Latest News: Link 118

Latest News Links is part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on real-time news and the best options for use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries



Latest News 118

Expect Strong IP Push From Global Pharma Industry Next Year; WHO Prescribes Dose Of Reality  

Making WHO recommendations more responsive 

Labour MEP says future Ebola vaccine must be affordable, with open access to research 

IMI 2 – Call 2 2014 – Ebola and other filoviral haemorrhagic fevers 


Antiviral Therapy Supplement on HIV challenges

Scaling-up the use of generic antiretrovirals in resource-limited countries: generic drugs for health 

Production of antiretroviral drugs in middle- and low-income countries 

UK has ‘signed a death warrant’ for South Africans with HIV-Aids 

UNAIDS welcomes new indications of effectiveness of antiretroviral therapy in preventing HIV among men who have sex with men

Health for all: a pathway to economic growth in the Association of South-East Asian Nations 

Shaping the Market for Global Health Data 

Can the BRICS bank rally global outcasts around TB treatment? 

Expand BRICS into BRICKS: World Bank’s Chief Economist Kaushik Basu pitches for Kenya’s inclusion  

My Two Big Worries about the World Bank 

Healthy workplaces: A smart solution to a global health crisis 

Republicans win control over Congress — and may tighten grip on US foreign aid  

Household Typology and Family Social Capital Among White British and Pakistani Women in Bradford, England 

Postpartum Haemorrhage, A Persisting Killer Around the Globe, Road Ahead 

3 reasons to read the Latest Big UN Climate Report 

Climate change and health: recent progress 

Brazil must target smallholders to curb rising deforestation 

IPCC: rapid carbon emission cuts vital to stop severe impact of climate change  

FAO: Indian Wheat Exports to Halve as New Food Scheme Boosts Demand  

The Ultimate Global Antipoverty Program 




People’s Health Before Corporate Profits: U-Turn for Governance in a Changing World

Unbiased solutions for global health depend on political will to improve equity, coherence, coordination, collaboration, transparency and accountability both at domestic and international level. Unfortunately, governments’€™ directions in the most affluent countries run contrary to these principles while turning intellectual property agendas into policies which protect monopolistic interests at the expense of equitable access to care and lifesaving treatments in resource-limited settings. As such, prospects for equity in health only hinge on non-stop, multi-sector engagement worldwide to pressure governments into doing U-Turn changes by common measures on shared agenda

People’s Health Before Corporate Profits: U-Turn for Governance in a Changing World

by  Daniele Dionisio*

Member, European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases


Worsening Health Inequity 

At a time when the low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have been cut off from access to medicines for years, the most affluent countries wobble under the burden of new medicines huge costs that are beyond the grasp of their public health systems. Meanwhile, the worldwide rise of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is  of special concern for the resource-limited countries still tackling the ongoing business of communicable diseases.  

The US$ 2 billion gap between the resources needed to adequately respond to the global TB epidemic and the funding currently provided by countries and donors still persists. This occurs even as 75 percent of the estimated 150-€“180 million people infected with hepatitis C live in LMICs where about 7 million people still do not have access to anti-retroviral medicines.

From bad to worse, since the incentives of current patent system are driven by profits, where short-term maximization of returns to shareholders is prioritized, the lower-income countries lacking profitable pharmaceutical markets are all the more discriminated.

Overall, this represents the failure of the current policies for global health as revealed at least by the scandalous  absence of a treatment for the deadly Ebola virus. 

In today’€™s world landscape, which is torn by dis-alignment, litigations and frictions among the involved parties, the root causes of health inequities are to be found in weaknesses in political domains at the supranational level. As reported, these include: democratic deficit, weak accountability, institutional stickiness, missing institutions and restricted policy space for health.  

This context entails that unbiased solutions for global health only hinge on political will to improve equity, coherence, coordination, collaboration, transparency and accountability both at domestic and international level. 

Unfortunately, the current governments’€™ directions and trade agreements, largely by the European Union (EU) and the United States (US), run contrary to these principles while turning intellectual property (IP) agendas into policies which protect monopolistic interests at the expense of equitable access to care and lifesaving treatments in resource-limited settings. 

Concern refers to still underway international negotiations, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (or TPP), the EU-India and EU-Thailand deals, and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (or TTIP), at a time when an already signed Canada-EU Trade Agreement  and a recent EU custom regulation have incurred relevant criticism.

Not to mention that the government of Canada recently killed a bill on access to medicines for developing countries.

These cases just represent the tip of the iceberg for the underhanded tactics to ensure that developing countries adopt clauses that go beyond the full extension they had a right to under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Agreement (TRIPS). TRIPS-plus measures would include: making it easier to patent new forms of old medicines that offer no added therapeutic efficacy for patients (“€œevergreening”€ rules); restricting “€œpre-grant opposition,”€ which allows a patent to be challenged before it is being granted; allowing customs officials to impound shipments of drugs on mere suspicion of IP infringement, including “€œin transit”€ products that are legal in origin and destination countries; expanding data exclusivity beyond WTO’€™s request for data protection against unfair commercial use only; extending patent lengths beyond 20-year TRIPS requirements; and restricting countries’€™ ability to use to the full the public health flexibilities recognized in the TRIPS agreement, including compulsory licenses and patent exceptions.

This comes as no surprise now that, coupling with the lack of transparency of a closed-doors TPP round in October, a leaked document – a revised copy of IP chapter from the secret TPP negotiations dated May 2014 – also disclosed US-Japan TRIPS-plus positions, with Australia backing “€œevergreening”€ rules.

These circumstances add concern that, like the Canada-EU deal, terms encompassing an investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) provision could end up in the final TPP text (as feared for other, including TTIP, in progress deals). ISDS would enable foreign investors from TPP states to sue the governments who sign up to it if those governments act in a way that harms their interests. 

As such, ISDS provision links in with a WTO non-violation nullification of benefits (or NV) clause that could be used if a WTO member deems that another member’€™s actions caused an unexpected loss of benefits, even if there is no violation of a WTO agreement. Developing countries are wary of NV provision while the moratorium on its use  under TRIPS continues to be renewed at WTO Ministerial Conferences. 

The non-transparent dynamics bound up with ISDS and NV terms compound fear that its allowance would be something that ultimately backs the developed economies rather than making headway on the right to health in resource-limited countries. Hence, it was not by chance that at June 2014 TRIPS Council Meeting  the US put forward a text arguing in favour of NV complaints under TRIPS.

Should NV and ISDS provisions be allowed, WTO and TPP member states might face pressures to reverse already enacted policies or measures under the threat of legal complaints on the grounds of a loss of expected benefit to the patent holders or foreign investors. These complaints could be used to threaten members’€™ use of flexibilities laid down in the TRIPS agreement also as regards access to medicines. 

Governments’€™ moves to obtain lower cost generic versions and cut extortionate prices of new medicines (such as antiviral, anticancer innovative combination treatments) could be argued indeed to make pointless or erode the expectations of the patent owners. Relevant risk sectors also include tariffs on medicines, as would be the case should a country that has agreed to reduce tariffs on an imported product later subsidise home manufacturing of the same medicine. A complaint against this country would be allowed to re-establish the conditions of competition in the original transaction.

Additionally, the sectors relevant to packaging and labelling requirements, and to IP protection enforcement measures, may also result as risk target areas, since they might affect the patent holders’€™ access to the market of medicines.

Under these circumstances, a claim could easily be lodged against a government for nullifying or eroding benefits by applying IP protection rules or packaging and labelling models that, despite full alignment with TRIPS requirements, are deemed to be insufficiently stringent or fraudulent.

These strategies add to the current breakthrough of multinational drug corporations in the middle-income country markets including through takeovers and buyouts of local companies.

Reportedly, this links in with US relentless pressure on India to open to more direct foreign investment and to further liberalize the Indian economy to make it easier for multinational corporations to operate there under TRIPS-plus IP measures.  As such, the newly  launched “€œIPR Think Tank to Draft National IPR Policy“€ in India could disappointingly converge on this.

These concerns add to criticism incurred by seven Indian manufacturers as regards pacts recently inked with Gilead for reverse engineering hepatitis C innovative regimens. With a limited territory covered, these pacts raise doubts about the coherence of Indian counterparts at a time when there are no relevant patents in India, several pre-grant oppositions have been filed and unrestrained competition by compulsory licences could have been pursued.  

