Prison Health 2: Solutions

Prison health is public health.  Only a small percentage of prisoners are incarcerated for life. Diseases are not stymied by prison walls. There is no distinct line between the health of prisoners and that of the general population. This article highlights a few projects that are working to address the underserved population of prisoners and ex-prisoners, particularly those who use drugs

Corie Leifer

by Corie Leifer*, MSc.

Project and Office Manager

AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW)

 Prison Health Article Number 2 Solutions


An article earlier this year concentrated on the epidemic of HIV, TB, and viral Hepatitis in prisons around the world and the potential contributing factors to this problem. A project review was conducted to find a few projects that are working to address the underserved population of prisoners and ex-prisoners, particularly those who use drugs. Alternatively, some of these projects serve people who use drugs, including those in prison. The information found in this article is mainly a result of internet research and email correspondence with project and program managers. 

Health in Prisons Programme 

This high-level project initiated by the World Health Organization (WHO) seeks to guide and connect Ministries of Health, Justice and Interior to “help promote health and address health inequalities in prisons.” Every year for the last twenty years, the Health in Prisons Programme (HIPP) has organized regional conferences to facilitate communication and sharing of best practices between the different stakeholders working to improve health in prisons. Through HIPP, WHO member states are provided with technical assistance in creating prison health systems linked to the larger public health system. Also through this program, guidance is given on how to address all important issues of prison health like HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, injecting drug use, and mental health. By encouraging partnerships between public health systems, international nongovernmental organizations and prison health systems, HIPP aims to solve the problem of prison health systems that are developed and maintained independent of the larger health system of a country. Furthermore, by incorporating prison health systems into the larger public health system, standards are established regarding human rights and medical ethics, and all prison health services.

HIV React Project 

USAID’s HIV React project works to reduce HIV transmission in Tajikistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Kazakhstan among key populations in detention and post-detention settings. The project provides technical assistance, training, transitional client management and prevention services to reduce HIV transmission among prisoners and post release inmates in these three countries and strengthen the quality of narcology services and their linkages with AIDS centers and legal and social support services for prisoners and ex-prisoners. This project is implemented by AIDS Foundation East-West (AFEW) and contributes to improving cooperation between the penitentiary system, NGOs and civil health services such as AIDS and Narcological Centers. Furthermore, through this project, trainings for prison-based health care workers in the field of narcology were offered, increasing the knowledge of these specialists.  An updated version of AFEW’s “ START Plus: transitional client management program” offering HIV and TB prevention among prisoners and provision of comprehensive package of health and social services for pre and post-release prisoners in Tajikistan has been officially introduced by Head Administration of Penitentiary System of the Ministry of Justice of Tajikistan. One of the key components of this project is through-care, the methodology on which it is based. Through-care provides a support worker who helps the client navigate through the social system and helps him or her to access services from the time shortly before their release from prison until many months into the social re-integration process. Also, AFEW-Tajikistan has recently received official approval from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection to introduce VCT at their practice and practices of other Tajik NGOs. This will help increase the use of HIV counseling and rapid-testing service, as it is no longer only available in penal facilities and for key populations.

SECRET: Socio-Economic and Cultural Rights of Prisoners and Ex-prisoners in Tajikistan 

The SECRET project has been funded by the European Commission and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.  It is implemented by the Institute for International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (DVV International) at the Female Prison in Nurek town and 4 cities. The two-year project (2014-2015) serves female prisoners and ex-prisoners of both genders in Tajikistan. The overall goal of this project is to “contribute to the realization of social, economic, and cultural rights” for these disadvantaged populations. The specific objective of this project is to provide them with and expand access to opportunities, including vocational skills development, civic education, and personal development programs. This project has helped approximately 600 ex-prisoners to reintegrate into society by providing professional orientation and psychological and legal support through social reintegration service desks. 150 female prisoners have received training and vocational facilities and courses, offering more possibilities for them to reintegrate into society after their release. Furthermore, through this project, prison staff has received trainings on “international standards of custodial supervision and penitentiary psychology.”

African Prisons Project 

The African Prisons Project (APP) works in Uganda and Kenya to address the welfare, health, and education of detainees. In Uganda, as is the case in many places, prison health is not incorporated in the national health care system. The African Prisons Project aims to use the model of the national health care system within the prison system, utilizing a group of outreach workers known as Village Health Teams. The Prison Village Health Teams often work in prisons which house up to three times as many prisoners as their maximum capacity. In order to help resolve underlying causes of poor health conditions, APP is able to provide information and referrals to prisoners and to “empower prisoners, prisons’ staff and prison community members with relevant health knowledge.” Additionally, APP supports inmates living with HIV with nutritional supplements, which increases their adherence to Anti-Retroviral Treatment (ART) and helps mitigate its toxicity and side-effects. ART often causes a loss of appetite, mouth thrush, nausea and vomiting. The result is a lack of nutrition and a worsening of the condition. The additional proteins, vitamins, and minerals can improve the health of these patients and their quality of life.

Safer Return 

In Chicago, Illinois, in the United States, the Safer Return project worked to help former prisoners to successfully re-enter society and to prevent re-incarceration. Working with the Urban Institute and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Safer Foundation designed and implemented this project from 2008-2013 in a neighborhood known as Garfield Park on the west side of Chicago. The Safer Return project worked with various community-based organizations with different specialties to provide a wide range of supportive services to people returning to Garfield Park from prison. These services aimed to work on three aspects of re-integration:

  • “Address the key needs of formerly incarcerated people and their families, such as job opportunities and stable housing.
  • Introduce innovative system enhancements, such as neighborhood‐based parole officers and case management services that include family members.
  • Remedy local conditions that hinder success by increasing access to social activities and role models.”

With a multitude of services to support former prisoners and their families provided by engaged community members and community-based organizations, the Safer Return project was able to “help returning prisoners shape better futures for themselves.” In the almost five years of the program, 727 former prisoners voluntarily enrolled to participate. There were many aspects of this project that contributed to its positive outcomes. Peer education and support, knowledgeable and accessible case managers, and job training and placement assistance were all crucial components of this project.


Prison health is public health. Only a small percentage of prisoners are incarcerated for life. Diseases are not stymied by prison walls. There is no distinct line between the health of prisoners and that of the general population. Prisoners come from the community and return to the community. It is important that prisoners receive equal rights to health and equal opportunities for success. These projects and many more like them are crucial to assisting in the transition from prison and re-integration into society.



*Corie Leifer (Office Manager since January 2013), was born in 1981 in Connecticut, USA. After earning a bachelor degree in communications and another in nursing in the United States, she moved to the Netherlands in 2011 to earn a Master of Health Science degree with a focus on International Public Health from Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. During this study, Corie completed her internship at AFEW and subsequently joined AFEW as Office Manager. As a research intern, she investigated the use of SMS campaigns to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. Corie has international marketing and communications experience, having worked at Operation Smile, Inc. and Trader Publishing Company prior to returning to school. Corie is also a Registered Nurse licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia, USA.


Understanding, Measuring and Acting on Health Equity

Measuring health equity challenges many of the present global concepts and policies on Health. The tragic death toll from global Health inequity (injustice) requires a deep transformation of concepts and dynamics towards the universal right to Health


by Juan Garay*

Head of Cooperation Section, Delegation of the European Union to Mexico

Understanding, Measuring and Acting on Health Equity

from just published book Health Equity: the Key for Transformational Change (Spanish version here)


As the XXIst century reveals, Humanity has reached a peak in inter and intergenerational inequity,  Health concepts and principles need to be revisited: the definition of Health needs to include equity and sustainability dimensions and  the lack of accountability in the guarantee of the right to Health calls to remind the International Covenant on Economic Cultural and Social Rights (ICECSRs) and its optional protocol as the true commitments to health.

We need to overcome the international denial of measuring Health equity (and instead describing inequalities). Measuring inequalities and acting on poverty only mitigate the root causes of ill health. If we measure inequity and ensure minimum dignity for all we will challenge the present international cooperation framework and progress towards a binding redistribution mechanism to enable the universal right to Health. Such approach would also challenge the present human development indicators as we need to  incorporate individual but also collective dimensions of our effects on others.

Health is a universal human right as recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Health equity -best feasible Health for all- is the main principle of global Health accepted by all countries as recognized in the founding objective of the World Health Organization. However, as the levels of best feasible Health have never been agreed upon, the state and trend of Health equity and inversely the burden of Health inequity have never been measured.

Daring to set best feasible Health standards for all, across and within countries, is essential to operationalize and measure the universal right to Health.

In order to set best feasible (and sustainable to expand the feasibility across generations) Health standards, we identified countries that for the last 70 years (UN available demographic statistics) have complied with three criteria: 1) life expectancy above the world´s weighted (by countries’ population sizes) average, 2) per capita GDP below the world´s weighted average (feasibility, countries above the world´s average cannot be models for all as resources would not be sufficient) and 3) carbon footprint below the planetary boundary (sustainability). This method can be applied at sub-national and regional levels.

