash on Delivery Instrument: Issues and Options 

Coal or no coal: A balancing act for MDBs 

We cannot have post-COP 21 depression 

A Quick Look at a Big New Effort to Help Africa’s Young People Find Jobs 

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Breaking News: Link 174

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 174


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The Effects of Current Trade Agreements and IP Standards on Access to Health Services and Appropriate, High-Quality Medicines in Resource-Limited Countries like Uganda

 As a matter of life and death, governments in the LDC sector need to strive to ensure that they develop effective health policies including development of essential medicines lists in a bid to improve access to health care.  Also they need to live up their individual and collective commitments and adopt a human rights based approach to access to all medicines, not only essential medicines


By Bukenya Denis Joseph*

Human Rights Research Documentation Centre (HURIC) Kampala, Uganda

The Effects of Current Trade Agreements and IP Standards on Access to Health Services and Appropriate, High-Quality Medicines in Resource-Limited Countries like Uganda


Access to health care (medicines) is occasionally miss-conceived. Not only is it a matter of life and death, it also enhances the quality of life, and it is key to a life with dignity.

In the world over, billions of people have no access to essential health care. This is basically as a result of ills and clogs to mention but a few. These ills and clogs include: Intellectual property laws, lack of finances, weak health systems, poverty, inequality and discrimination among other factors contribute to lack of access to health care.

Access to health care (Medicines) involves public health, social justice and international human rights obligations. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights requires States to take steps to the maximum of available resources to progressively realize the right to health, prohibits retrogressive measures, and necessitates immediate fulfillment of minimum core obligations. It also calls for international cooperation[1].

It is important to note that medicines in Africa are available but the challenge faced is that the laws that regulate the brands on market are weak and non-regulatory in nature. In a country like Uganda for example which is a capitalist economy, all sorts of medical brands are on the market and with this come the challenge of expired medicines, medicines exorbitantly priced, as an end result, inaccessibility of medicines (health care) to the poor people.

The governments themselves are faced with a dilemma of whether to crack the whip on the mushrooming pharmaceutical companies and frustrate employment or persist with the defective system of commercialization of the health care system. These pharmaceutical companies provide employment to the masses and yet the nation is grappling with unemployment. Also the laws are archaic to help control access.

Access to health care as a core national obligation should ensure that the medicines are affordable, acceptable, accessible, of good quality, and made available without discrimination.

In General terms access to health Care in LDC countries like Uganda is a complex and multidimensional issue calling for holistic solutions. In addition to the foregoing it is imperative to note that measures to improve the supply chain must be put in place, the underlying determinants of health must be addressed to the universally recommended standards, policy formulation coherent to primacy of human rights over international trade as a necessity, investment and intellectual property regimes and to ensure that health delivery systems are appropriate to those they serve. Inequities, including high costs borne by patients in many low and middle income countries must be eliminated.

As a point of emphasis, people’s agency and empowerment should be improved to enhance access to medicines especially for the poor. Procedural safeguards like participation and access to information must be upheld. Evidence-based guidelines and policies to promote access to appropriate healthcare services for all persons regardless of their economic status will help realize their right to health, and increase in disease assessments and formulations will strengthen access for all. Addressing stigma and discrimination and ensuring equitable access and effective treatment will help realize the rights to health.

Many a time governments like that of Uganda will always ignore the health sector and make arguments like, ‘when the ruling party came to power it found many of the health facilities dilapidated but after 30 years there is progressive realization of the right to health in Uganda and improved structural designs for the right to health to flourish.’  This is a total misconception of progressive realization of the right to health. Needless to say, resource constraints cannot be an excuse for failing to meet health needs. Reasons for disparities in health outcomes across States of similar socio-economic status must be understood and addressed.

Experience shows that publicly funded health systems are the best way to ensure equitable access to healthcare. Access can be improved through innovative financing mechanisms, enabling public policies, more health workers, technical support, better health data, administrators, transport and delivery, improved supply chains, local production and health education, and other means. Holistic, people-centered and community-driven policies and active local involvement help health systems strengthening.

Access to health is an explicit example of how economics and trade rules conflict with human rights, including the rights to life, health and development. All human beings by virtue of being human are entitled to enjoy human rights which include the benefits of being alive (right to life). In this day and error the benefit of being alive necessitates the enjoyment of the benefits of scientific progress, and traditional knowledge. This in the nutshell requires that pharmaceutical companies comply with their human rights responsibilities and ethical obligations. There is a need for several initiatives and good practices to be considered by these companies. New models of research and development must address needs, not simply manage markets and profits.

As a matter of life and death, governments in the LDC sector need to strive to ensure that they develop effective health policies including development of essential medicines lists in a bid to improve access to health care.  Also they need to live up their individual and collective commitments and adopt a human rights based approach to access to all medicines, not only essential medicines. International solidarity and collective action can support access for all.



*Bukenya Denis Joseph, a Legal practitioner with a bachelor’s degree from Makerere University faculty of Law and post graduate with the award of a Master of Arts in Human Rights from the Uganda Martyrs University. A degree with the International People’s Health’s University online (IPOL). Coordinator of the Human Rights Research Documentation Centre and also coordinating the People’s Health University Uganda Circle and also working as the Sub-regional leader of the East and Southern circle of the People’s Health Movement.


[1] Human Rights Council, Twenty-ninth session, Agenda item 5. Human rights bodies and mechanisms. Report of the 2015 Social Forum (Geneva, 18-20 February 2015)