Feeding  the conflicting issues above is a strategy by some pharmaceutical companies to undermine efforts of the South African government to amend its IP laws, increase affordability of medicines and brighten the future of healthcare in South Africa. Revealed through a leaked document bluntly titled, “€œCampaign to Prevent Damage to Innovation from the Proposed Draft National IP Policy in South Africa”€, this campaign fully backs the business interests while trying to sell the idea that stronger IP protections are essential to foreign investment, innovation, and achievement of public health goals. As such, the campaign refrain papers over evidence that heightened IP rights, instead of leading to greater innovation and affordable prices, make consumers captive to Big Pharma’€™s extortionate pricing.

Taken together, all insights above are an indication that, under EU and US governments’€™ complicity, corporate profits now outweigh any commitment to the global human rights.  

Worse, the current supranational policies have critically impaired access to food in the resource-limited settings, with a deeply negative impact on health. Over the last 20-30 years, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and more recently the WTO, have forced countries to decrease investment in food production and to reduce support for peasant and small farmers. Under neo-liberal policies, state-managed food reserves have been considered too expensive and governments have failed to protect farmers and consumers against sudden price fluctuations, while being forced to “€œliberalise”€ their agricultural markets through reducing import duties and accepting imports for at least 5% of their internal consumption even if they did not need it. As such, the critics argue that the neo-liberal policies have destroyed the capacities of countries to feed themselves.  

This occurs even as land grabbing and evictions as part of neo-colonialism policies, including for biofuel agribusiness, are on the rise in Africa and elsewhere under national governments complacency and a widespread corruption.

Meanwhile, more coherence with Lisbon Treaty commitment to “€œhigh level of human health protection in all policies”€ should have been displayed by the EU as regards the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs*) negotiated with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, that were flaunted to promote sustainable development and growth, poverty reduction, better governance and the gradual integration of ACP countries into the world economy. 

These insights add to criticism that the EU is becoming more protectionist in agriculture, trade and aid areas, at a time when substantial reform of EU’€™s agricultural subsidies has been  called for.

*EPAs are reciprocal, but asymmetric trade agreements, where the EU, as one regional block, provides full duty free and quota free market access to EPA countries and/or regions and where ACP countries/regions, commit to open at least 75% of their markets to the EU. As of 1 October 2014, EPAs have been concluded by 28 countries of the EU with 49 ACP countries, covering over 900 million people, on 4 continents. 

And there is more.

The World Health Organization (WHO) performances, including its Medicines Pre-qualification Programme, are suffering  from funding shortages and inadequate collaboration by member governments, at a time when an alarm bell is ringing over the fact that the majority of medicines granted marketing authorisation has no added therapeutic value compared to medicines already on the market. In some cases the new medicine even did more harm than good. 

Not to mention that dis-alignment by member governments accounts for the exceedingly slow pace of the WHO Member State Mechanism on SSFFCs (Substandard/Spurious/Falsely-labelled/Falsified/Counterfeit medical products) since it was established in May 2012. This is disappointing now that the poor legislative and regulatory framework monitoring the quality, sale and transit of medicines in the developing countries, coupled with the scarcity of human and financial resources and a lack of political will, still allows the trade in counterfeit and substandard medicines to boom.

These circumstances add to the critical shortage of health care professionals that limits the access to care to billions of individuals in resource-limited settings. One third of the world’€™s population -€“ over 2 billion people -€“ do not have regular access to the essential medicines that they need.  

Meanwhile, the real impact on global health and development is pending as regards the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) countries and other fast-growth Next Eleven or N-11 (Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, Vietnam) economies.

The BRICS emphasize “€œSouth-South”€ cooperation through commitment to collaborate with each other on health, and have already contributed to global health through financing, capacity building, dramatically improved access to affordable medicines, and development of new tools and strategies.

Although the BRICS have their own motives, including economics and politics, for engaging in international assistance, the increased investments in health innovation and the production of low-cost medicines, diagnostics and vaccines by the BRICS will expectedly continue to provide benefits to developing countries. 

Relevantly, it is big news that at the BRICS summit in Brazil last July the BRICS established their New Development Bank, which has long-term implications for global order and development.    

Common Health Agenda, Nothing Less

What expectations on the whole background above? Hopes that a comprehensive global health goal could be reached soon are hardly credible with the load of unresolved issues still on the table. As reported  “€œ…Achieving health equity is not just a matter of coming up with technical solutions and providing the means to finance them. We have to consider the political landscape and rectify the dysfunctions in global governance that undermine health”… 

Admittedly, governments in the most advanced countries look like they wouldn’€™t be ready to embark on the gaps highlighted here as an opportunity for national security and profitable return on their disbursements instead of just a heavy burden in times of economic slump. Rather, they seem to be captive to their eagerly profit-hungry corporate holdings in a vicious circle of mutually reinforcing political and commercial interests over public health concerns.

As such, prospects for equity in health only hinge on non-stop, multi-sector engagement worldwide to pressure governments into doing U-Turn changes by common measures on shared agenda that include:

Rejecting pressures towards adopting heightened IPRs and strengthened enforcement mechanisms as the keys to foreign investments and innovation 

As reported, “…inclusive evidence typically shows that most low- and middle-income countries do not benefit economically from IP maximization since they are net importers of IP goods and since the path to technological development is ordinarily through copying and incremental innovation-development tools that are severely undermined by IP monopoly rights and their related restrictive licensing agreements”…

Rejecting World Bank income classification to measure a country’s capacity to afford high-priced medicines

As argued, …..the World Bank classification dates back to the 1980s and only measures a country’s per-capita average of total income. However, the map of poverty has changed since the 1980s. Today, the majority of the world’s poor no longer live in poor countries, but rather in places where there is greater wealth along with higher inequality.

Relevantly, MSF contends  that….the US Medicaid-defined poverty line ($21.50/person per day) would be a far more reliable tool to estimate how many millions will live below it once countries cross the high-income threshold. As regards TPP countries, MSF highlights that “…In eight of the 12 TPP countries for which there is data, more than a quarter of a billion people will live below the U.S. Medicaid line when their country is classified as high income. By the time Malaysia and Mexico reach high income designation, more than 80 percent of their populations will still fall below this poverty line. Among current high-income TPP countries, the percentage of the population under this poverty line ranges widely, going as high as 69 percent in Chile”€.

Rejecting  privatization policies, including by publicly funded insurance packages using networks of private providers 

As reported, ….while reinforcing the notion that healthcare is a commodity and not a basic human right, this approach, proposed by the World Bank and their allies, has several problems and side effects: fragmentation of care, higher cost, precedence of procedures over preventive medicine and further dismantling of the public healthcare system. At the same time, insurance packages divert attention and funds from a more comprehensive approach directed at modifying the root causes of disease, through socioeconomic interventions aimed at increasing equity.  

Inherently, as per a report from the Philippines, “…the current privatization policies of the Philippine government do not provide an answer to the enormous health needs. Despite the name of the Philippine “€œUniversal Health Care”€ program that claims to “€œbring equity and access to critical health services to poor Philippinos”€,  commercialisation of health services will do exactly the opposite. Unfortunately, the European Commission is supportive of these policies and formerly approved a contribution of euros 33 million in support of the Health Sector Reform Agenda of the Philippine government”….  

Rejecting closed doors negotiations since they blur transparency

Banning the non-violation nullification of benefits ( NV) clause under TRIPS 

Banning TRIPS-plus clauses, including investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) provisions, that could negatively affect health and worsen inequalities in access to care and treatments 

Withdrawing pressures on LMICs to jeopardize the use of TRIPS safeguards and flexibilities relevant to the price of medicines

Pushing for open knowledge and new approaches to  pharmaceutical innovation that do not rely on the patent system and de-link  the costs of R&D from the price of medicines

Promoting technology transfer with least-developed countries without exporting excessive IP standards through assistance programs

Backing generic competition as the most effective way to lower medicine prices in a sustainable way

Backing governments that make use of  TRIPS safeguards and flexibilities to protect and promote public health

Linking  together patent offices and legislators worldwide to develop evidence-based reforms of the patent regime of medicines

 As reported, “…[I]f countries set higher standards for incremental innovation patenting, and permit citizen or third-party review of patents before and after examination, then we will likely see increased generic competition in the …, new combination therapies, and lower … prices. In the longer term, higher inventiveness standards will help clear the patent thicket to allow new products to develop, and push industry towards genuine innovations”….