Only fourteen countries [1] have constantly met the mentioned criteria. We analysed their average Health indicators disaggregated by age periods, sex, and across time, and enable the calculation of the burden of Health inequity by countries, ages, sex and time periods. Such analysis is represented in charts and maps which are only a small sample of the interactive database of maps and graphs of Global Health equity developed by the Equity Movement.

This analysis concludes that over one in three annual deaths worldwide are avoidable by global Health equity. In the last five-year period the annual average of avoidable deaths was over 17 million deaths, 2000 every hour. Most of the avoidable deaths took place in the countries with per capita GDP below the minimum income threshold defined by the Healthy-Feasible-Sustainable (HFS) models. Such minimum “dignity threshold”, given the average level of resources, allows the definition of a “hoarding threshold” and -between both dignity and hoarding thresholds- an economic equity zone compatible with the universal right to health (and possibly most other human rights).

This tragic death toll due to global injustice challenges the global economic and cooperation framework. The redistribution required to enable all persons in the world to have the chance to enjoy a globally feasible-sustainable minimum level of life expectancy challenges the far lower, unequitable and volatile levels of development “aid”.

The work ends by challenging also the global rating of development (as the Human Development Index) by introducing the dimensions of our effects on others (here or to come) through the effects of hoarding and/or exhausting natural and economic resources.


*Juan Garay  is a medical doctor from Spain, specialized in internal medicine, infectious diseases and public health. Since the 80s, he has combined clinical, public health, research and design on health systems (as some of the early AIDS treatment programs in Africa), in many countries in Europe, Africa and America, with governments, universities and non-state actors.

In 2002 he joined the European Union, working initially in the design of EU health cooperation policies and programs. He gradually explored the roots of health in the areas of human rights -coordinating the work towards the EU external policy on children rights- and the multisectorial dimensions of health which led to his coordination in the development of the EU policy on global health. In relation to global health challenges, he has focused on research on global health equity in the last years. Since 2013 he works as head of EU cooperation in Mexico, with special emphasis on analysis and policy dialogue on social cohesion.

In parallel to his responsibilities in the EU, Juan Garay is professor of global health in Granada and Madrid, advisor to the South American Institute of Health Governance, visiting lecturer in UC Berkeley, as well as guest lecturer in several universities in America and Europe, where he continues research and academic activities in relation to health and social equity metrics.


[1] From higher to lower average life expectancy 1950-2010 : Cuba, Costa Rica, Albania, Armenia, Georgia, Belize, St Lucia, Sri Lanka,  Vietnam, Tonga, St Vincent, Paraguay, Grenada, and Colombia


Red Mundial Para el Diagnóstico Médico – Tulaitula Health Consulting Group

Red Mundial Para el Diagnóstico Médico - Tulaitula Health Consulting Group,Octubre 2015: Un sistema de información clínica para apoyar y facilitar el diagnóstico y tratamiento médicos en países con recursos limitados y en el resto del mundo

Bashir copertina

by Bashir Saiegh Saiegh DPH, MPH

Bashir photo

Fundador y CEO de Tulaitula Health Consulting Group

Red Mundial Para el Diagnóstico Médico

 English version: World Network for Medical Diagnosis_PEAH (1)



Se trata de construir una red médica basada en la innovación tecnológica y cuya finalidad sería la de lograr una alianza mundial entre los profesionales de la salud que contribuya a la reducción de las desigualdades sanitarias en todo el mundo, principalmente aquellas desigualdades derivadas de la escasez de acceso a conocimientos médicos avanzados, escasez de acceso a médicos especialistas y de otros profesionales sanitarios cualificados que padecen sobre todo las poblaciones de países pobres o en vías de desarrollo.

En definitiva, se trata de desarrollar e implementar un Sistema de Información Clínica patrocinado por una o más de las principales instituciones internacionales (OMS, Parlamento Europeo, Comisión Europea… etc.) para apoyar y facilitar el diagnóstico y tratamiento médicos en países sin recursos económicos suficientes con el propósito de transformar y mejorar el cuidado de la salud de sus poblaciones y promover una atención sanitaria basada en la evidencia de los datos. Se trataría de una red exclusiva para los profesionales sanitarios de todo el mundo cuya principal finalidad sería la de facilitar las interconsultas clínicas relacionadas con la salud de pacientes. De ella, podemos destacar los siguientes aspectos básicos:

  • Es una red exclusiva para profesionales sanitarios. Esto incluye inicialmente a todos los médicos (médicos de familia o de atención primaria, cirujanos y demás especialistas) además de enfermeras y matronas. Más tarde se incluirá al resto de trabajadores sanitarios “todas las personas que participan en las acciones cuya intención principal es mejorar la salud” (OMS – Informe Mundial de la Salud 2006).
  • Para unirse a la red, los médicos y demás profesionales sanitarios deben ser previamente identificados según la legislación vigente de cada país y de acuerdo a las normas de accesos y usos de la red.
  • Los profesionales que ejercen como consultores médicos no tienen ningún poder de decisión directa sobre la salud del paciente, por lo que estarán exentos de cualquier responsabilidad legal, sólo actúan como asesores en materia de salud.
  • En la interconsulta no se incluirá ningún dato que facilite la identificación personal de los pacientes.
  • La interconsulta se hará a través de un resumen de historia clínica electrónica del paciente.
  • Se podrán adjuntar imágenes, videos y otros documentos clínicos en soporte digital, siempre que no den lugar a la identificación personal del paciente.
  • El sistema se desarrollará en los principales idiomas de la OMS e incluirá un traductor para facilitar la interconsulta clínica entre los diferentes países.

En definitiva, y con el fin de alcanzar la excelencia operativa de la red, pondremos a disposición de las instituciones interesadas todos los detalles técnicos de este proyecto incluyendo todos los detalles de este nuevo modelo de interconsulta médica y el flujo de datos de principio a fin que hemos diseñado para implementar este circuito innovador en la atención especializada. Estos circuitos y flujos de datos se construyeron a partir de una nueva visión médica para mejorar los cuidados de la salud y sostenida, no sólo sobre criterios de eficiencia y eficacia de la gestión, sino también y lo más importante aún, sustentada sobre criterios que garantizan la máxima calidad y seguridad del paciente.

Como ya hemos mencionado, nos pondremos a disposición de las instituciones interesadas para desarrollar, entregar y evaluar la Red Mundial para el diagnóstico médico, incluyendo:

  • Los requerimientos básicos de funcionamiento
  • La operatividad del sistema y los detalles técnicos de los flujos de datos
  • Las normas de identificación y registro de usuarios
  • La normativa de accesos y usos
  • Las diferentes estrategias previstas
  • El plan de actividades
  • El detalle las distintas intervenciones
  • El calendario de operaciones durante el primer año
  • Los modelos de evaluación y los indicadores de resultados
  • Presupuesto inicial, viabilidad financiera y el plan de sostenibilidad económica


Según reconoce la OMS “en esta primera década del siglo XXI, enormes avances en el bienestar humano coexisten con privaciones extremas. En la salud mundial somos testigos de los beneficios que están aportando los nuevos medicamentos, tecnologías y conocimientos científicos, pero algunos de los países más pobres están sufriendo reveses sin precedentes. Esta creciente polarización en salud, ha llevado a que en algunas zonas del planeta, la esperanza de vida haya caído a la mitad respecto a los países más ricos”. Además reconoce que para avanzar en la lucha contra las desigualdades en salud, sería preciso que los interesados trabajen juntos mediante alianzas y redes – locales, nacionales y mundiales – abiertas a los diversos problemas sanitarios, profesiones, disciplinas, y países. Las estructuras cooperativas pueden mancomunar los limitados recursos económicos e intelectuales y fomentar la enseñanza recíproca.

El Informe Mundial de la Salud 2006 y la Estrategia Regional de Recursos Humanos para la Salud, 2006-2015; han cifrado una escasez mundial de 4,3 millones de trabajadores de la salud. Además, en las estadísticas mundiales de la Seguridad Social 2010/2011 (World Social Security Statistics 2010/2011) se afirmó que en la actualidad hay 100 países con una densidad de profesionales cualificados de la salud por debajo del umbral adecuado, traduciéndose en una escasez total de alrededor de 7,2 millones de profesionales sanitarios y que aumentarán a 12,9 millones en 2035 según unas las proyecciones sostenidas el crecimiento de la población. De modo que podemos afirmar que la escasez de personal sanitario especializado en el año 2015 es peor que en 2006 y es poco probable que esta tendencia se revierta en los próximos años. La idea de nuestro proyecto se basa en la necesidad de trabajar de inmediato para intentar reducir gradualmente las desigualdades sanitarias existentes en la actualidad. Especialmente en intentar reducir aquellas desigualdades relacionadas con el desigual acceso a los conocimientos médicos altamente especializados y que sufren las personas más pobres y las poblaciones más desfavorecidas donde la mayoría de ellos viven en las regiones más pobres del planeta y en los países con escasos recursos económicos y humanos.

Todos aquellos expertos de la gestión sanitaria que conocen en profundidad el funcionamiento de los más avanzados Sistemas Nacionales de Salud (SNS) y sus respectivos servicios sanitarios (Canadá, España, Inglaterra, Suecia…) saben que uno de los problemas más comunes y complejos de la gestión sanitaria es el derivado por la gran demanda y el alto costo de la interconsulta externa generada por la atención primaria hacia la atención especializada. A ello se le añade el problema de los largos tiempos de espera existentes para las consultas iniciales generados por la alta demanda lo que por otra parte genera evidentes desigualdades en el acceso a los conocimientos médicos especializados entre las diferentes regiones. Este gran volumen de demanda de interconsultas externas en la atención especializada, no es caprichosa y en parte, se basa en la alta especialización de la medicina y la amplia fragmentación del conocimiento médico (Sólo sé que no sé nada; Sócrates). Si esto está sucediendo en los servicios de salud más avanzados del mundo en donde la población sufre ciertas desigualdades de acceso a los conocimientos médicos especializados en función de su zona de residencia, que es lo que está sucediendo en las regiones y países más pobres del planeta? Sin entrar en detalles, me imagino que la mayoría de expertos estarían de acuerdo en afirmar que la mayoría de estas personas no tienen acceso adecuado a la medicina especializada. Por otra parte, se podría presuponer que la mayoría de los médicos que trabajan en estos países carecen del apoyo esencial y necesario de otros médicos especialistas, lo que realmente es grave y repercute negativamente en la salud de los pacientes. Las razones son varias y bien conocidas por todos nosotros; la ausencia de SNS, la escasez de recursos económicos, la falta de personal médico especializado…etc.

Por lo tanto, de los múltiples factores determinantes de las desigualdades en salud, nuestro proyecto, aunque sea parcialmente, podría responder con eficiencia y eficacia a dos de los principales factores:

  1. La escasez de personal sanitario cualificado o la escasez de médicos especialistas: esa escasez tiene carácter mundial, pero reviste especial gravedad en los países más pobres donde más los necesitan “Informe Mundial de la Salud 2006”.
  2. La inequidad de acceso a personal médico especializado motivada por razones económicas: La atención sanitaria es una industria de servicios basada fundamentalmente en el capital humano, donde una fuerza de trabajo cualificada, elemento clave de todos los sistemas sanitarios, es fundamental para hacer progresar la salud. Existen evidencias científicas y abundantes pruebas de que el número, la calidad y la densidad de distribución de los trabajadores sanitarios están efectivamente relacionados con la cobertura de inmunización, la supervivencia de los lactantes, los niños y las madres así como con resultados positivos en el ámbito de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, infecciosas y demás problemas de salud.


En palabras del propio Informe Mundial de Salud 2006 – Colaboremos por la salud, por bien concebidas que estén, las estrategias nacionales no bastan por sí solas para hacer frente a la realidad de los desafíos que plantea y planteará la escasez del personal sanitario. Están igualmente condicionadas en unos países y otros por el carácter fragmentario de las pruebas, lo limitado de los instrumentos de planificación y la escasez de conocimientos técnicos especializados. Por tanto, el presente proyecto se plantea, dentro del marco de la cooperación internacional, como un esfuerzo solidario entre la comunidad médica mundial que complemente los liderazgos nacionales, por lo menos en cinco frentes:

  1. Mejorar la inequidad de acceso a personal médico especializado.
  2. Catalizar y difundir el conocimiento médico, las competencias técnicas y las prácticas sanitarias óptimas. La mancomunación eficaz del conocimiento médico especializado y de las diversas competencias técnicas y el amplio abanico de experiencias pueden ayudar a los países a tener acceso a conocimientos profesionales más avanzados y a prácticas más óptimas para mejorar la salud de sus poblaciones.
    Fomentar la enseñanza recíproca y el aprendizaje mutuo.
  3. Alcanzar acuerdos de cooperación sociosanitarios.
  4. Responder a la crisis por la escasez de personal sanitario especializado. Esta crisis en los países más pobres es de una importancia innegable y exige una respuesta urgente, sostenida y coordinada por parte de la comunidad internacional. Todos los asociados deben analizar críticamente por qué medios apoyan a éste, con miras a eliminar las prácticas poco eficientes y coordinar más eficazmente sus acciones con las autoridades nacionales competentes.

Apoyamos la idea de que el liderazgo nacional y la solidaridad mundial pueden y deben lograr importantes mejoras estructurales de la fuerza de trabajo en todos los países, y en especial en los que padecen crisis más graves. Estos avances se caracterizarían por el acceso universal a un personal sanitario motivado, competente y bien respaldado por otros compañeros altamente cualificados.

De ahí nuestra propuesta de construir un sistema de información clínica para apoyar y facilitar el diagnóstico y tratamiento médicos en todo el mundo. A nuestro entender, el proyecto planteado, ayudará de forma efectiva a lograr mejoras de la fuerza de trabajo sanitario en los países que más padecen la escasez de estos recursos y propiciará una mejora inmediata de la atención sanitaria mediante el apoyo técnico especializado que contribuirá a conseguir una mejora en la salud de las poblaciones atendidas.

Nuestra propuesta se basa en la idea de la solidaridad global que ilustra la siguiente figura de cómo podría crearse una alianza mundial de la fuerza de trabajo en salud y que impulse a las partes interesadas a acelerar la lucha contra las desigualdades en salud.

The World Health Report 2006: Figure 5 Global stakeholder alliance

figure 5 global stakeholder alliance



El presente proyecto tiene por objeto contribuir a la reducción de las desigualdades en materia de salud en especial las desigualdades de acceso que sufren las poblaciones más desfavorecidas. Se trata principalmente de reducir aquellas desigualdades generadas por el limitado acceso al conocimiento médico especializado y por el desigual acceso a personal sanitario altamente especializado.

Por lo tanto, el objetivo general sería fortalecer, apoyar y mejorar la capacidad técnica del personal sanitario de todo el mundo en especial de los países con recursos limitados. Se trata de proporcionarles una forma sencilla de solicitar una ayuda para apoyar el diagnóstico y tratamiento a través de una interconsulta dirigido al personal cooperante de la atención especializada que está asociado a la Red Mundial para el diagnóstico médico. De esta manera pueden mejorar su respuesta a los desafíos sanitarios habituales o emergentes que afrontan en sus labores diarias.


El propósito específico sería construir una red médica basada en la innovación tecnológica y cuya finalidad sería la de lograr una alianza mundial de profesionales sanitarios, donde los trabajadores de los servicios públicos de salud de los países con recursos limitados, principalmente aquellos que desarrollan su labor en áreas rurales, suburbios o zonas alejadas, puedan tener de inmediato un apoyo médico especializado que de otra manera no obtendrían. Esto conduce necesariamente a mejorar la salud de la población atendida que de otra manera sería más difícil de lograr.


  1. Catalizar, facilitar y difundir la experiencia médica especializada y las mejores prácticas en salud.
  2. Promover el conocimiento médico recíproco y el aprendizaje mutuo.
  3. Contribuir a la difusión del conocimiento médico basado en la evidencia y hacerlo accesible a las poblaciones más pobres y a las regiones más remotas.
  4. Contribuir a proporcionar un apoyo técnico sólido y a una mejor gestión y difusión del conocimiento científico.
  5. Mejorar la capacidad técnica de los médicos y demás trabajadores sanitarios de los servicios públicos de salud de los países con recursos limitados. Esta mejora en la capacitación técnica médica, conduce necesariamente a mejorar la salud de la población atendida.
  6. Mejorar las capacidades técnicas de los médicos de los países desarrollados en áreas específicas, tales como las enfermedades tropicales y emergentes. Esta mejora en la capacitación técnica médica, conduce necesariamente a mejorar la salud de la población atendida.
  7. Mejorar la confianza de las poblaciones en los servicios públicos de salud de sus respectivos países.
  8. Actuar como una plataforma dinámica, confidencial y segura que facilite una rápida comunicación entre profesionales sanitarios de distintos países.
  9. Constituirse en un sistema complementario de alerta para mejorar la detección geográfica de las necesidades médicas más acuciantes con la finalidad de mejorar la efectividad de las respuestas de cooperación sanitaria.
  10. Constituirse en una plataforma de apoyo a las redes existentes de alertas en Salud Pública y Epidemiología para todo el mundo (red auxiliar de vigilancia epidemiológica).
  11. Contribuir a la promoción de las políticas sanitarias saludables.
  12. Contribuir a mejorar la eficacia y la productividad de los SNS y de los respectivos servicios sanitarios de los países cooperantes.
  13. Contribuir al desarrollo tecnológico de las regiones más desfavorecidas. Mediante los acuerdos de cooperación, tanto con los países donantes como con los gobiernos de los países receptores, y como respuesta a la posible ausencia de recursos informáticos en determinadas regiones, se fomentaría:
  • Equipar con terminales informáticas a los centros de salud o puntos sanitarios en las regiones carentes de ellas.
  • El establecimiento de conexiones a la red, especialmente vía satélite.
  • Implantación de generadores de energías limpias; paneles solares, aerogeneradores…etc.
  1. Contribuir al desarrollo económico de las regiones desfavorecidas. Las actividades antes enumeradas, fomentarían la creación de empleos verdes y de alta tecnología.
  2. Aspirar, en un futuro no muy lejano, a convertirse en una plataforma médica de base tecnológica que, mediante el establecimiento de videoconferencia o conferencias de audio, los profesionales cualificados pueden prestar apoyo directo a trabajadores de salud menos calificados para dar respuestas inmediatas a situaciones de emergencia (nacimientos, fracturas, cirugía, … etc.)
  3. Convertirse en la plataforma de comunicación entre el personal sanitario a nivel internacional con todos los beneficios que ello conlleva:
  • Facilitar la difusión de los comunicados de la OMS y las demás instituciones internacionales relacionadas con la salud.
  • Facilitar la libre difusión de las publicaciones médicas y los resultados de la investigación en salud.
  1. Otros beneficios.