Calling on companies to join the Medicines Patent Pool  

Actively supporting partnership agendas (as per DNDI and GAVI examples among others) that are devoted to the development of new medicines and vaccines for neglected diseases that disproportionately affect poor population settings

Ensuring that the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria continues to use generic medicines and support UNITAID work to make quality medicines and diagnostics available and affordable   

Ensuring that revenues from a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT), whose approval is in progress in Europe, will substantially be committed to development and for the fight against health scourges, diseases of the poor and pandemics

FTT revenues would be a resource for the EU to channel towards the WHO and Global Fund needs. An FTT would be instrumental to the spirit and resolutions of latest WHO Assemblies. Hence, it should be up to the EU to push that non-discriminatory access to health and lifesaving medicines becomes a substantial objective for FTT revenues.

Ensuring that leading institutions and organisations enhance working with health ministries to strengthen national systems, invest in infrastructures, improve transparency and accountability, and boost needs-driven rather than market-driven rules

 This would mean giving up “€œclosed doors”€ negotiations and adopting multi-sector participatory models for decisions affecting national health, growth, employment and budgets.

Ensuring that international agreements include clauses whereby donors must strengthen WHO-aligned quality clauses in tender transactions with non-governmental organisations, while purchasers must insist that manufacturers and distributors supply medicines that meet WHO requirements, and governments must authorise export only of products meeting WHO quality, efficacy and safety standards

Ensuring that research and innovation for health is linked to improving economic prosperity and is critical to eradicating poverty (since poor health and disability contribute substantially to poverty) 

Ensuring that indicators for R&D for health tools that primarily affect LMICs address a comprehensive set of outcomes including financing needs, infrastructure and human resources needs, enabling policies, necessary partnerships, capacity strengthening, and access requirements 

Ensuring that any research and innovation indicators measuring progress against the goals and targets outlined in the post-2015 agenda* also increase accountability of researchers, governments, and funders, and inform research processes 

Ultimately, the success or failure of the post-2015 agenda relies just as much on how the goals and targets are implemented as it does on how progress will be measured 

*In support of the inclusion of research and innovation for health in the post-2015 agenda, over 150 organizations and individuals recently signed a petition to United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Member States urging the UN to keep the research, development, and delivery of new and improved health tools for diseases and conditions impacting LMICs at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda  

Seeking  synergies among global level institutions to address global health challenges, support stronger leadership by the WHO to improve global health, enhance dialogue and joint action with key players, including UN agencies involved in global health, international financing institutions, regional organisations, regional health networks, and countries, in order to coordinate actions, advance in the achievement of commitments, and avoid overlapping and fragmentation 

Seeking synergies for equitable health access with fast growing, including BRICS and N-11, middle-income country economies 

Pushing for a complementary relationship, rather than a conflicting one, between World Bank, IMF and the New BRICS Development Bank as regards the development and health needs of marginalized population settings in LMICs

Pushing for full exemption of out-of-pocket expenses for the poor; poor-friendly pathways towards universal health coverage; heavy taxation on tobacco and other harmful substances; and reduction or elimination of agricultural export subsidies and energy subsidies on air-polluting fuels 

Opposing land grabbing, deforestation  and state-managed food reserve dismantling policies 

Reversing “€œBrain Drain”€, health worker shortage by a transformation of the present training approach, as to adapt curricula to local needs, promote strategies to retain expert faculty staff, expose trainees to community needs during training, promote multi-sector approach to education reforms, and strengthen links between the educational and health care delivery system. Western academic institutions’ role is to facilitate the process 

Asking for the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to be financed only through EU budget as per application fees channeled to the European Commission 

This would improve transparency and accountability.

Asking for anti-counterfeit laws and law enforcement policies not to substitute for effective national regulatory frameworks

Asking for organizations with potential conflicts of interests and IP perspectives to issue statements eschewing the use of IP law to counter generic medicines

Asking for investment in technologies to detect “€œbad medicines”€ to be followed up with provisions to increase public awareness and incident reporting, along with regulations on medicine quality that include definitions as per shared WHO terms  



*Daniele Dionisio is a member of the European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases. He is an advisor for “€œMedicines for the Developing Countries”€ for the Italian Society for Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT), and former director of the Infectious Disease Division at the Pistoia City Hospital (Italy). He may be reached at

Chagas in a Non-Endemic Area: First Level Health Care. Lights and Shadows

This work deals with the experience carried out by the Secretariat of Health and Social Medicine of the Municipality of La Plata and Mundo Sano Foundation from July 2010 to December 2013 at school institutions of the Buenos Aires province and primary health care centers of the municipality (CAPS). They are aimed at implementing a pilot trial to address the situation of people affected by Chagas disease from a comprehensive perspective, carrying out early diagnosis and timely treatment in a specific non-endemic geographic area of La Plata city, in the Buenos Aires province

Chagas in a Non-Endemic Area: First Level Health Care. Lights and Shadows

Mabel Lenardòn*, Patricio Orsini*; Marina Chopita*, Pedro Ramos*, Ana Paula Da Cruz*, Florencia Suárez Crivaro*, Sonia Tarragona**, Patricia Le Moal*, Belén Osaeta*, Jaime Henen*, Ana C. Pereiro**

*Secretariat of Health and Social Medicine of the Municipality of La Plata 

**Mundo Sano Foundation



Chagas Disease (CD) is named after Carlos Ribeiro Justiniano Chagas, a Brazilian physician that discovered it in 1909. The parasite causing the disease is Tripanosoma cruzi, which nests in several tissues and produces irreversible heart damage in 30% of chronic patients, and neurological  and digestive injuries in 10 % of the cases. 1 

In endemic areas, the most frequent form of transmission is vector-borne, through the bite of hematophagous insects called “€œvinchucas”€. Likewise, there is evidence in the region of transmission through the intake of contaminated food and drinks. 2 

There are three forms of transmission that are not related to any geographical area, namely: through transfusions, organ transplantation, and congenitally (mother to child). The first two are currently not frequent due to the presence of strict controls at blood banks. However, the congenital form (mother to child) constitutes a serious problem since it is the main form of transmission of the disease in non-endemic areas. As a result of migrations, women infected spread the infection to other areas congenitally, and what is even more worrying is that it is the least perceptible form to perpetuate the disease. 36        

In the most usual forms of transmission, which are vector-borne and congenital, children are the most exposed, which makes CD a relevant pediatric issue for the countries in the region. 7-8   For this reason, the aim of this document is to present the results of a pilot program for detection and treatment of people affected by CD, especially school children and pregnant women in a semi-rural non-endemic area of the Buenos Aires province so as to assess the need to expand the test to cover all the district with a program with characteristics that are similar to those developed at the pilot trial, and, at the same time,  analyze the operating capacity of the Primary Health Care Centers (CAPS) for this pathology.

Current State of Chagas Disease

Chagas Disease is characteristic of Latin America and according to recent PAHO estimates, in the Americas there are approximately 100 million people at risk, over 8 million people infected and approximately 56,000 new cases every year, who become infected through different forms of transmission. Around 12,000 people die of Chagas disease annually. 9

In Argentina, a prevalence rate at 4.1 is estimated for the general population, with over 1,600,000 infected people and variable regional percentages. The population exposed in endemic areas amounts to 7,300,000 people. 10-11    

Even though significant progress has been made regarding control of vector transmission in the Americas, the lack of actions prolonged along time, aimed at eradicating Chagas disease from the endemic areas, has given rise to a continuous prevalence of this disease, whereas migrant phenomena have been the factor giving rise to its geographical expansion into urban areas, thus becoming a public health concern in nations where vector transmission has not been documented yet. 

The Chagas disease figures available at present show a serious public health problem, although its magnitude is even greater due to the presence of important under-reporting of the number of cases. The reasons lying beneath said under-reporting can be found in the fact that in many places, the disease must not be compulsorily reported, or that only severe cases are reported, even when there are sub-clinical acute cases. Apart from that, since it presents no symptoms, the disease remains unnoticed by the people affected, who consequently do not seek for assistance; besides, detection demands the active search for positive cases, which is not frequent in most of the countries affected.

Justification of the Intervention

Approximately 750, 000 children are annually born in Argentina, 12 figure that makes us infer that the health system each year hosts between 34,000 and 45,000 pregnant women infected by Tripanosoma cruzi (according to estimated prevalence rates) and from 1,700 to 2,200 newborns with congenital Chagas disease.13  Currently, only 30% of these cases are diagnosed, which means that there will be thousands of children that will develop the disease during adulthood and, if they are girls, they will be likely to continue transmitting the infection to their own children if not timely treated. 