Las poblaciones de los países con recursos limitados cuyos servicios sanitarios públicos padecen una profunda escasez de personal sanitario cualificado. Aunque el beneficio final podría llegar a toda la población mundial.


Los profesionales sanitarios (especialista médicos, matronas,…) “todas las personas que participan en las acciones cuya intención principal es mejorar la salud” (OMS – IMS 2006) que a través de la red proporcionarán una consultoría clínica especializada y prestarán un apoyo técnico cualificado a los profesionales de los servicios sanitarios públicos de los países con limitados recursos y de las regiones más pobres del planeta.


Al igual que cualquier otro, este proyecto presenta fortalezas y debilidades. De entre sus ventajas, se destaca la utilidad del mismo para contribuir a reducir las desigualdades de acceso en salud. De entre sus desventajas, se destaca la probabilidad de que muchos centros de salud carezcan de las terminales informáticas necesarias o que puedan tener dificultades de acceso a la red, aunque ello podría ser una oportunidad de ir ampliando el alcance de las nuevas tecnologías a las regiones en desarrollo. En la siguiente tabla, se resumen las ventajas y los inconvenientes del proyecto propuesto.

1.       Útil2.       Solidario e igualitario3.       Oportuno4.       Asequible, seguro y confidencial5.       Universal

6.       Eficiente y eficaz

7.       Transparente

8.       Consistente y fiable

9.       Práctico y duradero en el tiempo

10.    Simple y fácil de usar

11.    Rápido

12.    Objetivo

13.    Flexible y fácilmente adaptable

14.    Actualizable

15.    Ausencia de incentivos perversos

16.    El acceso limitado a la red de los trabajadores de la salud de algunos países con recursos limitados17.    La financiación inicial18.    La dependencia inicial de la voluntad política

Cabe destacar que nuestra intención es transformar los posibles inconvenientes antes mencionado en oportunidades reales de mejora como ya hemos mencionado en el punto 13 de los objetivos secundarios. Estas actividades promoverán la creación de empleos verdes y de alta tecnología en las regiones que realmente los necesitan. Por otro lado, con la implementación de este proyecto, las circunstancias y las posibilidades de cooperar proporcionando apoyo médico especializado será más fácil, sencillo, cómodo y rápido al no tener que viajar muy lejos, donde el profesional colaborador podrá cooperar en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar.


Cabe destacar que nuestra intención es transformar los posibles inconvenientes antes mencionado en oportunidades reales de mejora como ya hemos mencionado en el punto 13 de los objetivos secundarios. Estas actividades promoverán la creación de empleos verdes y de alta tecnología en las regiones que realmente los necesitan. Por otro lado, con la implementación de este proyecto, las circunstancias y las posibilidades de cooperar proporcionando apoyo médico especializado será más fácil, sencillo, cómodo y rápido al no tener que viajar muy lejos, donde el profesional colaborador podrá cooperar en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar.

Al ser este un proyecto de consultoría médica por red telemática, los profesionales sanitarios cooperantes ejercerían de simples consultores sin ninguna capacidad decisoria final sobre el paciente, por lo que estarán eximidos de cualquier responsabilidad legal o jurídica vinculante. Los profesionales sanitarios demandantes del apoyo técnico, son y serán los únicos responsables legales de sus propios actos, por lo que tomarán sus decisiones de forma autónoma con independencia de la opinión de los consultores cooperantes.



El proyecto se basa en una idea innovadora en materia de cooperación; cuya finalidad sería la de rentabilizar más y mejor los inmensos recursos tecnológicos, informáticos y humanos disponibles para proporcionar apoyo médico especializado y soporte sanitario cualificado a los profesionales de los servicios sanitarios públicos de todo el mundo, principalmente a aquellos que trabajan en países con recursos limitados y en las regiones pobres, de una forma sencilla y segura, sin incurrir en ningún coste adicional para las arcas públicas. El uso de la red y la cooperación voluntaria brindarán a las personas más desfavorecidas la oportunidad de acceder a los conocimientos médicos especializados que de otro modo y, por el momento, no les sería posible acceder con todo lo que ello supondría para la mejora de salud y lo que podría significar en la lucha contra las desigualdades en salud. Pensamos que la labor de sensibilización encaminada a situar y mantener la necesidad de cooperación y participación voluntaria del personal sanitario de los servicios sanitarios avanzados en un lugar destacado de su agenda diaria, no resultaría un desafío complicado. La mayoría de estos profesionales tendrían la oportunidad de prestar ayuda a los pueblos más necesitados en cualquier momento y desde cualquier lugar, sin que para ello tengan que desplazarse del sillón de su casa o de su puesto de trabajo.


La claridad del plan de actividades que propondremos y la factibilidad de su aplicación, nos invitan a ser optimistas acerca de la viabilidad del proyecto. Como se podrá comprobar en el plan, cada objetivo estratégico se acompaña de varios objetivos operativos. El cumplimiento de los objetivos operativos planteados se garantizará mediante la implementación de una serie de actividades y prácticas acordes a la consecución de los mismos donde, cada actividad cuenta con un responsable y un tiempo máximo para su ejecución, pudiendo ser las mismas objetivamente verificables al finalizar el periodo de fijado para su consecución. De este modo, los indicadores del resultado de cada acción deberán verificar objetivamente el logro de los objetivos y su grado de implementación.


En el plan de actividades se detallarán los efectos multiplicadores en materia de salud que va a lograr la implementación y puesta en marcha de la red. El lanzamiento mundial del proyecto tendría que reproducir las actuaciones efectivas del periodo piloto procurando aplicar aquellas medidas que más éxitos hayan tenido en esta primera fase. De modo que, mediante la implantación del presente proyecto, y reconociendo que parte de las siguientes aspiraciones se fundamentan en la inmensa ilusión depositada en el mismo, en los próximos 5 a 10 años desde su implantación se aspira a obtener los siguientes efectos tangibles:

  • Responder a más de cinco millones de interconsultas médicas especializadas que de otro modo no podrían haber ocurrido.
  • Establecer más de 3 millones de planes de cuidados de enfermería.
  • Establecer más de 1 millón de planes de cuidados sociosanitarios y de salud mental.
  • Haber contribuido a mejorar la calidad de la atención sanitaria en todo el mundo.
  • Haberse constituido en la plataforma de comunicación profesional de referencia entre los profesionales de salud a nivel mundial.
  • Haberse contribuido a catalizar y difundir el conocimiento médico, las competencias técnicas, el conocimiento científico y las prácticas sanitarias más óptimas.
  • Haberse contribuido a la mejora de la detección geográfica de las necesidades sanitarias más acuciantes en las distintitas regiones del planeta.
  • Haber difundido más de 100.000 artículos, notas o comunicaciones científicas relacionadas con la promoción de las políticas públicas sociosanitarias más saludables.
  • Haber contribuido a la introducción e implantación de más de 50.000 terminales informáticas en los centros de salud de las regiones más pobres, haber contribuido a conectarse a la red de más de 5.000 regiones aisladas y de haber contribuido a la implantación de más de 500 nuevos generadores de energía limpia en regiones carentes de ella.
  • Otros impactos.


Más adelante pondremos a disposición de la institución interesada los planes que detallan la sostenibilidad económica del proyecto y los planes que garanticen la financiación futura de las actividades. Por otra parte, cabe destacar que la sostenibilidad institucional del proyecto quedaría garantizada por la acción continuada que se llevaría a cabo tal y como se detallará en el plan de actividades. Las infraestructuras establecidas, los acuerdos alcanzados, la implicación activa de los distintos actores y los efectos positivos cosechados garantizarán el funcionamiento futuro de la red con independencia de las voluntades personales. Finalmente destacar los impactos positivos que se tendrían por la aplicación del proyecto en lo que respecta a las políticas sociosanitarias y medioambientales y a las que antes nos hemos referido.


OMS “No hay atajos y no hay tiempo que perder. Ahora es el momento de actuar, de invertir en el futuro, y para promover la salud rápidamente y de manera equitativa”

No hay soluciones fáciles y no hay consenso en cuanto a la forma de actuar. Sin embargo, todos sabemos que el factor humano es esencial para fortalecer los sistemas de salud y mejorar las posibilidades de supervivencia de las personas y su bienestar. Esto significa que tendríamos que invertir mucho tiempo y dinero en la formación de los trabajadores sanitarios, por lo que creemos que este proyecto ayudará a lograr estos objetivos e intentará responder de alguna manera a ese problema facilitando la capacitación de los profesionales sanitarios con ahorro de tiempo y dinero contribuyendo así a la solución del mismo.

La comunidad internacional (OMS, UNAIDS, BANCO MUNDIAL, Organización para la Cooperación Económica y el Desarrollo,…) cuenta con los recursos económicos suficientes para intentar hacer frente a una buena parte de estos desafíos sanitarios. También sabemos que lo que se necesitaría es una voluntad política para poner en marcha nuevas medidas de cooperación internacional con el fin de coordinar los recursos, aprovechar los conocimientos y prestar apoyo para desarrollar sistemas sanitarios robustos que traten y prevengan las enfermedades y promuevan la salud de la población principalmente en aquellos países que carecen de los recursos suficientes. Estamos seguros de que este proyecto contribuirá a la consecución de los objetivos antes mencionados y a la mejora y protección de la salud en todo el mundo, pero ello no sería posible sin el apoyo directo y sincero de la OMS y/o de otras instituciones sanitarias internacionales con una clara apuesta por la innovación sanitaria como una herramienta segura para mejorar y hacer progresar la salud de la población mundial.

Creemos que todos los esfuerzos para reducir las desigualdades en salud son dignos de ser estudiados y evaluados por lo que pensamos que vale la pena apostar por la creación, desarrollo, implantación y promoción de la Red Mundial para el Diagnóstico Médico que proponemos en esta publicación como una nueva e innovadora herramienta sanitaria que contribuirá a la lucha contra las desigualdades en salud y reducirá la inequidad de accesos al conocimiento médico especializado.


  1. World Health Organization. The World Health Repor 2006: Working together for health. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006. Available at:
  2. Brent D Fulton, Richard M Scheffler, Susan P Sparkes, Erica Yoonkyung Auh, Marko Vujicic, Agnes Soucat. Health workforce skill mix and task shifting in low income countries: a review of recent evidence. Human Resources for Health 2011, 9(1:11). Available at:
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  15. James MacKinnon and Barbara MacLaren. 2012. Human Resources for Health Challenges in Fragile States: Evidence from Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Zimbabwe. Available at:
  16. Nancy Gerein,a Andrew Green,b Stephen Pearsonc. The Implications of Shortages of Health Professionals for Maternal Health in Sub-Saharan Africa Reproductive Health Matters 2006;14(27):40–50. Available at:
  17. Churnrurtai Kanchanachitra, Magnus Lindelow, Timothy Johnston, Piya Hanvoravongchai, Prof Fely Marilyn Lorenzo, Nguyen Lan Huong, Siswanto Agus Wilopo, Jennifer Frances dela Rosa. Human resources for health in southeast Asia: shortages, distributional challenges, and international trade in health services. The Lancet, 26 February 2011. p769–781, Available at:
  18. Hongoro, Charles et al. How to bridge the gap in human resources for health. The Lancet , Volume 364 , Issue 9443 , 1451 – 1456. Available at:
  19. Stephen J Duckett. Health workforce design for the 21st century. Aust Health Rev 2005: 29(2): 201–210. Available at:
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  24. Paula O’Brien and Lawrence O. Gostin. Health Worker Shortages and Global Justice. Milbank Memorial Fund. Available at:
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  29. Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board. Health Care Personnel Shortage Task Force. 2012 Annual Report. Available at:
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  32. Organization for Economic Development. The Looming Crisis in the Health Workforce: How Can OECD Countries Respond? OECD Health Policy Series, 2008, 14. Global Health Governance, Volume II, No. 2 (Fall 2008/Spring 2009). Available at:
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*Bashir Saiegh Saiegh Doctor Suma Cum Laude en Medicina y Salud Pública, Especialista en Salud Pública, Epidemiología y Medicina Preventiva, Especialista en Sistemas Clínicos de Información y Especialista en Gestión Sanitaria. Experto en: Sistemas Nacionales de Salud, Políticas de Salud Pública, Políticas de Salud Global y en  Políticas Sanitarias. Fundador y CEO de Tulaitula Health Consulting Group.

Tulaitula Health Consulting Group, todos los derechos reservados. Este proyecto ha sido desarrollado y enviado para contribuir a mejorar las políticas de acceso equitativo a la salud. El autor ha tomado todas las precauciones posibles y ha verificado toda la información contenida en esta publicación. Las solicitudes de autorización para reproducir o traducir esta publicación, así como para cualquier otra información relacionada con el contenido del proyecto deberán dirigirse al correo electrónico:

Agradecimientos: mi gratitud al Dr. Daniele Dionisio por su interés y por la oportunidad que me ha dado para colaborar y tratar de contribuir a las políticas para el acceso equitativo a la salud “Policies for Equitable Access to Health”. Así mismo hago constar mis agradecimientos a todas las personas que están trabajando y contribuyendo a la reducción de las desigualdades en salud en todo el mundo, incluidos los miembros del “EP Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases”.


Breaking News: Link 163

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 163


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The Sick Dragon: Changes are Required in China’s Rural Health Sector

China has made good progress in universal health coverage (UHC) over the past decade, with a significant increase in health care utilization especially for the poor. However, a number of challenges still exist, including how to close the gaps in service coverage between people settled in urban and rural areas. Though substantial results have been achieved by implementation plans, additional efforts are required for the rural health sector


by Pietro Dionisio

Degree in Political Science, International Relations

Cesare Alfieri School, University of Florence, Italy

The Sick Dragon: Changes are Required in China’s Rural Health Sector


China is a middle-income developing country home to 1,4 billion people, over 46% of whom living in rural areas.

Since 1978, China has experienced over three decades of rapid economic growth, with annual growth rates of over 9%. Despite this “economic miracle”, the country has witnessed a  broadening urban-rural inequality, as revealed across a range of indicators such as income, education, medical care, provision of infrastructure, and social insurance.

Available data also show that an imbalance in health care resource allocation between urban and rural areas still persists.

Aiming to bridge the gaps and  build a more equitable society, the Chinese Government has implemented several policies:

  • The “China Rural Health Project” was implemented in 2008 as a three-pronged plan to ameliorate rural health financing, improve on service delivery quality, efficiency and cost control, and earmark additional public health utilities. Since its implementation, the project was enforced in 40 counties (60% of which ranking as national poverty counties). Up to now, also thanks to a sustainable insurance scheme system for rural health, important results have been achieved. Almost 2,300 village clinics were built or refurbished and 180,728 work forces went on training courses.
  • A performance-based evaluation system was also introduced in primary health care facilities at a time when government subsidies to facilities and staff incomes depend on the assessment of their performances.
  • Meanwhile, through the “Essential Public Health Services” (EPHS), the Government provides 35 yuan per capita to finance basic health service packages covering 42 services.
  • Additionally, the “New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme” (NRCMS) has been expanded to cover 802 million people accounting for 99% of the whole rural population. Noticeably, the relevant earmarking increased from 30 yuan per capita in 2003 to 370 yuan per capita in 2013. What’s more, patients are reimbursed as much as 75% of their inpatient expenditures. As a result, the percentage of out-of-pocket expenditures for rural residents has dropped from 73,4% to 49,5%.

Call for Further Measures                    

Despite unquestionable progress, many unsolved issues lie on the table.

Social health insurance schemes still are fragmented, leading to inequitable access and lower financial risk protection (out-of-pocket health expenditure was equal to 76.7% in 2013). This gap needs fixing by a consolidated health insurance system.

Even worse, China has a highly mobile population of nearly 252 million rural inhabitants migrating to urban areas where are they principally employed in health hazard industrial jobs. Should health needs unfortunately occur, they do not qualify for public medical insurance (which grounds on locally based household schemes – Hukou System), since they are scored in counties other than where they work. Relevantly, hypotheses about reforming the Hukou System came out over the last decade, but with no effect up to now.