Unfortunately, if diagnosis is made during pregnancy, the mother cannot be treated since the drugs available are contraindicated during the gestation period. Neither is there any efficient way to perform diagnosis of fetal infection during the intrauterine period, so the most adequate procedure at this stage consists of early diagnosis of newborns followed by specific treatment with beznidazole or nifurtimox, the only two drugs currently available for treatment of the disease. 14

Early detection of positive cases does not only bring about social and health benefits, but also economic ones. 

Care of People Affected

Certainly, there are many reasons that can justify why this pathology had for so long been part of the list of neglected diseases. Without trying to go deeply into each of them, we will try to describe those that, to our belief, can explain most of the veil of neglect that covered Chagas disease for so long.

During the 70s, 80s and part of the 90s, Chagas disease occupied a limited space in physicians’€™ training curricula -€”pre-graduate reference books, mainly American and Spanish, did not develop the issue extensively- €”and specific treatments, particularly in the chronic phase, were challenged. All these factors together triggered a clear delay in diagnosis and treatment of the people affected, most of whom were under-diagnosed and/or disheartened to follow parasiticide treatments. 

The lack of training and information of health teams could have had an influence on some of the behaviors observed such as that of considering Chagas a disease related to rurality and with no effective treatment, which discourages the implementation of mechanisms tending to start actions for primary, secondary and even tertiary prevention of the disease. 

Devoting the health space to the exclusive care of the complications brought about by Chagas disease is to condemn many individuals to miss the opportunity to have timely treatment and lead a plentiful life. 

The lack of symptoms for several years and even decades demands a proactive health system that can find outside the hospital sphere -€”the paradigm of the environment where the process health-disease takes place- €”those people who do not have the need to seek medical consultation. It is for that reason that it is necessary to implement epidemiological research as well as training and updating activities intended for the members of the primary health care teams, who are the access to the health care system, both strategies with different degrees of implementation. 

The characteristics of the Argentine health system could also have had a negative influence on the comprehensive health care sometimes demanded by these patients, since there are multiple administrative areas that coexist in the same territory (provincial hospital-municipal CAPS and national institutions) which are not always integrated. 

Relegating Chagas disease patients to exclusive treatment at the third level of care in order to receive treatment by specialist’€™s means, in many cases, imposing a barrier to access to the system since said treatment, for multiple reasons, is hard to be provided to people who have low resources and live in distant geographic regions. 

Currently, there is consensus regarding the fact that patients with this disease can and must be followed at the first level of care, leaving the levels of increasing complexity to those who show moderate and/or severe complications. The present work offers a strategy (pilot trial), among many likely ones, to start these actions. 15-16    


In order to develop intervention models, the principles of stability, sustainability, scalability and replicability are taken into account. This means that our projects are permanent and sustainable along time, which means that they can be started in a reduced geographic area or with a small group of people (depending on the approach) so that once tested, they can be improved, expanded and replicated in another area or in other groups.

The first step is to perform a diagnosis of the situation that shows the state of affairs, then design and plan the most adequate type of intervention in this case, create strategic partnerships and working teams, manage the project with the local actors (community participation is key to the successful achievement of the projects) and finally, the processes and results are assessed and the necessary adjustments made. 

In this pilot trial, a program for public health intervention was designed to perform diagnosis of Chagas disease on a school population in certain areas of La Plata district, Buenos Aires province. In order to detect positive Chagas Disease cases in an infant population and start timely treatment, the choice of the school environment as a recommended geographic area to develop these actions seems adequate, due to, among other reasons, the high level of schooling usually presented by the first level of education and the lower need of time and resources posed by this option. Likewise, the Primary Health Care Centers were used as the environment for detection, diagnosis and treatment of congenital Chagas disease, especially to attract the group of pregnant women there.

Selection of the area of intervention

The choice of province and area of work were based on the analysis of relevant variables to identify the population at potential risk and in terms of opportunity and access. 

The analysis of the relevant variables consisted in surveying data produced by the Populational Censuses, the Permanent Household Survey (EPH after its name in Spanish) and the General Directorate of Migrations in relation to the 2004-2012 series of settlements issued by the National Directorate of Migrations and the analysis of domestic migrations on 2001 census data.  The 24 regions of the Greater Buenos Aires area first, and then the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires are coincidentally presented there as the greatest jurisdictions that welcome domestic and foreign migrants coming from regions where CD is a public health issue (Bolivia, Paraguay, etc.). 17-18 

Graph 1. Relevant variables used for selecting the intervention area

1Lenardon 1BIsLenardon

Source: Own elaboration based on the National Directorate of Migrations (2004-2012)

Given that the overall surface of the Buenos Aires province is over 300,000 km2, delimiting a geographic area was key to start the activities. To that aim, special attention was put on the following:

1. Data provided by professionals of the Urban and Rural Zoonosis Directorate of Buenos Aires province

2. The domiciles of the 181 women with positive serology for Chagas, who had given birth during the month of September 2008 and who were surveyed for perinatal risk factors as carried out by the Directorate of Maternity and Infancy of the Ministry of Health of the Buenos Aires province 19 and

3. Criteria of opportunity such as the willingness of the different districts to perform the assessment, distance to urban centers and health equipment and infrastructure available.

Finally, an area of land intervention in La Plata city, encompassing 190 km2, as well as an area for sanitary work encompassing 20 km2 were delimited.

Development of the Pilot Trial

The target population was selected pursuant to Section 4 of Law 26,281 -€”the new Law on Chagas Disease passed in 2007- €”which prioritizes school-age children and pregnant women and their children. 

In order to carry out the activities of the pilot trial, a framework agreement was signed between the participating parties, the Secretariat of Health and Social Medicine of the Municipality of La Plata and Mundo Sano Foundation, and plans were made to perform interventions in the three schools located in semi-rural areas, and in three CAPS in their vicinity. 

This first trial made it possible to establish a connection between the teams of professionals, the school community and the parents of the children attending those schools, as well as to test the design of the work. To that aim, a risk survey was outlined and delivered onto the school institutions, which evaluated the risk to suffer the disease as a consequence of the location where the mother and child had been born, of the blood transfusions received, and the positive serology for Chagas disease tested during pregnancy. All the variables were given the same relevance so as to determine the potential risk.

The scheme of activities contemplated the following steps: 

1. Request an authorization to school supervisors and, once obtained, hold a meeting with the school authorities and teachers to explain to them the relevance of the work carried out, as well as the requisites needed to have said work accomplished,

2. Organize informative meetings with parents to explain the reach of the disease and the importance of early detection,

3. Deliver a risk survey and informed consents, 

4. Assess the results,

5. Make appointments to see the children detected at risk and have their venous blood samples taken,

6. Refer the samples to the central laboratory to have them processed,

7. Make individual appointments with the parents of children with positive serological tests to explain to them the consequences of CD, inform them that the treatment is free of charge and introduce them to the health professional that will do a follow-up of the patient at the CAPS

8. Likewise, the need to assess other next of kin of those affected is communicated to them, and if they result positive, the same treatment and follow-up process will be carried out.

Once the pilot trial is finished, the necessary adjustments were made and work continued at other schools located on the perimeter mentioned, incorporating the survey and informed consent to the Program of Health at Schools (Programa de Sanidad Escolar-€”PROSANE), in force in the district.

At the same time, routine and systematic inclusion of Chagas disease serology was reinforced for all pregnant women at the CAPS, and members of the health team were trained in Chagas disease diagnosis and treatment. Likewise, women who resulted positive in their serology were called to be controlled and treated after delivery; family planning counseling was provided before starting parisiticide treatment; all the children whose mothers were serologically positive were called to be tested; Chagas patients were performed complete check-ups and medical records were drawn; parasiticide treatment was prescribed for those patients that needed it, and informative meetings on Chagas Disease were held at the CAPS.

Both children older than 10 months of age and women of childbearing age were diagnosed by means of two serological determinations in venous blood: ELISA and HAI (indirect hemagglutination) and assessed prior to the beginning of treatment with hemogram, transaminase and urea.

All patients were administered 5 mg/kg/day of benznidazole, 400 mg maximum a day. At the beginning of the treatment, a pillbox with the two doses needed to complete the weekly treatment, a follow-up sheet to tick the dose taken, instructions with sanitary and diet tips to follow during treatment, details of the likely presence of adverse effects and what to do when said events take place were provided to the patients. In the case of those patients whose domicile was located far from the health care center and/or those who presented with previous allergy backgrounds were prescribed anthihistaminics, with the indication of the doses to be taken if necessary before attending the health care center for evaluation and control.