Not to mention that important gaps in quality of care still persist, equally involving the primary health care and hospital systems.

Taken together, all insights here suggest that, adding to the efforts deployed over the last decade, the Government should streamline performance indicators and quality of care programs coupling with a knowledge sharing system all around the country so as to ameliorate health conditions in urban and rural areas as well.

Furthermore, the development of an educational framework for health workers on a regular basis is highly required since general practitioners, doctors, nurses and public health staffs still lack enough skill.

No doubt that the Dragon is still sick despite the relevant policies and strategies implemented over the last years. More efforts are needed given that, in spite of China’s good performance in achieving UHC, too many inequalities endure across regions, and challenges, such as the worsening of non-communicable-diseases issue, are on stage.

Will the Government be able to address all needs and gaps above ?

Nuovi Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile: Zoppi Senza Radicali Svolte di “Governance”

L’Agenda  2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, adottata dalle Nazioni Unite nel settembre 2015, difficilmente centrerà  l’obiettivo “Salute” a meno di svolte radicali dei governi per correggere le disfunzioni che minano l'accesso


Daniele Dionisio*

Membro, European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases. Responsabile del Progetto Policies for Equitable Access to Health -PEAH

  Nuovi Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile: Zoppi Senza Radicali Svolte di “Governance”


Nel panorama mondiale odierno, lacerato da scollamenti, discordie ed attriti fra le parti, le radici delle iniquità e disuguaglianze nel campo della salute sono iscritte nelle disfunzioni proprie degli ambiti “politici” nazionali e sovranazionali. Tra queste: fiacca coscienza democratica, debole spirito di responsabilità, rigidità istituzionali, carenza di strutture, e spazi ristretti per politiche di salute a sincera difesa dei deboli.

Questo contesto implica che soluzioni non discriminatorie per la salute globale dipendono unicamente dalla volontà politica di esercitare equità, coerenza, coordinamento, collaborazione, trasparenza e responsabilità a livello nazionale e internazionale.

Purtroppo, gli accordi commerciali e le direzioni governative nello scenario  corrente, largamente da parte di Unione Europea e Stati Uniti d’ America, marciano all’opposto convertendo la protezione della proprietà intellettuale in politiche sbilanciate a favore di interessi di monopolio. Il tutto a spese dell’accesso equo alle cure e all’assistenza delle popolazioni a risorse limitate.

E poiché gli incentivi del sistema brevettuale vigente si fondano sui profitti, intesi come ritorni celeri e cospicui nelle tasche degli azionisti, i Paesi a più basso reddito privi di lucrabili mercati farmaceutici risultano oltremodo discriminati.

Tutto questo altro non significa che il fallimento delle attuali politiche per la salute globale, come tristemente rappresentato, giusto ad esempio, dal mal gestito contenimento della recente epidemia di Ebola.

Nel frattempo, la Agenda 2030 per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile è stata adottata lo scorso settembre dalle Nazioni Unite. Centrata su 17 Goals per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs), con 169 obiettivi strutturali, l’Agenda vuol essere …un documento programmatico per le popolazioni ed il pianeta nel ventunesimo secolo. Essa stimolerà all’azione nei prossimi 15 anni in settori critici per la costruzione di un mondo più equo e sostenibile per tutti…  

Come evidenziato, …..Nell’Agenda la salute occupa un posto di assoluto rilievo tra gli altri 16 SDGs e include nove obiettivi: tre correlati ai Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), tre a lesioni e patologie non trasmissibili, e tre trasversalmente mirati a copertura sanitaria universale (UHC), accesso ai servizi per la salute sessuale e riproduttiva, riduzione dell’inquinamento ambientale delle acque, dell’aria e del suolo. 

Il Goal salute si embrica con molti degli altri 16 SDGs. Ad esempio, la salute contribuisce (traendone reciproco vantaggio) alla riduzione della povertà, al sollievo dalla fame, al miglioramento della nutrizione, alla sicurezza urbana, all’abbattimento delle disuguaglianze, alla sostenibilità dei consumi, all’accesso ad energia pulita, acqua potabile e igiene pubblica, alla appropriata gestione delle sostanze tossiche, e agli sforzi per il controllo delle mutazioni climatiche e la salvaguardia degli ecosistemi aerei, acquatici e terrestri.   

Cosa possiamo  ragionevolmente  aspettarci  dall’Agenda a fronte degli scenari sopra accennati?

La speranza del facile conseguimento di goals per la salute onnicomprensivi e non discriminatori è difficilmente credibile con il carico di problematiche irrisolte ancora sul tavolo. Come asserito …Conseguire equità in salute non dipende solo da soluzioni tecniche e dal loro finanziamento. Dobbiamo considerare il panorama politico e correggere le disfunzioni della “governance” globale che minano la salute….

Ammettiamolo, i governi dei Paesi ricchi non sembrano oggi pronti ad impegnarsi per la correzione di queste disfunzioni quale occasione propizia per collocare stabilmente la salute pubblica al di sopra degli interessi politici e commerciali.

Conseguentemente, il completo successo dei nuovi SDGs può solo scaturire dalla pressione continua di coalizioni non governative su scala mondiale per indurre i governi a svolte radicali attraverso misure condivise.  Tra l’altro e irrinunciabilmente, queste dovrebbero includere che le istituzioni e organizzazioni leader collaborino di più e meglio con i ministeri per la salute per rafforzare i sistemi nazionali, investire nelle infrastrutture, creare maggiore trasparenza e responsabilità, e dar vita a regole più attente ai bisogni di salute che alle logiche di mercato.

Questo implica che negoziati a porte chiuse devono essere banditi e che modelli partecipativi multi-settoriali devono essere adottati per decisioni gravanti su salute pubblica, crescita, impiego e bilanci nazionali.


*Sintesi dell’articolo originale pubblicato in  Intellectual Property Watch September 24, 2015


Breaking News: Link 162

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 162


US, AU and CA try to block WTO LDC drug patent waiver because PhRMA’s not happy enough with the TPP 

Access to affordable generic medicines for world’s poorest countries under threat 

Empty gestures: The EU’s commitments to safeguard access to medicines 

Empty gestures: The EU’s commitments to safeguard access to medicines  

Some KEI Tweets regarding TPP IP Chapter 

Commentary on TPP IP Chapter Leak 

Foundations That Care About Equity Have Been MIA on Global Trade Issues. Why? 

The FDA Could Earn Over $60 Million A Day From Enforcing The Law 

Who Makes This Drug? Disclosing The Identity Of Generic Drug Manufacturers 

Chatham House Report On Antibiotics Gives Evidence For Drug R&D Delinkage 

G7 Health Ministers Propose Incentives For New Antibiotics, Commit Help On Ebola 

WTO Paper Could Spark New Ideas On TRIPS Special Compulsory Licence For Medicines Export 

WIPO And The Sustainable Development Goals – The IP Agency’s Evolution In The UN 

UN Agency: Sustainable Development Requires Altering The World’s Financial System 

Webinar Series – The Building Blocks of Integrated Care  

World will pass crucial 2C global warming limit, experts warn 

COP21 is about the money, not the environment! 

Pre-Paris: What every development professional should know about climate change 

UN agency and French Government urge inclusion of food security in global climate change debate 

From hopelessness to action in Ethiopia: the significance of the Seqota Declaration 

The domestic controversy over China’s foreign aid and the implications for Africa 

Measles is about more than a fever and a rash 

What Preventable Killer Disease is This Pharma Foundation Fighting in East Africa? 

Human Rights Reader 371 

MSF: Chiedi a Obama di consentire l’investigazione indipendente sul bombardamento dell’ospedale di Kunduz 

Aid panel wants probe of deadly US airstrike in Kunduz 


Breaking News: Link 161

Breaking News Links, as part of the research project PEAH (Policies for Equitable Access to Health), aim to focus on the latest challenges by trade and governments rules to equitable access to health in resource-limited settings


Breaking News: Link 161


WHO: Public Health Round-Up 

After Trans-Pacific Partnership Deal Reached in Atlanta, Focus Shifts to Ratification 

TPP deal: US and 11 other countries reach landmark Pacific trade pact 

Summary of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement 

Pull Up Your Socks – The TPP Is Done 

What does the TPP deal mean for outsiders?  

NEW YORK Global Dev Week 2015 

Good news: Global health is actually improving. Huzzah, civilization! 

October 11-13, 2015 World Health Summit Berlin, Germany 

5th BRICS HEALTH MINISTERS’ MEETING Moscow, the Russian Federation, October 30, 2015 


Save the date: Improving price transparency for vaccines: What can the EU do? European Parliament October 21st, 10-12.30 Room A5G1 

Are the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals Doomed? 