All patients were called for weekly appointments during the first month for supervision of the drug taken and to have it replaced, and to detect likely adverse effects as well. During the second month the interviews were made fortnightly. The design contemplated active domicile search on the part of the health agents and/or social workers of the patients that did not attend the appointment with the physician. Patients older than 21 years of age with no demonstrated pathology or incipient cardiopathy were given information on the levels of evidence and recommendation on how to receive treatment, as well as the results of preliminary studies regarding the benefits of the parasitic drug on reduction of the progression of the disease, so that they could opt whether to be treated or not. 20-21    

In the case of people older than 50 years of age, such as the national standards in force state, it was decided not to start any treatment as a result of the lack of evidence of therapeutical effects and a greater likelihood to present complications with the specific medication.


During the development of the pilot trial, until late 2013, a populational group considered at potential high risk of infection was assessed. Said group was constituted by 456 people: 129 children -€”between 2 and 15 years of age- €”and 329 adults. Of them, 181 presented positive serology for CD and received treatment.

The number of people diagnosed and treated increased at an annual rate as the working methodology was consolidated. This evolution can be observed in the graph, where, between the years 2011 and 2012 it rose by 25%, and for the year 2013 the annual rise regarding the previous year was 82%.


Source: Own elaboration

Most of the people diagnosed and treated were adult women who accounted for 78% of the total figure (144 women), 10% corresponded to adult men (18 men), and the children younger than 15 years of age were 12% with a similar distribution by sex. 

The preponderance of females over males can be accounted for by the working methodology used, where focus was made on the survey on pregnant women, with gynecologists and obstetricians being in charge of diagnosis and therapeutic treatment.

Regarding treatment, all the patients opted to receive the parasiticide medication and none of them failed to have the controls made. Only three people older than 40 years of age (1.5%) had to interrupt the treatment since on two occasions they were undergoing a pruritic maculopapular rash that was quickly reversed with antihistaminics. They accomplished less than 30 days of medication treatment. These episodes took place at the beginning of the program of activities. In later years, only 35 patients (19.33%) presented with minor or moderate skin reactions that quickly reversed and did not represent a cause for interruption of the medication treatment. 

No person under treatment did present severe skin reactions that demanded referral to higher complexity health centers and/or admission to hospital, neither did they present any of the other likely complications described. 

All the people older than 15 years of age (160) were requested to have an ECG and cardiology control made. A total figure of forty-two (26.26%) people did not have these tests performed since they said they could not attend due to work commitments and since they lived in remote areas.

Limitations and Lessons Learned

The pilot trial became highly relevant in order to establish adjustments to the initial project. Both the risk survey and the informed consent revealed the need to incorporate to the final design complementary actions to be implemented due to the finding of a high number of parents with low levels of education. 

Schools became the proper place to capture a high number of school-children in the short term and to guide parents; however, access to these facilities demanded strong articulation efforts beforehand. 

Given the reach that prevention can have in this environment, it is important to re-think and strengthen the necessary bond between health and education areas to make prevention smoother.

Design in the sanitary environment contemplated a working modality that would prevent patients from being unnecessarily referred to the greater urban centers, given the distance to and from there and the difficulty in having regular public transport available. In order to do this, it was necessary to join the efforts of an important number of professionals (nurses, biochemists, obstetricians, pediatricians, health agents, social workers, midwives, social communicators, drivers and staff), whose commitment and dedication grew as time went by, driven by the results obtained. 

When the CAPS’s resolution capacity was exceeded, patients were referred to levels of greater complexity, though attendance there was lower than that to the CAPS. One example of this was a cardiology consultation made, which had to be referred to greater complexity levels since there was no electrocardiograph and/or cardiologist available at the first level of care. The following are some of the reasons that account for a smaller attendance to other centers: distance, lack of public transport, and the type of daily job that leave workers little margin of free time to make consultations. It is also worth mentioning that in many health centers that are not integrated into this project, patients were given contradictory messages on the need to carry out parasitic idée treatment, or the practices they had been requested at the CAPS were rejected. It is for those reasons that, in many cases, patients opted not to continue demanding for treatment. 

The therapeutically strategy established -€”similar to DOT, directly observed therapy- €”enabled health teams and patients to have an important tool available when they needed to make early supervision, detection and treatment of outcomes of adverse reactions. When these appeared, they were minor or moderate and ceased with oral antihistaminic medication.

While this project was being implemented, benznidazole production and supply were interrupted, which obviously delayed both the development of the project and the speed to capture and treat patients, facts that were reversed when supply was re-started.

Initially, and resulting from the methodology for patient selection, the adult population was exclusively female. During the last year, some men started to make spontaneous consultations to be diagnosed and treated, although the figure is low in relation to women’s. 

While training the health teams, it was observed that even though Chagas disease is well known, the therapeutic experience is null and the initial fears of the apparent adverse effects caused by the drugs are relatively high. The strategies adopted (directly observed treatment, the possibility of permanent telephone communication of the physician in charge of the treatment with national specialist on the issue, and the availability of the drugs to control likely complications) were important at the beginning until the team achieved therapeutic experience. It is highly probable that allocation of more teaching hours devoted to diagnosis and treatment of Chagas disease within physicians’ training curricula will help generate greater commitment on the part of the health teams to these issues.


Being able to diagnose and treat newborns and children, as well as women at childbearing age when they have not shown any manifestations of the disease yet should be a priority within the health environments, especially for those in charge of health policy making and management, considering the results of said actions and their cost-benefit.

This work makes it possible to observe how active policies and an adequate epidemiological assessment can generate important findings in a relatively small and unthought-of area, and deploy prevention and cure actions.

It also expresses clearly the need to strengthen the first level of care to face this issue and the need to generate patient-centered models of management of chronic pathologies that can help overcome the barriers to access to a health system, usually suffered by the people affected who live in remote areas.


The authors would like to thank Dr. Héctor Freilij for the training offered to our professionals, his valuable contributions, and the enthusiasm he transmitted carrying out his work; and Dr. Gustavo Mari­n for having driven us to start the activities in the La Plata district



1– Corallini, JC; Fernandez, O; Della Vedova, A; Dicroce, MH; Bianconi, M; Gonzalez, MR; Puyou, NE; Gallinger, CG; Salvo, SA;  Marti­n, MS; Tedeschi, MM; Gargiulo, ML; Zoraida Correa, S; Abadie, MS y Arguiano, SE (2011): Enfermedad de Chagas-Mazza: seroprevalencia, caracteri­sticas epidemiologicas y sociales. Acta Bioqui­mica Cli­nica Latinoamericana, Federacion Bioqui­mica de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, vol. 45, num. 3,  pp. 431-439. Argentina. 

2-Toso, Alberto; Vial, Felipe; Galanti, Norbel (2011): “€œTransmision de la enfermedad de Chagas por vi­a oral”€. Rev Med Chile 2011; 139: 258-266. Santiago de Chile.

3– Conrado M. Cusnaider y col. (2004): “€œChagas congenito es posible en Espana?”€ Ginecologi­a y Obstetricia Cli­nica 2004; 5(4):198-203.

4– Basile L, et al. (2011): “€œWorking Group on Chagas Disease. Chagas disease in European countries: the challenge of a surveillance system”€ . Euro Surveill. , 2011; 16(37):pii=19968.

5– Blood Donor Screening for Chagas Disease — United States, 2006—2007 CDC February 23, 2007 / 56(07);141-143.

6– Kirchhoff, Louis V. ; Pearson, Richard D (2007): “€œThe emergence of Chagas disease in the United States and Canada”€, Current Infectious Disease Reports, Vol. 9,Nº5, Sep 2007.

7– Altcheh J (2013): Enfermedad de Chagas en la Infancia. Presented at the Discussion Workshop “€œChagas: enfermedad atendida”€ (Chagas: a disease cared for) Fundacion Mundo Sano, Buenos Aires, 3 June 2013.

8– Zaidenberg, M (2009) “€œChagas en ninos. El desafi­o de los ultimos tiempos”€ (Chagas in children. The Challenger of recent times€) presented at the 12th International Symposium of Epidemiological Control of vector-borne diseases. Fundacion Mundo Sano, Buenos Aires, 4 September, 2009.

9– PAHO Webpage

10-PAHO (2006): “€œEstimacion cuantitativa de la enfermedad de Chagas en las Americas”€. Montevideo, Uruguay. OPS/HDM/CD/425-06; 2006. p. 1-28.

11-PAHO- Mundo Sano (2007): La enfermedad de Chagas a la puerta de los 100 anos del conocimiento de una endemia americana ancestral. OPS/CD/426-06 Mundo Sano. July 2007. Argentina

12-2011 Vital Statistics. Directorate of Health Statistics and Information. Ministerio de Salud de la Nacion. Available at

13-Chuit, R, Segura, EL (2012). “€œEl control de la enfermedad de Chagas en Argentina. Sus resultados”€. Rev. Fed. Arg. Cardiol 2012;41(3):151-155  

14-Ministerio de Salud de la Nacion (2010). Gui­a de diagnostico y tratamiento. Informacion para los equipos de salud. Direccion de Epidemiologi­a. Programa Nacional de Chagas. Available at

15-OPS (2012) II Reunion Sudamericana de Iniciativas Subregionales de Prevencion, Control y Atencion de la Enfermedad de Chagas. OPS, August 2012.

16-Ministerio de Salud de la Nacion (2010). Gui­a de diagnostico y tratamiento. Informacion para los equipos de salud. Direccion de Epidemiologi­a. Programa Nacional de Chagas. Available at

17-Estadi­sticas. Direccion Nacional de Migraciones Ministerio del Interior y Transporte

18-Pizzolitto, G; Porto, A; (2006): “€œDistribucion de la poblacion y migraciones internas en Argentina: sus determinantes individuales y regionales”€. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Facultad de Ciencia Economicas. December 2006

19-“€œEncuesta Perinatal 2008: Resultados en Hospitales Publicos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires y Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires.” Page 66. Available at

20-Sosa Estani, S; Segura, E; Colantonio, L (2012): “€œTherapy of Chagas Disease: Implications for Levels of Prevention”€. J Trop Med. 2012; 2012: 292138

21-Viotti, R; Vigliano, C; Lococo, B; Bertocchi, G; Petti, M; Alvarez, MG; Postan, M; and Armenti, A (2006): “€œLong-Term Cardiac Outcomes of Treating Chronic Chagas Disease with Benznidazole versus No Treatment A Nonrandomized Trial”€ ;Ann Intern Med. 2006;144:724-734.

Latest News: Link 117

Latest News Links is part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on real-time news and the best options for use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries


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Latest News: Link 115

Latest News Links is part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on real-time news and the best options for use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries


Latest News: Link 115

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Latest News: Link 114

Latest News Links is part of the research project GESPAM (Geopolitica, Salute Pubblica e Accesso alle Medicine/Geopolitics, Public Health and Access to Medicines), which aims to focus on real-time news and the best options for use of trade and government rules related to public health by resource-limited countries


Latest News: Link 114 

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Making the Case for Research and Innovation for Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

In this guest post, Claire Wingfield – €”product development policy officer at PATH – €”writes about a new paper exploring why research and development (R&D) of high-priority health tools for diseases and conditions affecting low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) should be a critical component of the post-2015 development agenda


Making the Case for Research and Innovation for Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda


by Claire Wingfield*

Product Development Policy Officer in the Advocacy and Public Policy Department at PATH



A dearth of adequate health technologies and interventions targeting poverty-related diseases -€”like HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and neglected tropical diseases – €”means that millions of people in LMICs continue to die each year from preventable and treatable diseases and conditions. Progress on developing new interventions targeting the health priorities of LMICs has faltered because these diseases occur almost exclusively among the world’€™s poorest and most marginalized populations. Thus, there is little or no perceived commercial market encouraging companies to develop products targeting LMICs. Because the health burden imposed by poverty and social vulnerability remains far too high, achieving health for all is one major goal of the post-2015 development agenda.

In a new paper – €”developed by the Council on Health Research for Development, the Global Health Technologies Coalition, the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, and PATH – €”the authors make the case for the inclusion of research and innovation for health as a central component of the post-2015 development agenda. The paper describes the impact that increased investments in R&D and innovation for health – €”particularly for the world’€™s poorest – €”have had in contributing to progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – €”particularly for MDGs 4 (reduce child mortality), 5 (improve maternal health), and 6 (combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases).

These investments have helped to create an enabling environment for research in and for the benefit of LMICs by increasing demand for new health technologies, expanding coverage of proven interventions, and strengthening the innovation infrastructure in these countries. Building on the work of The Lancet Commission on Investing in Health – €”a group of renowned economists and global health experts – €”the paper discusses the need for increased R&D investments by all countries to achieve the dramatic health gains envisioned in the post-2015 agenda.

Adequate levels of investment, as suggested by The Lancet Commission, are critical for spurring the development of new health tools, provided they align with financing needs in R&D – €”notably predictability and flexibility. But even that sort of investment alone does not guarantee more products, and it does not drive innovation toward the right type of products – €”those that are suitable, acceptable, affordable, and accessible to populations most in need. It is essential, therefore, that indicators for R&D for health tools that primarily affect LMICs address a comprehensive set of outcomes including financing needs, infrastructure and human resources needs, enabling policies, necessary partnerships, capacity strengthening, and access requirements.

Because poor health and disability contribute substantially to poverty, research and innovation for health is linked to improving economic prosperity and is critical to eradicating poverty. Therefore, it must be continuously prioritized within the post-2015 development agenda. Ultimately, the success or failure of the post-2015 agenda relies just as much on how the goals and targets are implemented as it does on how progress will be measured. Thus any research and innovation indicators measuring progress against the goals and targets outlined in the post-2015 agenda must also increase accountability of researchers, governments, and funders, and inform research processes. Inclusion of research and innovation for health must facilitate an enabling environment for research and innovation in LMICs and encourage endemic countries to set and pursue a domestically-driven health research agenda.

The post-2015 development agenda is an opportunity for LMICs to set their own health agendas and research priorities and to assert their leadership in strengthening the R&D landscape focused on the needs of the poorest and most marginalized populations. Therefore, it is essential that there is broad agreement among all of the relevant stakeholders that research and innovation for health – €”which includes the scaling up of proven health interventions as well as the development of new and improved high-priority health technologies – €”is critical to meeting the ambitious goals of eradicating poverty and ensuring sustainable development for all within a generation.

In support of the inclusion of research and innovation for health in the post-2015 agenda, over 150 organizations and individuals recently signed a petition to United Nations (UN) Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Member States urging the UN to keep the research, development, and delivery of new and improved health tools for diseases and conditions impacting LMICs at the heart of the post-2015 development agenda. It is our hope that the Members States and other UN officials shaping the agenda will head this call.


*Article republished from Breakthroughs September 24, 2014:

Claire Wingfield is the product development policy officer in the Advocacy and Public Policy department at PATH. In this role, she works across PATH’€™s diverse portfolio of products to increase political support for global health research and development (R&D) among policymakers and global health institutions to accelerate the development of new global health technologies. Prior to joining PATH, Claire was the Assistant Director of the TB/HIV project at the Treatment Action Group. Claire has been a global health R&D advocate for almost 20 years and has publications in numerous peer-reviewed journals. She holds a Masters in Public Health from the University of Maryland in the United States

GILEAD Monopoly Prevails Over Non-Discriminatory Access As Debated Hepatitis C Deal Sets Off

Gilead on 15 September struck voluntary licence deals with seven India-based generic manufacturers to expand access to its hepatitis C innovative drugs in developing countries. With a limited territory covered, this yet deserving pact raises doubts about the coherence of Indian counterparts at a time when there are no relevant patents in India, several pre-grant oppositions have been filed and unrestrained competition by compulsory licences could have been pursued

GILEAD Monopoly Prevails Over Non-Discriminatory Access As Debated Hepatitis C Deal Sets Off

 by  Daniele Dionisio*

Member, European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases 

As an effect of the widening pressure (including patent oppositions) against the extortionate prices of lifesaving new medicines for hepatitis C, big pharma has begun negotiating bilateral agreements and voluntary licence (VL) deals with country governments and generic manufacturers, aimed at saving their patent rights. 

Gilead on 15 September came to non-exclusive VL deals with seven India-based generic manufacturers -€“ Zydus Cadila, Cipla, Hetero Labs, Mylan Laboratories, Ranbaxy, Sequent Scientific and Strides Arcolab – €“to broaden access in developing countries to hepatitis C innovative medicines sofosbuvir (Sovaldi ®)and ledipasvir (not yet approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, FDA).

Licensees are free to fix their own prices for their versions against a 7% royalty payment on low generic sales to Gilead [licensing terms here].

The deals entitle the licensees to full technology transfer of the Gilead manufacturing process to enable them to boost production. The launch of generic versions is expected by the second or third quarter of 2015.