Ensuring That the Sustainable Development Goals Are Not a Missed Opportunity 

Missed Opportunities in Global Health: Identifying New Strategies to Improve Mental Health in LMICs 

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals: Global Schizophrenia 

The SGD Summit in New York: Being part of history and lovin’it! 

IMF’s Managing Director Christine Lagarde on how to implement the Sustainable Development Goals 

Cap-And-Trade, Green Climate Fund Are Fraught With Fraud 

European Environment Agency: Corporate Design Manual 

IMF Chief: We’re cooked if we fail on climate change 

New UN treatment guidelines say all people with HIV should get antiretrovirals 

The Medicines Patent Pool Statement on World Health Organization New HIV “Treat-All” Recommendation  

Can new drug stop HIV among gay men? 

Guideline on when to start antiretroviral therapy and on pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV 

With new hope on the horizon, now is the time to invest in women and HIV  

Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative Unveils New Plan for Neglected Patients 

Availability and affordability of new medicines in Latin American countries where pivotal clinical trials were conducted 

Evaluating the quality and use of economic data in decisions about essential medicines 

A Glitch In The Road To Pay-For-Performance 

ACA Progress, Health And Social Supports 

Measuring What Matters In Primary Care 

What State Policies Best Foster Insurance Market Competition? 

Profile: Cipla’s Hamied On Cambridge, O-Levels And Sticking It out 

Cooperazione Italiana allo Sviluppo: Diretta streaming dell’evento “Protezione sociale e il ruolo delle donne per nutrire il Pianeta” 


Farmaci Contraffatti: Una Piaga Africana

Ogni anno, circa 800.000 persone muoiono nel mondo per aver utilizzato farmaci contraffatti. Molte di queste vittime sono Africani. A causa di governi corrotti, un tessuto sociale instabile e una povertà dilagante, queste persone sono sempre più frequentemente preda di questo mercato. Purtroppo, il fenomeno è sempre più in espansione a causa di una debole volontà politica e di forti interessi contrastanti


by Pietro Dionisio

Degree in Political Science, International Relations

Cesare Alfieri School, University of Florence, Italy



Sono molti i problemi che affliggono il continente Africano. Fra questi possiamo annoverare quello dei farmaci contraffatti.

Seguendo la definizione che ne da l’OMS, possiamo affermare che un medicinale falso è quello “la cui identità e/o origine, fraudolentemente e deliberatamente, è dichiarata in modo erroneo. La contraffazione può essere applicata sia a prodotti di marca, sia a quelli generici. In aggiunta, sono da considerarsi medicinali falsi quelli i cui principi attivi sono sbagliati, completamente assenti o in quantità non sufficiente. A questi vanno sommati i farmaci il cui imballaggio è falso”.

Questo fenomeno è in forte espansione nel continente e i principali paesi che esportano tali prodotti sono Cina ed India. Si ritiene che solo nel 2009, 45 milioni di farmaci antimalarici ( pari ad un valore di $438 milioni) siano stati commercializzati da questi due Paesi verso l’Africa dell’Ovest. Ma il problema è ingigantito anche dal fatto che gli stessi Africani producono farmaci di nulla o bassa qualità. Non è difficile trovare venditori abusivi che agli angoli delle strade vendono farmaci contraffatti a basso costo, attirando così i più poveri. Se a questo aggiungiamo una corruzione elevata e conflitti d’interesse nelle alte sfere governative, ecco che il problema può solo assumere dimensioni macroscopiche.

Tale stato di cose potrebbe essere in parte ridotto se fosse applicata concretamente una efficiente normativa e una susseguente sua implementazione, se la legislazione attuale non presentasse dei punti deboli e se le sanzioni e le pene applicate fossero più incisive così da costituire un deterrente.

Lev Tolstoj affermava che “il denaro è la schiavitù moderna”. Tale affermazione non può che essere adeguata al contesto qui trattato. Infatti, la situazione attuale evidenzia che il giro di soldi intorno a tale mercato rende ogni azione finalizzata a contrastarlo sostanzialmente poco utile. Ne sono dimostrazione di questo le stime per il futuro che parlano di un aumento previsto della produzione di medicinali falsi pari al  20%.

Tali prodotti, spesso, contengono mercurio, alluminio, piombo, uranio, arsenico, cadmio, selenio e cromo. Queste sostanze, oltre a causare seri problemi per la salute dei pazienti (ogni anno circa 800.000 persone, molte delle quali in Africa, muoiono a causa di medicine contraffatte), possono anche indurre il formarsi di fenomeni di resistenza data l’assenza del giusto principio attivo nel farmaco.

Le dimensioni del problema sono tali da richiedere una sua risoluzione quanto mai rapida. Come già accennato poco prima, la questione è estremamente critica, e dati gli interessi che ruotano attorno a questo tipo di mercato diventa difficile ipotizzarne un completo epilogo. Sicuramente, una campagna educativa sui danni che tali farmaci possono causare, mirata non solo ai pazienti, ma anche agli organi governativi e agli stessi venditori abusivi, potrebbe quantomeno ridurre le proporzioni di tale fenomeno. Conviene ribadire come una classe governativa più conscia degli effetti negativi di tali “medicine” potrebbe portare avanti un processo legislativo atto a rallentare l’espandersi di queste produzioni così come  la certezza di incorrere in pene adeguate alla colpa potrebbe essere un ulteriore strumento utile a tale scopo.

In assoluto, sia il mezzo legislativo che quello educativo possono essere degli ottimi metodi per raggiungere l’obbiettivo. A questi, sicuramente, è da aggiungere lo strumento tecnologico. Siamo nell’era del 2.0 applicato anche al settore sanitario.

A tale riguardo, è di notevole interesse la notizia secondo la quale un imprenditore del Ghana ha inventato una applicazione per cellulare la cui funzione è quella di individuare farmaci contraffatti. La compagnia che gestisce tale applicazione è la MPedigree. Quest’ultima vende i software che i produttori utilizzano per etichettare le singole confezioni di farmaci con un codice casuale composto da 12 cifre nascosto sotto un riquadro da grattare sulla confezione. Quando una persona acquista il medicinale, può digitare tale codice a MPedigree gratuitamente, così da ottenere in tempi molto brevi una risposta contenente l’informazione relativa all’autenticità del farmaco.

Ogni questione, sia a livello nazionale che internazionale, per potere progredire e migliorare necessita del sostegno di una volontà politica forte e determinata. Nel momento in cui tale volontà , o è assente, o non è sufficientemente forte, ogni risultato raggiungibile diventa irraggiungibile. Questo è quanto stiamo toccando con mano in ambito di lotta ai farmaci contraffatti.

Le grandi industrie farmaceutiche potrebbero, forse, ridurre i loro i prezzi agevolando l’acquisto di medicine anche per i più poveri? Un dibattito questo notoriamente discusso e trattato da lungo tempo ma che, davvero, potrebbe rappresentare un primo, vero traguardo!

UN SDGs Need U-Turn on Governance for Health

Article republished from Intellectual Property Watch September 24, 2015   

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to be adopted this week at UN Headquarters, could fall short of its health targets unless the governments embark on “U-turn” changes to rectify the dysfunctions in global governance that undermine health


by Daniele Dionisio*

Policies for Equitable Access to Health – PEAH

UN SDGs Need U-Turn on Governance for Health


In today’s world landscape, which is torn by dis-alignment, litigations and frictions among the involved parties, the root causes of health inequities are to be found in weaknesses in political domains at the supranational level. As reported, these include: democratic deficit, weak accountability, institutional stickiness, missing institutions and restricted policy space for health.

This context entails that unbiased solutions for global health only hinge on political will to improve equity, coherence, coordination, collaboration, transparency and accountability both at domestic and international level.

Unfortunately, the current governments’ directions and trade agreements, largely by the European Union (EU) and the United States (US), run contrary to these principles while turning intellectual property (IP) agendas into policies which protect monopolistic interests at the expense of equitable access to care and lifesaving treatments in resource-limited settings.

In this connection, since the incentives of the current patent system are driven by profits, where short-term maximization of returns to shareholders is prioritized, the lower-income countries lacking profitable pharmaceutical markets are all the more discriminated.

Overall, this represents the failure of the current policies for global health as featured, just for example, by the mismanaged containment of current Ebola epidemic.

Meanwhile a 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to be adopted this week at UN Headquarters. The Agenda consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets that aim … to be a charter for people and the planet in the twenty-first century. They will stimulate action over the next 15 years in areas of critical importance towards building a more equitable and sustainable world for all.

As highlighted, …..In that scheme, the health goal ranks high as an overarching aim amidst the other 16 SDGs. It includes nine targets: three relating to MDGs, three to non-communicable diseases and injuries, and three cross-cutting or focusing on systems encompassing UHC, universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, and also to reduced hazards from air, water and soil pollution.