Gilead’s licences to the seven generic firms also allow to roll out sofosbuvir or ledipasvir in combination with other hepatitis C medicines. The FDA and the European Medicines Agency are currently scrutinising Gilead’s applications for a ledipasvir/sofosbuvir single tablet regimen.

Under the licensing pact, the seven licensees can roll out sofosbuvir and the investigational single tablet regimen of ledipasvir/sofosbuvir for delivery in 91 developing countries that are home to around 100 million people living with hepatitis C, or 54% of the total global infected population.

As such, the overall agreement seems to be a significant but insufficient step forward since hepatitis C affects at least 185 million people worldwide, 85% of whom live in middle (72%) and low (13%) income countries. Around 15% of Egypt’€™s population, for example, is infected -€“ the world’€™s highest prevalence -€“ while it is estimated that 12 million people in India have hepatitis C

In these countries, nearly 350,000 people are killed by hepatitis C yearly, where preventive vaccines are lacking.

Relevantly, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) just highlighted that “…Gilead’€™s licensing terms fall far short of ensuring widespread affordable access to these new drugs in middle-income countries, where over 70 % of people with hepatitis C live today.

Gilead’€™s deal excludes many middle-income countries considered by industry to be profitable emerging markets, even though people living with chronic hepatitis C in these countries often come from poor and marginalized communities with little ability to pay for expensive medicines.

We welcome the interest of generic companies to scale up production of new direct-acting antivirals and Gilead’€™s decision to make the final agreement public; however, a highly restrictive voluntary licence that blocks millions of people with Hepatitis C from affordable prices is not acceptable. MSF hopes that excluded governments will take all relevant measures available under global trade rules and national patent laws to secure low-cost generic versions of these medicines…”€

Among key markets, China, Brazil, Ukraine, Mexico, Romania, Thailand, Russia and Malaysia are examples of middle-income economies that are excluded from the pact.

Hence, while critics argue that Gilead should have added more countries from Latin America, North Africa and Asian areas, others commend Gilead for creating a VL Territory that was big enough to induce entry by several companies, and for providing language in the licence that allows, among other things, generic producers to supply countries outside the Territory under compulsory licences (CLs).

However, while VLs, as part of the flexibilities laid down in the World Trade Organization TRIPS (Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) Agreement, include permission for export, this is also the case for an allowance for export agreed upon through a 2003 WTO waiver (the “€œAugust 30th Decision”€) that enables more exports under CLs to countries unable to manufacture key medicines themselves. 

As such, Gilead’€™s commendable transparency in the licence language would represent no more than a mandatory alignment with WTO overarching rules for equity. 

This is without prejudice to the awareness that a number of constraints basically limit the VL model because the originators actually hold control over the whole chain of steps: an unbalanced mechanism.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) had, a day ahead of the Gilead licensing deal, referred to how “…VL agreements often provide generics firms with access only to those markets which a multinational company does not want to or cannot exploit through ”monopolistic” marketing, distribution and sales…”€

Gilead’s licensing pact comes even as Gilead does not have any patent on the two drugs in India and its patent application for sofosbuvir has already been challenged in India and elsewhere. Earlier this year, civil society organisations like the Delhi Network of Positive People and the US-based non-profit group, Initiative for Medicines, Access and Knowledge (I-MAK) filed pre-grant oppositions challenging the validity of a patent application for sofosbuvir. Some generic companies like Natco and the Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance, which represents 18 major generic producers, also opposed the patent.

The organisations disputed the genuine novelty, inventive step and efficacy of the product.

And this occurs at a time when cheap generic versions of state-of-the-art hepatitis C drugs seem to be within reach. Published data this year argue that generic-drug makers would be able to roll out these medicines at $100-€“250 for a 12-week course. 

As such, the struck deals look like they would be an unaligned, hurried move where a decision by the Indian patent office against Gilead might have earned companies unrestrained competition by CLs and allowed them to sell affordable versions without any limitation by the innovator firm.

A flexibility provision in TRIPS, CLs are indeed a highly reliable mechanism for maximizing the affordability by allowing “…someone else to produce the patented product or use the patented process without the consent of the patent holder.”€ 

On these grounds, CLs would be up to making equitable access and public interest overcome monopolistic pharma companies’€™ business strategies.

Bearing these considerations in mind, one could reasonably wonder whether the seven Indian firms involved in the agreements were more keen to ally with patent owners than keep coherence with India’€™s bold moves so far to ensure non-discriminatory access.

Some incoherence seemingly appears indeed if, as reported, a Cipla manager just said that “€œ…Cipla considers, in general and also as a deep philosophy, that a monopoly drawn by a patent is bad for public health. So, we are trying to accommodate the system as best as possible…”€ 

Admittedly, this comes as no surprise since the just-signed pact is expected to bring significant revenues to the domestic manufacturers.

Not to mention that, in political terms, this pact would likely help the Indian government iron out the frictions with the US administration as regards the effects of the 2005 Indian Patent Law.

Conversely, the overall deal may be seen as a strategic move by Gilead to leverage its relevant drugs’ potential and save its patent protection. 

Now that Gilead’€™s sofosbuvir is facing pre-grant oppositions, this pact could pave the way for cooling them in India and abroad. 

Additionally, the signed deals would serve as a means to forestall and “€œwrong-foot”€ brand competitors’€™ moves.



*Article republished from Intellectual Property Watch September 25, 2014 

Daniele Dionisio is a member of the European Parliament Working Group on Innovation, Access to Medicines and Poverty-Related Diseases. He is an advisor for “€œMedicines for the Developing Countries”€ for the Italian Society for Infectious and Tropical Diseases (SIMIT), and former director of the Infectious Disease Division at the Pistoia City Hospital (Italy). He may be reached at 




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The Dangers of the Indian Government’s Flirtation with U.S. Pharma and the Risks for India’s Coherent, Pro-Public Health IP Policy

…U.S. business interests and government officials are trying to sell the idea that heightened intellectual property protections in India are essential to foreign investment, innovation, and achievement of public health goals. Instead, heightened intellectual property rights will make India consumers captive to Big Pharma€™’s extortionate pricing….Unfortunately, the joint communiquè issued at the end of Prime Minister  Modi’€™s US visit shows deference by the US and Indian governments to Big Pharma’€™s pressure… 

The Dangers of the Indian Government’€™s Flirtation with U.S. Pharma and the Risks for India’€™s Coherent, Pro-Public Health IP Policy


by Professor Brook K. Baker*

  Senior Policy Analyst Health GAP (Global Access Project) 

October 2, 2014


India’€™s new Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and his delegation, who have been visiting the U.S. for the first time, have spent considerable time and energy in courting U.S. business interests.  On Monday, September 29, the Indian PM met with 17 chief executives of major U.S. companies in joint and individual meetings1 and on September 30 he met with the U.S.-India Business Council comprising over 300 top U.S. companies.2  Prime Minister Modi is promising to open India to more direct foreign investment and to further liberalize the Indian economy to make it easier for multinational corporations to operate there. To the dismay of health activists worldwide, the US administration appears to have successfully used the Indian PM’€™s visit to maneuver the Indian government into committing to a joint mechanism on intellectual property. The benign sounding “€œHigh Level Intellectual Property (IP) Working Group”€ is designed to pressure India into changing its interpretation and application of health safeguards in India’€™s intellectual property policy, ultimately undermining India’€™s role as the pharmacy for the poor.

Even before the PM’€™s visit, alarm bells have been ringing within the global health community over statements made by India’€™s Minister of Commerce and Industry, Nirmala Sitharaman. The relentless public and private pressure from both the U.S. government and Big Pharma,3 appear to have prompted the Commerce Minister to announce a review of India’€™s IP policy with the aim of boosting innovation, improving administrative procedures, and potentially strengthening the country’€™s patent regime. In announcing the creation of a think tank to make the patent system “€œmore robust,”€ Minister Sitharaman specifically mentioned that “€œdeveloped nations are picking holes in India’€™s IPR laws.”€4

The pressure from the US government on India has been relentless for the better part of the past year. The United States Trade Representative, which designated India as a priority watch list country on its 2014 Special 301 Watch List,5 Members of Congress, who have now demanded a second investigation of India’€™s alleged IP protectionism at the U.S. International Trade Commission,6 and various pharmaceutical industry representatives have continued a broadside attack on India’s IP rules, especially as they relate to bio-pharmaceuticals.7  When India amended its patent law to conform to international requirements in 2005, it adopted measures to restrict patents on unworthy, minor modifications or new uses of existing medicines and allowed competitors and advocates to challenge patents before and shortly after they are granted.  India also has adopted procedures, fully compliant with the WTO TRIPS Agreement, to allow compulsory licenses when patents are abused or when public health needs so require.

As a consequence of these pro-health measures, India has turned down some weak secondary patents on previously known medicines, but it has also issued thousands of patents for Big Pharma companies. Indeed, India should improve its administrative procedures not to become speedier and more lax in granting patents but rather to follow its recently promulgated standards reviewing pharmaceutical products,8  which should reduce its record of granting unworthy patents.9  The U.S. and the E.U. have complained about India’€™s strictness in not granting patents that they have granted to their own domestic pharmaceutical giants, but other voices on both continents are crying for tighter patent standards to reverse the flood of secondary patents that extend drug company monopolies and price medicines beyond all reasonable bounds.

Although at least two pro-Pharma news stories in the past few week have complained about India having issued compulsory licenses and building its industry on stolen patents,10 the truth of the matter is that India has issued only one compulsory license on a grossly overpriced Bayer cancer medicine, Nexavar®. As always, PhRMA’€™s pundits claim that the right to issue compulsory licenses is severely limited and only applies to emergencies, when in fact compulsory licenses can be granted on any declared public interest grounds at the full discretion of each government.

Unfortunately, the joint communiquè issued at the end of PM Modi’€™s US visit shows deference by the US and Indian governments to Big Pharma’€™s pressure.11  Buried in that statement is an ominous collaboration: 

The leaders committed to work through the Trade Policy Forum to promote a business environment attractive for companies to invest and manufacture in India and in the United States.  Agreeing on the need to foster innovation in a manner that promotes economic growth and job creation, the leaders committed to establish an annual high-level Intellectual Property (IP) Working Group with appropriate decision-making and technical-level meetings as part of the Trade Policy Forum.  

The U.S. consistently advances higher intellectual property protections through its trade working groups and trade partnership groups.  It is significant that this sentence is embedded in the section on economic growth, as US IP industries and the USTR promote heightened intellectual property rights and strengthened enforcement mechanisms as being key to investor confidence and ultimately to innovation itself.  Direct foreign investment and innovation are also always rhetorically tied to strong IPRs despite inclusive evidence that typically shows that most low- and middle-income countries do not benefit economically from IP maximization since they are net importers of IP goods and since the path to technological development is ordinarily through copying and incremental innovation-development tools that are severely undermined by IP monopoly rights and their related restrictive licensing agreements.12

More specifically, this working group will give the US a dedicated forum to continue to pressure India to adopt TRIPS-plus IP measures, including repeal of section 3(d) of the India Patents Act, adoption of data exclusivity/monopolies, patent term extensions, and restrictions on the use of compulsory licenses.  There will also be efforts to strengthen enforcement measures and investor rights including investor/state dispute resolution.  The US, in particular, will work to eliminate local working requirements that India is seeking to use to promote its own technological development. This is antithetical to PM Modi’€™s recently launched “€œMake in India”€ initiative. The fact that this working group will have “decision-making” powers is particularly problematic as it places the US fox in the Indian chicken coop. 

Nothing stops the Indian government and Prime Minister Modi from rejecting the US proposal for the working group on IP. The Indian government must recognize that the US trade agenda is deadly to poor people throughout the developing world who depend on India’€™s generic companies for affordable access to medicines of assured quality.  Nearly 90% of the 13 million people currently receiving HIV medicines in low- and middle-income countries get their antiretrovirals from India.  While Big Pharma wants to charge a $1000 a pill for new hepatitis C medicines in the U.S.,13 Indian companies can make those same medicines for a little more than $1 a pill.14  One positive signal of IP resistance from PM Modi during the trip was his statement to pharmaceutical CEOs Kenneth Frazier and Michael Ball:   

I understand that you want to be compensated for your investments in R&D. At the same time, India needs medicines that are affordable for its population. ….. Mankind needs continuous research and development of new drugs for a higher quality of life. … You need to be able to devote the right energy to that, not just by changing the formulation of a drug to sustain a patent, but by inventing things that make a difference to mankind.15  

U.S. business interests and government officials are trying to sell the idea that heightened intellectual property protections in India are essential to foreign investment, innovation, and achievement of public health goals.16 Instead, heightened IPRs will make India consumers captive to Big Pharma’€™s extortionate pricing.  India’€™s vibrant generics industry will be relegated to the backwaters as it waits impatiently for the expiration of ever-greened patents and new regulatory data monopolies.  India is still in the stage of industrial development where imitation and incremental innovation are stronger engines of progress than being shackled by foreign IP monopolies.  When Indian firms do innovate, they can patent their true inventions in India and their incremental innovations in rich country markets. Just as dozens of distinguished scientists, academics, and health organizations protested the proposed IP policy review in India,17 health activists and others must reject any efforts to fill India’€™s alleged gaps in IP policy with pro-Pharma fixes that serve only to line the pockets of some of the world’s richest transnational corporations.


1 Vikas Dhoot, PM’€™s US Visit:  Narendra Modi’€™s CEO diplomacy to soon set the cash register ringing, The Economic Times (Oct. 1, 2014), 

2 Arun Kumar, After wowing Indian-Americans and the ‘€˜Big Apple’€™, PM Modi off to win over Barack Obama administration, The Economic Times (September 29, 2014)

3 USIBC concludes successful pharmaceutical mission to India, The Pharma Letter (Sept. 28, 2014),

4 Govt to come out with IPR policy:  Sitharaman, Business Standard (Sept. 8, 2014); Govt signals IPR recast ahead of Modi’€™s US visit, The Indian Express (Sept. 9, 2014)

5 USTR, 2014 Special 301 Report, pp. 37-43,

6 Press Release, Ways & Means, Senate Finance Leaders Request ITC Investigation into India’€™s Unfair Trade Practices (Sept. 25, 2014)

7 C.H. Unnikrishnan, India’€™s draft rules on patenting drugs draw mixed response, Live Mint (Sept. 29, 2014)

8 Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Revised Draft Guidelines for Examination of Patent Applications in the Field of Pharmaceuticals (Aug. 12, 2014)

9 Sudip Chaudhuri, Chan Park & K. M. Gopakumar, Five Years into the Product Patent Regime:  India’€™s Response (2010); Bhaven N. Sampat & Tahir Amin, How Do Public Health Safeguards in Indian Patent Law Affect Pharmaceutical Patenting in Practice, 38:4 J. Health Politics, Policy & Law 735-55 (2013)  

10 Tom Giovanetti, India’€™s Modi can boost foreign investment by protecting IP, The Hill (Sept. 25, 2014); Rod Hunter, The PM must walk the talk on FDI, Hindustan Times (Sept. 19, 2014)

11 White House, U.S.-India Joint Statement (Sept. 30, 2014)

12 Brook K. Baker, Debunking IP-for-Development:  Africa Needs IP Space Not IP Shackles in International Economic Law and African Development (Laurence Boulle, Emmanuel Laryea & Franziska Sucker eds. 2014).

13 John Tozzi, Gilead Sales Double on $1,000 Hepatis C Pills, Bloomberg Business Week (April 22, 2014),

14 Andrew Hill et al., Minimum costs for producing Hepatitis C Direct Acting Antivirals for use in large-scale treatment access programs in developing countries, 58:7 Clin. Infect. Dis. 928-36 (2014)     

15 Vikas Dhoot, PM’s US Visit:  Narendra Modi’€™s CEO diplomacy to soon set the cash register ringing, The Economic Times (Oct. 1, 2014),

16 Joe Matthew, ‘€˜India Needs To Show It Values Innovation’€™:  PhRMA, a US drug companies’€™ lobby, looks to Modi’€™s US visit to iron out access issues, Business World (Oct. 1, 2014)‘india-needs-to-show-it-values-innovation’/1555371/page-1.html#.

17 Rupali Samuel, Academics, diplomats, scientists, lawyers, public health orgs issue open letter to PM on proposed IP Policy review, Spicy IP (Sept. 23, 2014),; CSOs concerned over timing of IP policy review in India, SUNS #7881 (Sept. 25, 2014)


*Brook K. Baker is a law professor at Northeastern University School of Law (US) and an affiliate of its Program on Human Rights and the Global Economy. He is also an honorary research fellow at the University of KwaZulu Natal, Faculty of Law, South Africa. He is a policy analyst for Health GAP (Global Access Project) and writes frequently on IP, trade, and access to medicines issues.