Furthermore, the health goal strictly entwines with a number of the other 16 proposed goals. For example, health is a contributor to (and a beneficiary from) poverty reduction, hunger relief and improved nutrition, safer cities, lower inequality, sustainable consumption, affordable and clean energy, toxic chemicals management, clean water and sanitation, and to the efforts to combat climate change and safeguard aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems as well.

Relevantly, what expectations on the world landscape mentioned above? Hopes that comprehensive, non-discriminatory health goals could easily be reached are hardly credible with the load of unresolved issues still on the table. As argued…Achieving health equity is not just a matter of coming up with technical solutions and providing the means to finance them. We have to consider the political landscape and rectify the dysfunctions in global governance that undermine health…

Admittedly, governments in the most affluent countries look like they wouldn’t be ready to embark on these gaps as an opportunity to advance public health over political and commercial interests.

Call for Common Governance Agenda

As such, prospects for global health goals only depend on non-stop, multi-sector engagement worldwide to pressure governments into making “U-turn” changes by common measures on a shared agenda that include:

  • Rejecting pressures towards adopting heightened IPRs and strengthened enforcement mechanisms as the keys to foreign investments and innovation.Reportedly, …inclusive evidence typically shows that most low- and middle-income countries do not benefit economically from IP maximization since they are net importers of IP goods and since the path to technological development is ordinarily through copying and incremental innovation-development tools that are severely undermined by IP monopoly rights and their related restrictive licensing agreements…
  • Rejecting World Bank income classification to measure a country’s capacity to afford high-priced medicines. As argued, ...the World Bank classification dates back to the 1980s and only measures a country’s per-capita average of total income. However, the map of poverty has changed since the 1980s. Today, the majority of the world’s poor no longer live in poor countries, but rather in places where there is greater wealth along with higher inequality.

Relevantly, MSF recently contended that ….the US Medicaid-defined poverty line ($21.50/person per day) would be a far more reliable tool to estimate how many millions will live below it once countries cross the high-income threshold. As regards TPP countries, MSFalso highlighted that …In eight of the 12 TPP countries for which there is data, more than a quarter of a billion people will live below the US Medicaid line when their country is classified as high income. By the time Malaysia and Mexico reach high income designation, more than 80 percent of their populations will still fall below this poverty line. Among current high-income TPP countries, the percentage of the population under this poverty line ranges widely, going as high as 69 percent in Chile.

  • Rejecting privatization policies, including by publicly funded insurance packages using networks of private providers. As reported, ….while reinforcing the notion that healthcare is a commodity and not a basic human right, this approach, proposed by the World Bank and their allies, has several problems and side effects: fragmentation of care, higher cost, precedence of procedures over preventive medicine and further dismantling of the public healthcare system. At the same time, insurance packages divert attention and funds from a more comprehensive approach directed at modifying the root causes of disease, through socioeconomic interventions aimed at increasing equity.

Inherently, as per a report from the Philippines, …the current privatization policies of the Philippine government do not provide an answer to the enormous health needs. Despite the name of the Philippine “Universal Health Care” program that claims to “bring equity and access to critical health services to poor Philippinos”, commercialization of health services will do exactly the opposite. Unfortunately, the European Commission is supportive of these policies and formerly approved a contribution of euros 33 million in support of the Health Sector Reform Agenda of the Philippine government….

  • Rejecting closed doors negotiations since they blur transparency.
  • Banning the non-violation nullification of benefits (NV) clause under TRIPS.
  • Banning TRIPS-plus clauses, including investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions, that could negatively affect health and worsen inequalities in access to care and treatments.
  • Withdrawing pressures on LMICs to jeopardize the use of TRIPS safeguards and flexibilities relevant to the price of medicines.
  • Pushing for open knowledge and new approaches to pharmaceutical innovation that do not rely on the patent system and de-link the costs of R&D from the price of medicines.
  • Promoting technology transfer with least-developed countries without exporting excessive IP standards through assistance programs.
  • Backing generic competition as the most effective way to lower medicine prices in a sustainable way.
  • Backing governments that make use of TRIPS safeguards and flexibilities to protect and promote public health.
  • Linking together patent offices and legislators worldwide to develop evidence-based reforms of the patent regime of medicines. As contended, …[I]f countries set higher standards for incremental innovation patenting, and permit citizen or third-party review of patents before and after examination, then we will likely see increased generic competition in the …, new combination therapies, and lower … prices. In the longer term, higher inventiveness standards will help clear the patent thicket to allow new products to develop, and push industry towards genuine innovations….
  • Actively supporting partnership agendas (as per DNDI and GAVI examples among others) that are devoted to the development of new medicines and vaccines for neglected diseases that disproportionately affect poor population settings.
  • Ensuring that the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria continuesto use generic medicines and support UNITAID work to make quality medicines and diagnostics available and affordable.
  • Ensuring that revenues from a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), whose approval isin slow progress in Europe, will be substantially committed to development and for the fight against health scourges, diseases of the poor and pandemics. FTT revenues would be a resource for the EU to channel towards the WHO and Global Fund needs. An FTT would be instrumental to the spirit and resolutions of latest WHO Assemblies. Hence, it should be up to the EU to push that non-discriminatory access to health and lifesaving medicines becomes a substantial objective for FTT revenues.
  • Ensuring that leading institutions and organizations enhance working with health ministries to strengthen national systems, invest in infrastructures, improve transparency and accountability, and boost needs-driven rather than market-driven rules. This would mean giving up “closed doors”€negotiations and adopting multi-sector participatory models for decisions affecting national health, growth, employment and budgets.
  • Ensuring that international agreements include clauses whereby donors must strengthen WHO-aligned quality clauses in tender transactions with non-governmental organizations, while purchasers must insist that manufacturers and distributors supply medicines that meet WHO requirements, and governments must authorize export only of products meeting WHO quality, efficacy and safety standards.
  • Ensuring that research and innovation for health is linked to improving economic prosperity and is critical to eradicating poverty, since poor health and disability contribute substantially to poverty.
  • Ensuring that indicators for R&D for health tools that primarily affect LMICs address a comprehensive set of outcomes including financing, infrastructure and human resources needs, enabling policies, necessary partnerships, capacity strengthening, and access requirements.
  • Ensuring that any research and innovation indicators measuring progress against the goals and targets outlined in the post-2015 agendaalso increase accountability of researchers, governments, and funders, and inform research processes. Ultimately, the success or failure of the post-2015 agenda relies just as much on how the goals and targets are implemented as it does on how progress will be measured. In support of the inclusion of research and innovation for health in the post-2015 agenda, over 150 organizations and individuals last year signed a petitionto Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and Member States urging the UN to keep the research, development, and delivery of new and improved health tools for diseases and conditions impacting LMICs at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda.
  • Seeking synergies among global level institutions to address global health challenges, support stronger leadership by the WHO to improve global health, enhance dialogue and joint action with key players, including UN agencies involved in global health, international financing institutions, regional organizations, regional health networks, and countries, in order to coordinate actions, advance in the achievement of commitments, and avoid overlapping and fragmentation.
  • Seeking synergies for equitable health access with fast growing, including BRICS and N-11, middle-income country economies.
  • Pushing for more complementaryrelations among World Bank, IMF, ADB, AFDB, AIIB and the BRICS Development Bank as regards the development and health needs of marginalized population settings in LMICs.
  • Pushing for full exemption of out-of-pocket expenses for the poor; poor-friendly pathways towards universal health coverage; heavy taxation on tobacco and other harmful substances; and reduction or elimination of agricultural export subsidies and energy subsidies on air-polluting fuels.
  • Opposing land grabbing, deforestation and state-managed food reserve dismantling policies.
  • Reversing “brain drain”, health worker shortage by a transformation of the present training approach, as to adapt curricula to local needs, promote strategies to retain expert faculty staff, expose trainees to community needs during training, promote multi-sector approach to education reforms, and strengthen links between the educational and health care delivery system. Western academic institutions’ role is to facilitate the process.
  • Asking for the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to be financed only throughEU budget as per application fees channeled to the European Commission. This would improve transparency and accountability.
  • Asking for anti-counterfeit laws and law enforcement policies not to substitute for effective national regulatory frameworks.
  • Asking for organizations with potential conflicts of interests and IP perspectives to issue statements eschewing the use of IP law to counter generic medicines.
  • Asking for investment in technologies to detect “bad medicines”to be followed upwith provisions to increase public awareness and incident reporting, along with regulations on medicine quality that include definitions as per shared WHO terms.


*Daniele Dionisio is a member of the European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases. He is an advisor for “Medicines for the Developing Countries” for the Italian Society for Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT), and former director of the Infectious Disease Division at the Pistoia City Hospital (Italy). Dionisio is Head of the research project PEAH – Policies for Equitable Access to Health. He may be reached at